Space Application / Reservation Form Cost Date and Venue #PPTU$POTUSVDUJPO*OEVTUSZ 1SPNPUF(MPCBM4PVSDJOH KBC 2016 KBC 2016 KBC 2016 A. Package Stand Move-in: May 28 - 31, 2016 Minimum of 24 sqm with standard depth 11m or 4m. It includes basic fittings of: space, walls on three sides, Show Date: June 1 - 4, 2016 carpeting, fascia in Chinese and English, one desk, two chairs, one electric outlet of 220V and four spot lights. Move-out: June 4 from 15:00, 2016 B. Raw Space Shanghai New International Expo Centre Huamu Road ਰߋ૨ Minimum of 24 sqm. Exhibitors setting up Road Fangdian 2345 Longyang Road, Shanghai 201204, China Luoshan Road June 1 - 4, 2016 stands are at their own expense. Entrance 2 2ބ९๗ N1 N2 N3 N4 N5 Package Stand Raw Space Metro Line 7 (Huamu Road Station) པ߅੦ᅧ Entrance 3ބCompany: ________________________________________________________________________ ׁ๕7 3ބ९๗ 2 2 & US$ 280/m US$ 215/m W5 Shanghai New International Expo Centre (SNIEC) LVORFDWHGLQWKHHFRQRPLF¿QDQFHDQGWUDGH Address: ________________________________________________________________________ E7 & US$ 250/m2 US$ 185/m2 center of Shanghai. The excellent facilities and services provided by SNIEC make it the best venue for W4 E6 Outdoor Space ৢ ________________________________________________________________________ 2 2 domestic and foreign exhibitors to stage all types of exhibitions. ٌ US$ 235/m US$ 170/m ็ᅢӎ & W3 E5 2 ૨ SNIEC comprises 17 exhibition halls and 3 deluxe entry lobbies of a total area of 250,000m , of which 2 2 E4 ________________________________________________________________________ & US$ 220/m US$ 155/m 200,000m2 are indoors and 50,000m2 outdoors. The exhibition halls are column-free with a clear height of W2 吷 E3 US$ 220/m2 US$ 155/m2 11m. Tel: ___________________________________ Fax: ______________________________________ & आ E2 ૨ W1 SNIEC is not only a new landmark for Shanghai city, but also provides a new platform for China exhibition & US$ 205/m2 US$ 140/m2 E1 E-mail: ________________________________ Website: __________________________________ ¿HOGV 2 2 & US$ 205/m US$ 140/m Address: 2345 Longyang Road, Shanghai 201204, China ௺ஆ૨ Contact Person: (Mr/Ms) ____________________________ Title: ____________________________ 2 2 Entrance 1 Transport: Metro Line 7 (Huamu Road Station), Metro Line 2, Metro Line 7, Metro Line 16 (Longyang Road / US$ 250/m US$ 185/m 1ބ९๗ Longyang Road Station), Maglev (Longyang Road Station) 2 2 Main Field of Business: _____________________________________________________________ / US$ 235/m US$ 170/m Metro Line 2, Metro Line 7, Metro Line 16 (Longyang Road Station) པੋဥ੦ᅧބཔg16ބཔg7ބ๕2ׁ Maglev (Longyang Road Station) :BOHQV#SJEHF ဥ੦ᅧੋڤՐ࿏ US$ 220/m2 US$ 155/m2 ๋ܷೃ _________________________________________________________________________________ / Sketch Map ॐ۞֣ 7KH1RUWK6RXWK9LDGXFW 2 2 / US$ 220/m US$ 155/m 0 ӑОӕ) ;L]DQJ5RDGەfor reference љؘ࣫֫எ) ᳦๋ JWFS 2 2 / US$ 220/m US$ 155/m 㣩 +VOF ㅕ )VBOHQV3 We, the undersigned, kindly reserve a booth / space as indicated below and accept the location ␂ &HQWUDO5LQJ ⌝ ㋘⛍▙☤ 2XWHU5LQJ ,QQHU5LQJ 㺲 2 2 Package Stand -LD0LQJ9LDGXF ⡽ 3XGRQJ$YHQXH US$ 320/m US$ 255/m ⿁ VHOHFWHGE\RUJDQL]HUV 