‘ > 'Z- .H ' • d a i l t cnoDLAnoif f n ttw MoBth « f Apm, 1 9 » 5,509 MMnber «f Audit B o tm u of carenluttoB* (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, MAY 5, 1932. VOL. U ., NO. 185. idM iilled Advertisliis oo Psgj 12.). ACCORD NO NEARER Chicago’s Public Enemy No. 1, Prison-bound FREE ALL AMERICANS AMONG DEMOCRATS IN HONOLULU MURDER Smith Followers In State'VERSAILLES PACT Sentenced To Ten Years In Commons in Uproar Gather Bot Name No Can-1 BLAMED FOR WOES Surprise Court Session didate For Chairman F or; — Over Allegiance Oath They Are Immediately Ex-Crown Prince of Germany Coming Parley. London, May 5.—(AP)—The ..the British government could not Granted Conmnitation of House of Commons worked its e lf' for the present do more than call Asks Americans To Try into an upro' over the Irish ques­ attention to the violation of the Sentence To One flour By By AflMNteted Pretn tion today when Cieottrey Mander, treaty of 1921 Involved In the Free National Liberal from Wolverhamp­ State’s unilateral action. A |;mtbeiiDg of Democrats, most And Understand Comitry. ton, asked the secretary for domin­ The question was framed thus: Is Governor— Move For Out­ of them delegate* to the party'* ions whether the government would the government prepared to submit state convention in Hartford May submit the oath o. a’l^iance to a the oath of allegiance in dispute be­ (Ckjpyright 1932 by A. P.) right Pardon Pressed— To 16 and 17, and all aupporter* of the judicial tribunal. tween Great Britain and the Irish Free State to an appropriate judi­ movement to *end a delegation to When the National Uberal first Berlin, May 5— (AP) —Friederich tried to submit bis question, he was cial tribunal? Also Drop Retrial of Men Chicago favoring former Governor Wilhelm von Hohenzollem, Ger­ bowled down and intense excite­ Alfred B. Smith for the pre*idcncy, many’s former crown prince, in the ment prevailed until the Laborites President Eamon de Valera of la*t night, at the Union League first interview he has granted since protested to the Speaker against the Irish Free State has submitted Accused of Assaulting the behavior of a large part ^ the a bill to the Dali Elreann which aub in New Haven, began the task his return from exile in 1923, issued House. would abolish the oath to the of preparing a convention program. mi animated appeal to the American When calm had been restored and Crown as contained in the Anglo- Mrs. Massie. There were about 125 present, people today to “ imderstand” <3er- the question had finally been put, Irish treaty creating the Free State. guests of Mayor John W, Murphy many. J. H. Thomas, the secretary for The measure has passed two «l»o head* the New Haven delega­ Tomorrow is the crown prince’s dominions, replied that Ireland bad readings and will, come up for the Honolulu, May 5.—(AP)— A tion to the State convention. Every fiftieth birthday. not asked for consultations and that third reading next Wednesday. move for an outright pardon for part of the State and every S ^ His face hardened and his voice Mrs. Granville Fortescue and three torial district save the 29th (Wind­ became vibnmt as be turned the ham) where the delegate* were hav­ conversation to the subject nearest "You’d think MussoUnl was passin’ through," observed .Wphone (Scarf ace Al) naval men convicted of^ lynching ing their own meeting, was repre­ bis hemt, the condition of Gremany, throngs fought to get glimpse of the gang lord, as you see him here, cn route to the train which bore l»m to Joseph Kahahawal was pressed to­ sented. , 'When you ask me to make a the Federal penitentiary at Atlanta. Capone (second from left in foregr^d) NO TIME TO RELAX BORAH DISCUSSES day after the quartet had fully sat­ The gathering received report* statement" be said "I cannot avoid Marshal William G. 'Thompson, at his right, and U. S. Marshal Henry C W. isfied the law by spending one hour from every Senatorial and C w ^es- bitting straight from the shoulder chieftain, on his way to begin serving an 11-year term for Relation of the income in custody of the territorial high sional district. It was sUtcd after­ and telling you what is at stake in to Vito Moricl, an accused auto thief, who is visible here between Capone and Marshal Laubenheimer. ward that these were fall of encour­ NOW, SAYS JUSTICE ECONOMIC PROGRAM sheriff. my fatherland today. Sentenced yesterday in a surprise agement for the Old Guard organ- Appalling Misery izatlon which supports the Smith court session to ten year* in prison 1 cannot close my eyes to our HAY, 2 WHITE HORSES, for manslaughter, they were imme­ movement. appalling misery, to the evidences 2 BED HEADED GIRLS No SelecttOD Mr. H n ^ T d k Lawyers Restore Silver, Disarm and diately granted