APPENDIX 1 Annual Report of Key Housing Monitoring Statistics November 2013 Contents Introduction Table 1 New Homes in Pre-Planning Application Stage Table 2 New Homes in Current Major Planning Applications Table 3 New Homes with Planning Permissions Table 4 Total Completed New Dwellings (Net) Table 5 Estimated Housing Trend Introduction Set out below is the explanatory text for each of the following tables which provide the key monitoring information for housing delivery in the City. Where it is possible the number of affordable housing is shown as a sub-set of the overall housing numbers. Table 1 - New Homes in Pre-Planning Application Stage Table 1 contains the number of planned new dwellings on major development sites1 within each of the City Council’s development plan areas. The sites have been aggregated and individual sites have not been identified due to the confidential and sometimes commercially sensitive nature of the pre-planning process. Table 2 – New Homes in Current Major Planning Applications1 Table 2 contains the number of new dwellings that are contained within planning applications that are currently under consideration by the City Council. This includes sites where there has been a resolution to approve planning permission subject to the completion of a Section 106 legal agreement. Table 2 provides the specific site information by application, it also contains a commentary of the status of each individual site. Depending on the type of application i.e. Outline or Full, the number of new dwellings may be either a range or an identified number. In addition, the number of new homes can vary through the life of an application due to amendments to schemes made before a formal decision is made. Although all of the sites trigger the City Council’s policy requirement to provide affordable housing, the final level and type of affordable housing secured can only be reported once a formal decision has been issued. Table 3 – New Homes with Planning Permissions Table 3 contains the number of new dwellings which have been granted planning permission and are still within the time limit to commence development. This is presented site by site and contains the level of affordable housing on the relevant sites. To ensure that there is no double counting with completion data, Table 3 only contains development sites that have yet to be completed. Table 3 provides the specific site information by application, it also contains a commentary of the status of each individual site. Table 4 – Total Completed New Dwellings (Net) Table 4a provides an annual total of completions of new dwellings in each financial year since 2001/02 with affordable homes reported separately and then included within annual total. In addition a cumulative total is provided in order to provide a total of new dwellings completed in the current plan period i.e. 2001-2021. The first two quarters of 2013/14 are provided for information only. 1 10 or more dwellings Table 1 – Aggregated New Homes at Pre-Planning Stage on Major Development Sites No. of No. of New Status of Sites (03/10/13) Development Plan Area Sites Homes North Chelmsford AAP 3 345 Advanced discussions with applications expected in next 6 months. Chelmsford Town Centre Initial discussions on a number of medium sized sites, applications AAP 4 138 expected on some sites in next 4-6 months. Several sites due to change ownership with applications then expected Site Allocations DPD 5 127 in the next 6 months, other sites with applications expected imminently. Table 2 –New Homes within Current Planning Applications for Major Development Application No. of New Status of Application (03/10/13) Site Reference Homes Viability work on going, issues over threshold triggers for starting Danbury Palace, Main 13/00816/FUL 45 conversion works. Aiming for Committee by year end 2013. Road, Danbury Land East of North Court Viability work undertaken. Detailed discussions on going on S106 Road and North of Hospital matters. Health provision under discussion with NHS property and 13/00409/FUL 178 Approach, Broomfield Little Waltham Surgery. Aiming for Committee by year end 2013. Awaits resolution of objection from HSE relating to Hazard Control areas for the gas facilities in the area. Planning Permission Waterfront Place, Wharf 13/00347/FUL 52 recently granted for continuation of the use as a Church for a Road, Chelmsford further 12 months only so as not to hold up future development. Resolution to grant permission at Planning Committee 27/11/12 Greater Beaulieu Park, subject to a S106 legal agreement. Revisions to the Heads of White Hart Lane Springfield 09/01314/EIA Up to 3,600 Terms of the S106 legal agreement agreed at Planning Committee Chelmsford on 17 September 2013. Final drafting of legal agreement currently being undertaken. 