AtrtmKc Daily Net PrcM Ron For the Weok lAdoil The WMthw Nmr. l a t , IM S Fereeaot of 0 . B. Weatlim tlaroaq aoudy. not oo cold tonight, how 12,819 ia 46a. Bhowera Sunday, hOMMiliig Meoahot of the Audit Boroau of dreolatton clear, cooler In aftenMxm.. -'f i^ Manche$ier-^A Ci^ of Village Ckarnd near M. (TEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1&58 (ClaoOtfled AdTortlatBf ea Pago 6) \ PRICE FIVE CENTS ~ ~ Ike Awaited Assembly Held West Hopes Soviet Set to Restore Fos? p in t on Witt Renew N-Ban Insurance Tax Aid to Asia M. HIGHTOWER • Dulle* told hU news conference Harftord, Nov. 8 (/P)—The IT 'S H By SPBNCBR DA318 iii|fton, Nov. 8 (JP)— he did not know hov: long the 195i9 Democratic - controlled Seattle, Nov. 8 (/P)—An air United States would wait before legislature may act to re- U.S. officuls eicpressed hope risking a decision on whether to of expectancy settled over the today that Russia vwnild yield instate the insurance tax resume tertlng. Colombo PlaR conference to- to American apd United-Na- which ■was repealed two years He said 'his ivculd depend on a Third day., as arriving delegation tions urging and Suspend ago in what Governor Ribi- Misfires number of considerations, sucl. as coff tabbed as "one of the leaders indicated a boost in further nuclear weapons tests a determination by th. Defense Department: an^ the AEC of the rawest giveaway programs” economic aid may be extended pending outcome of negotia- by the (West to hard-pressed tions on an enforceable test need for further l I S . testing, in state history. Asian nations. ban. ^ ■ . While saying they wefe not re- state Cap.tol observers saw suming tests at least for now, the this as a distinct possibility today A good part of the expectations Some authorities U(ought,^ It were aroused by the scheduled ap- might 1)6 signifleant that the fast American and British govern- npiy that the Democrats will have Rocket Attains Only pearance here next Monday 'of reported Soviet nuclear explosion ment* took the pqsitio. that the the voting power this time over President Eisenhower to address waa Nov. 3. the day before the Soviet Ihots had freed them from a (natter *o bitterly denounced the opening session of the Colombo U.N. Assembly '''pted a resolu- their self-imposed obligation to by party leaders Itr the 1957 ses- Ministers’ meeting. tion calling for stiapensloa.;of test*' suspend auch tests for a year. sion. 1.000 Miles in Space- His welcoming message was during the Geneva negotiations. First Russian reaction to Eisen- Another factor which could cat. keenly awaited as an indication of Other officlai.® ssid there was no hower’s statement cam from the apault the issue Into a red hot real way of telling what the Rus- news agency Tass,. WIthoiit giving political battle next .year ia the U.S. policies toward the underde- By 5 EBN HAUOHLAND veloped nations in the coming sian government will do about the details of Ei.senhower’s statement, problem of find ng ertpugh state year. Issue in the next few days. Tass said "it appears . that the revenue to support the expected Cape Canaveral, Fla., Nov. 8 ()P)—'Fhe'Air Force launched Both President Elsenhower and U.S. government la getting ready heavier state aperdirg for the Secretary of State Dulles, head- it® third moon rocket early today hut failed to get it into ing a strong U.S. delegation, which .Secretary of State Dulles have to continue nuclear tests despite 1959-61 period. Outer Space when its third stafte rhisfired. Includes high treasury, and state held open the possibility of a be- its pronllse to suspend them for OOP Upsets R ibicort Y’eto . department officials, is'arriving lated Soviet agreement to a tem- one year ..." Governor Rib'eoff. who made It rose only about 1,000 miles—only a fraction of the porary cessation of testing. Sunday to preside over the 4-day Dulles also told his news con- blistering attacks on the repeal 220.000 mile distance to the moon. minlaterial meeting. In an evident move to put pres- ference he thought some progress measure only to have the 1957 The 52-ton rocket took off in peifect form at 2:30 a.m. Allan Noble, Britain’s Minister sure on the Moscow government, was being made in Ea.st-West ef- (30P-controlted legislature over- Ia;s.s than JO minutes later, the Air Force reported that of State for foreign affairs, ar- D<<lles said yesterday Russia faces forts to do something about ride his veto, expressed concern the condemnation, of world public st that time o\'er state revenue all the riKket’s three main stages had fired. It said the rived last night to head his coun- dl.sarmament. However, he .said "I try’s delegation. He said the Co- opinion ’ for persisting in nuclear admit that it has been made at loss. launchinK “ha.