-^^yl^a^ (t^^ w ^^a^ v ^^31^^ THB TOWN OF MAMMOTH LAKES GENERAL PLAN I I I I I I I I I I I I , THE TOWN OF MAMMOTH LAKES I ! GENERAL PLAN I I I I I ,.,:^aik.^^&afcaai6Bi^s^fia^.^^^^ tts.,' ^ -:.r^.'.,. .^^^^^-^^:^:^^-,:.:,.. '^^^, ^^..^ f-"" "- '.x^^-'" '.. ^"'- I k;^ ' .,.-. ^^&^..^ .,-'.--., J^- ^ '^^^tl..'--' ^'"y-''- J-'' -^^^:^^-.s;:"'.-.-.^--;,,, .,, '--^; ..-y^.^t^^<...{f.-y.. If-^ I RESOLUTION NO. 87-35 A RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF MAMMOTH LAKES, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING THE GENERAL PLAN OF THE TOWN OF MAMMOTH LAKES WHEREAS, in accordance with the requirements of the State Planning and Zoning Law (Section 65300 et seq.) , the Town Planning Commission adopted a Resolution approving the General Plan on April 22, 1987 and transmitted the General Plan for I' consideration by the Town Council; and WHEREAS, the Town Council conducted the first public hearing on July 1, 1987 and subsequently held three hearings on I the document receiving both verbal and written communications from numerous individuals; and I WHEREAS, the Town Council referred several changes back to the Planning Commission for review and comment, and, upon receipt of those comments took action on the General Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Council of the Town of Mammoth Lakes does hereby adopt the General Plan | of the Town of Mammoth Lakes. APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 14th day of October, 1987. I ^^SA__ GARY^^NN7\M&^or\ I -^^^^\/ ^^ffG^yt^@Rt/ Mayor Pro Tern ^\, j^ 1 ^i^J^^ I BXRBARA<^fe^CAMPB,2LL,^^^^^ouncilmember /5^-/ EASTMAN, Councilmember JOHN [y ^2^ / ^^fr"- ATTEST: .^f ^^^^____________ 1 ^ ^'KIRK STAPP,^ebuncilmeniber ^T^c (U^wa^^ I PAM AINSWORTH, Town Clerk i I RESOLUTION NO. 87-10 I RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN OF MAMMOTH LAKES PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVING THE GENERAL PLAN WHEREAS, Che Town of Mammoth Lakes was incorporated on August 20, 1984; and WHEREAS, in accordance with the requirements of the State Planning and Zoning Law (Section 65300 et seq.), the Town prepared a Draft General Plan and scheduled public hearings on the draft document before the Town | Planning Commission; and k WHEREAS, the Planning Commission conducted the first public hearing on June 25, 1986 and subsequently held a total of 19 hearings on the draft document receiving both verbal and written communications from numerous individuals and groups; and WHEREAS, as a result of this public input, the Commission made substantial changes to the draft document as originally presented. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Commission of the Town of Mammoth Lakes having concluded the public hearings and discussion hereby approves the General Plan, Town of Mammoth Lakes and recommends adoption of the plan by the Town Council. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 22nd day of April. 1987. / ^-^'l^! ( L.d^^^ 1 MIttI LYSTER, Chairman/ ^ /^y^______/ .^T^^^' 1 JORpAN GLAZOV, Vice Chairman ^^6 ^ ^../ ^J^^^ /^^ I SHIRLEY BLUM^ERG. Member ^- TOM/JAC^EN. Member f IJ F t^r~' ^ / ^-'""f \ \P.i f I ATTEST,. * 4V iU-^C \}^^ ^yj^a^, A/'/ if ft HELEN THOMPSON. Member If I BRIAffN. HAWLEY / Secretary Co the Commission^"^^/ I RESOLUTION NO. 97-34 A RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF MAMMOTH LAKES. CALIFORNIA. ADOPTING I GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 97-2, A REVISED NOISE ELEMENT AND ADDITIONS TO LAND USE INTENSITY STANDARDS WHEREAS, The California Government Code requires that all local agencies adopt a general plan covering all lands within their Jurisdictions; and WHEREAS, Said general plan must include a noise element and include within I the land use element standards for building intensity; and WHEREAS, The Town of Mammoth Lakes has annexed the Mammoth Lakes airport; and WHEREAS, The Town Council desires to clarify the description of building I intensity in the land use element; NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED by the Town Counci] of the Town of I Mammoth Lakes, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true. 2. That the Town Council does hereby adopt General Plan Amendment 97-2, adopting the revised noise element as attached and adopting the 1 language attached as Exhibit as an amendment to the land use element APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 18th day of June. 1997. I / cf^^^-y--L--y--- 1' KA^ALEEN R. CAGE. Mayo?