Locating Imagination in Popular Culture Locating Imagination in Popular Culture offers a multidisciplinary account of the ways in which popular culture, tourism, and notions of place intertwine in an environment characterized by ongoing processes of globalization, digitization, and the increasingly ubiquitous nature of multimedia. Centred around the concept of imagination, the authors demonstrate how popular culture and media are becoming increasingly important in the ways in which places and localities are imagined and how they also subsequently stimulate a desire to visit the actual places in which people’s favourite stories are set. With examples drawn from around the globe, the book offers a unique study of the role of narratives conveyed through media in stimulating and reflecting desire in tourism. This book will have appeal in a wide variety of academic disciplines, ranging from media and cultural studies to fan and tourism studies, cultural geography, literary studies, and cultural sociology. Nicky van Es, MSc, is currently a lecturer at Erasmus University Rotterdam. Next to teaching within the International Bachelor of Arts & Culture Studies, he co-founded the MA programme Place, Culture & Tourism (2018). In addition, he is working towards finalizing his dissertation (exp. 2020) on literary tourism as part of the Locating Imagination project, funded by the Dutch Science Foundation. Among his published research articles are “Chasing Sleuths” (Annals of Tourism Research, 2016) and “Capital Crime Cities” (European Journal of Cultural Studies, 2016) and several book chapters, and he is the main editor of the upcoming edited volume Locating Imagination in Popular Culture (Routledge, 2020). Stijn Reijnders, PhD, is Full Professor of Cultural Heritage, in Particular in Relation to Tourism and Popular Culture at Erasmus University Rotterdam. His research focuses on the intersection of media, culture, and tourism. Currently he leads two large international research projects: Worlds of Imagination, funded by the European Research Council, and Locating Imagination, funded by the Dutch Science Foundation. He has published many research papers and has co-edited The Ashgate Research Companion to Fan Cultures (2014), Film Tourism in Asia: Evolution, Transformation and Trajectory (2017), and Locating Imagination: Place, Tourism and Belonging in Popular Culture (2020). Leonieke Bolderman, PhD, is Assistant Professor, Cultural Geography and Tourism Geography and Planning at the University of Groningen, the Netherlands. Her research concerns the role and meaning of music heritage and tourism in urban and regional development, on which she has published in various journals and edited volumes. Abby Waysdorf, PhD, is currently a postdoctoral researcher with the CADEAH project, researching how individuals and groups reappropriate and recirculate audiovisual heritage materials. She did a research master at Utrecht University in media and performance studies, with a specialty in sport media and fandom, and her PhD at Erasmus University Rotterdam, where her dissertation, “Placing Fandom,” focused on film tourism and fan use of place. Her general research interests are audience practices and uses of media, fandom, the television industry, and how all of these things intersect. Routledge Research in Cultural and Media Studies Inhuman Materiality in Gothic Media Aspasia Stephanou Millennials and Media Ecology Culture, Pedagogy and Politics Edited by Anthony Cristiano and Ahmet Atay Media Cultures in Latin America Key Concepts and New Debates Edited by Anna Cristina Pertierra and Juan Francisco Salazar Cultures of participation Arts, digital media and cultural institutions Edited by Birgit Eriksson, Carsten Stage and Bjarki Valtysson Adapting Endings from Book to Screen Last Pages, Last Shots Edited by Armelle Parey and Shannon Wells-Lassagne Migration, Identity, and Belonging Defining Borders and Boundaries of the Homeland Edited by Margaret Franz and Kumarini Silva Exploring Seriality on Screen Audiovisual Narratives in Film and Television Edited by Ariane Hudelet and Anne Crémieux Locating Imagination in Popular Culture Place, Tourism and Belonging Edited by Nicky van Es, Stijn Reijnders, Leonieke Bolderman, and Abby Waysdorf For more information about this series, please visit: www.routledge.com/ Routledge-Research-in-Cultural-and-Media-Studies/book-series/SE0304 Locating Imagination in Popular Culture Place, Tourism and Belonging Edited by Nicky van Es, Stijn Reijnders, Leonieke Bolderman, and Abby Waysdorf First published 2021 by Routledge 2 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 4RN and by Routledge 52 Vanderbilt Avenue, New York, NY 10017 Routledge is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an informa business © 2021 selection and editorial matter, Nicky van Es, Stijn Reijnders, Leonieke Bolderman, and Abby Waysdorf; individual chapters, the contributors The right of Nicky van Es, Stijn Reijnders, Leonieke Bolderman, and Abby Waysdorf to be identified as the authors of the editorial material, and of the