A New Haven Tradition since 1892 bulletin March 2008 Adar Rishon / Adar Sheni 5768 Vol. 14 Issue 3 Kosher Wine-tasting Seminary Shabbat Page 6 Page 13 Purim at BEKI Be Happy It’s Adar Taanit Esther marks the serious side of the holiday. While on Purim we joyously Shushan celebrate the failure of the plot and mock :the racism of its hatchers, on the Fast of Purim Ball משנכנס אדר מרבים בשמחה Esther we fast and pray that we will bring Mishenikhnas Adar marbim besimha Come as You the world to an era that does not know — When Adar begins, joy increases. the threat of genocide. The Fast of Esther are Not Talmud Eruvin 29a begins at dawn (5:32 a.m.) March 20. The You’re invited to an adults-only Thursday shaharit morning service is from Shushan Purim Costume Party, 8:15 to 9, and includes “Avinu Malkenu Fast of Esther Saturday, March 22, 9 p.m. to The holiday of Purim commemorates the — Our Father, Our King,” as on Yom Kip- midnight. Experience BEKI as you’ve failure of a genocidal plot against the Jews pur. No food or drink is consumed. The never seen it before! The evening will in the Persian Kingdom over twenty cen- Fast of Esther is a minor observance, and include live entertainment (you wanted turies ago. The dramatic (and some would therefore those with any significant medi- dead entertainment?), foolishness and say comic) story is told in the Biblical Book cal contraindication should not undertake fun, dancing, plenty of food and drink, of Esther, which is read on the night and the fast. The minha afternoon is at a special and a costume contest. morning of the time, from 7 to 7:20 p.m. The holiday. fast ends at 7:36 p.m., or when In costume or fancy dress: Taanit Esther the person observing the fast $18 per person. (The Fast of eats, whichever comes first. In everyday clothing: $30 per person. Esther) is Megilla Readings observed the Entirely naked: The Megilla (Scroll of day before Sorry, not at BEKI — try the Yale Rep. Esther) is read during the eve- Purim, which ning service, which begins at To reserve you place contact Peggy at is Thursday, 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, March 389-2108 x14 or at [email protected]. March 20. Continued on Page 3 BEKI Bulletin November 007 BEKI Bulletin The newsletter is published monthly by Congregation Beth El-Keser Israel for the benefit of its members. Congregation Beth El-Keser Israel is affiliated with the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism. To contribute articles or for inquiries regarding membership: • Call the Synagogue office: (203) 389-2108 • Write: 85 Harrison Street, New Haven, CT 06515-1724 • Email: [email protected] • Visit our web page: www.beki.org For information about advertising, call the synagogue office. Deadline for submission of ads or articles is the first of the month preceding publication. Annual subscription is $36 BEKI Bulletin © 2008 Congregation Beth El-Keser Israel. A Message from Rabbi Tilsen & Dear Rabbi © 2008 Jon-Jay Tilsen. All rights reserved. Editor Rabbi Jon-Jay Tilsen Associate Editor Donna Levine Associate Editor Donna Kemper Associate Editor Herbert Winer Circulation Manager Saul Bell Photographer Charles Ludwig New: Kulanu Discussion Group Shabbat, March 15 and 29 For information contact Dr. Lauren Kempton at [email protected] or 389-2108 x33. Greater New Haven County Real Estate Call the EXPERT! Mark Levine 203.795.2483 203.795.6000 Office [email protected] REALTOR Call TODAY for your free market evaluation! BEKI Bulletin March 2008 Visit us at www.beki.org News Purim continued from Page 1 20, and then again during explosives or blackboards the morning service, which as noisemakers is no longer begins at 7 a.m. on Friday, permitted at BEKI. Please keep March 21. hands and feet within the sanc- Hearing the reading of tuary until the service comes to the Megilla (or reading it a complete stop. oneself) is a Biblical com- Please do not bring firearms, mandment (mitzva). Other explosive devices or weapons, Purim mitzvot (religious or any toy that resembles any imperatives) include send- form of weapon (these will be ing food gifts to a neighbor, confiscated at the door — we alms for the poor and a feast mean it). In accordance with re- on Purim day. Children are vised FAA regulations, box cut- reminded to keep their adults ters, toenail clippers, tweezers, from talking or making too eyeglass repair screwdrivers, much ruckus during the ac- can openers and plastic knives tual Megilla reading at BEKI. are again permitted. Absolutely If the congregation makes too no weapons of mass destruction much noise during the read- are permitted in the sanctuary ing, we will have to start over during the service; this applies to insure that everyone hears on Purim as well as year-round. each word. During the morning reading, Groggers (noisemakers) when some participants may will be available so that no be groggier than usual due to one will have to hear the