1 EASTLEIGH BOROUGH COUNCIL Minutes of a meeting of the Council held on Thursday, 21 February 2019 at 7:00 pm PRESENT: The Mayor, Councillor Tennent (Chairman); Councillors Airey, Allingham, Asman, Atkinson, Bicknell, Boulton, Bourne, Broadhurst, Broomfield, Campbell, Corben, Craig, Cross, Dean, Garton, Gomer, Grajewski, Groves, Holes, House, Hughes, Irish, Mann, Manning, Parker-Jones, Pragnell, Reynolds, Tidridge and Tyson-Payne Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Clarke, Couldrey, Doguie, Jurd, Kyrle, Pretty, Rich, Rushton and Trace 35. MAYOR'S ANNOUNCEMENTS A minutes silence was held for Dave Greenslade, a member of Eastleigh Borough Council staff who had recently passed away. The Mayor welcomed everyone to the meeting and gave an overview of recent Council highlights: He had performed the opening ceremony for the Sundays Hill bypass and bridge, and was shown round the new football hub at Monk’s Brook playing fields in its early stages. His Civic Prayer Breakfast was an excellent networking event bringing together people from across the business and Third sector communities at King’s Community Church. He had attended the Eastleigh Sports Awards 2018, organised by the Sports & Physical Activity Alliance, which celebrated the enormous achievements of local sports people and the unsung heroes behind the scenes. He was present at the launch of a brand new Special Olympics Solent Competitive Boccia Session that will be based at The Hub. He had attended the Inaugural Britannia Pro-Am Open event at the Ageas Bowl that was "a spectacular night of international quality ballroom dancing". The Blue Butterfly Dance Studio, who will be opening a studio in the Swan Centre in April, had put on a wonderful Show in aid of the Mayor’s Appeal. The One Community Showcase event was an excellent opportunity for local people to find out more about volunteering opportunities. 2 He was a guest at the opening of the Brendoncare Foundation’s new Otterbourne care home, which was attended by HRH the Countess of Wessex. He was privileged to learn about the excellent work being done in the community at the AWCA’s Inclusion & Diversity Awards. The Borough had marked the 100th anniversary of Armistice Day and Remembrance services at the new memorial in the town centre and around the Borough. He joined fellow civic leaders at the Holocaust & Genocide Memorial Event in Southampton and Havant. Looking ahead: The Mayor thanked everyone who had supported his charities throughout the mayoral year and mentioned some forthcoming events: Tea Dance on 25 February; Eastleigh Fusion Choir on 9 March; and His Charity Dinner on the 22 March which is being organised by students from Eastleigh College students. 36. MINUTES RESOLVED - That the Minutes of the meeting held on 18 October 2018 be agreed as a correct record. 37. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST There were no declarations of interest in items of business of the agenda. 38. LEADER'S REPORT There was no Leaders Report on this occasion. 39. RECOMMENDATIONS (INCLUDING CALL-INS) REQUIRING DECISION 40. M27 SMART MOTORWAY RESURFACING Consideration was given to an urgent report by the Strategy Lead for the Environment regarding the resurfacing of the M27 Smart Motorway. RESOLVED: That Council: 3 (1) approved that staff continue to urgently investigate the evidence that has recently been received; (2) delegated authority to the Legal Services Manager and the Strategy Lead for Environment (in consultation with the Leader) to explore the avenues and remedies available to the Council, including the taking of legal action, if so advised; and (3) approved that staff continuing to lobby the Secretary of State for Transport and Highways England to reaffirm their commitment to this essential resurfacing work and to confirm that it has been reinstated in the M27 Smart Motorway programme. 41. STATEMENT OF GAMBLING POLICY Consideration was given to a report by the Strategic Planning Manager regarding the adoption of the Gambling Act Statement of Licensing Principles. RESOLVED: That the Council adopts the proposed Gambling Act Statement of Licensing Principles. 42. STATEMENT OF LICENSING POLICY Consideration was given to a report by the Strategic Planning Manager regarding the adoption of the Statement of Licensing Policy. RESOLVED: That the Council adopts the proposed Statement of Licensing Policy. 