Children of Mary dtiUty Ahnoaiice ttiilii^of SocitiL atnet» Is ^ n o r Guest an. Tha cook- ^ dlaeuaalon of the Inddenta The oommittoa-ln hharga «( tim ■, aanmng,,. and ator- PupUa of tka Manche^r Hl^J WBidaiu will be bald tonight at Shower Parly ISth Mother and Daughter party oogaUblM and achoOl will end theii^ ke&xtl teem Kritldi occurred during the laat air td be held by the C^kUdNa of M ^ tkia yaar on June w,. ono week raid taet Ih town Waa held laat SodaUty met laat evening to forin-j Mta. W. O. Crawldrtt ot, Acad- night with all tha local precitict Friends of Mias Alyne Gertrude eartiar than wm plajmed adien the Gardner of 60 West Onter atroet Ulate preliminary plans for tlih of- t win «wak Bchool Bchedule waa accepted laat wardens in attendance. ^ fair. ' ■ / w ___ Day” tfia ayenfimAt held the honored her with another mlscel- September when It waa plann^ The Ikpeoua ahowor. The affair waa This anhaul party Is scheduled | : o'clock in tko nreninrinc clone the aohool on June 17. Municipal Building with q uef Air given by her aiater-in-law, Mrs. for the jnm ing of May 11 In St. ^uircli. Aa la tka Thla haa been made poaaible by Raid Warden Thomas/W eir in Jamesa fjchool hall. The next auulraraary at l#tin-Anierl- ahortenlny the vacation pefioda of choree. 'y Francis R. Gardner of 129 Olen- meeting of the conunittee will I'ooaatrlaW m t odnfamco la tile different terma. ' The method of alertihg upon the wood street at the home of her h e ld a t S t James's Convent /on y C Q n d I l a y iM utaa, D. C.. tka TenyvlUe To Aid On Farma receipt of the Yellow Signal was mother-in-law, Mrs. Ruth Gardner and attended by relativea iday, AprU 27 at 8:00 p. ri .a u iA dnb, which la a jnetabec Tkia win make it poaaibla for alao'dlacuaaed. CeaamfMee ' / tka OHiMCtlenC Fadatatloa of the bupila to enter employment Moettaii Tomght friends. Th e decorations consisted ^ tA x u X I’M dnha, Inaltad Mra. Craw- early tn jfune and will alao help ] A mooting t)f all local air fald of yellow and grOen crepe pap^ Miss Mary RelUy U ctmfamaa of | Rfd^ Are Made Btate Ouilnnan on Interna-1 out 'on tiie farma in thia aecttm tho High Ifohool hall at 2:00 p.hk. and balloons. the committee and Mias BJanche Strongly • Entrenched K e^ Is Laid y I IMationa, to addreaa them (which a r a ^ d ly in need of help Wardens who have not aa yet had The bride^Iect unwrapped Heffron is co-chairman. They are’ ■t. «■ thla anUeet ^ at thia UmeSlt will aUow them^ to their i^urea taken are aalu^ to beautiful and varied it of beliig assisted by Uie . Rdlowlng Ocenpi^ Coast After ■ a' ----- — help in the hh ^eatln* rf ^ be at/the hall between 7:00 and gifts, seated under baU< from members of the Sodality:. Gertruda | On Assembly Japan^ Now Within American. Plwcn Opo^ ^ The Women'a l>aciw win have |atrawberrlea.'Alwdy m^lM in w 8i00/pjn. nt which time a'repre- which confetti woe rel( over CampbeU, -Anne Waahklowlch, Leaving Large - F^res SOeMiles of CHl Ar«a; T ire to ‘ tTM«T meeUnc at tka Second high achool reaidihf in B o l^ am iva of the Elite Studio wUl her head. Nadine SulUvan, Jennie Dejorio, | . ating from AustnUia. 1 A feature of the b< at lunch- Josephine SmachetU, Betty Buck- Burning in Ruhr Val­ ' CbMPtagaUonal church tomorrow being diamlaaed « \th e **2!*.^* present Line. * Vessel Hard - Fighting Chi­ " Hit Nipponese, Baaes '^ m l O a jn on. to do C roaaL^ nfth period to help on the ‘The Bombing of London,” eon wfam a bandaomely decorated ley, Rutiunary Wlrtalla, ley During Night. S m all P a rt ^^-r iiock. Ihoae unable to attend in I fan'arma. \ moving pictur. which baa been wedding cake. 'Tivnan,' Remlce Merenino, nese Forced td"^Give And SUpping at^ Ma-. \Jh a «T««^g are urged to be Vaeatiaa Peitod' highly acclmnwO. by all who have , Miob Gardner wiU become the garai Hurley, Della Moaaer, Ida I Firet Freighter to Re The next vacation period at the witnwned I t wm 'be ahown to the bride of Wimsm B. Moahler. Composeo, Mary BoUnaky. Mary IxHidon, April 16.