24 Duke Street Chelmsford Essex CM1 1HS (Former 11/01616/FUL 55 Viability work on going. Aiming for Committee by year end 2013. Dukes Nightclub) Runwell Hospital Runwell Resolution to grant permission at Planning Committee 4/3/13 Chase Runwell Wickford 12/01480/OUT 575 subject to a S106 legal agreement. Final drafting of legal Essex agreement currently being undertaken. TOTAL 4505 Table 3 New Homes with Planning Permission Permissions between 01/04/2010 and 10/10/2013 Reference Address & Proposal Existing Proposed No. New No. Affordable Status & Notes Homes Homes D01 Large Scale Major Dwellings 10/01976/OUT Land North South And East Of Belsteads Farm Lane 1 650 649 228 35% Works not commenced, Broomfield Chelmsford Essex permission expires Outline planning permission, with all matters reserved, for erection 31/10/2015 of a minimum of 650 and a maximum of 750 dwellings. Provision of open space and a community hub providing a maximum floor area of 3,500 m2 and comprising uses in class A1 (retail) and o Ground works commenced. 12/01545/FUL Site Of The Former St Johns Hospital (South Part) Wood Street 0 101 101 24 24% Works not commenced, Chelmsford Essex permission expires Conversion of existing redundant hospital building, demolition of all 21/05/2016 other buildings in association with the provision of 101 residential dwellings (71 houses & 30 apartments) together with the provision of public open space, car parking, landscaping and Ground works commenced. 12/01789/FUL Former Marconi Works New Street Chelmsford Essex 0 437 437 148 34% Works commenced, Redevelopment of the whole site to provide a mixed use scheme permission expires comprising 437 new residential units (Class C3) contained within 22/05/2016 buildings extending to between 2 & 7 storeys in height, conversion of existing buildings & construction of new commercial floor Group Total 1 1188 1187 400 34% rpt_DM_Permissions_Net_Dwellings_Monitoring Page 1 of 20 16 October 2013 Large Scale Major - Other Development Commuted sum of £425,000 due Commuted sum of £257,000 received 8 17.5% Works not commenced, 129 22% Small Scale Major - Other Development Reference Address & Proposal Existing Proposed No. New No. Affordable Status & Notes Homes Homes D13 Minor Dwellings 09/01161/OUT Buildings Rear Of Spread Eagle Church Lane Ford End 0 1 1 0 0% Works not commenced, Chelmsford Essex permission expires New detached dwelling with garage. 24/08/2015 10/00378/FUL 14 Grey Ladys Galleywood Chelmsford Essex CM2 8RB 0 1 1 0 0% Works not commenced, Retrospective application for a dwellinghouse with associated wall permission expires and railings to front, landscaping and vehicle crossover. 10/00735/FUL Site At Former 30 The Street Little Waltham Chelmsford Essex 1 2 1 0 0% Works not commenced, Construction of replacement attached dwelling. Extensions and permission expires alterations to Bakery House (revision to approved applications, 02/07/2013 09/01642/FUL and 09/01643/LBC). 10/00853/FUL Devon House Anchor Street Chelmsford Essex 0 3 3 0 0% Works not commenced, Refurbishment of Devon House to form 294 sqm of office space in permission expires the frontal part and 3 no. flats to the rear, including alterations to the 20/07/2013 side and rear elevations. 10/00909/FUL Meridian Barn Old Hall Church Road Boreham Chelmsford 0 1 1 0 0% Works not commenced, Essex CM3 3EJ permission expires Retrospective application for a replacement building to be used as 13/10/2013 a dwelling. 10/00952/ETL Badgers Great Gibcracks Chase Sandon Chelmsford Essex 1 2 1 0 0% Works not commenced, CM2 7TG permission expires Extension of time limit to permission 07/01655/OUT for 19/08/2015 replacement dwelling (Badgers) and storage buildings (B8) with new dwelling and garage. 10/01589/FUL 17 Cumberland Crescent Chelmsford Essex CM1 4AJ 0 2 2 0 0% Works not commenced, Amendment to approval 09/01658/FUL (Two storey side and rear permission expires extensions to provide two self-contained flats) to reduce no. of car 09/12/2013 parking spaces from four to three. 10/01620/FUL 140 Rainsford Road Chelmsford Essex CM1 2QL 0 1 1 0 0% Works not commenced, Change of use of first floor office to two bedroomed flat, including permission expires insertion of new first floor window. Alterations to ground floor retail 10/02/2014 unit to include new doors and refuse store. Installation of internally operated roller shutters. 11/00421/FUL 26 The Coverts Writtle Chelmsford Essex CM1 3LL 1 2 1 0 0% Works not commenced, New dwelling and replacement driveway to adjacent dwelling permission expires rpt_DM_Permissions_Net_Dwellings_Monitoring Page 6 of 20 16 October 2013 Reference Address & Proposal Existing Proposed No. New No. Affordable Status & Notes Homes Homes 11/00500/FUL Land Adjacent 45 Back Road Writtle Chelmsford 0 2 2 0 0% Works not commenced, Amendment to permission reference 11/00081/FUL (2no. new semi permission expires detached 2 bedroom dwellings) to insert two velux windows to front 16/05/2014 elevation and two velux windows to the rear elevation.
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