QUEENS: BLOOMBERG’S FINAL FRONTIER, p6 Issue #190, September 23–october 21, 2013 THE INDYPENDENT A FREE PAPER FOR FREE PEOPLE Long Live Occupy THE MOVEMENT’S IMPACT CONTINUES TWO YEARS LATER By Ethan Earle, p8 rOB LAQUINTA SEARCHING FOR WHISTLEBLOWER BALANCING ART DE BLASIO POSTER SERIES PART 3 & POLITICS p5 p12 p22 the reader’s voice The IndypendenT NYC’S FRACKED FUTURE? P8 note on those high radon levels and BACkROOM ACTIONS war event, only a pro-peace event. It’s Issue #189, August 18 – September 16, 2013 THE INDYPENDENT A FREE PAPER FOR FREE PEOPLE why it’s a matter of serious concern I would have mentioned the U.S. a totally different energy and space. for NYC kitchens fed by Con Ed and backroom actions to get a friendly di- —Karen Chew National Grid: when fracked natural rector appointed to the International THE INDYPENDENT, INC. gas is extracted from the Marcellus Atomic Energy Agency to help slam I think Mr. Newton’s review is very 666 Broadway, Suite 510 shale, extremely radioactive radon Iran. (“Manning’s Top Ten Revela- well expressed. However, as a par- New York, NY 10012 gas is in the mix. If these pipelines tions,” August Indypendent). ticipant in the exhibit who has done 212-904-1282 start running, every time we turn on —Thomas Baxter both a broadside and a book for www.indypendent.org the oven or stove our young children, the project, I do disagree with Mr. Twitter: @TheIndypendent facebook.com/TheIndypendent our animals would be especially ex- EATINg OuR YOuNg Newton’s cavalier “But of course, Burdened posed, being closer to the ground and I would donate a year of incarcera- that’s not really true” in regard to the WHAT IT MEANS TO BE BLACK IN AMERICA BOARD OF DIRECTORS: By Nicholas Powers, p14 with smaller lungs. tion for Manning (“Prison on a Time shared intellectual (and emotional) Ellen Davidson, Anna Gold, DAVID HOLLENBACH The radon is heavy, it lingers near Share Plan,” August Indypendent). human experience. Al-Mutanabbi is John Tarleton the floor, is breathed in, accumulates Every time I think about how much a physical place that has endured for WHISTLEBLOWER over time and as it decays in the lungs Dick Cheney has stolen from us, and centuries, but it is also a metaphor, MANAgINg EDITOR/COORDINATOR: CONEY ISLAND POSTER SERIES GAME CHANGE PART 2 RADICAL THEATER it gives off deadly decay particles. how we eat our young … I’m willing a symbol, for the futility of violence, Alina Mogilyanskaya P4 P12 P21 There is no safe lower limit for this to stand up for Manning, he stood up as expressed eloquently in the words EDITORS: gas, which is the leading cause of for us! of artists such as Frederick, Winant, Ellen Davidson, Mary Annaïse DEEP DRILLINg lung cancer in non-smokers. And —Heidi Lucken Tichy, al-Dulaimi and Tetenbaum. Heglar, Elizabeth Henderson, Thank you for such wonderful cov- there is no requirement to monitor As humans we are ephemeral and Nicholas Powers erage about fracking (“Putting It All the levels of radon in these pipelines. Editor’s Note: These two articles subject to the whims of our uncivi- on the (Pipe)line: How the National Fortunately, Assemblymember Linda appeared before the former Army lized violence, but we are also hosts CONTRIBuTINg EDITOR: John Tarleton Fracking Debate Is Playing Out in Rosenthal (D-Manhattan) has craft- private known as Bradley Manning for a living language that transports New York City,” August Indypen- ed a bill to do just that, and to shut announced that she is transgender our growing knowledge through ILLuSTRATION COORDINATOR: dent). In an ocean of non-journalistic down the flow when a certain level and changed her name to Chelsea time and space with pens, ink, paper, Frank Reynoso news, it’s refreshing to see a journal- of radon is detected. We are looking Manning. pixels and books. ist dig and ask questions about things forward to seeing the State Legisla- —Ken Daley DESIgNERS: that don’t seem quite right and give ture pass this bill next session. PEN STILL MIgHTIER THAN Steven Arnerich, Anna Gold, such a great report. —JK Canepa SWORD Comment on the news at Mikael Tarkela —Kim Fraczek Thank you for your insightful ar- indypendent.org or send a CALENDAR EDITORS: HELP SANDY VICTIMS WHO ticle about the “Al Mutanabbi Street letter to The Indypendent, Ben Ashwell, It’s astounding that citizens have to NEED IT Starts Here” exhibit (“Word,” Au- 666 Broadway, Suite 510, New Seamus Creighton, take energy policy into their own Why are they not pouring some of gust Indypendent). I will raise my York, NY 10012 or email letters@ Gabriela Kruschewsky hands as the political leadership cur- that money back into the residents? hand and gently challenge you on indypendent.org. We reserve the rently is biased toward doomed fossil (“After the Disaster: How Sandy this project being “limiting.” Al-Mu- right to edit for length