HACQUETIA 13/1 • 2014, 57–77 DOI: 10.2478/hacq-2014-0012 NumerIcAl evAluAtIoN of grAsslands domINAted by SeSleria juncifolia Agg. in serbia Eva KABAŠ1,*, Snežana VUKOJIČIĆ1, Antun ALEGRO2, Boštjan SURINA3, Nevena KUZMANOVIĆ1, Vedran ŠEGOTA4 & Dmitar LAKUŠIĆ1 Abstract Phytosociological and numerical analyses of grasslands dominated by Sesleria juncifolia s.l. in Serbia were per- formed in order to resolve their syntaxonomy and nomenclature. Twelve relevés were sampled on Mt. Mučanj (western Serbia), which were then compared with similar relevés from other parts of the Balkan Peninsula by means of numerical analyses. The relevés were classified using cluster analysis, while the ordination was con- ducted using Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA). The results suggest the occurrence of two floristi- cally well defined Dinaric associations in Serbia: Seslerio juncifoliae-Edraianthetum graminifolii ass. nova from Mt. Mokra Gora (Oxytropidion urumovii, Elyno-Seslerietea) and Diantho petraeae-Seslerietum juncifoliae ass. nova (Chrysopogono-Saturejion, Festuco-Brometea) from Mt. Mučanj. Key words: Balkan Peninsula, classification, ordination, Seslerietum juncifoliae s.l., syntaxonomy, vegetation. Izvleček Naredili smo fitocenološko in numerično analizo travišč v katerih prevladuje vrsta Sesleria juncifolia s.l. in pred- stavili sintaksonomske in nomenklaturne rešitve. Dvanajst vegetacijskih popisov smo naredili na gori Mučanj (zahodna Srbija) in jih z numeričnimi metodami primerjali s podobnimi popisi z drugih delov Balkanskega polotoka. Popise smo klasificirali s klastrsko metodo, za ordinacijo smo uporabili korespondenčno analizo z odstranjenim trendom (DCA). Rezultati kažejo na obstoj dveh floristično dobro utemeljenih dinarskih en- demičnih asociacij v Srbiji: Seslerio juncifoliae-Edraianthetum graminifolii ass. nova z Mokre Gore (Oxytropidion urumovii, Elyno-Seslerietea) in Diantho petraeae-Seslerietum juncifoliae ass. nova (Chrysopogono-Saturejion, Festuco- -Brometea) z gore Mučanj. Ključne besede: Balkanski polotok, klasifikacija, ordinacija, Seslerietum juncifoliae s.l., sintaksonomija, vege- tacija. 1. INTRODUCTION the development of different types of grasslands along wide elevational and latitudinal gradients, The genus Sesleria Scop. ( Poaceae, Pooideae, forming syntaxa at various ranks — Seslerietum Seslerieae) is one of the most important and in- korabiensis Micevski 1994, Seslerietum wettsteinii teresting grass genera with its’ centre of diversity Horvat 1937, Seslerietum juncifoliae Horvat 1930, and distribution on the Balkan Peninsula. The Seslerion juncifoliae Horvat 1930, Seslerion rigidae species of this genus play a very important role in Zólyómi 1939, Seslerietalia juncifoliae Horvat 1930, 1 Institute of Botany and Botanical Garden Jevremovac, Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade, Takovska 43, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia, [email protected]*, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] 2 Department of Botany, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Marulićev trg 20/II, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia, antun. [email protected] 3 Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies, University of Primorska, Glagoljaška 8, 6000 Koper, Slovenia, [email protected] 4 Institute for Research and Development of Sustainable Ecosystems, Jagodno 100a, 10415 Novo Cice, Velika Gorica, Croatia, [email protected] 57 Hacquetia 13/1 • 2014, 57–77 etc. However, their most important role is form- nietea trichomanis Br.-Bl. 1934 corr. Oberd. 1977. ing the grasslands on base-rich soils of alpine and Finally, some communities dominated by Sesleria subalpine belts of temperate European mountain spp. belong to the Festuco-Brometea Br.-Bl. & Tx. ranges (class Elyno-Seslerietea Br.-Bl. 1948). The ex Soó 1947. The dominant Sesleria species that domination by Sesleria species of the high moun- build up these syntaxa are S. filifolia Hoppe in tain calcareous plant communities in Europe is eastern Serbia and S. serbica (Adam.) Ujhelyi and discussed by Petriccione (1995) in his overview of S. juncifolia in western Serbia. this vegetation type. Our research only included the stands domi- Sesleria juncifolia agg. represents an amphi- nated by Sesleria juncifolia agg. described as asso- Adriatic group of taxa exhibiting a typical dis- ciations Seslerio-Edraianthetum jugoslavici Petkov ić junct range including the western & central Bal- et al. 1990 (Petković et al. 1990) from Mt. Mokra kans and the Apennine Peninsula, where neither Gora, Seslerietum tenuifoliae S. Vukojičić & D. their systematic relationships nor the syntaxo- Lakušić 1990 prov. (Stanić 1990) from Mt. nomical scheme are entirely clear. Based on rel- Mučanj and Carici laevis-Helianthemetum alpestre evant taxonomic papers (Deyl 