Volume 77, Issue 12 Smithfield, RI February 19, 2010 By The Spring Weekend Concert Commi%ee Contributing Writers This year the Student Programming Third Eye Blind is such a fun Board is proud to announce that this group with energizing music that year’s Spring Weekend act is Third will bring campus to life during Eye Blind. Third Eye Blind has been this year’s Spring Weekend,” says a favorite band of essentially Meghan Aloisio. Details of the anyone who grew up in the 90s. concert and the rest of Spring When one hears “Semi-Charmed Weekend are to be deter Life” or “How’s it Going to Be,” mined but the Student Pro it is impossible to not be put in gramming board is working an enjoyable mood. hard to make the weekend the The band released their best for the whole student first album, Third Eye body. The concert will be Blind, in 1997 held on Saturday, which featured May 1 at 7 p.m. The several of their hit location is still singles. As of TBD. August 2009, the band released their fourth album, Ursa Major, and they are potentially releasing a follow-up album, Ursa Minor. This year’s Spring Weekend Band Selection Other events to look forward to throughout the Commi4ee consists of seven studentsSPB including weekend include: SPB President Cailin Rocco ’10, Treasurer Dan Tothill ’11, Bands andP Concerts Co-ChairsR Alison ESENTS Boucher ’11, Anthony Franco ’12, and Carissa Schneider ’12, and Theme Weekend’s Co Chairs Friday: Emma MacDougall ’12 and Meghan Aloisio ’10. 2-4 pm Jason Levasseur will be playing on the Bryant students have had the Bryant Center lawn opportunity to voice their opinions 5 pm Festive Meal in Salmonson during SPB’s Awareness Day in Friday night consists of a bigger act (normally a September and during SPB’s Spring hypnotist, magician, or comedian) and then Big Weekend Forum. The Student Bingo in the Main Gym at 10:30, followed by a Programming Board took the feedback BBQ outside the Bryant Center from these events into account when deciding which act to choose. Saturday: In previous years, the campus has been split 50/50 between rock 1 2-4 pm Field Events and WJMF Springstock on and hip-hop/rap groups. Since the Salmo lawn area school hosted Fabolous last Spring Weekend, SPB felt that it was time to 7 pm Third Eye Blind Concert bring a rock act back to Bryant. “Third Eye Blind is a well-known band Sunday: that our generation has grown up with. This year’s selection commi4ee worked 9 pm outdoor movie hard to bring a popular band to campus, and I truly think that they will put on a great performance the whole campus will enjoy” says Alison Boucher. We strongly believe that Third Eye Blind will fit perfectly into the campus’ atmosphere this Spring Weekend. “Only the senior class has experienced a rock band during Spring Weekend with OAR in 2007. SPB felt that the rest of campus was ready for a rock concert experience. THIRD EYE BLIND page 2 february 19, 2010 Women’s Summit returns to Bryant in March By Zafirah Zainal What started off as a way must take a ‘New Direction’”. Staff Writer to empower female students The sessions offered at the at Bryant University ulti- summit offer new approaches The annual Bryant Univer- mately grew to support a big- to communication, negotiat- sity Women’s Summit this ger cause that extended to the ing, financial advice, social year will take place on Thurs- community outside of Bryant. networking, entrepreneur- day, March 11th at the Chace Last year alone, nearly 1,000 ship, leadership, and time Wellness Center. Coming into business professionals flocked management, etc. the 13th year since its incep- to Bryant to a4end the 2009 When asked what she tion, the theme for the summit. wishes students and business Women’s Summit is ‘New This year’s three accom- professionals alike will gain Decade, New Directions.’ plished keynote speakers will from a4ending the summit, Director Kati Machtley has hopefully shed some light on Kati Machtley said; “My hope fond memories of the humble rising to the top as a modern for all who a4end the 2010 beginnings of the Women’s businesswoman in America. Women's Summit will be the Summit, having been the co- Keynote speakers include same as it has been for the Judge Glenda Hatche% Bobbi Brown founder of the annual summit Ellen Alemany (Chairman past 13 years. I hope by learn- Georgia’s first African- CEO and Founder of with President Machtley in and CEO of Citizens Financial ing new information and lis- American chief Bobbi Brown 1996. “The Women's Sum- Group, Inc. and RBS Ameri- tening to the experiences