and clarity. gENERAL INQuIRIES: fuels. Even if gas wells were perform- Has Changed the Game in Coney Is- tanabbi Street and the car bombing [email protected] ing to estimates, which they are not, land,” August Indypendent). Not the that occurred in March 2007 may SuBMISSIONS AND NEWS TIPS: “The Sheriff’s in Town,” a re- [email protected] they are still going to run out. Is NY rich ones in Sea Gate who can afford have happened thousands of miles SuBSCRIPTIONS AND DONATIONS: going to destroy their farmland and to rebuild but the folks in the hous- away, but truly, we all know that it view of Eliot Spitzer’s Protecting indypendent.org/donate tourism industry for a resource that ing projects where conditions are not could and has happened here. And Capitalism Case by Case that ap- ADVERTISINg AND PROMOTION: won’t last? Incredible. much better today then they were yes, anywhere. This street is exactly peared in the August Indypen- [email protected] —Dorothea when Hurricane Sandy struck … like our own Main Street. Main READER COMMENTS: just another example of King Bloom- Street belongs to us, and so does Al- dent, was authored by Bennett [email protected] VOLuNTEER: Excellent information and analysis berg’s emphasis on helping the real Mutanabbi Street. Baumer. We apologize for having [email protected] of the threat of fracked gas in New estate barons like Joe Sitt. And as Mother Teresa claimed, she omitted the byline. York City and Harbor. A further —Anonymous would never participate in an anti- The Indypendent is a New York-based free newspaper published 13 times a year on Mondays for our print and online audience of more than 100,000 readers. It is produced by a network of volunteers who report, write, edit, draw, design, take photos, distribute, fundraise and provide website man- agement. Since 2000, more than 700 journalists, artists and media activ- ists have participated in this project. Winner of more than 50 New York Community Media Alliance awards, The Indypendent is funded by sub - scriptions, reader donations, merchan- SUBSCRIBE NOW! dise sales, benefits and advertising. We accept submissions that look at news INDYPENDENT and culture through a critical lens, GET THE INDYPENDENTDELIVERED STRAIGHT TO YOUR exploring how systems of power — economic, political and social — affect the lives of people locally and globally. MAILBOX — 13 TIMES A YEAR FOR ONLY $25! The Indypendent reserves the right to edit articles for length, content and SUBSCRIBE ONLINE AT INDYPENDENT.ORG OR USE THIS FORM T clarity. NAME VOLuNTEER CONTRIBuTORS: Sam Alcoff, Bennett Baumer, Marlena ADDRESS Buczek, Catherine Byun, Hye Jin The Indypenden The Chung, Renée Feltz, Seth Fisher, Robert Gonyo, Michael Hirsch, David STATE ZIP Hollenbach, Dondi J, Adam Johnson, 21, 2013 Marty K irchner, T imothy K rause, R ob EMAIL LaQuinta, David Meadow, Roberto ctober Meneses, Mike Newton, Anna PHONE Polonyi, Andy Pugh, Ann Schneider, 23–o Jim Secula, Marlena Buczek Smith, Elke Sudin, Gabriella Szpunt, Lucy MAKE CHECK OR MONEY ORDER PAYABLE TO“THE INDYPENDENT”AND SEND TO666 BROADWAY, eptember Valkury, Matthew Wasserman, Beth S 2 Whitney and Amy Wolf. SUITE 510, NEW YORK, NY 10012 community calendar SEPT–OCT TOUr: BrONX outlawed in the U.S. and how that has led the thebushwickstarr.org LAB – STrEET countercultural movement for legalization to ArT ON transform into a revolt against conventional THu OCT 17 ThE GrAND medicine. 1:15–2:30pm • Free cONcOUrSE. Brecht Forum LEcTUrE: rAcE AND SEXUAL POLITIcS The opening of 388 Atlantic Ave, Bklyn IN ThE AIDS crISIS: chIcAGO, 1981-1996. the Bronx Lab, a 212-242-4201 • brechtforum.org Timothy Stewart-Winter, assistant professor test site for new of history at rutgers University, will explore cultural ideas THu OCT 3 how racial and class differences — and how about the Bronx 6:30pm • Free they affect people’s access to healthcare at the Bronx PANEL: ThE SOAP BOXES OF UNION — divided parts of the gay community in Museum of Art, SQUArE. The square has long been one of chicago in its attempt to grapple with the has arrived. the primary spaces for protest and dissent in outbreak of AIDS. Enjoy a guided NYc. Join authors, professors and journal- New York Public Library walking tour of ists in discussing its history and importance Stephen A. Schwartzman Building, South street art along to NYc radicals, then stick around for reen- court Auditorium the Grand con- actments of notable speeches given at the Fifth Ave at 42nd St course, and then square, such as those by Alexander Berkman 917-275-6975 • nypl.org put your skills to and Elizabeth Gurley Flynn. the test during a The Tenement Museum THu OCT 17 JED BrANDT graffi ti-inspired 103 Orchard St 7pm • Free gENERAL EDuCATION: cUNY students say, “Give Petraeus the boot!” (see calendar entry).
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