3OHDVHWLFNDQG¿OOLQWKHEODQNVZKHUHDSSURSULDWH 8 ⭲ 㬚⡽㺲⿁ 4IBOHIBJ/FX*OUFSOBUJPOM&YQP$FOUSF (width 4m x depth 6m) 5VOOFM 1FPQMF4RVBSF & 2 2 ’BO3PBE &HQWXU\$YHQX BO: ڣUS$ 280/m US$ 215/m ᨠՁጲ ̠ඞࣸ 8 , ढ߶ˋᡸᬪ᥊ =KDQJ\DQJ5RDG QQHU ڠFUSP-JOF. <DQJJDR5RDG 0 -POHZBOH3PBE 4IBOHIBJ $IJOB +JOH’BO5FNQMF H 㷩㬚⿁ Package Stand (Minimum 24 sqm with standard depth: 11m or 4m) )POHRJBP3BJMXBZ4UBUJPO 㖺 R W ᭡߶ࠫ -VKJB[VJ ⭣▙☤ 5LQJ 2 2 ;IPOHTIBO1BSL 'VYJOH3PBE & 5VOOFM ᙅೃ༡ᢻቢ 㫿≠㣩⿁ ܬТˋᡸᬪ᥊ ᬅࠑ٘ چUS$ 235/m US$ 170/m ˖ࡢМ 8 .FUSP-JOF )POHRJBP"JSQPSU ’DQ 5RDG : /BOQV#SJEHF ᨠՁጲڠ DQ> ڣᙅೃ Participation Procedure ⿇⭨䤀 ㅠ⪏ ⭤ ⿁ Ӯ๋ܷೃ )VBNV3PBE Width _______________ m x Depth _______________ m 2 2 /XMLDEDQJ5RDG 8 US$ 235/m US$ 170/m 䡑 )POHRJBP"JSQPSU ᔈఱᡸ ⡽ 㷼⭤䤀⿁ 㦏 QQHU $FOUVSZ1BSL, ڣᙅೃ ⭲ ㅠ 9J[BOH3PBE 3XGRQJ5RDG 6 5LQJ چㅠ⪏㦏 ˆጡМ 2 2 Fill in the attached Space Application / Reservation Form and return to: ⪏ 㺲㓹ㅕ㮥⿁ /RQJ\DQJ5RDG RRaw Space (Minimum 24 sqm with standard depth: 11m or 4m) US$ 250/m US$ 185/m ㋘ 8 㦏 =KDRMLD%DQJ5RDG ᜴ ⛍ Worldwide Exhibitions Service Co., Ltd. 㺲 %B ⽆㬠⿁ < -POHZBOH3PBE QV ᘨ ㅕ ⪏ D 2 2 4 ᴜᡸ .FUSP-JOF Ӯ ⿁ QJJ 5FOU US$ 175/m US$ 155/m 㦏 ੩ 3PBE5VOOFM ᨠՁጲڠ6 ᡸ 5 㬚 .FUSP-JOF Width _______________ m x Depth _______________ m 24/F., Xincheng Mansion, 167 Jiangning Road 㠖 =KRQJVKDQ5RDG ๋ V ᨠՁጲڠO D .FUSP-JOF ᬪ ⪏ ᡸ OF ⡽ -VQV#SJEHF R5RDG ᨠՁጲڠShanghai 200041, China ᥊ .FUSP-JOF 㦏 ᬪ M ㅕ ڠ ӵ๋ܷೃ ᥊ ⿁ ᨠ ROutdoor Space (Minimum 60 sqm with standard depth: 10m or 6m) C. Outdoor Space Tel: 0086-21-32224777 Fax: 0086-21-32224770 Ձ -L\DQJ5RDG ጲ 㮕⪂⿁ 6 Minimum of 60 sqm at E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.wes-expo.com.cn <DRKXD5RDG ⒱㓹⿁ ⭙ G Width _______________ m x Depth _______________ m 㬠 &KHQJVKDQ5RD US$ 110/per sqm. ⿁ Local contact: 㺲⪏㦏 1VEPOH"JSQPSU ڣExhibitors setting up stands are at their DO5LQJ ๋ˋ &HQWU 1VEPOH"JSQPSU 5VOOFM ڣ ๋ˋ 8 own expense. 4IBOH[IPOH3PBE ʼ˖᜴ᡸᬪ᥊ 㠖⪏㦏 4IBOHIBJ/FX*OUFSOBUJPOBM&YQP$FOUSF 2XWHU5LQJ ᬄӯ˖ॶڍʼ๑ள _______________________________________ _______________________________ 9VQV#SJEHF Authorized Signature & Stamp Date ०๋ܷೃ -POHZBOH3PBE (Please return this form to our agent in your region or to WES.) ᴜᡸՁ 5IFGJOBMTIPXOBNFT WFOVFTBOEEBUFTBSFEFDJEFECZHPWFSONFOUBMFOEPSTFNFOUBDDPSEJOHUP$IJOFTFFYIJCJUJPOSFHVMBUJPO KBC 2016 Successful Records KBC 2016 97, 222 visitors, clients, end-users and customers from all over the world attended the events. &YQFDUFE&YIJCJUPST Exhibitors of Past Years JO billion and billion of RMB 6.28 US$ 1.22 transaction value reached by 34.49% exhibitors of spot check on site of last event. $/XFUDWLYH0DUNHW%HQHÀWV$OO9HQGRUVDQG%X\HUV ([KLELWV3URÀOH KBC 2016 The sponsors and organizers will invite more than 100,000 visitors throughout China, and from the X Furniture and furnishing systems for kitchen & bath: electrical household appliance, kitchen facilities, countries in Asia, to visit the show. A promotion campaign towards to the extensive visitors like end- hood & extractor, cooking hob, oven, grid, bakeware, microwave equipment, sewing & knitting users, decision-makers, importing and exporting companies, designers, engineers, technicians, machines, juice press, coffee machines, food processing machines, cleaning, freezing cabinet, Participants of Last Event Came from America: 0.40% etc. is to be launched before the opening of the show through government organizations, industrial laundry appliance, utensils, houseware, etc. Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan of China: 1.62% associations or societies, news releases, various advertisements, direct mailing, etc. Europe: 2.73% X Kitchen & washroom faucet, sanitaryware, shower box, unit bathroom, steam room, sauna, whirlpool A series of activities and conferences, organized by the government and industrial associations Asia & Pacific, others: 1.43% & relaxation systems, massage appliance, solarium, swimming pool, medicinal bath preparation, concerned, will be held for the coordination of the complete success of the show. OHLVXUHHTXLSPHQWPLUURU¿WWLQJVHWF Mainland of China: 93.82% X +HDWLQJHQJLQHHULQJKHDWH[FKDQJHUKHDWUDGLDWRUUDGLDWLQJSDQHOVWRYH¿UHSODFHHOHFWULFDOÀRRU An Ideal Center Full of Information and Opportunities heating system, heat recovery and recycling equipment, air heater, heat media and mat, heating elements, thermostat, thermal insulating materials, etc. Visitors of Last Event Came from X An integrated advertising program involving about 100 mediums coming from TV stations, radio X Heating boiler, household boiler (oil, gas, electric), special purpose boiler, central water heating Others: 3.45% stations, newspapers, website and professional magazines V\VWHPKRXVHZDWHUKHDWLQJV\VWHPEXUQHUGHYLFHVOLJKWQLQJDQG¿UHH[WLQJXLVKHUHQHUJ\VDYLQJ Research & Design: 1.05% Government Department: 0.02% X Invitations for participation to domestic and overseas visitors via direct mail, fax, information network technology, etc. University / College: 0.03% Import / Export: 0.47% and e-mail X Property Investment Trade Commission / Association: 0.30% Solar heating system, solar collector and distributor, thermostat tank, etc. & Development: 0.39% X Banking & Financial 'HOLYHU\RISUHVKRZFDWDORJXHLQWLPHWRQXPHURXVYHQGRUVDQGEX\HUVWRLQIRUPWKHVKRZSUR¿OHV X 9HQWLODWLRQV\VWHPDLUGXFWDLU¿OWHUDQGSXUL¿FDWLRQDLUKXPLGLI\LQJDQGGHKXPLGLI\LQJHTXLSPHQW Property Management: 0.01% Service / Insurance: 0.20% and activities Installation Contracting / air inlet and outlet, chimney and exhaust equipment, low noise fan, etc. Engineering Operation: 2.11% X Organizing symposium and seminars by inviting academicians and experts to contribute creative X Air-conditioning, central air-conditioning system for household and commerce, refrigerator and Medium: 2.51% ideas and strategies targeting the subject of how to transform new technology, new products, and freezer, refrigerant, cooling tower, etc. new process X Water and wastewater treatment, equipment (for the treatment of water, sewage and sludge), X Distributing millions of admission tickets and invitation coupons to domestic and overseas visitors HTXLSPHQWDQGPDWHULDOVIRUZDVWHZDWHUSXUL¿FDWLRQPHDVXULQJDQGDQDO\VLVLQVWUXPHQWZDWHUGH X Sending elaborate show catalogue to all corresponding show organizers in the world to enhance the exhibitors' reputation hardening units, water supply and drain system, etc. X Providing visitor's guide to launch a quick bridge between exhibitors and
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