Page 8 THE GREAT FALLS TRIBUNE Friday, October 7, 1921. Y. M. C. A. LOCALSPORT ATHLETICS 2 G GELD) POET I RACING CIRCLES FOOTBALL Hargrove's for Quality Giants Are Determined PENNY ANTE BEMf MUST MEET Your Face Didn't Kiddies Komfort Cost You Anything I WONT Ö/EN TASTE. to Come From Behind TMEM COCKTAILS Phooev! N XT WHEN X SAW TENDLER BEFORE HE I have boosted "Hatch One-Button" WE tMDM'T HAVE WERE: PRETTY As the modern underwear in the First Place! For the men of every station, DID JA EVER. TASTE ANV SELTZER. TO PUPAV<. TOO Who of comfort have a care. So the little money you spend as in Pennant Race GO WITH \T IF ANY But we wish to add that kiddies now to make it more beautiful, SUCH BUM SCOTCH BOXES ID PHILLY HAPPENS Have a right to comfort, too, surely can't be listed under \N YET* UFE. 1 CAN'T GO IT And the Hatch One-Button bring* » TO A5K VA "overhead." Grim Fighting Spirit .Will Carry Them Through , WITHOUT SELTZEP. j Cannot Fight Freedman There them Particularly now—our ALL HE HAD WAS Until He Squares Himself In the things that kiddies do. BIG CAP SALE— to Victory in World's Series Despite THEM -THREE ÖRANDS With Quaker City Fans. Underwear for kiddles' play day, Knocks the props WHENEVER. I THROW YEH.AN ON/LY Sleepers for their restful night from prices. Two Defeats, They Believe. Sister joins, too, In these comforts PAriTy Duy ONE DINKY By SPARROW McGANN They're going at THE Boys and girls in wear that's right KEG OF Special Correspondent of The Tribune. Don't neglect them in their comforts ALMOST HALF. DOLLAR AN Copyright, 1021, by The Tribune. The- full account of the second Douglas, intend to pitch to him during BQEW r Think of joys they bring to you, game of the series for the world's the series. A HALF A QUART HEy EDDIE New York, Oct. fi.—Here is a Hatch made these for kiddies' comfort As low as 71^. *AT'S THE y straight tip, lads. Benny Leonard As high as 92.25. baseball championship will be found 'If they do, I'll pop one over the DVE KNOW And they ought to have It, too. Your size. on page I. heads of the folks in that right field tHATS ME UNNT y won't fight Sailor Freedman In Phila­ stand," observed the Babe, as he shed ANYTHING delphia until he himself makes good Mikehasit Hatch One-Button Union New York, Oct. 6.—With two victor­ a big yellow polo coat for his uniform. AQOUT THESE with the boxing fans of the Quaker Suits for the Girls, the Boys and the OWL CAB. _ City. He has got to meet Lew Tendier ies gained by the methods their rivals An Indian summer day followed a Men, In all weights and materials to Hargrove's chilly night. The sun blazed like a SCHEDULES \ before he puts up his hands in a ring suit every temperament and, purse. were expected to use, the New York in Philly. The Cap Store of the Town. burnished disc in a clear sky and the American league pennant winners go fans in the bleachers were grateful for There has been a lot of talk that back to the world's series fray with the the light westerly breeze. before Freedman meets Leonard, the The crowd came late. The man who sailor will have to fulfill a broken en­ city's National league champions, fully gagement with John Mealey. This was confident they can again turn the tide stayed up all night and had only him­ MIKEHASIT SCOUT FIELD DAY their way. self for company would have found the dictum of Director of Public Safety Cortelyou. All true and The Giants point out that they came thousands of vacant seats ready to re- from behind in the league race and that !ceive hil» at noon. The unreserved and straight enough, so far as it went, SET FOR OCT. 15 but it went farther than has been re- I the same grim fighting spirit would upper stand also filled slowly. The band, though, came early and piped ported. The fact is that Leonard is | carry them through this time. The M in the same boat. He has got to get ! Meet Will Be Held at Earling Yankees and their followers believed some tunes for the edification of the ground-keepers and bleacherites. The into the squared circle with Tendier j they would win again Thursday by before he faces any other fighter in i Park or in Pavilion; First speed on the bases, relentless, aggres­ reserved seat places did not fill until near game time. Tendler's home town. Mr. Cortelyou is Aid Class to Be Opened. sive power in the field and opportune regular Solomon when it