® now been accomplished.” lombo Plan has brought a "dyna- test explosions after the Geneva what you might call a snail's He said the step-by-step annual Hilt within a few minutes a radio test showed that the mic and highly productive adven- talks opened a week ago yester- pace." reduction and eventual repeal by third stage failt'd tn ignite. ture in partnership” between the day. 1956 would cost the state over The Secretary said he attaches 614 million. In Washington, a spoke.<man for the National Aeronautics Industrially-Advanced Western na- The Atomic Energy Commission vety great importance to negotia- announced earlier yesterday that The basic tax in question is and ,S|)Hce Administration sajd "At this time we don’t know tions and the countries of South tions starting in Geneva next .Mon- wliy the third stage did .not fire.” and Southeast Asia. the Russians had llred two test day betw'een panels of Western the Atate tax on Inleiesl and div- idend of Connecticut chartered NASA BcientiJitR studied datH*------------------------ - Noble said that founders of the shots, one on Nov. 1 and the other and Communist bloc milliaiy ex- plan meeting in Colombo, Ceylon, on Nov. 3. insurance companies. The rate obtnlne<l from tracking elttiuns perts and scientists on ways of and announced about kifro hours in 1950, sought a flexible, adapt- Weet to Continne Ban preventing surprise atlaik with stood at 6 'i per cent in 1945 and able and informal framework to nuclear weapons. was given a step-by-step reduction after the launching that the rock- Man Relents At the same time Eisenhower et reached an altUpde of about L- encourage economic development announced the United States and until It reached 2'j, per cent In At United Nations, word that 1997. 000 miles before falling back into in southeast Asia. Britain would continue with their Russia has llred two new nuclear "In the few short years that fol- The controversial legislation the Earth’a atpibsphere. After Threats self-imposed temporary test ban, test shots touched off spbculstimi The agency said it entered the lowed the vision of the founders at least for the tim: being. He today that the disarmabiFnt issue pushed through two years ago by has been fulfilled to • remarkable added “we hope' that the Soviet the GOU continued the reduction atmosphere over east Central will soon land back in the General Africa - about 7„500 miles from To Kill Infant extent," he said. Union will also do so.” A*sembl.v's Isp. and provided the levy would be en- Preliminary reports of economic tl.’-ely eliminated by 1965. Cape Canaveral - and burned up conditions la the area indicate that Connecticut insurance companies due to air friction. New Haven, Nov. R i.Ti- A 23- while progrMi has been made, all favored the repeal of the levy Two more lunar probes have year-old man carried an Infant of the Asjili nations have been which tbe.v said waa ’’disciimin- been authorized, lioth as Armv girl Into a muddy river last night tmder heavy strain caused by bad atory" to Connecticut companies, projects. The initial Army at- ami threatened to kill her with a weather, rwJiiced crops, declining Last 4 Nevada Shots since no other state imposes such tempts may be made in the first pair of scissors If anyone tried to prices for their major export com- a tax on Its companies. week in December, although there take the ehild from him. modities and the flow of capital to The companies further claim the has been no official announcement Hundieda of spexlators watched Britain and West Germany. L-vy constituates "double taxation" In this regard. the rlvcr-fronl drama for about 30 British sources said that more since it ia imposed on top of regu- A possible portent of trouble for minutes before the man returned British credit will be made avail- Big Land Mover Aid the Air Force moon rocket the baby to her grandmother. She able for private investment In In- (CbnUnued on Page Three) dubbed Pioneer II came when its was unhurt. dia, Pakistan, Ceylon, Malaya and planned firing early ^yesterday ........... The child’s captor waa commit- Singapore during the coming year. By RENNIE TAYIAJR ^'Rainier explosion had been set at a ivas postponed 25 hours becaii.-ie of !I*’* Uortnecticut In addition, Canada has promis- (AP Science Writer) scale depth of 670 feet. It yielded technical trouble. Slate Hospital at Middletown. ed to step up Its economic assist- Berkeley, Calif., Nov. 8 (/P) The Information.
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