The Daily Register VOL.98 NO.129 SHREWSBURY, N. J. MONDAY, JANUARY 5, 1976 15 CENTS The puzzling school aid dilemma continues By JULIE MCDONNELL U7H977 budgets without any the legislature's delay in postponed a month as was come up with a plan to dis- sembly, would be a two-cent which received 1173.000 in certainty of how much aid funding the (334 million done last year tribute aid more fairly increase in the stale sales state aid last year, has It's hard to tell who is more they will receive. And that is that the boards The Senate passed a bill to The new bill is weighted in tax, from five cents lo seven learned it may receive confuted by the stale aid to And the taxpayers jus) wan have tittle idea of how much this effect Dec. IS, but the As- favor of poorer districts, but cents 180.000. 1232,000. VflW.OOO. or education dilemma: the legis and try to figure it all out state aid they will receive sembly adjourned for the is intended, via the additional Tnf notjieartlly in lavor of $432,000 next year lature, the school boards, or "Only about three people in next year. year without acting on it Trie 1334 million, to equalize edu an increased sales tax." Mr The (80,000 figure is what the public. the legislature really under- The bill, which raises the Assembly reconvenes today cationowithout imposing too Van Wagner, who supports an I he borough would gel if the The complexities of itate stand what's going on," says amount of state aid from 15U and is expected to consider heavy a penalty on wealthier income tax accompanied by legislature fails to fund any of aid formulas and school budg- Assemblyman Richard Van million to 1817 million, would the measure shortly communities at the same property tax reform, said -the 1334 million The court et preparation are confusing Wagner, D-District 12. a increase the state's share of time "But our backs are to the has said that, should that hap- enough in a normal year. And Matawan Reglona the cost of public education The problem began back in How to fund the new plan is wall." pen, it would simply take existing money and redistri- this certainly hain't been a School teacher im 31 per cent to 38 per 1073, when the stale Supreme the second major problem So at this point it is still un- normal year. Court ruled in the Bolter deci- While Gov Brendan Byrne certain what kind or tax mea- bute it to help bnng poorer He says the problem sion that the presAf"nythix1 still has hopes for an income sure will be passed, or how districts up to the financial The legislature still has to Islature, reluctant to level of wealthier ones. find a way to fund the 1314 three-sided, involving not only pass any new tax measures of public school (Vianchng. tax measure this year, the much of the total $334 million million increase in public how state aid should be dis- before last November's elec- relying heavily on properly sentiment for sucha tax is al- will be raised The highest figure repre- school financing it approved tributed, and how/lhe money tion, must now consider sev- tax assessments, was unfair most nonexistent in the legis- And that, in turn, explains sents full funding - what in September. It's also wait- is to be raiseTTTout also the eral alternatives, including an to poorer districts. The court lature, according to Mr Van why each school district has Fair Haven would get if the ing to hear the stale Supreme larger issue of tax reform increase in the sales tax. said the quality of a child's Wagner. received four possible stale legislatures comes up with CourtWplnlon on whether Because of the delay, it is education should not be de- According to the legislator, aid estimates from the stale the entire (334 million — and But of concern to most the court approves the new that bill Is constitutional people - and school board likely that school board and pendent on the wealth of the the most likely source of the Department of Kducalion. in- community in which he lives, plan. Local school boards, in members in particular — is budget elections, scheduled 1334 million, and the source stead of one. and ordered the legislature |o See Stale School, page. 3 Richard Vaa Wagw r turn, must try to formulate the Immediate consequence of for early February, will be most acceptable to the As- For example. Fair Haven. Cease-fire in Angola is called for by Ford WASHINGTON (AP| - thousands of miles from its China was reportedly support- did not designate a source for President Ford called today borders." ing an Angolan faction that the report, said the money for "an immediate cease- Meanwhile, there were was opposed to the soviet would be used to buy weapons fire" in Angola, an end lo all