comes to hitting—to say nothing of the kind McNally Wins Fame. handling the pugs' disputes in Philly, of pitching that Car] Mays exhibited The Boy Scout field day which will Can the Giants stop Mike McNally and the chances are that his methods Wednesday In blanking the Giants 3 to and Bob Muesel Thursday appeared to be held October 15 has been set for c? will be effective in bringing about the 0. It was in speed that the Giants were be as moot a question among world's looked-for meeting between the two fa­ 2 p. m. Weather permitting, the field reputed to have the advantage of the day events will be staged at Earling series fans as that of whether they can mous lightweights. American league champions. Even halt Babe Ruth. Both took places park, but in the case of rain the live­ Manager Htiggins of the Yankees ad­ Madison Square Open. stock pavilion will be used for the meet. with Ty Cobb in the hall of baseball mitted the Giants were faster, but Iiis notables by stealing home in a world's Tex Rickard would like to have the I NOVEMBER 22 The awarding of prizes will take place two boys meet in Madison Square Gar- . immediately following the program. team showed the most speed both title game. The Detroit manager per­ Mike Furlong of Troop 9 has been Wednesday and Thursday. formed the trick in the 1909 «series « Ar den. There are two fighters in this j chosen as bugler for the occasion. Be­ Giants Are Visitors against the Pittsburgh team. country whose names attached to a ! Squads Find Open Dates for fore the opening events start the The Giants Thursday were the "visit­ McNally made the steal in the fifth program mean a golden harvest—Jack Meeting; Locals Have One scouts will gather in the center of the ing team" while the Yanks occupied inning AYednesday after he had reached Dempsey and Benny Leonard. A field to repeat their pledge of alle- the place of the home crew held by the ! tl.li.rd 011 his double and Schang's sac- Tendler-Leonard fight at the Garden Game to Schedule. gience to the flag. Giants Wednesday. This changing pro- r'f'ce- Meusel stole home in Thursday's would mean a quarter of a million dol­ ga e lars' house. 'Why has Billy Gibson, Resume Gym Work Oct. 15. cess also involves a shifting of uni-1 !? ;., , . o-7 forms and dugouts. The Yanks who| .. Ld.,.dn t ?.et a. «»K114» *9 *«7 to »teal, © 1921 INTX FFATUWE SERVIC*. INC. I who manages Benny Leonard, held Beginning October 10 the Boy Scouts aloof from the coin? The Great Falls high school football wore their road suits Wednesday had McNally said, with a bashful grin, "but eleven will play the Bozeman Bquad will resume their regular use of the I just figured I could beat Douglas' Well, there are two reasons. First, high school gymnasium. A schedule their "home" apparel on while Me- here November 22 under a dating made Graw's men donned traveling uniforms. windup and throw so I started toward In the "Good Old Days'* Leonard does not care to meet Tendier has been arranged under which the in Philadelphia as it will be closed to Thursday by Coach M. L. Crouch. A members of each troop will have 45 The weather Thursday was clear andj^e plate. less chilly than that which greeted the I P.0U*laK was unprepared for the sur- hip as a fighting ground and that date offered the Bozemain team last minutes at the gymnasium every second might mean the loss of a lot of money early morning fans Wednesday. Many j 6\iIv«/i\1?' r*f°v ï-RS week by Coach Crouch conflicted with week. For the majority of troops, this Snyder. McNally didn't figure in the Woman's Golf Title in the future. But the chief reason is provides an extra meeting each month. started for the Polo grounds early,' a game already scheduled by the Irri­ but the long waiting line was absent. field, but his batting and base-running what may be termed a feud between gators and it was not until Thursday Basket ball and volley ball equipment record was sufficient. Up four times, Leonard and Rickard. Whenever is furnished for (he use of the hoys The Giants primed their southpaw Will Stay in America; that the two teams could determine the siege gun, little Artie Nehf, for Thurs­ he made a single and a double, and in sports get together they talk about day of the Great Falls contest The by the local council of the organization.
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