November 19, 2009 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 155, Pt. 21 28627 HONORING LT. FLORENCE BACONG Deployed on December 1, 2008, this unit rise today in honor of my colleague and fellow CHOE worked in the face of grave danger and per- CBC member, the Honorable BOBBY L. RUSH. formed in an exemplary fashion in the man- Throughout his distinguished career, Con- HON. DUNCAN HUNTER agement of installation and camp activities. gressman RUSH has served as a determined Sixty members of this unit will be returning OF CALIFORNIA leader for civil rights and a passionate advo- to my district on Saturday, November 21, and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES cate for our nation’s least fortunate citizens it is my honor and privilege to welcome them and their communities. On Saturday, Novem- Thursday, November 19, 2009 home. ber 28th, Rev. Jesse Jackson and the Mr. HUNTER. Madam Speaker, today I rise Our Reservists put their lives on hold, to ful- RainbowPUSH Coalition will honor Congress- in recognition of Lieutenant Florence Bacong fill the duties asked of them. I have the great- man RUSH during ‘‘Bobby Rush Day,’’ a cele- Choe of San Diego, California. Lt. Choe was est respect for our service men and women bration of his life and service. a victim of a tragic shooting that occurred at who selflessly disregard their own safety in Congressman RUSH was born in Albany, Forward Operating Base Shaheen in Afghani- order to voluntarily serve our country. Georgia, in 1946 and spent his childhood stan’s Northern Balkh province on March 27, Today, I ask that my colleagues join me in growing up on the north and west sides of 2009. commemorating the 211th Regional Support Chicago. As a child, his Boy Scout Master en- According to friends and family, Lt. Choe Group of Corpus Christi, Texas, for their serv- couraged BOBBY to pursue public service. ice to this nation. was all Navy. She was born at San Diego Congressman RUSH enlisted in the United Naval Hospital and grew up in San Diego, f States Army at the age of 17, which marked where she graduated from Monte Vista High HONORING ST. HUGO OF THE the beginning of what was to become a life- School in 1991. After graduating from the Uni- HILLS IN BLOOMFIELD HILLS, long career in public service. After serving versity of California, San Diego with a degree MICHIGAN honorably for 5 years, he left the Army to at- in Biology in 1997, she continued her edu- tend Roosevelt University, where he grad- cation and received a Masters degree in Pub- HON. GARY C. PETERS uated with honors in 1973. It was during this time that Congressman lic Health Care Administration from San Diego OF MICHIGAN RUSH began his passionate advocacy for the State University in 2001. Following the events IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of September 11, 2001, Lt. Choe visited the basic civil and human rights of minorities, as Thursday, November 19, 2009 San Diego Navy recruitment office and en- a member of the Civil Rights Movement. In listed as a Lieutenant Junior Grade in the U.S. Mr. PETERS. Madam Speaker, I rise today addition to serving as a member of the Stu- Navy Medical Service Corps. to recognize and honor the selection of St. dent Non-Violent Coordinating Committee, While serving in her capacity as Healthcare Hugo of the Hills in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, Congressman RUSH co-founded the Illinois Administrator for Medical and Surgical Serv- as a 2009 Blue Ribbon School. This pres- Black Panther Party in 1968. With the Panther ices at the National Navy Medical Center in tigious award is the highest honor bestowed Party, Congressman RUSH organized the Free Bethesda, Maryland, she met her future hus- by the United States Department of Education. Breakfast for Children program and estab- band, Lieutenant Commander Chong ‘‘Jay’’ That St. Hugo earned this designation is a tes- lished a Free Medical Clinic, which gained re- Choe. They were married on June 21, 2004 tament to the dedication of its administration, nown as the nation’s first to develop a mass and in 2006, they welcomed the birth of their teachers, staff, students, parents and commu- sickle cell anemia testing program. daughter, Kristin Bacong Choe. nity members, whose hard work of self-evalua- This commitment to the health and dignity of A dedicated service member, Lt. Choe ful- tion, review and goal-setting for the future has communities