University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Las Vegas Gazette, 1880-1886 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 7-30-1881 Las Vegas Daily Gazette, 07-30-1881 J. H. Koogler Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/lv_gazette_news Recommended Citation Koogler, J. H.. "Las Vegas Daily Gazette, 07-30-1881." (1881). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/lv_gazette_news/21 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Las Vegas Gazette, 1880-1886 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ' á I LAS VEGAS DAILY GAZETTE O fc . , . VOL. 3. SATURDAY MORNING-;- ' JULY 30, 1881. NO. 21. ' SIMON A CLEMENTS. FELIX MARTINEZ. Keene's Jfw Company. The Oallawa In Leadville. Expert and Imperta. Chicago. July 29. A special from Lead ville. July 29. --Gilbert and Rosen- - Washington, 0 'uy 29. The excess of HEWS BV TELEGRAPH New York says Keene's new telegraph crants paid the penalty of their crimes exports of merck Li ndise over imports CLEMENTS MARTINEZ company was formally organized to- upon the scanold this morning. J. he during the year ciic'ing Juue 30, i x.vt I day. It is becoming quite fashionable streets were thronged with people from was 1259,720,25-i- , t igainst 1C7.083.912 DEALERS IN nowadays for millionaires and promi- daylight, and long before seven o'clock during the previ- - ous fiscal year. Excess nent Wall Street operators to control the gallows was surrounded by thou- of imports of gol d f or the past fiscal The Sews Front the White House Con- organizations of this character and fol-- sands of people. The condemned men year, 191,108,050; previous year, GENERAL MERCHANDISE tinues Favorable. lowing v anueroiit ana uoniu, iveene were guarded by six deputy sheriffs During the last fiscal year the now comes in for his share of the great and the Tabor light cavalry, and ac- value of expo rts of merchandise Flour, Grain and Country Produce. telegraphic competition which is sure companied by two priests. They left amounted to $90 i,3l',473, being larger James R. Keene's Telegraphic Enterprise to rise against the monopoly of the the jail at a quarter oi ten, arriving at than ever before i n the history of the Lumber in Large Quantities a Specialty ! Western Union. The new company is the scaffold in half an hour. Both men country. The va lue of imports of mer- Assumes Shape. provided as chandise was $04; i,593,219, which was CttHh paid for Wool, Hides and Pelts, well with moneyed backing spoke cheerfully, Gilbert saying that he evidenced by the names of some of the was ready to die and nosencrants larger than during any previous year, OPPOSITE SAN MIGUEL NATIONAL BANK, - - LAS VEGAS, NEW MEXICO incorporators such as John W. Mackey claiming that he was innocent to the with tho exception of the year immedi- f A w and Valuable Patent Has Been of Bonanza fame, and George D. Rob ast, though he was reconciled. Gil ately preceding. The total value of Purchased, erts, mine manipulator, James O'Brien, bert, though pale as a sheet, was calm foreign commerce of the United States, also of Bonanza memory anil others. and collected, while nosencrants. imports and exjor ts of merchandise for PARK MEAT MARKET l he stocks are chiefly in the nanus oi though retaining his natural color, was the fiscal year, $1,1 544,912,09. exceeding By Which 2,000 Words Can he Trans-initte- d California, New York and Boston cap nervous and trembling like a leat. At any previous year. Exports of specie GEORGE T. GORDON, Prop'xy J; 10:30 and both men exceeded during each fiscal Per Minute. italists, although a considerableportion the weight fell th.impoit is said to be taken in Europe. The pur- sprang six ieet in the air. unoert s year from 1862 to 1819, but during the Dealer in All Kinds of Fresh and Salt Meats pose is to construct a system of tele neck was broken and he died without a last two fiscal - the imports ex- Yesterday Was Hangman's Bay at Lead-vill- e. graph lines in the United States and struggle. ceeded tlie exports, such excess He also mulct) It a specialty to cañadas anil Mexico and do a general Rosencrants struggled violently, and amounting, during; the year ending telegraph business, the prospectus evidently died from strangulation, the June 30th, 1881, to 01,108,050. promising lines equivilant in working knot having slipped around to the back Jtfanufaoture all Kinds of Sausages, Rolled Spiced Beef capacity to the present Western Union of his neck. Ihe bodies remained Afraid of Freedom. Two Boomed Murderers Were Swung system shall be in operation by January hanging fourteenm inutes, when they New York, July 29. Just why the JPXUESSSZEttD ZDEUIF. 