Newcontainer yard cranes, road work TurningBasin wharves planned for BarboursCut Terminal scheduledfor repairs Plans are under way to add four Two wharvesat the Port of complex was added at Berth 4 at HoustonAuthority’s Turning Basin yard cranes at the Port of Houston the terminal. Trucks frequently stop Terminal will soonbe repaired. Authority’s Fentress BracewellBar- on Altvater Drive, which extends C.C. Carlton Construction Co. has bours Cut Container Terminal and along the terminal’s south side, received a contract to rehabilitate to add a turn lane to a road within while waiting to turn into Berth 4. Wharf 9. The wharf is more than 40 the terminal. Planscall for the addition of a turn years old and has been damagedby Davy Morris-Kranco has been lane for the trucks. Thework will routine use over the years. C.C. awardeda contract to fabricate and cost an estimated $40,000. Carlton will repair the frontal beam erect four diesel electric yard cranes The paving work will start around and slab. The rehabilitation work for BarboursCut Terminal. Cost of the beginning of 1990and will take will cost approximately$85,000. the newcranes will be approximate- about four months,said John Kahl, Plans also are under way to repair ly $4.7 million. PHAchief engineer. the deck at Wharf 12. Wharf I2 is ThePort Authority recently sought one of the terminal’s busiest bids for additional paving on Altva- CedarBayou Terminal wharvesand is often used for steel ter Drive at BarboursCut Terminal. shipments. The wharf has been Earlier this year, a secondentry plans dock expansion worn and damagedby constant traf- Warrior & Gulf Navigation Co. has fic and heavy loads over the years. announcedplans to expand its The Port Authority recently sought Threeprojects finished Cedar BayouTerminal, a barge bids for repairs to the wharf’s con- at publicfacilities facility located near the recently crete and corner angles. The work completed Cedar Crossing Business will cost an estimated$16,000. Threecapital projects recently Park. were completed at Port of Houston "This terminal is by far the most HoustonPublic Elevator Authorityfacilities. convenient barge terminal to service Austin Industrial Inc. finished the industries of CedarCrossing," to be painted, inspected repairing the wharf and fender notedAllen Staursky, traffic super- Repainting of the HoustonPublic system at Wharves18 and 19. The visor for Warrior & Gulf. "That’s Elevator’s exterior will soonbegin. contractor replaced the wharves’ why we have applied to the U.S. Ar- The Port of HoustonAuthority timber fenders with energy- my Corps of Engineers for permits recently soughtbids for the pur- absorbing systems composedof to expand our docks." chaseof 3,000 gallons of exterior rubber, timber and steel. The work The terminal, which has been in coating for the initial phaseof the cost $1.4 million. operationfor four years, is an all- project. WadeRegas finished repairs to purpose dry cargo and storage The repainting will be handled by the pavementat the low-level road facility. Warrior& Gulf is an the elevator’s maintenancestaff and on the Turning Basin Terminal’s Alabama-basedcompany that will take approximatelytwo years. north side. The road was damaged operates a large fleet of towboats Costof the initial 3,000gallons of by routine usein the vicinity of and barges throughout the inland exterior coating will be approx- Wharves18-22, 24, 25 and 31. The waterwaysof the United States. It imately $70,000. work cost $127,000. also operates barge support The Port Authority recently award- ed a professional services contract L&WExcavators Inc. recently facilities in Alabama,Louisiana and finished installing riprap at the Bulk to Walter P. Mooreand Associates Texas. Inc. to inspect the elevator’s con- Materials HandlingPlant, Riprap CedarCrossing BusinessPark is a consists of concrete blocks or 120-acre, master-planneddevelop- crete structure. Mooreand boulders used to prevent erosion. Associateswill primarily survey the ment near Baytown,just east of older section of the elevator, which Approximately2~550 feet of riprap Houston.It is located on Cedar was installed along the channel includes the bins, and makerecom- Bayou, which intersects the Houston mendationsregarding restoration of shoreline at the plant at a cost of Ship Channel near the Baytown $360,000. the concrete. Cost of the inspection Tunnel. is approximately $300,000. 19 I TERMINAL INTERNATIONALEXPO (713) 692-5000FAX SETFOR FEBRUARY (713) 692-0546 [CRISIS] The Houston World Trade Associa- ALTERNATENUMBERS TRANSPORTATION .... tion (HWTA) is organizing its third (713) 481-2254 COMPANY~SERVICESINC. annual International Business Expo, Day or Night 4343 Robertson scheduled for Feb. 22 and 23. Toll Free Houston, TX 77009 The theme of this year’s event is 1-80o-727-4747 "Texas and Latin America: Shared TRUCKTRANSPORTATION SERVICES Opportunities." The exposition will 1. Import/Export Containers 10. Mexico Export/Import be held at the George R. Brown Con- 2. Local Drayage-Houston& 100 Miles 11. Breakbulk Pier PU and Delivery vention Center in downtown 12. Direct Discharge 3. Interstate-Texas, Oklahoma& 48 States Houston. 