late drinking or the early hour, name of the Purim story’s groggers are limited to 4 deci- villain reverberate though our bels (equivalent to the sound of sacred halls on our sacred a marshmallow dropped on a cinderblocks. The use of pillow from 18cm). internal combustion engines, BEKI / BJ USY Spring 2008 Calendar March 23 – Broomball * April 4-6 – Regional Spring Convention * # April 13 – Chocolate Seder * May 18 – Final Regional Event – Six Flags * # May 30-June 1 – Inter-Chapter Shabbaton * # June 8 – Beach Day / Beach Bonfire / Elections * # * 8th graders welcome # Members-only event Visit us at www.beki.org BEKI March 2008 News Sunday Brunch to Explore Controversial Immigration Issues Dr. Stephen Steinlight, senior policy persistence of chattel slavery and global field. Before joining NCCJ, he served for analyst at the Center for Immigration trafficking in human slaves. For eight three years as Director of Education at the Studies (CIS) in Washington, DC, will years he was National Affairs Director United States Holocaust Memorial Coun- be the next brunch speaker at BEKI on and Senior Fellow at the American Jewish cil, the body that oversaw the development March 9, at 9:45 a.m. in the Downstairs Committee (AJC), where he was respon- of the United States Holocaust Memo- Social Hall. His topic sible for the organization’s rial Museum. Dr. Steinlight was also the will be “Immigration ambitious public policy co-creator of the “Remember the Children Policy: what it means for agenda, focusing on such Exhibition” at the Museum. America and America’s areas as First Amendment After completing his Ph.D. in English Jews.” issues, civil rights, immigra- literature, Dr. Steinlight was for 16 years Dr. Steinlight has tion, and social policy, and a professor of English with a specializa- spoken widely on immi- he directed its intergroup tion in Victorian Studies. He has also been gration and immigration relations, particularly with a Fellow of the National Endowment for policy and has testified communities of color. At the Humanities. He was a Fellow of the before the Judiciary AJC he founded and served Institute on Polish-Jewish Relations at Committee of the House as co-editor of common- the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, of Representatives. He Quest: The Magazine of Poland. He is also an Associate Fellow of has written on the impact Black-Jewish Relations, Timothy Dwight College, Yale Univer- of mass immigration on co-sponsored by Howard sity. He was selected by the United States the status and politi- Stephen Steinlight University. He was chief Institute of Peace and the Soros Open cal power of American investigator for a major grant Society Institute to be a member of a team Jewry, and his articles have appeared in exploring charitable choice that resulted in of conflict-resolution and civil society such publications as the Forward, the New the publication In Good Faith: A Dialogue experts, religious scholars, and scholars on York Jewish Week and Boston’s Jewish on Government Funding of Faith-Based Islam sent to Macedonia to maintain the Advocate. The organization for which Social Services. ceasefire in that nation’s civil war. he works supports immigration at lower Before his years at AJC, Dr. Steinlight Dr. Steinlight is co-author of two than current levels, advocates the patriotic was Vice President for Programs at the books: Fractious Nation? Unity and assimilation of immigrants, and believes National Conference of Christians and Division in Contemporary American Life in protecting American sovereignty and Jews (NCCJ) where he coordinated the (UC-Berkeley Press, 2003), and Children upholding the rule of law. first global interreligious dialogues involv- of Abraham (K’TAV 2002), an introduc- Prior to joining CIS, Steve was execu- ing Muslim scholars and directed Taking tion to Islam and Islamism (with the noted tive director of the American Anti-Slavery America’s Pulse: A Survey of Intergroup dissident scholar Khalid Durán). Steve is Group, a Boston-based abolitionist group Attitudes in the United States, a study also Gila Reinstein’s brother. that seeks to inform the public about the that has become a seminal work in the Friendly Face? welcome guests, direct visitors, and assist Fraade at 397-9430 or steven.fraade@ If you might like to serve as a “Greet- those with special needs, please contact yale.edu, or Rabbi Tilsen at 389-2108 er” on a Shabbat or Festival morning, to Ritual Committee Chairperson Steven x10 or [email protected]. BEKI Bulletin March 2008 Visit us at www.beki.org Thinking Florida? Think Indian Sp ring Co untry Club ! The Perfect Spot to Retire, Vacation or Get Away for the Winter! Indian Spring is located in Boynton Beach, right in the middle of Palm Beach County, where almost everything you come to see, do and enjoy in Florida is within 20 minutes of your front door.
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