Ration Calendar PROCESSED roOD Itamp~ X. y. and - Z ' ~1re NOV. 20: arun IlarnP6 ,.. B. C (boo~ .) exP~ DIc:. 10: GASOLINE coupon, • In A book ~ptl'e Nov. 21: UnseHled TillE INSPECT10llf, C ~k holde1'J,' mllit 'be .:om­ plete<! by Nov. 3OhJ'r4J:AT 1Il0"l(!' 1tIIl!!;A:' elrPlft Dec. 4; !'tiEL r. 1 coUpoN J&fI,. .4; DAILY IOWA IOWA: Snow Flarrfes SUGAR .tamp :i ~ 41 Hpl_ .fN1.' II: IROU THE e ltamp 18 (book 11, -.ItpJane S1&mJ' 1 '{book 3) yalJd Indefinltlly. ' • Iowa City's Morning Newspaper FIVE CENTS n. A.IOCIATSO PUI. IOWA CITY. IOWA WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1943 rwt ,U.OC1AHO PU.I VOLUME XLN NUMBER 40 ee , I " . I g , , e e e aZ, . 'lS UI alan Ine I nterpreting- Enemy Making Greatest Effort l'eIi­ ild a . , , her Reds Take 80 Towns, Villages War , w~ s To Thwart Allied Advances rJlOrt * * * RUMANIA FACES POSSIBLE* * SOVIET* AnACK BY SEA* * * , cil,y News ALLIED HEADQUARTER , Algiers (AP )-The German Threaten to Trap or ,Force command, using Italian lave labor has erected a new "winter trUtk i I are '. By Gln:: T:LsoT Line" aCl'08S Italy d l1!ctly in front of the pre ent po itions of Assoelated Prna W.r Editor the allie!J, it was di cl ed yesterday, and i pouring in reinforce- Nt. Soberly, Prime Minister Chur- menta in its Ilreatest effort to date to tern the drive of the allied • 'II Retreating Foe Into Rumania armies northward. %13 chill warned the allied nations yes- Even 8S existence of the line was disclosed by German soldiers Iber, LONDO" , Wcdnesday (AP)-ned army sllock troops cap­ terday against the present whis- captured at varion point along the front, allied armi already ... tured more than 0 northcm Ukraine towns and villages yesterday per~ campalni 01 an early, easy were pounding against it, the British Eighth smashing forward aod battled to withjn 58 milt' of the key rail city of Korosten to victory over Germany and told in a five·mile thrust which caught the Germans off guard and the ioel'cn 'l' theil' threat to trap or fOI'ce back into Rumania the dc­ them to prepare for heavy casual- carried to the area of the mouth of the angro river at the new lIlade pleted Oel'nuHl divi:>ions still hanging on in the great bend of the ties when the climactic aSAult ls tine' ea tern anchor. 'ao. Dniepc]' rive!', )foscow annollnced early tod~y. 1 the made on Hitler's European 10rt- Nearly 50 towns and villages passed inlo allied hands a8 a result :orm. In un ul1vunce of 27 miles nOl't}l\vestward from 111e liberated ress in 1944. of allied. gains along the Adriatic coa t and in the central sector , tlly krlline capitltl along the main l'ailline to KorostE'll, Gen. Nikolai That fateful year, he told an 'l ear lsemia. To tbe we t beavyf - - ---------- V.lutin's conquerors of Kiev wiped ont a battalion of German ~gin audience in the London mansion rains and strong formations of J S infantry to capture the district center and railway station of house "will :see the greatest sacrl- enemy troop and gun in the aps core fiCll of lile by the British and nder. Jlorodyanka. American armies, and battles far Mignano area along the main :, the , The midnight Russian communit[ue, broadcast by Moscow Dnd I ge d tl th W t road to Rome kept tlle Fifth tl1ll\k ,.zecorded herc by thc Soviet monitor, also said that Russian troops, a rmy near Ii standstill. 'ming fighting to extend their bridgehead on the Kerch peninsula in the I:' o~ ~et:;;~~r~o~!tl ~nIOU:h~~: New L nd· ngs For all his gloomy forebodings, _ latter Cl'imea, beat off desperate at· however, Courchill said he re- Na:~ellwneestisernthbeuttAreu~'notcithmeonuenw-... ... _ ,a I I. j tacks by German unit.s north­ garded that hour "u at once more talns on the Tyrrhenian coast some I 'S ' I . east and 'outh of tbe toWll hopeful Dnd more stirring than any 0 U th tiN I Its through which we have passed." ' m es nor . wes 0 ap es. n, 0 omons y Nazis Attempt Kerch. , Adriatic bastIon is on heights 'I'his action, which the war The Russians, he declared. had In- north of the River Sangro. Be- ~ab bulletln'said co,.st the Germans 700 mcted wounds to Hitler's war ma- tween the~e two ends It makes use chine "that may well prove mor- of some 01 the most rugged moUil­ dr. dead, exerted fresh .pressure :{rom tal." 21 Barges Used lulies To Bollle '. Up the east on the German 17tl1 army ]n yesterda:,o'8 fightlng the Red taina In Italy, with peaks rising , ad· Iarm y swept through over 80 more to almost 7,000 feet. In Maneuver; Fight trapped in tile Crimea by the losS Relnrorcements • He of the Perekop isthmus on the II~;; populated places in their drIve The Nazi command Is deter- Now in Progre~s :timp Yugoslavs '. rior1.h. north and west of Kjev and cap- / Russian. troo,Ps, In Ifghting in . tured the communications center mined to try to hold this line SOUTHWEST PACIFIC AL- take of BOl'odyanka. 