—(A*)— Ground / on Sittang O f R ubber nila, Cebu, Davao, Ba- ' In the afternoon. Mancheater High adiod will be formerly of thla town at a nine Stamler, Irene Lojeakle, Chttherlne I wardens tonight The hord-hitting R.A.F. be­ Buiit ^ \oith Factory River Front; BriUsh tangas; Vesflelfl, D odu cut three daya. Tha elementary Tha public la Invited to a meet­ o'clock ceremony Saturday in S t Barrett Rena Falcetta, Sophie | . Mkjor and Mira. Ralph A. Y ^ang acboda will be .clooed the entire James's ehilreh. Falkowaki, Lorratto Chapman, [ gan ita second 24 hours of a Methods is Started M goo Mapla atreat. have bought ing toenortvw evening a t the Hol­ non-^p air offensive™ over Holdhig pQsitioiM in Ford Engineers Develop And Aircraft Are week of April 27 and will reopen lister street achool at which time Carol Hansen,. Maty SuUivsn. - ------ la Springfield. Maaa.. at on May 4. but the High achooI Acne Donahue, Mary p'Neil and) the I^ntinent today with Today in Vancouver. Tanngdidngyi Sec^n. n atreat. and are planning Bkidia Abrahamoon and hla Oom- Mias Haefs mtUated Ih the A m y the pleura, ’The Bombing of Lon­ HaUett N. N<»ituui of Gakland Process of Treating stroyed During pupila #1U not be granted the street who conducts the Artadla Theresa Buckley. raids against the stro^Iy-en- rtbera on April SI. M ^r time off. They wlU attend mandera (above) will be the fea­ Manchester Nurse Nursing corps' laat^ August and don'* WiU bo ohoWn for their bene­ yFabric So One Six­ waa stationed a t the Walter Reed fit There will be no admiaaton diner, is a piktient at the Memorial -Voarauver, Wash., April I8— New Delhi, India, April 16. ^haa boon la ^ Ordnance ■chool on A i^l 27. 2g and 29 and tured orcheatra at the Slat annual trench^ occupied coast after BuDetin! ^ February of wiU hava April 30 and May 1 for Arrives Overseas H o^taL Washington, D. C., prior charge, but cblldren under 10 must -hospital foe treatment and a proh- RGiid Herald AdvR* leaving “very large” fires >rTbe ahlpbuUdete’ dream—ao- —(ff)—D ^pite fierce fighting teenth Only Needed. Touag waa the former their vacatiem and wUl return to Maaoalc Ball, which will be held to her departure for foreign aen^ be accompanied by their parents. abla operation. ' ssmbly Uqe production—^bsgan Woshingtim, AptH Curran of tkia at tha Maaonic Temple on Eaat Ice. • bum i^ in the Ruhr volley. along the entire Burmese —Gen. D oog^ MaeArthar to . ockool on Mgy 4 with the elemen­ The daylight attacks were i here today.'^ Detroit, AprU 18.—(AV-The Ford ■fboy 'have two riiildren, Center atrUet Friday evening. Lleutenaht Haefs la a graduate front, British and Chinese in fiopKnie tM hnaid of tha tary pupila For the paat two years, the Word hiia been received by lo­ In tha wake of blasting rmlds on "Keep ’em roBlng” became a ifotor Company, it was learned ' Oan BarcUy. cal relativeh^-^of the safe arrival of ManchMter High achobl and of I trnoin hflve been - forced to Unitm Nfitloas foreaa in. tlw Commanders have played a t the the Ruhr by a v er/ heavy fores of rhipyerd war ery for the first today, hss^developed on sutomo- Mouhtaln Laurel and prevtous ' to In Australia bf Lieutenant Olga the HaHford Hoepltal Training { powerful night- bombors and an fsH back before the relentless •outhwsstcni Pacific, indai- ttm BrotkarhoodNrf Bmaaual O. Haefs of igS High street Schohi for Nursea day attacks igalnat occupied Eu­ ttoke oa Kaiser Company, Inc., laid pounding of the Japanese bUj tire using only s fraction of that, at the Hotel Kimball in | tho keel at the first of a float of ing naval power, it was reU- , ^ottwraa dmrek will neat Thura- 1 Soldiers Here Springlleld.- They have also play­ rope yesterday; ' who now are within 80 miles the amount of rubber needed for r^Say evening of tkia wadM aat^ 1 Liberty fieightore in the first eom- ti i conventional tire. efktcd here today, bat at the ed for many varioua fraternities, | \ Target ter Six Nights of the Burma oil area, the >Mt tooiglit beoauae Of tke ^ d a t lodges, cluba, boapitala and Junior | 4 . The gigantic Industrial target la plstod way at a irew 817,000,000 Ford engtnfere who have been nne time offid^ qaarten. ■Mart tonight a t tka ehnrch. Thank Public .\- plant on the Columbia river. British announced today. The experimenting with the hew tiire leaguea. ST. JAMES’S^CHOOL HALL / the Ruhr, where most of the Gev- It took *nbe kid" of the busl- Japanese have occupied toe town said hto authority had never According to William Anderson, | msn heavy ihdustrles are concen­ since toe rubber ahoitage forced ; v Mro. Mabal BOnghtoa of Malnl PARKSTBEET nees—S3-yeatH4d Edgar F. Kai­ of Migyaungye, on the .Irrawaddy been fomnOy accepted hy who la secretary and treaitiirer of trated, haa been under a hall of river 30 miles from ths oil ores, rationing Cf oil stocks of stindsrd .'Iboot, who haa boon U at the Ife- lendid^ Response.
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