1883. and conveyed to cor- Into Eternity. were cut down the Chinese government has seen lit to re- The new company recently obtained oner's. call its young men. who have been Poultry, Game and Vegetables in their Season facilities which they claim will enable FURTHER PARTICULARS. studying in this country is not clear, but They Faced Death Bravely, and Were them to do this without interfering with and trcatinout. Give him a Cull. Frank Gilbert Merrick Rosen that they are to continue their studies the rights patents held by the to-d- ay Satisfied With Fate. and crants were hanged here for in England, France and Germany is de- Western Union. The first point ob murders committed last year. Both nied by Kwong Ki Chin, the education- tained by the Keene combination was murders took place in Tennessee Park, al commissioner at. Hartford. He says Sc the securing of patents on anew system ROB'T CO. The Usual Budget of Readable Euro- - seven or eight miles from Leadvillc. the report that Tsu. Soon Kee, an at- FREY of t Dealers in and Manufacturers of Rosencrants shot John Longmeyer tache of the Chinese embassy at Wash- pean News. AUTOMATIC AND FAC SIMILE TELEGUAl'H, July 17th. 1880. He had broken into ington, had said that the students were rongmever s at camp, juong-- to be is I Queensware, the patentee being W. A. Leggo. These trunk sent to Europe, undoubtedly Furniture, Bar Fixtures. JUec-trograph- meyer him ic came upon and asked what false, he A Chronicle of the Sayings aud Doing patents have been assigned to the for had talked long with Tsu Manufacturing Company, he was searching the trunk ior. nosen last week on tho subject, and nothing of of Men. incorporated last October and the price crants rose up and began to shoot at the kind was hinted at. Kwong Ki , Undertaking a Specialty Prices Low as the Lowest paid the latter for the exclusive right to once. Longmeyer ran, and Rosencrants Chin does not, however, deny the infer- v use the Leggo automatic and fac simile fired all the chambers of his revolver at ence that his government fears the From tlie Sick Room. machine is to be $1,000,000. The him. Longmeyer fell over an embank of American institutions. ' Xl.i,lli-o,c- l said u&.Treza.txoy Soutli of Hopper. Bros. Electrographic company did ribt pro- ment and received injuries ot which he BULLETIN. pose to go into a general telegraphic died three days after. On making an I nler mil Machine Miinurnctor.y. - m Executive Mansion, 8:30 a. m. Im- business but will continue to perfect anti-morte- examination a statement Varis, mediately after the evemng examina was made Rosencrants killed him 111., July 29. A report that the anil manufacture machines by the au- that infernal machines which were to yesterday the President s afternoon . sent .1 tion tomatic system. tie was arrested, tried and convicted were -? gradually to subside. He England made here, creates great C. CD fever began average last April, and the Governor granted it O R. BROWNING well Messages can be sent at an excitement and it is generally believed. slept during; the night and this of 2,000 to 2,300 words per a forty day' s respite. fi(pm rate minute, P. W. Crowe, who was supposed to be EAST LAS VEGAS. N. M.. morning is free fever. He looks while by the old method 25 words per Gilbert killed James McCullom at and expresses himself cheerfully. No on October 3rd, 1880. implicated in their manufacture denies C0 minute is tlie capacity of instruments the latters cabin says he o rigors liave occurred during the last A quarrel arose over money owed to it but knows who did the work. Ü p. O with paper, wire and instrumuents in They were made oi ESTATE & INSURANCE AGENT twenty-fou- r hours, nor indeed at any Gilbert by McCullom. The latter was at O'Rourke's foun- REAL perfect order. The 'managers of the dry, on South Washington street. --P O time since the 24th inst. A moderate new company say they have every rea- shot and stabbed both. Gilbert was rf rise of temperature in the afternoon is condemned to death last April and was They were of iron and zink in sections. a, son to believe that a rate of live thou- The machinery dynamite were sup- REFKKi.ENT.S to be anticipated for some days tocóme. forty-on- e and sand words per minute is practicable. also granted a respite ot days.
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