1980, Strgar 1981, Horvat 1930 seslerietosum tenuifoliae Rajevski 1990 Alegro 2007, Di Pietro 2007), the following spe- from Mt. Šarplanina (Rajevski 1990) in Serbia. cies are considered to belong to S. juncifolia agg.: S. apennina Ujhelyi, S. calabrica (Deyl) Di Piet- ro, S. kalnikensis Jávorka, S. juncifolia Suffren, S. MATERIALS AND METHODS interrupta Vis., S. ujhelyii Strgar and S. albanica Ujhelyi. Since both names, S. juncifolia Suffren data sampling. In order to describe and resolve 1802 and S. tenuifolia Shrader 1806, were validly the syntaxonomy of the Serbian grasslands domi- published, we use the earlier legitimate name S. nated by Sesleria juncifolia agg., we processed 139 juncifolia in this paper, as it has a priority accord- relevés belonging to 13 syntaxa dominated by S. ing to Art 11.4 of ICN (McNeill et al. 2012). The juncifolia agg., distributed throughout the terri - detailed discussion regarding the nomenclatural tory of Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Monte- issues in Sesleria juncifolia complex is provided in negro, Croatia, Slovenia and northeastern Italy. Di Pietro et al. (2013). The majority of the relevés were taken from litera- For the territory of Serbia, Lakušić & Sabov- ture sources. The main criterion for the selection ljević (2005) proposed a classification scheme of the syntaxa to be included in the analyses was in which 31 associations and eight subassocia- that S. juncifolia appears as both the dominant tions dominanted by different Sesleria species and nominal species in the name of a syntaxa, were included, belonging to five classes, seven either at association or subassociation level (Ta- orders and 11 alliances. However, this classifica- ble 1). In addition to the literature data, personal tion was not based on serious numerical analy- unpublished data previously gathered on Mt. ses, thus an objective circumscription and clas- Mučanj in Serbia, Mt. Durmitor in Montenegro sification are still missing. The most investigated and areas of Mts. Velebit (Croatia) and Snežnik grasslands dominated by Sesleria spp. belong (Slovenia; Table 1, Figure 1) were also included in to the class Elyno-Seslerietea, order Seslerietalia the analyses. All the relevés were sampled accord- juncifoliae (=tenuifoliae) Horvat 1930, alliances ing to Braun-Blanquet (1964) method. The plot Seslerion rigidae Zólyómi 1939 (dry grasslands size of our own relevés was 25 m2, correspond- on calcareous bedrock) and Seslerion rigidae-lati- ing to the standard for grasslands proposed by foliae D. Lakušić 1996 prov. (dry grasslands on Chytrý & Otýpková (2003). Plot sizes of relevés serpentine rocks). Furthermore, seven associa- from the literature varied, the exact sizes for each tions belong to the order Onobrychido-Seslerietalia association are given in Table 1. Horvat 1949, alliances Edraiantho-Seslerion Hor- data analysis. After transforming Braun- vat 1949, Onobrychido-Festucion Horvat 1949 and Blanquet cover-abundance values into a nine- Seslerio-Festucion R. Jovanović 1955. A significant degree ordinal scale (van der Maarel 1979) the number of communities belong to the class of al- relevés were subjected to Detrended Correspond- pine pastures on siliceous rocks, Caricetea curvu- ence Analysis (DCA) in order to detect the ba- lae Br.-Bl. 1948, order Seslerietalia comosae Simon sic structure of the floristic composition. Finally, 1957, alliance Seslerion comosae Horvat 1935. Only the complete set was classified using Bray-Curtis one association was recorded for the class Asple- similarity and group average clustering. These 58 Eva Kabaš et al.: Numerical evaluation of grasslands dominated by Sesleria juncifolia agg. in Serbia Figure 1: The map of the localities of analyzed syntaxa. Numbers on the map correspond to ordinal numbers in Table 1. Blue squares correspond to groups A and C, red dots and green triangle (stands from Mt. Šarplanina excluded from second step of analysis) correspond to group B from Figure 2. Both dots and squares correspond with UTM 10 x 10 squares. Area above 1000 m a.s.l. is shaded. Country abbreviation: IT – Italy, SLO – Slovenia, CRO – Croatia, HU – Hungary, BIH – Bosnia and Herzegovina, SR – Serbia, MNE – Montenegro, RO – Romania, BU – Bulgaria, MA – Macedonia, AL – Albania. Slika 1: Karta lokacij proučevanih sintaksonov. Številke na karti so enake kot v Tabeli 1. Modri kvadrati ustrezajo skupinama A in C, rdeči krožci in zeleni trikotniki (sestoji s Šarplanine so izvzeti iz drugega koraka v analizi) ustrezajo skupini B na Sliki 2. Krožci in kvadrati se ujemajo z UTM 10 x 10 kvadranti. Območja nad 1000 m nad morjem so osenčena. Okrajšave držav: IT – Italija, SLO – Slovenija, CRO – Hrvaška, HU – Madžarska, BIH – Bosna in Hercegovina, SR – Srbija, MNE – Črna gora, RO – Romunija,
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