TgnSerNg, 6(479) National l{ighway AuthoritY [nifi.rorvri$r.rAvs REQIJESTFOR PROPOSAL I CoxsuLTAI\cY SERvTcES FOR DNTEILED DUSTCI\Ai\D COTVSTRUCTIOI\ SUpnnvISIOt\FOR WTnENII\G' IvrpnOVEMExr & RNSEBILITATIOI\ OF REMAII\II\G PONTION OF I{rrroNAL HrcswAY N-25rx KeneRo- Wenn SncrroNFRoM Ku 222ro KM 3L8(L8'258 Ku) (Aage1to 188) JaNuanv,2At9 Tableof Contents Sr. # Description 1. Letter of Invitation (LOI) (iD I Instructionsto Consultants(Annex A) 01 3. Data Sheet(Annex B) 09 4. TechnicalProposal X'orms 20 f,. FinancialProposal Forms 36 6. AppendixA (Termsof Reference) 48 1 Appendix B (Person-Monthsand Activity Schedule) 134 8. AppendixC (Client'sRequirements from the Consultants) 135 9. AppendixD (Personnel,Equipment, Facilities, and 136 other servicesto be providedby the Client) 10. AppendixE (Copyof Model Agreement) t37 GOVERNMENT OF' PAKISTAN NATIONAL HIGHWAY AUTHORITY 28-MauveArea, G-gllrPostBox No. 1205' ISLAMABAD Datedthe Ref No. LETTER OF INVITATION To' All consultants Gentlemen! We extendwarm welcometo you and invite you to participatein this project. We hopethat you will live up to your reputationand provide us accurateinformation so that the evaluationis carriedout "just andtransparent". Please understand that the contentsof this RFP, whereapplicable, shall be deemedpart of the contractagreement. An exampleto this affectcan be the contentsof your work plan and methodologywhich you shall be submittingin your TechnicalProposal. Since that is the basisof the selection,therefore, it shall becomepart of the contractagreement subject to approval/revisionsof the sameby NHA during the negotiations. Similarly, all otherservices and the contentcontributing to servicesshall be deemedpart of the contractagreement unless it is specificallymentioned for any particularitem up-front in your TechnicalProposal which obviouslywill makeyour Proposala conditionalproposal whereby, authorizingNHA to may or may not considerto evaluateyour Proposal.Please understand that if no such mention appearsup-front (i.e. on front page of TechnicalProposal) then it shall be deemedthat the consultantis in 100%agreement to the above.You are also advisedto kindly readthe RFPthoroughly as it candrastically affect the price structurefor variousservices which may not be appearingdirectly in the terms of reference.In the end, we appreciateyour participationand hope that you will feeda goodproposal to merit considerationby NHA. 5. L.Z and Disqualifi cation/ Rejection/ lo osing marks/ Penalty. However. the Client at its own discretion reservesthe right to EITHER seek clarification on non- OR not Financial (which shall be kept unopenedtill complete evaluation of Technical Proposals).No alteration in ls shall be made except during the negotiationssubiect to ConsultancyServices Regulations 2010 as notified by PublicProcurement Regulatory Authority. GeneralManager (P&CA) Telephone: +92-51 -90327 27, Fax:+92-51-9260419 E-mail: gmpca.nha@gmail. com, Website:www.nha. gov.pk ATTACHMENTS Instructions to Consultants(Annex A) Data Sheet(Annex B) Technical ProposalForms Financial ProposalForms Appendix A (Terms of Reference) Appendix B (Person-Monthsand Activity Schedule) Appendix C (Client's Requirementsfrom the Consultants) Appendix D (Personnel,Equipment, Facilities, and other services to be provided by the Client). 9. Appendix E (Copy of Model Agreement) Annex A TNSTRUCTIONS TO CONSULTANTS l. GENERAL 1.1 Desiring consultants are invited to submit a technical and a financial proposal for consulting servicesrequired for the assignmentnamed in the attachedData Sheet (Annex B). The proposals could form the basis for future negotiations and ultimately a Contract betweenthe selectedConsultant and the Client named in the Data Sheet. t.2 A brief description of the assignmentand its objectives are given in the Data Sheetwhich are elaboratedin Appendix A (Terms of Reference)to this RFP. 1.3 The assignment shall be implemented in accordancewith the phasing indicated in the Data Sheet. (When the assignmentincludes several phases,continuation of services for the next phase shall be subject to satisfactory performance of the previous phase, as determinedby the Client). r.4 The Client G\fHA) has been entrusted the duty to implement the Project as Executing Agency by GOP and funds for the project have been approvedand provided in the budget for utilization towards the cost of the assignment,and the Client intends to apply part of the funds to eligible paymentsunder the Contract for which this LOI is issued. 1.5 To obtain first-hand information on the assignmentand on the local conditions, you are encouragedto pay a visit to the Client before submitting a proposal and attend a pre- proposal conference if specified in the Data Sheet. Your representativeshall meet the official named in the Data Sheet.Please ensure that the official is advised of the visit in advance to allow adequatetime for him to make appropriate arrangements.You must fully inform yourself of local conditions and take them into account in preparing your proposal. 