27 miles from the through the winter, according to • ~e Kiev, Nevel and Kerch areas, I DISASTER IS NEARING for the Natl .sateUl~ states of Rnll\anl~ and Bulrarla as t.he Red army plunre LIED HEADQUARTERS, Wed- ~nant Ukrainian capllal. th e capt ured Germans. an d t 0 thiS been Russ Gains Increase killed 3.800 Nazi troops, the 'com- headlon.- 10ward the border of Rumania. 150 mllttl ~wa , after ('apturln&, Kiev. Thl map shows how The Bl'itUih radio quoted an un- end they have brought in heavy nesday (AP)-Under cover of ' . munique. announced. The Germ'ln Ute ~wo countries may be aUacked by both land and sea, a Black sea ports are opened agalll to the re he Ik of!icial report from Moscow as reinforcements and have tens of qar~ness, the Japanese landcd S,:T, Ba an TenSion; Greeks iosses in the Nevel sector on the Russian fleet so that It can co-ordlnale attacks ¥'l\h the r.pldly moylnJ' army. saying Soviet forces had captured thousands of (orced Italian labor­ Fighting on Native Soil ,' north-central fro!)t ~ere listed as several hundred troops with sup­ 1,500, and the war bulletin an- Kerch, the Crimean port on Kerch ers bolstering the strong natural piles trom barges last Saturday , strait opposite the Kuban. but the barriers with defensive construc­ nounced that Soviet troops nipped night and enrly Sunday norih of LONDON (AP,) - Strong Ger- a German counter-attack there.' oflicial Russian communique said tion - walls, ditches, pillboxes, man forces are seeking to bottle The ultimate ob~ective ot the only that the Red army had ex- lorts, minellelds and trenches. the U. S. marine beachhead at RJaney Ook~s de ,Marigny Asks tended Its bridgeheads In the The Germans now have a total up the Yugoslav army oI Gen. big breakthrough both northwest Empress AugUsta bay, on Bou­ Kerch p~nlnsula. 01 at least 11 first claiS divisions Oraja Mihallovic in western Ser- and south from Kiev appeared to galnville, headquarters announced German prisoners captured in (pernaps 165,000 men) In the bia his headquarters reported last be-as the Najl:is themse~ves said Italy disclosed that the Nazis haVe front area. Tremendous effort has today. :.~t th R ' d DppreheIlSively tqday-complel.e of . Acquittal Blaying built Husband}n a new "suJ)e.r" defelUlCl line been put into building up this The t.merican forces now are in n.... as e us/nan a vance isolation of the many battered across the ~Jnsula, dlrecUY III front and, on the balis ot reliable contact with those forces .. , toward the Rumanian b 0 l' d e r German dlvi~lons within thc grellt ....... N ASS A V, Bahamas (AP)-. look of cncouragement 011 the one hei8htened ienaiOll in the Balkans. bend of the ))nleper river. [ront of the allie' present posl- information here, it appears the The Japs went as/lore from 21 With the Germans anxiously Among the 60 populated places Slender Nancy Oakes de Mar/gny'l occasion when Nancy actually liuns, and are rushing In heavy German armed strength in north- barges which possibly made the watching for any possible Turkish [ailing to the Russians in the 19-year-old girl whose millionaire gave way to her emotions. reinforcements In a tletermlned et- ern Italy, France and other places southward run from Buka, on fort to bold the allies out of Rome h~s been strained. BougainviUe's northern tip, under aid 14 father was brutally beaten and Striking directly at crown con­ to the allies a report from wesiern U1qaine were llirile through the winter. Eleven Ger-. Heaviest OppoeUlon I protection of a heavy cruiser and Istanbul said 4.000 Bulgarian, gucr- ones. the bulletin said. ' burned to death lust July. begged teotions, Nancy declared she never man dlvlalions, perhaps 165,000 Don W hit e h e a d, Assoclati!d I two destroyers. Yesterday's com- rillas were baWin,;: regulul' army In thc Cl'~a, where the Gcr­ a Bahamas supreme court jury bad heard her llusbund express troops in the mountains of Bul- mans said' the Russillns had madc men, were said to be In the front Press correspondent with the munique had 'reported low Jevel yesterday to share her belief in area.
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