of color has been a remarkable filled various duties in the Navy Medical Corps proved exemplary. trademark of Congressman RUSH’s career in in Japan and San Diego before deploying to The Blue Ribbon Schools designation is re- public service. After serving as an Alderman in Afghanistan in May of 2008. It was during this served for schools that provide only the most the Chicago City Council for 8 years, Con- deployment where she made the ultimate sac- rigorous academic programs or which have gressman RUSH was elected to the U.S. rifice after a shooter, disguised as an Afghan made only the most dramatic strides in im- House of Representatives in 1993 to serve Illi- Army soldier, opened fire and killed Lt. Choe proving their students’ academic achievement. nois’ First Congressional District. Congress- and Lt. J.G. Francis L. Toner IV. In fact, St. Hugo School was the only private man RUSH has been a strong leader and vocal Madam Speaker, for Lt. Choe it was never school in Michigan to receive the award this proponent for issues such as health care re- about self, but about family, friends and coun- year. St. Hugo of the Hills has a long-cele- form, job creation, environmental protection, try. She dedicated her extensive knowledge brated and exemplary tradition of striving for gun control and ending the embargo against about the medical field to provide quality care academic excellence, with standardized test Cuba. Most recently, as Chairman of the En- for the men and women of the U.S. Navy. For scores that reflect a deep commitment to high ergy and Commerce Subcommittee on Com- her, and the thousands of others who have achievement. St. Hugo of the Hills provides its merce, Trade and Consumer Protection, Con- given their lives in the name of freedom and students an outstanding program of nationally gressman RUSH used his deft leadership to democracy, I ask that this body continue to do recognized excellence in an environment in shepherd the bipartisan passage of the Con- its best to ensure their deaths were not in which the teachings of the Catholic faith are sumer Product Safety Improvement Act of vain. May God continue to watch over the instilled, nurtured and demonstrated. Since 2008 (H.R. 4040), which modernized the Con- family and friends of Lt. Florence Bacong 1940, it is this combination that has enabled sumer Product Safety Commission and estab- Choe as her memory, passion and dedication St. Hugo to count among its alumni scores of lished essential safety requirements for chil- to our country continue to live on as we community leaders and dedicated, productive dren’s products. moved forward to a better tomorrow. citizens. An ordained Baptist minister, Congressman Madam Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join f RUSH has remained true to the principles of my recognition of St. Hugo of the Hills on the truth and justice throughout his distinguished RECOGNITION OF THE 211TH honor of its outstanding achievement for being career. Today we rise in appreciation, not only REGIONAL SUPPORT GROUP designated a 2009 National Blue Ribbon of his contributions to date, but in anticipation School. of that which he will accomplish in the future. HON. SOLOMON P. ORTIZ f He is, and continues to be, an inspiring advo- OF TEXAS CONGRESSMAN BOBBY L. RUSH cate for equality and a voice for the voiceless. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES DAY The Congressional Black Caucus is stronger because of Congressman RUSH’s diligent Thursday, November 19, 2009 HON. BARBARA LEE work. His clarity of purpose and vision rein- Mr. ORTIZ. Madam Speaker, I rise today to forces the CBC’s role as the ‘‘Conscience of OF CALIFORNIA recognize the 211th Regional Support Group the Congress.’’ For that we are deeply grate- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES from Corpus Christi, Texas, for their tireless ful. We salute and celebrate this great leader efforts to ensure the security and well being of Thursday, November 19, 2009 for freedom and justice. not only the country of Iraq but the United Ms. LEE of California. Madam Speaker, on To all, we wish you a very happy ‘‘Bobby States as well. behalf of the Congressional Black Caucus I Rush Day!’’ VerDate Mar 15 2010 14:01 Jun 21, 2012 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR09\E19NO9.000 E19NO9 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD.
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