1.6 The Client shall provide the inputs specified in the Data Sheet, assistthe Consultantsin obtaining licenses and permits needed to carry out the setvices, and make available relevant project data and reports. t.7 It is notified that: The cost of preparing the proposal and of negotiating the Contract, including visit to the Client, are not reimbursableas a direct cost of the Assignment,and ii. The Client is not bound to acceptany or all of the proposalssubmitted. 1,8 An invitation to submit proposals has been sent to the firms as listed/statedin the Data Sheet. 1.9 Conflict of Interest The Consultantis required to provide professional,objective, and impartial advice, at all times holding the Client's interests paramount, strictly avoiding conflicts with other assignmentsor its own corporate interests, and acting without any consideration for future work. /xu'rllt 1 PaeeI of188 The Consultanthas an obligation to discloseto the Client any situation of actual or potentialconflict that impactsits capacityto servethe bestinterest of its Client.Failure to disclose such situationsmay lead to the disqualificationof the Consultantor the terminationof its Contrac|andl or debarringby the Client. Without limitation on the generalityof the foregoing,and unlessstated otherwise in the Data Sheet.the Consultantshall not be hired underthe circumstancesset forth below: Conflictingactivities Conflict betweenconsulting activities and procurementof goods.works or non- consultingservices: a firm that hasbeen engaged by the Client to providegoods, works, or non-consultingservices for a project,or any of its Affiliates, shall be disqualifiedfrom providing consultingservices resulting from or directly related to those goods,works, or non-consultingservices. Conversely, a firm hired to provideconsulting services for the preparationor implementationof a project,or any of its Affiliates, shall be disqualifiedfrom subsequentlyproviding goodsor works or non-consultingservices resulting from or directly related to the consultingservices for suchpreparation or implementation. b. Conflictingassignments Conflict amongconsulting assignments: a Consultant(including its Expertsand SpecialistSub-consultants) or any of its Affrliates shall not be hired for any assignmentthat, by its nature,may be in conflict with anotherassignment of the Consultantfor the Client, c. Conflictingrelationships Relationshipwith the Client's staff: a Consultant(including its Experts and SpecialistSub-consultants) that hasa closebusiness or family relationshipwith a professionalstaff of the Client,who aredirectly or indirectlyinvolved in anypart of (i) the preparationof the Terms of Referencefor the assignment,(ii) the selectionprocess for the Contract,or (iii) the supervisionof the Contract,may not be awardeda Contract,unless the conflict stemmingfrom this relationshiphas been resolvedin a manner acceptableto the Client throughoutthe selection processand the executionof the Contract. d. Any othertypes of conflictingrelationships as indicated in the Data Sheet. 1.10 A firm may submitits proposalfor the Assignmenteither as an independentConsultant or as a Memberof a JV Consultantsbut participationof a firm occurringin more than oneproposal for the Assignmentis not allowed.In casea firm participatesin morethan one proposal,all such proposalsshall be disqualified and rejected. However,this conditiondoes not applyfor individualSpecialist Sub-consultant(s). 2. DOCUMENTS 2.1 To preparea proposal,please use the attachedForms/Documents listed in theData Sheet. Page2of 188 2.2 Consultantsrequiring a clarifrcatronof the Documentsmust notify the Client,in writing, not later than Fourteen(14) daysbefore the proposalsubmission date. Any requestfor clarificationin writing, or by cable,telex or tele-faxshall be sentto the Client's address indicatedin the Data Sheet. The Client shall respondby cable,telex or telefax to such requestsand copies of the responseshall be sentto all invited consultants. 2.5 At any time beforethe submissionof proposals,the Client may, for any reason,whether at its own initiative or in responseto a clarificationrequested by an invited consulting firm, modifu the Documentsby amendment.The amendmentshall be sentin writing or by cable,telex or telefaxto all invited consultingfirms andwill be bindingon them.The Client mayat its discretionextend the deadlinesfor the submissionof proposals. PREPARATION OF PROPOSAL Desiring consultantswill submit a Technicaland a Proposal.The proposals shallbe written in Englishlanguage.
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