33163 Rules and Regulations Federal Register Vol. 84, No. 134 Friday, July 12, 2019 This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER date of the final rule from September 9, 2019. During this period of enforcement, contains regulatory documents having general 2019 to July 12, 2019, and provides an certain vessels, listed in 33 CFR applicability and legal effect, most of which applicability date of July 9, 2019 for the 165.944(b), are prohibited from crossing are keyed to and codified in the Code of final rule. underneath the Mackinac Bridge in the Federal Regulations, which is published under Straits of Mackinac, Michigan. If you are 50 titles pursuant to 44 U.S.C. 1510. Chad Rupe, the operator of a vessel in the regulated Administrator, Rural Utilities Service. The Code of Federal Regulations is sold by navigation area you must comply with the Superintendent of Documents. [FR Doc. 2019–14875 Filed 7–11–19; 8:45 am] directions from the Patrol Commander BILLING CODE 3410–15–P or Designated Representative of the Captain of the Port. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE In addition to this notice of DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND enforcement in the Federal Register, the Rural Utilities Service SECURITY Coast Guard plans to provide notification of this enforcement period 7 CFR Parts 1710, 1714, 1717, 1724, Coast Guard via the Local Notice to Mariners, and 1726, and 1730 marine information broadcasts. 33 CFR Part 165 RIN 0572–AC40 Dated: July 3, 2019. [Docket No. USCG–2019–0562] Streamlining Electric Program Patrick S. Nelson, Procedures Regulated Navigation Area; Straits of Captain, U.S. Coast Guard, Captain of the Port Sault Sainte Marie. Mackinac, Mackinaw City, MI AGENCY: Rural Utilities Service, USDA. [FR Doc. 2019–14820 Filed 7–11–19; 8:45 am] ACTION: Final rule; change of effective AGENCY: Coast Guard, DHS. BILLING CODE 9110–04–P date. ACTION: Notice of enforcement of regulation. SUMMARY: On July 9, 2019, the Rural DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND Utilities Service (RUS), a Rural SUMMARY: The Coast Guard will enforce SECURITY Development agency of the United a temporary traffic rule prohibiting the States Department of Agriculture transit of certain vessels under the Coast Guard (USDA), published a final rule that Mackinac Bridge in the Straits of revised several regulations to streamline Mackinac on August 11, 2019, to 33 CFR Part 165 its procedures for Electric Program provide for safety of life on navigable [Docket Number USCG–2019–0154] borrowers. RUS has determined it is waterways during a swim event. Our necessary to accelerate the effective date regulation identifies the vessels that RIN 165–AA00 of the final rule. must comply with this temporary traffic DATES: rule. During the enforcement periods, Safety Zones; Marine Events Held in Effective date: The effective date of the operator of any vessel in the the Captain of the Port Long Island the final rule published at 84 FR 32607 regulated navigation area must comply Sound Zone on July 9, 2019 is changed from with directions from the Patrol AGENCY: Coast Guard, DHS. September 9, 2019, to July 12, 2019. Commander or a Designated ACTION: Applicability date: The final rule Representative of the Captain of the Temporary final rule. published at 84 FR 32607 on July 9, Port. SUMMARY: The Coast Guard is 2019, is applicable beginning July 9, DATES: This temporary traffic rule establishing seven temporary safety 2019. permitted in 33 CFR 165.944 will be zones for fireworks displays within the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: enforced from 7:30 a.m. through 10:30 Captain of the Port (COTP) Long Island Gerard Moore, Deputy Assistant a.m. on August 11, 2019. Sound (LIS) Zone. These temporary Administrator, Office of Policy, FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: If safety zones are necessary to provide for Outreach, and Standards (OPOS), Rural you have questions about this notice of the safety of life on navigable waters Utilities Service, U.S. Department of enforcement, call or email LT Sean during these seven events. Entry into, Agriculture, STOP 1569, 1400 Murphy, Waterways Management, U.S. transit through, mooring or anchoring Independence Ave. SW, Washington, Coast Guard; telephone 906–635–3223, within these limited access areas is DC 20250–0787, telephone: (202) 720– email [email protected]. prohibited unless authorized by the 1900. Email contact Gerard.Moore@ SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Coast COTP LIS. wdc.usda.gov. Guard will enforce a temporary traffic DATES: This rule is effective from July SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: On July 9, rule, that the Captain of the Port Sault 12, 2019 through July 13, 2019. For the 2019, RUS published a final rule Sainte Marie is establishing under 33 purposes of enforcement, actual notice implementing