2013 Summer Deaflympics (Taekwondo) Sofia, Bulgaria Tournament date: 27-7-2013 upto 28-7-2013 Seniors Male A -58 (Fly) Active competitors: 10 Competition date: 27-7-2013 (RUS) (TUR) Aliev, Murtazali Abdusalamovich B/37 B/61 Guler, Muhammed National Team of Russian National Team of Turkey (TUR) Federation (RUS) (RUS) (TUR) 113 B/37 B/61 115 B/21 Abdrash, Ayan (18-6 PTG) (18-10 PTF) National Team of Kazakhstan (KAZ) (GRE) (KAZ) 101 R/21 R/5 Liotsos, Pavlos (11-7 PTG) Final Greece National team (GRE) R/13 Borhani Peikani, Ahmadreza (RUS) 61 (TUR) (TUR) National Team of Iran (Islamic B/37 R/61 Republic of) (IRI) 125 131 126 (8-0 RSC) (2-1 PTF) B/27 Kim, Minjae (UKR) (13-13 RSC) (KOR) National Team of South Korea Salamatin, Mykolai B/70 B/27 102(KOR) National Team of Ukraine (UKR) (16-4 PTG) R/76 (MEX) (KOR) Khidirov, Davron National Team of Uzbekistan 114 R/33 R/27 116 (3-8 PTF) (12-0 PTG) (UZB) (MEX) (HKG) Villarreal, Louis Felipe R/33 R/9 Ho, Nim Ching National Team of Mexico (MEX) National Team of Hong Kong (HKG) Result legend: (PUN) Punishment (WDR) Withdrawal (KO ) Knock out (DSQ) Disqualified (SDP) Sudden death (RSC) Ref. stop contest (PTG) Points win (gap) (SUP) Superiority (PTF) Points win (normal) Prize winners: 1 Guler, Muhammed, TUR (61) 2 Aliev, Murtazali Abdusalamovich, RUS (37) 3 Kim, Minjae, KOR (27) 3 Villarreal, Louis Felipe, MEX (33) 1st rnd QF SF Final SF QF 1st rnd TaekoPlan (c) 2013 SenSoft Automation Alphen aan den Rijn, Netherlands (www.taekoplan.nl) 2013 Summer Deaflympics (Taekwondo) Sofia, Bulgaria Tournament date: 27-7-2013 upto 28-7-2013 Seniors Male A -68 (Feather) Active competitors: 12 Competition date: 27-7-2013 (TUR) (UKR) Sagir, Serkan B/64 B/69 Bilyi, Oleksii National Team of Turkey (TUR) National Team of Ukraine (UKR) (IRI) (UKR) 117 B/17 B/69 119 B/17 Kazemzadeh Falakdehi, Mohammad (7-13 PTF) (10-3 PTF) B/1 Nubile, Ivan National Team of Iran (Islamic (IRI) (KAZ) National Team of Argentina (ARG) Republic of) (IRI) 103 R/17 R/23 105 (8-4 PTF) Final (7-10 PTF) R/4 R/23 Koutsovelis, Charalampos (KOR) 40 (RUS) (RUS) Kulessov, Timur Greece National team (GRE) B/30 R/40 National Team of Kazakhstan 127 132 128 (KAZ) B/74 Santarose, Joseph (10-11 PTF) (3-12 WDR) B/8 Chow, Chun Kin WTM Team USA (USA) (KOR) (4-16 PTG) (RUS) National Team of Hong Kong 104 B/30 B/40 106(HKG) (1-12 PTF) (1-13 PTG) R/30 R/40 Oh, Wonjong (KOR) (RUS) Bobrovnik, Vladislav Eduardovich National Team of South Korea National Team of Russian 118 R/30 R/40 120 (KOR) (12-2 PTF) (22-8 PTG) Federation (RUS) (TPE) (VEN) Lin, Bo-Cong R/51 R/78 Suarez Galeno, Rafael Jose National Team of Taiwan, Province National Team of Venezuela (VEN) of China (TPE) Result legend: (PUN) Punishment (WDR) Withdrawal (KO ) Knock out (DSQ) Disqualified (SDP) Sudden death (RSC) Ref. stop contest (PTG) Points win (gap) (SUP) Superiority (PTF) Points win (normal) Prize winners: 1 Bobrovnik, Vladislav Eduardovich, RUS (40) 2 Oh, Wonjong, KOR (30) 3 Bilyi, Oleksii, UKR (69) 3 Kazemzadeh Falakdehi, Mohammad, IRI (17) 1st rnd QF SF Final SF QF 1st rnd TaekoPlan (c) 2013 SenSoft Automation Alphen aan den Rijn, Netherlands (www.taekoplan.nl) 2013 Summer Deaflympics (Taekwondo) Sofia, Bulgaria Tournament date: 27-7-2013 upto 28-7-2013 Seniors Male A -80 (Welter) Active competitors: 8 Competition date: 28-7-2013 B/71 Sedov, Oleksii B/2 Ramirez, Rodolfo Vicente National Team of Ukraine (UKR) (UKR) (IRI) National Team of Argentina (ARG) 101 B/71 B/12 103 (9-7 PTF) Final (0-12 RSC) R/50 R/12 Huang, Mao-Ying (UKR) 28 (KOR) (KOR) Abedishamsabadi, Meysam National Team of Taiwan, Province B/71 R/28 National Team of Iran (Islamic of China (TPE) 111 118 112 Republic of) (IRI) B/62 Inan, Adem (10-9 PTF) (6-7 PTF) B/28 Lee, Hakseong National Team of Turkey (TUR) (POR) (7-9 PTF) (KOR) National Team of South Korea 102 R/34 R/28 104(KOR) (6-15 PTF) (16-3 PTF) R/34 Gomes, Helder Carreira R/42 Gasanov, Arsen Gasanovich National Team of Portugal (POR) National Team of Russian Federation (RUS) Result legend: (PUN) Punishment (WDR) Withdrawal (KO ) Knock out (DSQ) Disqualified (SDP) Sudden death (RSC) Ref. stop contest (PTG) Points win (gap) (SUP) Superiority (PTF) Points win (normal) Prize winners: 1 Lee, Hakseong, KOR (28) 2 Sedov, Oleksii, UKR (71) 3 Abedishamsabadi, Meysam, IRI (12) 3 Gomes, Helder Carreira, POR (34) QF SF Final SF QF TaekoPlan (c) 2013 SenSoft Automation Alphen aan den Rijn, Netherlands (www.taekoplan.nl) 2013 Summer Deaflympics (Taekwondo) Sofia, Bulgaria Tournament date: 27-7-2013 upto 28-7-2013 Seniors Male A +80 (Heavy) Active competitors: 8 Competition date: 28-7-2013 B/73 Nawrocki JR, Roman Russell B/20 Razzaghi, Masoud WTM Team USA (USA) (TUR) (RUS) National Team of Iran (Islamic 105 B/59 B/39 107Republic of) (IRI) (2-14 PTG) Final (2-16 PTG) R/59 R/39 Gecit, Osman (PUR) 36 (PUR) (RUS) Barkalov, Alexander Vladimirovich National Team of Turkey (TUR) B/36 R/39 National Team of Russian 113 119 114 Federation (RUS) B/49 Hsieh, Cheng-Lin (10-14 PTF) (9-7 PTF) B/3 Llanos, Nicolas Marcelo National Team of Taiwan, Province (PUR) (6-5 SDP) (KOR) National Team of Argentina (ARG) of China (TPE) 106 R/36 R/29 108 (0-12 PTG) (2-16 PTG) R/36 Roman-Martinez, Angel Rafael R/29 Lim, Daeho National Team of Puerto Rico National Team of South Korea (PUR) (KOR) Result legend: (PUN) Punishment (WDR) Withdrawal (KO ) Knock out (DSQ) Disqualified (SDP) Sudden death (RSC) Ref. stop contest (PTG) Points win (gap) (SUP) Superiority (PTF) Points win (normal) Prize winners: 1 Roman-Martinez, Angel Rafael, PUR (36) 2 Barkalov, Alexander Vladimirovich, RUS (39) 3 Lim, Daeho, KOR (29) 3 Gecit, Osman, TUR (59) QF SF Final SF QF TaekoPlan (c) 2013 SenSoft Automation Alphen aan den Rijn, Netherlands (www.taekoplan.nl) 2013 Summer Deaflympics (Taekwondo) Sofia, Bulgaria Tournament date: 27-7-2013 upto 28-7-2013 Seniors Female A -49 (Fly) Active competitors: 8 Competition date: 27-7-2013 B/77 Kurbanova, Makhfuza B/44 Kaziakova, Kristina Alexeevna National Team of Uzbekistan (TPE) (TUR) National Team of Russian (UZB) 107 B/54 B/68 109Federation (RUS) (0-13 WDR) Final (3-27 PTF) R/54 R/68 Peng, Szu-Ting (TPE) 68 (TUR) (TUR) Yazici, Merve National Team of Taiwan, Province B/54 R/68 National Team of Turkey (TUR) of China (TPE) 121 129 122 B/72 Zamotina, Vlada (16-1 PTF) (13-0 PTF) B/10 Ecker, Krisztina National Team of Ukraine (UKR) (UKR) (6-7 PTF) (IRI) National Team of Hungary (HUN) 108 R/72 R/18 110 (25-0 WDR) (0-12 PTG) R/22 Dossymkhanova, Saniya R/18 Khodabondeh, Maryam National Team of