these developments related to harked lavluni or logistical support for pro- outside intervention and a Angola: —/Recruiting and training Western forces in the African government of national unity — Secretary of State Henry of American mercenaries to nation to stop the civil war there A. Kissinger will meet with fighWiO-Aogola has come to — A. U.S. diplomat deliv- He also warned the Soviet Soviet Ambassador Anatoly an abrupt halt in the United ered a message on Angola Union that if it continues in- Dohrynin this week and ask States, The Ch/ishan Science from Ford to Ugandan Presi- tervention in Angola "damage about the Soviet statement Monitor reported today dent Idi Amin in the first ma- to our broader relations will and whether it represents a Quoting sources close to the jor diplomatic contact be- be unavoidable." major shift in Soviet attitudes Central Intelligence Agency, tween the countries in more The President promised about Angola. the newspaper said the halt thbn a year The message continued U.S. efforts "diplo- White House staff chief appeared to be the result of tuuied over yesterday was matic and otherwise to stabi- Richard Cheney said yes- an article it published last nor-expected to lead to any lize the military situation in terday on CBS' "Face the Na- week that said ex-US, ser- quick improvement in US Angola and promote a quick tion " that U.S. officials were vicemen were being trained Uganda relations, diplomats and peaceful settlement." encouraged by the Soviet for mercenary work in a CIA- said But. In a speech, prepared for comment, but Western spe- sponsored operation at Ft Ford, desenbing the Farm delivery before the American cialists in Moscow said they Bennlng, Ga. Bureau speech as his fuii Farm Bureau Federation in see no sign of a basic change But today's article said the major address" ol the Bicen- si Louis. Ford rejected'the in Soviet policy center of recruitment has tennial year, said he opposes BEGIN NEW TERMS - Deputy County Clerk Hen- year terms. Mr. Kavolek Is beginning his third idea o( using grain sales lo White House staff chief moved to Europe, where the idea of grain sales diplo- ry E. Traphagen swears In Incumbent Republican term as a freeholder and Mr. Larrlson, his fourth. persuade Russia lo .disengage Richard Cheney said yes- some African embassies are macy. Farm groups in gener- Freeholders Ernest G. Kavaiek, left, of Middle- The two Republican freeholders are the minority in Angola. terday on CBS' "Face the Na- quietly recruiting Europeans, al oppose any move by (he town and Harry Larrlson Jr. of Neptune to three- members of the five-member board. His comments followed a tion" that U.S. officials were using American and other federal governemnt lo control Soviet statement Saturday ur- encouraged by the Soviet funds. U.S. grain exports ging "termination of foreign comment, but Western spe- Administration officials He said there were "some armed intervention in Ango- cialists in Moscow said they have denied that American in Congress" who now are la " Ford suggested an end see no sign of a basic change mercenaries were being used questioning the wisdom of to all outside intervention." in Soviet policy but declined direct answers grain sales to the Soviet Larrison placed in charge which would include financial — The Soviets accused when asked if foreign merce- Union because of that na- aid as well. China yesterday of teaming naries were being hired tion's intervention in Angola He warnea" the Russians up with "South African rac- — Saudi Arabia is pre- but that he viewed any such "there cannot be a lessening ists — the bitterest enemies paring to contribute nearly action as a "serious mis of world tension II the Soviet of the African peoples — who S50 million to anti-Soviet take." of county landfill operation Union by military support and are trying to spread the in- forces in the Angolan civil The Russians can get along other means attempts to ex- human apartheid system In, war. Newsweek magainze re- without American grain and By WILLIAM J. ZAORSKI the Democrats took control of the Board of Freeholders with pand its sphere of influence Angola." Until recently. ported The magazine, which See Ford, page 21 FREEHOLD - Stating that Republican Freeholder Harry his assignment as director of administration of justice, also Larrlson Jr. has "more confidence" in the couaty landfill and was assigned responsibllty for creating county motor pool. reclamation center than he has, Freeholder Director Philip N Mr. Larrison and Freeholder Ernest G Kavaiek were Gumbs placed Mr. Larrison in charge of the project.
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