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This traditional proces- 133rd graduating class leaves the sion will consist of dignitaries, fac- '.'institute. ulty, and graduates in academic Although the audience is not robes. ~xpected to be as large as in recent Class of 1949 Professor of \.)years, more MIT graduates are Music Ellen T.' Harris will sing the expected to be present at the cere- national anthem in honor of the 50th mony. Approximately 2,400 gradu- reunion of the class. The Boston ~ ates have indicated they will walk in Brass Ensemble will also perform, '\"'the ceremony, according to Gayle as will the Chorallaries, an MIT a .... M..Gallagher, Executive Officer for capella singing group. MIT's "Commencement. Approximately Jewish chaplain, Rabbi Joshua M. '. \q8,000 guests are expected, although Plaut, will deliver the invocation;. 9,600 guest tickets have been hand- Chairman of the Corporation ed out. A total of 10,000 graduates Alexander d' Arbeloff '49 will pre- and guests attended when President side over commencement for the GABOR CSANYI-THE TECH Beloved Star Wars character R2D2 makes a special appearance atop the Great Dome Monday, I ,to Bill Clinton spoke last year. second time. ~~-~ Formal activities 'will begin at May 17, two days before the opening of The Phantom Menace. 9:45am With a pr?cession to Killian Commencement, Page 25 ·C8IIlpUS Polioo Labor Dispute with MIT Enters Seoond Year ~"By Frank Dabek Alan McDonald of McDonald ipal counterparts, he said. Overtime, scheduling disputed tion has proposed that officers not be NEWS EDITOR and Associates, who represents the Leaflets distributed by the asso- McDonald said that the MIT called into work except in the case of The Campus Police continue to MIT Campus Police Association, ciation enumerated demands includ- Campus Police department has a an emergency or during commence- operate under an expired contract said that the unresolved issues in the ing the implementation of safety "history of extensive overtime" due ment. MIT declined the proposal. .J; while a labor dispute, which centers _dispute are "quality of life issues" measure for patrols in Boston, com- to an apparently "insufficient staff to David B. Achenbach, manager around scheduling and staffing .which revolve around the use of pliance with federal laws regarding meet the needs of the community." of labor relations for the Institute, issues, is resolved. The long-stand- overtime, time off, and scheduling. overtime pay, and a reward system As a result, officers are often ordered responded to the association's ing dispute will ~nter.its second year Also, CP officers are not financially for officers who further their educa- to work involuntary overtime. '-~'thismonth. compensated as well as their munic- tion. During negotiations, the associa- CPs, Page 26 ( (.. Fraternity Member Fought Alumni Corporation for Right to Stay inHouse By Krista L. Niece pledges from MIT carrying a keg ing back page to the summons origi- ,~. NEWS EDITOR into the Penn State chapter last nally delivered to Bradford. When the alumni board of the November. After the incident, all On Mar. 4, Bradford's case did MIT chapter of Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity members were suspended, not appear on the docket in court. expelled or suspended 30 fraternity pending interviews with an ad hoc According to Meredith, "the members following a road trip keg Alumni Advisory Council to decide court didn't process it because incident late last year, one former on their future status as fraternity [Bradford] had come in and pointed house president decided to test the members. out [the summons] was incom- legitimacy of the alumni corpora- After the interviews in early plete." tions' termination of tenancy. December, all expelled or suspend- While a new date was set at Mar. Jason Bradford '98, once an ed members were told they had to 18, further clerical errors resulted in 'active member of the chapter and be out of the house by Dec.17., a judge's ruling that the trial could now expelled by its alumni board, although leniency was granted to not proceed that afternoon because elected to continue to live in the those who could not move out on Bradford had not been properly house - a decision which resulted that date, according to Meredith. notified of the court date. in a struggle between Bradford and Meredith said the board chose to A revised copy of the summons the Mass Delta Alumni Corporation reinstate members "who are inter- had been served to Bradford several that has lasted since the beginning ested in the founding principles of days following the Mar. 4 court of this year and is still ongoing. the fraternity" and "who