4q7t 6.2 1(9q-7 , (I oo~o PD-AAP -8 A RF .BLICOF INDONESIA 97 MINISTRY OF PUBLIC WORKS AND ELECTRIC POWER DIRECTORATE GENERAL OF WATER RESO)URCES IEVELOPMEWT THE CITANMJY RIVER BASIN DEVELOPMENT PROJECT MONTHLY REPORT FOR THE PERIOD Ending :31 Janmary 1974 SUBMITTED BY : ENGI EERING CONSJLTANTS, INC. DENVER, COLOIRADO USA BANJAR, INDONESIA 1901 SOUTH NAVAJO STPEET-@DENVER, COLORADO 80273 U.S.A TELEPHONE: 303/936-3417 1CABLE: ECIDENODENVER COLORADO CAIE.- A :flRE-S . ECAHIH ]ArR , VVIE3 JAVA PROYEK CITANDLJY I'DONESIAT PATARUMAN INDONESIABANJAR, WFSr JAVA February 2, 1974 Dizector General of Water Resources Development Klinistry of Public Works and Electric Power Jalan Pattimura 7/20 Kebayoran Baru. Jakarta Republic of Indonesia Our file : 1138/5 Mr 1/74 Attn : Ir. Sarbini Subject : Monthly Report Citanduy River Basin Development Project. Dear Sir : We are herewith submitting our sixth Monthly Report, which covers the Calender month of January 1974. It is hoped that you will find this report useful in judging the progress of our work to date. Yours truly, Encl : Thirty (30) copies Engineering Consultants, Inc. of Progress Report No. 6 CC 1. USAID/Indonesia, American Embassy Gifford E. Jakarta, Repblic of Indonesia ogersd Attn : Mr. M-Aleer, Engineering Section. Resident Six (6) enclosures. Manager 2. Directorate of River and Swamps. Banjar Office. Attn : Ir. Soebandi Wirosoemarto, Project Manager Citanday Project. Five (5) enclosures. 3. P.T. Indah I rya. Bandung. Attn : Ir. Sahat T.P. Siagian, Counterpart Team Leader. Five (5)enclosures. 4. ECT/Denver. Attn : Mr. C.M. Langford, Project Sponsor. Three (3) enclosures. 5. ECI/Staff. Banjar. Five (5) enclosures. GER/n. A PLANNING RESEARCH CORPORATION COM:ANy MONTHLY REPORT N. 6 Period ending 31/1/1974 I. GEERAL During the period covered by this report the onsultant's Staff concentrated their efforts on the preparation of material for two specific programs, that is, on the preparation of our report, "Recommendations for Second Priority Feasibility Study" and in the preparation of technical material to be presented at the Steering Committee Mleeting now scheduled for 19/2/74. However, this does not mean that work on the Master Plan and the two feasibility reports was slighted. On the contrary, all of the material gatliered for the fulfillment of the two obligations mentioned can aiso be utilized in the preparation of the Master Plan. We are pleased to report that the publication, "Recommenda­ tion For Second Priority Feasibility Study," was completed on schedule and delivered to the client by Mr. C.11. Langford, Project Sponsor. It is lamentable that the soils laboratory did not deliver the laboratory results as we had hoped. However, on the basis of optimistic statements released by previous investigation of the Segara Anakan area, we have taken the positiov that the laboratory results will not be completely negative. On this basis, we have prepared our recommendations that reclamation of the Segara Anakan and its environs should be the second priority feasibility study. As scheduled, Mr. C.M. Langford, Project Sponsor visited the Citanduy River Basin Development Project in late January. After first visiting the top officials concerned with the Project, Mr. Langford proceeded to Bandung, where he visited officials of Indah Karya, and then to Citanduy Project Office in Banjar. During his stay in Banjar, Mr. Langford reviewed the progress of the ECI staff to date and discussed current and foresee­ able problems with both the ECI staff as well as the DR & SA staff. He also visited several parts of the project. During the first six-months that we have been on this Contract it has been necessary to translate a large number of documents. We feel that it is important that the existence of these translations be made known to all concerned with the Citanduy Project. A list of all translations to date is contained in appendix A, attach­ ed to and forming a part of this report. We also take this oppor. tunity to congratulate our interpreters for their speed and their skill. Compared to previous years, the climatic and hydrologic conditions during the month of January were very unusual. For instance, up to the fourth week the total rainfall was only 121 mm as compared to an average of about 350 mm for January, and 50% of that amount fell on one day. The flow on the Pataruman Weir, which is normally 120 CMS, was reduced to 18 CMS. As a result, it was practically possible to wade across the Citanduy River above the weir location. The color of the water in the Citanduy also underwent a striking change from its ordinary chocolate color to a greenish-brown color, indicating that the suspended silt load was considerably below normal. The lowering of the silt load in the river would be due to decreased erosion in the watershed above Banjar, which indicates that the dry spell is not confined to the flood plain of the Citanduy River but extends over practically the entire-Citanduy River watershed. Details of this anomaly are contained in Appendix B, attached to and forming a part of this report. 