4. CompanyVans and Flat Beds 13. Container Stripping & Stuffing 5. TOFC/COFC 14. Storage & Warehousing SEMINARSPLANNED The program will 6. General and Specialized Commodities 15. lntermodal Concurrence include seminars on topics related to 16. Stop in Transit Privileges 7. Regular and Hot Shot Service international business development, 8. U.S. Customs Bonded Carrier 17. Super Heavy~OversizedPermit Bonded 9. U.S. Customs Bonded Cartman-CHL232 18. SPECIAL PROJECTS including international financial issues, medical technology and TRUCKINGEQUIPMENT health services, energy and petro- 1. Import/Export Containers 6. CompanyLow Boy Trailers 2. CompanyVolume Vans 7. TandemAxle Truck Tractors chemicals, agricultural industry and 3. CompanyFlat Beds 8. Hot Shot Pickup & Delivery transportation. 4. CompanyStretch Floats 9. Materials Handling Equipment Expo ’90 is sponsored by HWTA 5. CompanyDrop Deck Flat Beds 10. Heavy Lift & Special Equipment and several other Houston organiza- LICENSES AND BONDS tions, including the Port of Houston 1. Interstate CommerceCommission MC-148154F,MC-183353 Authority and the U.S. Department 2. U.S. Customs Bonded Carrier MC-148154F 3. U.S. Customs Bonded Cartman No.-CHL232 of Commerce. 4. Texas Alcoholic Beverage Permit No. C138849et al For more information or to 5. Super Heavy & Oversize Permit Bond No. 356185 et al receive a registration form, call Dedicated To Service Marianne Caldwell at (713) 658-2407 DelmasW. Heinke, President or Pat Foley at (713) 658-2408. VOIGT ft" KOUTROULIS SHIPPING COMPANY Liner AgencyServices, Chartering, Ship Brokering Et Husbanding Representing: EACLines TransPacific Service EAC PNSL Service Frota Amazonica, S.A. Frota Oceanica, S.A. OceanStar Container Line Seals Service Sudan Shipping Line V oigt Et K outroulis Shipping Co. 2190 North Loop West, Ste. 103 2344 World Trade Center Houston, TX 77018 New Orleans, LA 70130 (713) 957-3445 (504) 561-8585 Telex: 166450 VNKHOU Telex: 283047 VK NO Dallas Memphi~s (214) 263-5633 (901) 763-2002 2O SECAMATTRACTS PROJECTS OUT OF HOUSTON Armement Secam, a French-based project cargo carrier, expanded its service to include U.S. Gulf and Atlantic Coast ports last year and is The M/V TRIDENT experiencing success in its efforts to BOND, sailing for attract shipments out of Houston, Armement Secam, says a spokesman for the carrier’s recently loaded five rigs at the Port agent. of Houston "We’ve been pleased with the Authority’s Wharf cargo we have moved through 32. Houston," said Ernest Pronk of Transtar Shipping Inc. of Houston, U.S. agent for Secam. FIVE RIGS Recently, the service load- ed five rigs bound for Italy and In- dia at the Port of Houston Authori- ty’s Wharf 32. This wharf was de- signed to handle huge heavy lifts and large project cargoes. Secam calls the U.S. Gulf and Atlantic Coast once a month "at whatever port has the cargo," said Pronk. Secam is geared to handle drilling rigs, gas plants, huge oil equipment, paper, pipe, logs and construction materials. LARGE BREAKBULK"More and more regular carriers are container car- riers," said Pronk. "They simply cannot handle the breakbulk, especially the large pieces and the project cargoes. How do you put a 75-foot crew boat on a container ship?" Secam, which has been in business for 10 years, was already exper- The S ienced in handling cargo between Europe, West Africa and the Far East when it expanded its service to the Choice. U.S. Highly skilled personnel plus modern, fast, up-to-date specialized vessels GROWTHMARKETS Developing nations to meet the needs of your cargo. in the Far East, Middle East and West Africa are growth markets for proj- MORESERVICE ect carriers because of the demand SARAJEVO EXPRESS, and KOPER EXPRESS--totally automated for U.S. equipment and machinery, container vessels complement our extensive fleet. according to Pronk. Direct Independent Container Service to: Secam, which charters its vessels, ~-"~h is also expanding service to Mexico Middle East, Mediterranean, [ ~..~IL i[ and Canada. Adriatic, and North Africa [ ~ i from both Coasts and Gulf. ~JMGOLINIJA] PORT DATA More than 35 million tons of petroleum and petroleum products moved through the Port of Houston cross~~~.~,~egn in 1988. Other major cargoes Suite 2045 One World Trade Center HOUSTON shipped through the port include New York, N.Y. 10048 r(713) 681-0205 grain, organic chemicals, gas and (212)432-1160/1170 iron and steel. 21 IVN~RNN I inca_ Houston & New Orleans To: Rio de Janeiro ¯ Santos Paranagua Buenos Aires * Montevideo Other Ports on Inducement Breakbulk, containers and deep tanks available, General Agent: IVARAN AGENCIES INC HoustonWorld Trade Association staff One Exchange Plaza toursport aboard PHA inspection vessel (at 55 Broadway) The Port of Houston Authority recently hosted the members of the Houston World Trade Association for a port tour aboard the PHAinspection vessel M/V SAM New York, New York 10006 HOUSTON.Shown is Ned Holmes (with microphone), chairman of the Port (212) 809-1220 Houston Commission, welcoming the association.
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