understood date. In one place it still said the On Feb. 5, Bradford received a that times are changing. [The house] court date 'was still March 4, Notice to Quit giving 7 days to can't have an 'Animal House' although in other places it set the move out or face formal eviction atmosphere" any longer, he said. date at March' 18. from Alumni Corporation President According to Bradford, Meredith 'I Shaun L. Meredith. "I wasn't going Case faces initial delays and SigEp resident adviser Joseph to listen to [the Alumni Board's] In mid-February, Bradford Dougherty approached him advising threats, their bluffs, or their attempts received a summons to appear in him to move out immediately fol- to intimidate me," Bradford said. court on Mar. 4 after not vacating lowing the second judge's ruling. " The massive reorganization of his room located in SigEp's annex "It did not matter what the judge GARRY R. MASKALY-THE TECH the local SigEp chapter, which left at 515 Beacon St. despite the Notice said, if I did not move out by the Thomas D. Chen G is hooded by Professor Anne M. Mayes '86 only 11 members living in the house to Quit. weekend, they would hire a lock- and Chancellor Lawrence S. Bacow '72 as part of Thursday's at 518 Beacon St., began after an A series of clerical errors smith, break into my room and •• Investiture of Doctoral Degree Hoods ceremony. incident in which a representative delayed the hearing past spring from SigEp national caught SigEp break, the first of which was a miss- Bradford, Page 26 r. President Emeritus Howard Comics A website created by the Class of World & Nation 2 ,~ Johnson speaks about leading 1999 to help students trade and Opinion .4 MIT through turbulent times. sell extra Commencement tick- Features 6 ets is shut down by the Institute. Arts 8 Police Log 28 Page 20 Page 17 Page 24 Sports 29 Page 2 THE TECH June 4, 1999 ______________________________________________________WORLD & NATION -------------------4 American Airlines Pilots Received Yugoslavia Yields to NATO's · Weather Updates Before Crash U JS A,\'(;ULS rt.\If:S LITTLE ROCK. ARK, Demands in Kosovo Conflict .. Air-traffic controllers gave the pilots of Flight 1420 detailed, regu- larly updated information about the dangerous weather in the By Daniel Williams the European Union, and Viktor would stop its air campaign. moments before the American Airlines jetliner crashed here, the Till:' U'ASIIINGTON POST Chernomyrdin, Russia's special "NATO intends to continue the. National Transportation Safety Board said Thursday. BELGRADE Balkans envoy. air strikes until Milosevic and the NTSB investigators are attempting to determine why - despite Yugoslavia on Thursday accept- The two envoys on Wednesday government of Yugoslavia convinc- being told that a gusty hailstorm was about to strike Little Rock ed an international peace plan for presented to Milosevic the proposed ingly demonstrate that the fighting National Airport - Capt. Richard Buschmann went ahead with his ending the conflict in Kosovo, bow- peace settlement, which they had is over, that Serb forces are with-- decision to land. Such decisions always are the responsibility of the ing to NATO demands for the with- agreed to in talks in Germany this drawing, and that a NATO-led force pilot in command. drawal of all army and police forces week with Deputy Secreta.ry of can enter Kosovo to provide the As the Super MD-80 landed late Tuesday night, it careened out of and the deployment of a NATO- State Strobe Talbott. The plan was security that the refugees need to" control. veering right and then left before skidding off the runway, dominated peacekeeping force in an accepted without objections return to their homes," Cohen said. smashing into a light standard and bursting into flames. apparent capitulation that could halt Thursday by the Yugoslav federal "At this point, not a single Serb sol- Nine of the 145 people on board died in the crash - among them 10 weeks of allied bombing. government and the Serbian parlia- dier has withdrawn from Kosovo, Buschmann, a highly respected veteran pilot who had logged more President Clinton and other ment, which approved it by a vote of and we have to keep that in mind as.. than 9,000 hours in the cockpit. Over 80 other people were injured. NATO leaders reacted cautiously to 136 to 74. Kosovo is a province of we view the workings of today." Investigators theorize that the jetliner was struck by a powerful the agreement, saying it represented Serbia, the dominant republic in the Cohen said a "military-to-mili- gust of wind - possibly as high as 87 mph - just as the plane the beginning of a peace process, Yugoslav federation.
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