2 In December 1973 we wrote o the government officials in Cialnis to communicate to them our activities surrounding our prelimi­ nary investigations of the Banjar dam site. We were particularly curious about the presence of a rumored historical site which might be inundated should the Banjar dam become a reality and we wanted to know the details of this story and its significance to the local population. In reply to our request for information, we were invited to participate in a conference with government officials and civic leaders from the Ciamis area. We were delighted with this invitation and were particularly pleased that our hosts wanted us to present a full description of our activities to date, especially with regard to those that might affect the Ciamis area. The meeting took place on January 10, 1974 at the civic offices in Ciamis. Including three ECI Staff members, Project Manager Ir. Soebandi, and two counterpart team members, there were 26 people present for the conference. Following the discussions, the ECI group and Counterparts visited the historical site to make a ground assess­ ment of the situation. We found this meeting to be very profitable and informative for us and we hope that the Ciamis representatives also profited. This type of personal contact with the beneficiaries of any project which may result from our studies makes our work easier and more satisfying. We hope that we can have more such contacts, not only with the West Java representatives, but with the Central Java representatives as well. 3 Classes have been started for those Counterpart Staff and Ministry employees interested in improving their english. Class arrangements were made by Ir. Sahat, Counterpart Team Loader# and the lessons are being taught by our Translators, Mrs. Sylvia Djoeliandi and Miss Pauline Sulianti. Twenty-two students are attending two evening sessions each week. The present classes are divided into beginners, intermediate and conversational english levels. Mr. Struthers counterpart, Mr. Imam, reports that the Project has received a complete weather station as recommended on page 11-17 of our "Mapping and Basic Data Report", Installation near Pataruman weir began on the 26th and it is now ready for operation. 4 II o PERSONNEL A. Present at last report : 1. Gifford E. Rogers - Resident Manager 2. Wallace J. Schoenleber - Civil Engineer 3. David E. Bogan - Irrig. and Drain. Engineer 4. Robert E. Struthers - Economist 5. Roydon T. Edwards - Agriculturist 6. Donald P. Scott - Geologist 7. Robert A. Gardner - Soil Scientist B. Arrivals subsequent to last report : 1. Herbert C. Fletcher, Land Management Specialist. Arrived Jakarta on 13/1/74 and in Banjar on 16/1/74. He will remain on the project for a period of four months. 2. Cecil M. Langford, Project Sponsor. Arrived Jakarta on 27/1/74 and is scheduled to depart on 8/2/74. Mr. Langford will soend six days in Banjar reviewing the project and six days in Bandung and Jakarta conferring with Indah Karya and other government agencies and officials connected with our contract. C. Departures subsequent to last report : 1. None 5 Do Schedulod to arrive next month : i. Michael Saunders - Planning Engineer 2. Mr. Churchil - Environmentalist E. Scheduled to arrive at a later date : i. Yin Au Yeung - Hydrologist - March 1974 2. Eric Will - Chief Planer - March 1974 3. Max Kuehl - Chief Engineer - April 1974 6 III. IMPORTANT EVENTS A. Meetings No. Date, Location Purpose Personnel 1. 6,7/1/74 Bogor Meeting with soil institute Gardner and Counterparts officials. Messrs. Subagyo and Edi. 2. 8/1/74 Tasikmalaya Meeting with local government Struthers and Counterpart, officials. Mr. Imam. 3. 10/1/74 Ciamis Meeting to discuss work progress, Govt. and Civic leaders especially as it from Ciamis; Proj. Mgr.fr. affects the Ciamis area. Also SoebaIdi; Counterpart team discuss public reaction to leader Jr. Sahat; ECI Con­ possible inundation of a sultant's Bogan, Struthers, historical site. Rogers. 4- 14,15,16/ Cilacap Economic and statistical surveys Struthers and Edwards and 1/1974 visits to Economics Branch and their respective counterparts, Publio Relations of local Messrs. Imam, Tossin and government, Port DirectorlFish Rahmat. Market, Spinning Mill, and Pelletizing Mill. Also visited Agri. Ex. Service, Dept. of Forestry, Agrarian Department. No . Date Location Purose Personnel 5. 14/1/74 Jakarta Meeting with USAID officials Rogers and Fletcher* to introduce Mr. Fletcher. 6. 28/1/74 Jakarta Meeting with DR&SA officials Langford and Rogers. to arrange subsequent meetings for Mr. Langford. B. Field Trips 1. 10/1/74 Rawa Onom and Observed the condition of Edwards and counterpart, Wanareja.
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