NY PUBLIC L BRARY THE BRANCH mu 7 84.R 3 3333 "'iiiiiiiliiliilMI 07582 1773» TWENTY-FOUR ITALIAN k SONGS AND ARIAS OF THE* I 3.50+M NNBR 8010.94753 MY/* MUS The Newark Public Library Aster, Lenox and Tilden Foundations The Branch Libraries THE NEW YORK PUBLIC UbKARYLIBRARY AT LINCOLN CENTER MY Music Collection 1 1 1 Amsterdam Avenue MUS New York, N.Y. 10023 BOOKS MAY BE RETURNED TO OF ANY BRANCH THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY ALL RECORDINGS MUST BE RETURNED TO BRANCH FROM WHICH BORROWED NO RENEWALS ARE ALLOWED FINES FOR OVERDUE MATERIAL PER CALENDAR DAY: Adult books lOtf Juvenile books 5<t Recordings 10^ Form #0567 : ^^y^S-S-V-^VV^^^^^>-V^^^^^^^^^^-<f-^-«gg^^- 24 ITALIAN SONGS AND ARIAS Medium Low Voice SCHIRMER'S LIBRARY OF MUSICAL CLASSICS Vol. 1723 Twenty-Four Italian Songs and Arias of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries For Medium Low Voice $3.50 A P Ml SCHIRMER'S LIBRARY OF MUSICAL CLASSICS Twenty- Four Italian Songs and Arias of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries FOR MEDIUM HIGH VOICE Library Vol. 1722 FOR MEDIUM LOW VOICE Library Vol. 1723 W G. SCHIRMER New York/London Copyright, 1894, by G. Schirmer, Inc. Copyright Renewal Assigned, 1926, to G. Schirmer, Inc. Copyright, 1948, by G. Schirmer, Inc International Copyright Secured Pilntad In th« U. S. A. CONTENTS Page BONONCINI Per la gloria d'adorarvi 3 CACCINI Amarilli, mia bella 8 CALDARA Alma del core 11 Come raggio di sol 16 Sebben, crudele 19 CARISSIMI Vittoria, mio core! 23 De LUCA Non posso disperar 60 DURANTE Danza, danza, fanciulla gentile 28 Vergin, tutto amor 32 GIORDANI Caromioben 35 GLUCK O del mio dolce ardor 38 LEGRENZI Che fiero costume 44 LOTTI Pur dicesti, o bocca bella 49 MARCELLO II mio bel foco 54 MONTEVERDI Lasciatemi morire! 65 PAISIELLO Nel cor piu non mi sento 66 PERGOLESI Se tu m'ami, se sospiri 68 Nina (attributed to Pergolesi) 72 SCARLATTI, A. Gia il sole dal Gange 74 LeViolette 79 O cessate di piagarmi 84 Se Florindo e fedele 86 STRADELLA Pieta, Signore! 92 TORELLI Tu lo sai 98 3 r Per la gloria d'adorarvi Ml . For the love heart doth my prize &15&3. \773 from the opera "Griselda" Giovanni Battista Bononcini English version by Dr. Theodore Baker (1672-1750) Andante J=so Voice iGQ -m ±4 m W W imw ^ % ^ 3 Piano fT~r gg w3=z & mf # S £ Per. la glo - ria d'a do - For the love heart doth ±\ my mm ^£ hS-S- w ? t=* m r <2r l 1 & m W^i ? PP tr J. ' i I J £ ^ :st *^P? 35 rar - vi mar - lu - ci ca - re la vo-glioji vi^jo ; per. prize, charm-ful eyes, I would a - dore For. the Copyright, 1894, by G. Schirmer, Inc. Copyright renewed, 1922, by Theodore Baker 41573 rx Printed in the U. S. A. LIBRARY FOR TH^r>,TORMK«l AR<E8 tifw YORKYOH.B- POTLICru - - . HEW . Q UU£0IJI C1 3 5I : K 3=3 r j 1 i^ - # vi vo mar - lu »lo - ria d'a do rar^ -glioma vi^jo - I would love my heart _ doth prize, O charm ful eyes, ci ca re A - man-do pe - ne - rb, ma sem-pre va-me- a - dore ye For_ me, my love is pain, — I_ know 'tis all in i#* ff mf "ttt f gg^i * rs: t H at£ t i J >»JU Ui J^ re ro,. 81, si,_ nel mio_ pe-na vain,. vain, vain, Yet kneel. be-fore ye #I ^m T3tt rTT r^ ^7 a f*rrrr* j^hi-^ i /. g=s fi "^ " - - - - j" A man- do ne rb, ma v'a-me U pe sem-pre rb, si, For_ me, my love is pain,_ I know 'tis all in vain,. vain, ^ * i £ Ff mf / :^z 3£ m £=^i -Pirp- 41573 5 gi t I niJ J_J'TJ'IJ_p w r T g p - ne - v'a - me - si,— nel mio. pe-na re, pe r6, rb, vain. yet kneel. be-fore ye. Love is pain, all in vain :# s i^ ^ rw^- try? / -^— m- —^— gpgsj ^ ^ ^ />• /?\ tr t J . | JJ 5= i SS # r r u - - lu - ci ca re, pe - ne - ro, va me-ro, lu ci ca I im-plore ye, love is pain, all in vain I im-plore » P^Pl H 1/ ff p ^TT m r\ a jj J-.