^^- | ATTEST: GLiL_tes_ ' ANITA HATTER. Town Clerk i i Resolution NO. y/--i4 Page 2 GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 97-2 I EXHIBIT Additions to the Land Use Element of the Town of Mammoth Lakes General Plan I Pane 42 b. Commercial At the end of the first paragraph add the sentences The maximum intensity of commercial development shall be a floor area ratio of 1.5 square feet of commercial floor area for each square I foot of gross lot area. Residential units may also be included up to 12 units per acre." Pane 42 c. Industrial Add the sentence The maximum intensity of development shall not exceed 1.2 square feet of of B floor area for each square foot gross lot area." papp 42 d. Resort y At the end of the paragraph, add the sentence "Support commercial may be included as a part of I a resort development at a floor area ratio not to exceed .1 square feet of commercial floor area for each square foot of. land area included in a resort development." These FAR's are consistent with the lot coverage restrictions in the general plan and development standards as currently applied. 1 i /. -' i i i i i i i i I B TOWN OF MAMMOTH LAKES GENERAL PLAN ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS THE TOWN COUNCIL Gary Flynn Mayor I Greg Newbry Mayor Pro Tern Barbara Campbell John Eastman I Kirk Stapp Ray Windsor Town Manager THE TOWN PLANNING COMMISSION Mimi Lyster Chairman Jordan Glazov Vice Chairman I Shirley Blumberg Tom Jacobsen Helen Thompson THE TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE I MEMBERS Willie Bauer Dan Dawson I Gail Frampton Don Koenig Allan 0'Connor I Jim OgnisCy EX OFFICIO Shirley Blumberg I Dave Marlow Dean McAllister Greg Newbry THE TOWN STAFF Brian N. Haw ley. Planning Director William T. Taylor, Associate Planner I Tina SmiCh, Administrative Secretary i i I I TABLE OF CONTESTS Page I Introduction & Administration A. Introduction B. Planning Area C. Description and Purpose of the General Plan D. Plan Development 3 E. Plan Structure 3 ]. Background Data & Findings 2. Goals (intent and implementation measures) 3. Policies 1 4. Implementation F. How to Use the General Plan 4 G. Plan- Revisions and Changes 5 General Goals 6 Administrative Policies 6 II General Plan Elements " A. Land Use 9 1. Population and Economic Issues 9 2. Existing Land Use and Development Patterns 16 I 3. Public Services and Facilities 23 Water System Wascewater Management I Storm Drainage System Public Schools Community Recreation Facilities I Fire Protection Services Police Protection Services Street and Road Maintenance i i I FIGURES | pa^ Figure Vicinity Map Preceding Page Figure 2 Planning Area Preceding Page Figure 3 Existing People At One Time 11 " Figure 4 Current Housing and Population 12 I Figure 5 Employment By Employment Sector 15 Figure 6 Existing Development 17 I Figure 7 Generalized Existing Land Use 18 Figure 8 Vacant Developable Land 20 Figure 9 Major Future Projects 22 I Figure 10 Mammoth County Water District 9 Service Area 24 Figure 11 Estimated Water Use 27 Figure 12 Average Water Demand 29 I Figure 13 Wastewater Treatment Improvement Needs 33 Figure 14 Priority Improvement Needs 35 Figure 15 Priority 2 and 3 Improvements 36 I Figure 16 School Facility Needs 38 Figure 17 General Flan Map 44 Figure 18 Inventory of Developed Commercial and Office Space 49 Figure 19 Existing Semi-Industrial and Warehousing Space 50 Figure 20 Summer and Winter Visitor Activity 53 Figure 21 Forecast Skier Demand Preceding Page 54 | Figure 22 Potential Ski Areas 56 i l I Page Figure 44 Future Affordable Housing Sites in I Mammoth Lakes 143 State B Figure 45 Summary of Applicable Funding | Sources for Housing 148 Figure 46 Mammoth Lakes Vegetation 159 Ii Figure 47 Inventory of Sensitive Plants 160 Figure 48 Rare, Endangered, Threatened or Unique I Wildlife in the Planning Area 163 Figure 49 Mammoth Basin Watersheds 165 Figure 50 Designated Open Space Areas 168 | Figure 51 Avalanche Hazard 188 Figure 52 Flood Hazard Areas 191 I Figure 53 Mammoth Lakes Topography 196 Figure 54 Land Forms Map 198 Figure 55 Regional Geology and Seismicity 202 I Figure 56 Slope Instability and Liquification 205 i i i i Figure 63 Urban Planning District Boundaries 232 | Planning District Maps through 17 i i i I A I -^y-.^'-^v.'.-"i '< ^^^-^^;^^-^r^^ 1^' X^:^-^- '- ^K" '-'< ;?'-^ '^ ,.:";^-. ,>',&- ^r-&-:-'^-^T- .^^ | ^Sf-'--^ '-'-.'K^ '';:-;'- '.. 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L^\/ 1---1 \1 ^<^1 ^// ^ L.-^S^^vl^^,w''" @r i ^ JN L IF ^ L^ ir^ puun*1 ^"K \s^ / if^^ i^ '^.y ^i^il i co | FRESNO ^ ----C3^^(R)^f 1?^\.'~} ^'^N^ \ SEQUOIA -V /^ f S^'V^ 1 RT^^^*"1 I f^^ NATIONAL PARK W^ V N^^^ u^sp\ ' ^^^^ i v^ j.^^r r \S^ H.nford\ l\VJ3alia i (, \ Y ^ 1^^ I J . s,,.,,< .Tul^A-^J^in^y J '<_ ^v / s.""...".^-(R)^ ^^) ^ \ \\ Ponervillel_\ /' / \ f v^^ | / \J^\ ^ adapted from U.S.D.A.
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