Kazakhstan National Team of Iran (Islamic (KAZ) Republic of) (IRI) Result legend: (PUN) Punishment (WDR) Withdrawal (KO ) Knock out (DSQ) Disqualified (SDP) Sudden death (RSC) Ref. stop contest (PTG) Points win (gap) (SUP) Superiority (PTF) Points win (normal) Prize winners: 1 Yazici, Merve, TUR (68) 2 Peng, Szu-Ting, TPE (54) 3 Khodabondeh, Maryam, IRI (18) 3 Zamotina, Vlada, UKR (72) QF SF Final SF QF TaekoPlan (c) 2013 SenSoft Automation Alphen aan den Rijn, Netherlands (www.taekoplan.nl) 2013 Summer Deaflympics (Taekwondo) Sofia, Bulgaria Tournament date: 27-7-2013 upto 28-7-2013 Seniors Female A -57 (Feather) Active competitors: 6 Competition date: 27-7-2013 B/19 Montazeri Saniji, Fatemeh (RUS) (KOR) National Team of Iran (Islamic Drozdova, Marina Igorevna B/48 B/24 112Republic of) (IRI) National Team of Russian Final (1-15 PTG) R/24 Federation (RUS) (RUS) 48 (RUS) (KOR) Bae, Yiseul B/48 R/24 National Team of South Korea 123 130 124 (KOR) B/53 Lu, Szu-Jou (13-3 PTF) (9-8 PTF) National Team of Taiwan, Province (TPE) (13-1 PTF) (TUR) of China (TPE) 111 R/53 R/58 Canli, Selma (13-2 PTF) National Team of Turkey (TUR) R/32 Gaile, Laura National Team of Latvia (LAT) Result legend: (PUN) Punishment (WDR) Withdrawal (KO ) Knock out (DSQ) Disqualified (SDP) Sudden death (RSC) Ref. stop contest (PTG) Points win (gap) (SUP) Superiority (PTF) Points win (normal) Prize winners: 1 Drozdova, Marina Igorevna, RUS (48) 2 Bae, Yiseul, KOR (24) 3 Canli, Selma, TUR (58) 3 Lu, Szu-Jou, TPE (53) QF SF Final SF QF TaekoPlan (c) 2013 SenSoft Automation Alphen aan den Rijn, Netherlands (www.taekoplan.nl) 2013 Summer Deaflympics (Taekwondo) Sofia, Bulgaria Tournament date: 27-7-2013 upto 28-7-2013 Seniors Female A -67 (Welter) Active competitors: 5 Competition date: 28-7-2013 (RUS) (KOR) Kuznetsova, Anastasia Sergeevna B/46 B/26 Kim, Jinhee National Team of Russian Final National Team of South Korea Federation (RUS) (PUR) 35 (PUR) (KOR) (KOR) 115 B/35 120 R/26 116 B/35 Roman, Aurora Natalia (2-6 PTF) (11-10 PTF) National Team of Puerto Rico (PUR) (5-0 PTF) (TUR) (PUR) 109 R/35 R/56 Bekil, Yildiz (13-0 PTG) National Team of Turkey (TUR) R/6 Paschali, Dimitra Greece National team (GRE) Result legend: (PUN) Punishment (WDR) Withdrawal (KO ) Knock out (DSQ) Disqualified (SDP) Sudden death (RSC) Ref. stop contest (PTG) Points win (gap) (SUP) Superiority (PTF) Points win (normal) Prize winners: 1 Roman, Aurora Natalia, PUR (35) 2 Kim, Jinhee, KOR (26) 3 Bekil, Yildiz, TUR (56) 3 Kuznetsova, Anastasia Sergeevna, RUS (46) QF SF Final SF QF TaekoPlan (c) 2013 SenSoft Automation Alphen aan den Rijn, Netherlands (www.taekoplan.nl) 2013 Summer Deaflympics (Taekwondo) Sofia, Bulgaria Tournament date: 27-7-2013 upto 28-7-2013 Seniors Female A +67 (Heavy) Active competitors: 3 Competition date: 28-7-2013 Final B/15 Hossininejad Hernashki, (RUS) 66 (TUR) (TUR) National SaharsadatTeam of Iran (Islamic Artamonova, Ekaterina B/38 117 R/66 110Republic of) (IRI) NationalVyatceslavovna Team of Russian (7-10 PTF) Federation (RUS) (3-10 PTF) R/66 Seker, Selver National Team of Turkey (TUR) Result legend: (PUN) Punishment (WDR) Withdrawal (KO ) Knock out (DSQ) Disqualified (SDP) Sudden death (RSC) Ref.
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