revisions to existing CFR 165.944(c)(7), to provide for safety will be used from June 29, 2019, regulations to streamline procedures for of life on navigable waterways during a through July 12, 2019. Electric Program borrowers. The final swim event near the Mackinac Bridge in ADDRESSES: To view documents rule should have been effective upon the Straits of Mackinac. The temporary mentioned in this preamble as being publication in the Federal Register. traffic rule will be enforced from 7:30 available in the docket, go to http:// This document accelerates the effective a.m. through 10:30 a.m. on August 11, www.regulations.gov, type USCG–2019– VerDate Sep<11>2014 16:13 Jul 11, 2019 Jkt 247001 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4700 Sfmt 4700 E:\FR\FM\12JYR1.SGM 12JYR1 jbell on DSK3GLQ082PROD with RULES 33164 Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 134 / Friday, July 12, 2019 / Rules and Regulations 0154 in the ‘‘SEARCH’’ box and click is cited in 33 CFR 165.151 at 7.13. This doing so would be impracticable and ‘‘SEARCH.’’ Click on Open Docket event has been included in this rule due contrary to the public interest. The Folder on the line associated with this to deviation from the cite date. Coast Guard was not provided enough rule. Madison Fireworks is a recurring notice that these events were occurring FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: If marine event. A permanent safety zone by the event sponsors to allow for you have questions on this rule, contact was established in 2013 and is cited in publishing an NPRM, taking public Petty Officer Melanie Hughes, 33 CFR 165.151 at 7.3. This event has comments, and issuing a final rule Prevention Department, Coast Guard been included in this rule due to before these events take place. It is Sector Long Island Sound, telephone deviation from the cite date. impracticable to publish an NPRM (203) 468–4583, email Melanie.A. Village of Asharoken Fireworks is a because we must establish these safety [email protected]. recurring marine event. A permanent zones by June 29, 2019. Thus, waiting SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: safety zone was established in 2010 and for a comment period to run is also is cited in 33 CFR 165.151 at 7.24. This contrary to the public interest as it I. Table of Abbreviations event has been included in this rule due would inhibit the Coast Guard’s mission COTP Captain of the Port to deviation from the cite position. to keep the ports and waterways safe. DHS Department of Homeland Security City of Norwich July Fireworks is a Under 5 U.S.C. 553(d)(3), and for the FR Federal Register recurring marine event. A permanent LIS Long Island Sound same reasons stated in the preceding safety zone was established in 2010 and paragraph, the Coast Guard finds that NPRM Notice of Proposed Rulemaking is cited in 33 CFR 165.151 at 7.11. This NAD 83 North American Datum 1983 good cause exists for making this rule event has been included in this rule due effective less than 30 days after II. Background Information and to deviation from the cite date. publication in the Federal Register. Regulatory History City of Middletown Fireworks is a This rulemaking establishes nine recurring marine event. A permanent III. Legal Authority and Need for Rule safety zone was established in 2010 and safety zones for fireworks displays. Each The Coast Guard is issuing this event and its corresponding regulatory is cited in 33 CFR 165.151 at 7.9. This event has been included in this rule due temporary rule under authority in 33 history are discussed below. U.S.C. 1231. The COTP LIS has Riverfest Fireworks is a recurring to deviation from the cite date. determined that the safety zones marine event. A permanent safety zone The Coast Guard is issuing this established by this temporary final rule was established in 2010 and is cited in temporary final rule without prior are necessary to provide for the safety of 33 CFR 165.151 at 7.23. This event has notice and opportunity to comment life on navigable waterways before, been included in this rule due to pursuant to authority under section 4(a) during and after the nine scheduled deviation from the cite date. of the Administrative Procedure Act City of Masons Island Yacht Club (APA) (5 U.S.C. 553(b)). This provision fireworks displays. Fireworks is a recurring marine event. A authorizes an agency to issue a rule IV. Discussion of the Rule permanent safety zone was established without prior notice and opportunity to in 2010 and is cited in 33 CFR 165.151 comment when the agency for good This rule establishes seven safety at 7.21. This event has been included in cause finds that those procedures are zones for seven fireworks displays. Each this rule due to deviation from the cite ‘‘impracticable, unnecessary, or contrary safety zone covers all navigable waters date.
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