^§ PP #i re. ye. i ™ T 1 O ^y A t> * m £ w ^ m ^ ffdeciso •-^ K *4 --^ Si—1 1 1 w & =* rr§ E f-* ^ £ # - - Sen za spe me di di - less 'tis to look for l^H ii£=& Hope W 1 —* I I H>7 3 ^^ 41573 6 pp g m- m ' m 4 ^ r - J - - - sen - za $m - let - to va-no af fet to_£_ so spi ra re, - less kind - ness, Fool - ish fond-ness with sighs t'im-plore ye, Hope ;Pm mm *5 s i?p £ H r m ^f £ iEE P^P fa r*^ J I a i & *^±J J f j J —J J 1J_J. JM^Jp ^^ a- j.- i^i i„ ..„ „* *„i *„ X y spe me di di - let to va - no af - fet - to_e so - 'tis. to look for kind - ness, Fool - - ish fond-ness with sighs # W^ 5 r PI pp dolce P " ' Wm c / t r=r £ r i ^ mf X * J' — | J'>J •D j. j, * £ £ "O J* - ^m- spi ra re, ma i vo-stri dol-ci ra i chi_ va-gheggiar pub tHm-plore ye; But who-e'er might woo your gaze, Bask in your sun-ny :s~ : i y i ;P "rrT ff »iif / p ^ SSppg s^ r r « < t I hJ l ilJ^ J_J'9 . C£i "O mai e non,. e non. va-raa re? rays and not,. and not. a-dore ye? sjrn i £ i*Nr mm ffT? r tip r <•)•.% Trtp i m 41573 . J mj rmm^ - mai. e ma i vo-stri dol ci ra- i chi_ va-gheggiar pub But who-e'er might woo your gaze, Bask in your sun- ny rays,_ and i —* wm mm«r wf r~rr mf wf f 3Z m m w r^~^ m m < j. i f^h^-i^u^^m j3 nrv' i j>>j - non, e non va-ma re? pe - ne-rb, v'a me-rb, lu-ci ca not, and not. a-dore ye? Love is pain, all in vain I im-plore i^fe t 4 #^1 % PP1 5, FffP!EFT? / *?Tf *=i=* = i « m S j j -^f; ^ ^ />' S" - * I J fl i — ^ nnr' j»j* 75 re, pe - ne - rb, v'a me-rb, lu-ci ca re! love is pain, all in vain I im-plore ye. £M im % M mm * * m§ ^ ff dec is o p r\ **y? 3 ; m -*-+ 1 -: # ^ ¥ i />• ^s j js ? wf ff rail m 1 41573 8 Amarilli, mia bella Amarilli, my fair one Madrigal Giulio Caccini English version by Dr. Theodore Baker (1546-1618) Moderato affettuoso J = 66 Voiceice J gjgg ^P^V-f^ r i r r - - ere - del A ma ril li, mia bel la, non di^o mio - - thine heart to A ma ril li, my fair one, Canst thou fcZE £Fh5 * m w§ ^ Piano f f p dolcissirno e legato sempre n Effi ggp 23 m piuf ^2=^: i P* f mt - - - cor dol ce de si o, d'es ser tu doubt e'er. sur - ren der. Doubt of my love,. sfey 3 m ±^=5 ^T ^ -£ t Lrr * P ^=^ /**/i. S J- i ^ §= S3 s: , f % P P mf V ies . fe -& 3E i i 7 h n _h l'a-mor mi o? Cre - di - lo pur: e se ti - true and ten der? Do but be - lieve, for should e'er fcfc m & 3 J. j f ^JJ J f *~T~ r- f t tf mf il -©<» :nr s2=k r r f £ F ^T Copyright, 1894, by G. Schirmer, Inc. Copyright renewed, 1922, by Theodore Baker 41573 9 2dzk* 3E • * d d ]^±± $ - bi-tar non ti va le. mor t'as sa le, du - - fear as - sail thee, It can nev er a vail thee. :a & a &• M 7? dolce LE xc 7=*" i iE i=l= 9ite> ? ^ Pi r mf / jtwco r/£ « tempo <? N h i> ^ P ^ -o- xs: t^m - - - ril li ejl mioji - mo re. Cre di lo pur-, e se ti ril - - but for should e'er li, my be lov ed!" Do be-lieve, a tempo 41573 10 f s £ £ ^ zaz imm £ - - mort'as-sa - le, du bi-tar non ti va le. A pri-rrujl fear as -sail thee, It can nev-er a - vail thee. Ope thou my ;iH * * n pp j>i 77 $ I |& 5 r e r- r.dolce f 3 2 i ^ ^^ f t :a: JO smorz. jtf/? j* i JVl^ JU ^s J Si - - pet - to e ve-drai scrit-tQJn co re: A-ma-ril li, A-ma- - - bo som, and see thy fears re-prov ed-, On my heart 'tis_ writ, Onmy rit. il'J'P ril - A-ma-ril li qJI mioa - mo A - ma- - - - heart 'tis. A-ma- ril li, my be lov A ma —6 2 ^ m. M m p m 9; n rit.. pjjp dolciss. ^ X &m S m - ril li_ e_il miQ_a mo re. ril - li,. my be lov ed!" £&8= m ~rs~ &' s PF 3? asset i legato colla voce ^ it i=t ^ m f 'Ji r*- wry IT T 41573 11 Alma del core Fairest adored Caldara English version by Antonio Everett Helm (1670-1736) Tempo di Minuetto Voice jjgj — — m&m P ** B§ m% : Piano ' / r HH -6 + *m F 3 A I ^ fcEt t «=i; Pf»? SSI f*f #N*ff p ml m ±=±^mz+ G- * 9 Z-77 * -a- # =; » «/ * ^ ^^ Al - ma del CO re, Fair- est a dor ed, mA _**.
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