of presiding judge Cosmetics mit(R) was an idea that Presi- cas), Glenda Hatche4 (for- the keynote speakers, it will dent Machtley and I had merly the highest-ranking encourage them to think when we first arrived at African-American woman at about the direction they hope Bryant. We felt that a Delta Air Lines and the host to take in their lives in the women’s conference would of award-winning syndicated New Decade. Knowledge is help encourage women to television series ‘Judge Hatch- power and that is what the have an interest in business, e4’), and last but not least - a Women's Summit intends to and therefore want to a4end famous name you may know impart on March 11, 2010.” Bryant for their education.” well – Bobbi Brown (the CEO Students may a4end the Kati Machtley continues, “We and Founder of Bobbi Brown Women's Summit for only $10 also wanted to be4er educate Cosmetics). and registration forms are women as to the current “We chose ‘New Decade, available at the President's Of- trends and needs in business New Directions’ as a theme fice. For more information, and how they could make a this year because we are in a please visit difference and become em- New Decade in 2010. Many h4p://wsummit.bryant.edu. powered to meet the chal- who have gone through the lenges that they faced in their economic turmoil of the last chosen professions.” year have found that they Ellen Alemany Miriam Nelson Chairman and CEO of Advocate for women’s Citizens Financial health and Director at Group , Inc. Tu3s University For more information on the Women’s Summit visit h%p://wsummit.bryant.edu 6WXGHQWV)DFXOW\ 6WDII'D\ )HEUXDU\WKDPWRSP&OLFNKHUHWRDGGSKRWR )5((RU LQFK6XE'UDJSKRWRKHUH :LWKWKHSXUFKDVHRIDQ\LQFKVXERI HTXDORUJUHDWHUSULFH DR]GULQN ([FOXGHV3UHPLXP6XEV february 19, 2010 page 3 SENATE CORNER Survey finds food is a concern on campus mind.” created an entire commi8ee this year. Their ultimate long- A Couple of Interesting devoted to Food and Dining term goal is to make the meal Statistics: plan optional for Bryant stu- •Asked, “What do you con- dents, which in the words of sider to be the biggest prob- commi8ee head Jarrod Gib- lem at Bryant University bons “would allow students right now?” 51% of students who are not satisfied with replied Food, followed by: the meal plan to go else- Recycling (22%), Bryant Cen- where.” ter (12%), Academics (8%), and Other (7%). If you feel strongly about •71% of students said “Yes” this issue and would like to when asked: “Do you think find out how YOU can get Dining Dollars should be in- involved to help improve terchangeable (i.e. Pay $6.50 dining options on campus, in Dining Dollars to eat at Other problems ranking feel free to contact Jarrod Gib- Salmanson, rather than a meal high were recycling and the bons ([email protected]). limit)? Bryant Center. Look out for more surveys A recent survey, conducted by the Bryant Senate found So what comes next? Well and updates coming soon. that 51 percent of students found food to be the biggest for one thing, as part of its Services, and improving the And in the meantime, watch problem on campus (Amanda Dunn) major re-structuring and re- food options on campus is out for the mystery meat. focusing this year, Senate has one of their primary goals for By: Amy Angeloni campaign called “Knocking Senate Secretary Down Doors,” in which members of Student Senate TAKE IT TO THE NEXT LEVEL… Tired of the food at Bryant? go door-to-door to every You’re not alone. In a recent dorm, suite, and townhouse survey of 870 Bryant students, on campus and ask residents 51% said that food is the to fill out a brief survey BECOME A BRYANT CENTER STUDENT biggest problem at Bryant about how they feel about MANAGER University right now. Recy- what’s going on around cam- cling came in second place pus. with 22%, but with SIFE’s Why, you ask? In the INTERESTED? major green initiative words of senior Tiago Come to our informational meetings: launched a couple of weeks Machado, “As an organiza- Come to our informational meetings: ago, this will hopefully be im- tion that was formed to serve proving very soon. However, the community, we did some th x Wed., Feb. 17thx atWed., 4 p.m. Feb. in RM17 1 at 4 p.m. in RM 1 the bigger question still re- self-reflection and realized that we had been failing in mains: what do we do about th the food? our efforts to really hear x Thurs., Feb. 18xthThurs., at 5 p.m. Feb. in 18RM at1 5 p.m. in RM 1 First, let’s talk a li8le more what students had to say.
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