a commutation of of progressive distruction which sentence to one hour by Governor It was stated by authority that day after day, with merciless fate­ DETECTIVES DISCOVER the meeting did not discuss the ma^ An old-time gag came to Lawrence M. Judd. fulness, victimizes both small and town today—and proved as good That Disconragenient Settle War Debts Qoes- With the case closed, the New ter of permanent chairmanship of large economic imdrestandings, the state convention and no name as forty years ago. “When you York society woman was expected built up and developed through to leave Hawaii soon to join her was mentioned which be of painstaking, tenacious BIG COUNTERFEIT PLOT see a load of bay drawn by a tion, lie TeHs the Senate. fered in opporitlon to that of Wil- y“ white horse,” ran the supersti­ Nerer Paid Omdends. author husband in the east. Her son- in-law Lieut Thomas H. Massie, liam C. "<3alms made about Germany’s tion, “look around and you’ll see a red-headed g^rl.” A load and two enlisted men, Albert O. lir*Rooi^lt- for the outbreak of the war Seize Two Million Dollars |AL CAPONE BEGINS of hay drawn by iwo white Washington, May 5 — (AP)—De­ Washington, May 5.—(AP )—A Jones and E. J. Lord, probably will horses stopped at Main and Bis- claring that “discouragement pays three-fold program for world eco­ be transferred to other posts. on the second day. ^ What about the thesis with sell streets this morning. Down no dividends,” Chief Justice Hughes nomic recovery, disarmament, set­ The governor’s order also ^ Last night’s conference of the Bissell came a little girl of 6, parently paved the way to dropping which the United States In 1917 en­ Worth of DnponlStock| PENITENTIARY LIFE today told the American Law In­ tlement of reparations, and restora­ Smith group was understood to tered the war against Germany — with bright auburn hair. Up tion of silver, was presented to the rie-trial of the four surviving men favor discussion with the New Guard stitute that this "is not a time for the thesis concerning the nece^ty Main and across Bissell stroUed Senate today by Senator Boras, (R., accused of assaulting Mrs. Thalia of the mechanic* of the convention Certificates and Arrest | — a young woman with hair of relaxing effort but for redoubling Massie last September. of fighting in behalf of the liberty of Idah o). to tbs and that a small nations? What a preposter­ sunset gold. Both before the i t ” Addressing a crowded Senate To Oear Records nsomlse may be reached v^ch will load of hay resumed its way. ous, fatal mistake! Fire; Watched For Months Just Another Prisoner “These are hard days,” he added, chamber, Bo.ah discussed world af- The commutation also saved tho avoid a long drawn out sdinion and ^ 0 You can’t beat the old-time Wilson’* 14 Points “but they are days in which it is fsdrs, stressing particularly the Navy me:' from having their aervios pofMiUy inharmonious debate on in- “What about the celebrated four­ gags. worth while to live and toU-sttnIng "gold mentality” which he said had recordf marzed by imprisonment ridmtal matters. Among 3,100; WQI Get No teen points of President Wilson New York, May 5.—(AP)—After days!” been In force since 1925. Captain Ward Wortman, Massie'a The confisrence will be sought which Germany accepted and whose commander said Fe<ieral action. state chairman David A. seizing counterfeit copies of %2,000,- Saying the Inflnenee of the mem­ “I ’'entrre this opinion,” he said, fulfilment G5rnuu.y has a right to bers of the Law Institute “pervades “that iiTil«»i armaments are reduced would have been necessary to dear WDson. Tne Smith group Cvnferew 'Special Privileges. expect, even today? They were 000 w orth xrf E . 1. Dup<Mlt de every community," Hughes con­ so that burden is lifted, unless repa- their secords had they actually been win be Mayor T. Frank Hayes « TOO MANY B E I ^ thrown in the discard at Paris. Nemours stock in a surprise raid, gratulated them on their opportuni­ rhticBs are settled so that Europe committed to prison even for an Wateihury, Mayor Maloney of This dictate of Versailles, from police announced today they had ties for upholding the “supremacy can start on economic recovery a ^ hour. which the whole world Is suffering, nipped a plot to flood the financial Atlanta, May 5—(AP)— “Scar- Harry Hewitt attorney general, (Oentinoed on Page Twelve) of law" and added: unless silver Is restored to the place the spirit from which It eman m arts o f the nation with the bogrus face Al” (Capone began a new life FOR VETS, IS CLAIM “How is society to protect itself It occupied prior to 925, to restore said the commutation did not con­ ated, are in the last analysis, re­ securities.
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