authors for their individual chapters, has been asserted in accordance with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. The Open Access version of this book, available at www.taylorfrancis.com, has been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 license. This book is published open access through an Open Access Fund grant by the Netherlands Organisation of Scientific Research (NWO), grant number [36.201.008]. Trademark notice: Product or corporate names may be trademarks or registered trademarks, and are used only for identification and explanation without intent to infringe. British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data A catalog record for this book has been requested ISBN: 978-0-367-49262-5 (hbk) ISBN: 978-1-003-04535-9 (ebk) Typeset in Sabon by Apex CoVantage, LLC Contents List of figures viii List of contributors x Introduction: locating imagination in popular culture: place, tourism, and belonging 1 STIJN REIJNDERS, ABBY WAYSDORF, LEONIEKE BOLDERMAN AND NICKY VAN ES PART I Theorizing the imagination 17 1 Imaginative heritage: towards a holistic perspective on media, tourism, and governance 19 STIJN REIJNDERS 2 The open-ended ruin: imaginative authenticity as a driver of alternative tourism 34 ANDRÉ JANSSON 3 No place like Birmingham? The politics of immobility, invisibility, and resentment 51 DAVID MORLEY 4 I just can’t get you out of my head: how music triggers the imagination 67 LEONIEKE BOLDERMAN 5 Space, lived culture, and affectivities in stirring imagination 84 DAVID CROUCH vi Contents Part II Mediating place 97 6 Screening the west coast: developing New Nordic Noir tourism in Denmark and using the actual places as full-scale visual mood boards for the scriptwriting process 99 ANNE MARIT WAADE 7 Flying down to a cosmopolitan-tropical paradise 118 BIANCA FREIRE-MEDEIROS 8 Following Oshin and Amachan: film tourism and nation branding in the analogue and digital ages 134 ELISABETH SCHERER AND TIMO THELEN 9 Touring the videogame city 151 BOBBY SCHWEIZER 10 Locating the literary imagination: broadening the scope of literary tourism 166 NICKY VAN ES Part III Being there 181 11 Toy tourism: from Travel Bugs to characters with wanderlust 183 KATRIINA HELJAKKA AND PIRITA IHAMÄKI 12 On (be)longing: the Der Bergdoktor phenomenon at the European cultural periphery 200 ANDREJA TRDINA AND MAJA TURNŠEK 13 Live event-spaces: place and space in the mediatized experience of events 215 ESTHER HAMMELBURG 14 Fans and fams: experience and belonging aboard a cruise ship music festival 230 DAVID CASHMAN Contents vii Part IV Returning home: memory and belonging 245 15 Strange spaces of mediated memory: the complicating influence of Roots on heritage tourism in The Gambia, West Africa 247 JASON GREK-MARTIN 16 How stories relate to places? Orhan Pamuk’s Museum of Innocence as literary tourism 265 MARIE-LAURE RYAN 17 Placing fandom: reflections on film tourism 283 ABBY WAYSDORF 18 The National Theatre, London, as a theatrical/ architectural object of fan imagination 297 MATT HILLS Index 312 Figures 1.1 The co-production of media tourism. 24 2.1 A typology of ruins. 38 2.2 Approaches to authenticity in tourism experiences. 42 6.1 Filmby Aarhus’ New Nordic Noir . 99 6.2 Ringkbing-Skjern municipality on the west coast of Denmark. 104 6.3 Houvig bunker from the Second World War. 109 6.4 Stakeholders from Ringkbing-Skjern municipality visiting Ystad Studios Visitor Center, April 2018. 112 8.1 Kokeshi (wooden doll). 141 8.2 Unidon . 143 9.1 San Francisco depicted in Killing Cloud (1991) for the Commodore Amiga. 152 9.2 Player-created tourism videos on YouTube. 161 11.1 Kewty-pie’s customized Blythe dolls are all set for travel with their owner. 183 11.2 Damara DeWildt, a Sylvanian Families “cheetah”, has visited Helsinki, Finland. 189 11.3 A Travel Bug called Dr. Geocacher. 193 11.4 Heidi’s Barbie doll has travelled to Rome to see the Colosseum. 194 11.5 A typology of toy tourism: From paedic to ludic play practices. 197 13.1 Quotes and photo by Simone, taken at Oerol Festival (2017). 215 13.2 Overview datasets. 219 13.3 Visual presencing at Oerol17. 225 15.1 Kunta Kinteh Island and vicinity. 253 15.2 Ruined fortifications on Kunta Kinteh Island. 256 15.3 The Museum of the Slave Trade, Juffure. 260 16.1 Real and imaginary geographies as targets of narrative tourism. 269 Figures ix 16.2 The Museum of Innocence in Istanbul (the dark, narrow building on the left). 271 16.3 General view of the Museum of Innocence. 274 16.4 One of the displays of the Museum of Innocence. 275 16.5 The spiral, symbol of the unity of (narrative) time, on the ground floor, that people see from the third floor at the end of their visit. 277 Contributors Leonieke Bolderman , PhD, is Assistant Professor, Cultural Geography and Tourism Geography and Planning at the University of Groningen, the Netherlands. Her research concerns the role and meaning of music heri- tage and tourism in urban and regional development, on which she has published in various journals and edited volumes.
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