43. GENERAL FUND REVENUE BUDGET 2019/20 Consideration was given to the recommendations contained in the Minutes of the Cabinet meeting held on 31 January 2019, taking into account the Minutes of the Policy and Performance Scrutiny Panel held on 29 January 2019, concerning the 2019/20 Budget. The Leader introduced the budget and proposed an additional recommendation: (11) Approves additional allocation of New Homes Bonus: (a) £125,000 to support the restoration of Hiltingbury Lakes; and (b) £40,000 to bring forward a study on implementing a cycle route from Hedge End/West of Horton Heath to Eastleigh parallel with the railway line. 4 The Conservative Group submitted an amendment to the Revenue Budget and the following Recorded Vote occurred. FOR: Atkinson; Broomfield, Dean, Grajewski and Hughes. AGAINST: Councillors - Airey; Allingham; Asman; Boulton; Broadhurst; Campbell; Corben; Craig; Cross; Garton; Gomer; Groves; Holes; House; Irish; Mann: Manning; Parker-Jones; Pragnell; Reynolds; Tennent; Tidridge and Tyson-Payne. (FOR: 5; AGAINST: 24) The Independent Group submitted an amendment to the Revenue Budget and the following Recorded Vote occurred. FOR: Dean, Parker-Jones, and Tidridge. AGAINST: Councillors - Airey; Allingham; Asman; Atkinson; Boulton; Broadhurst; Broomfield; Campbell; Corben; Craig; Cross; Garton; Gomer; Grajewski; Groves; Holes; House; Hughes; Irish; Mann: Manning; Pragnell; Reynolds; Tennent; and Tyson-Payne. (FOR: 3; AGAINST: 26) A Recorded Vote took place for the substantive motion, and was as follows: FOR: Councillors - Airey; Allingham; Asman; Boulton; Broadhurst; Campbell; Corben; Craig; Cross; Garton; Gomer; Groves; Holes; House; Irish; Mann; Manning; Pragnell; Reynolds; Tennent; and Tyson-Payne. AGAINST: Atkinson, Broomfield, Dean, Grajewski, Hughes, Parker-Jones, and Tidridge. (FOR: 22; AGAINST: 7) RESOLVED: (1) (2) That the revised Budget for 2018/19 which incorporates pressures and efficiencies identified as part of the financial monitoring to 31 December 2018 be approved; (3) That Council sets the net revenue Budget requirement for 2019/20 at £10,045,000 and note the impact on the Council’s General Fund Balance (4) That the Local Government Finance settlement for 2019/20 be noted; 5 (5) That budget growth of £468,000 in 2018/19 and £338,000 in 2019/20 be approved; (6) That the Council Tax for Eastleigh Borough Council be increased by 1.1% (1% below CPI) for 2019/20; (7) That the Special Expenses for Parished and Non-Parished areas be approved; (8) That expenditure of £479,800 for the Point Capital Development Scheme, to be funded from external grant income received from Arts Council England (£367,800), Repairs and Renewals Reserve (£101,000) and fundraising by The Point (£11,000) be approved (9) That additional expenditure of £131,500 in 2018/19 for the Disabled Facilities Grant Programme to be funded from Government Grant be approved; (10) That the Fees & Charges for skin piercing registration fees be approved; (11) Noted the positive impact of the Council’s successful property investment decisions which are budgeted to generate a net surplus for the Council of £9M in 2019/20; and (11) That the additional allocation of New Homes Bonus be approved: (a) £125,000 to support the restoration of Hiltingbury Lakes; and (b) £40,000 to bring forward a study on implementing a cycle route from Hedge End/West of Horton Heath to Eastleigh parallel with the railway line. 44. COUNCIL TAX RESOLUTIONS 2019/20 Consideration was given to a report by the Chief Financial Officer detailing the Council Tax Resolutions for 2019/20. A recorded vote occurred: FOR: Councillors - Airey; Allingham; Asman; Boulton; Broadhurst; Campbell; Corben; Craig; Cross; Garton; Gomer; Groves; Holes; House; Irish; Mann; Manning; Pragnell; Reynolds; Tennent; and Tyson-Payne. ABSTAIN: Atkinson, Broomfield, Dean, Grajewski, Hughes, Parker-Jones, and Tidridge. 6 (FOR: 22; AGAINST: 7) RESOLVED: That Council approved the Council Tax Resolution as set out in the report which brings together the Borough’s Council Tax Requirement, including special expenses and that of the other major preceptors (Hampshire County Council, Hampshire Fire and Rescue and The Police and Crime Commissioner for Hampshire) and sets the Council Tax charges for 2019/20. 45. CAPITAL STRATEGY Consideration was given to the Capital Strategy recommendations from the Cabinet meeting held on 31 January 2019, taking into account the Minutes of the meeting of the Audit and Resources Committee held on 22 January 2019. RESOLVED: (1) That the capital strategy be approved; (2) That the Treasury Management Strategy be approved; (3) That the Investment Strategy be approved; and (4) recommend to Council to approve the changes to the Prudential Indicators in Appendix B1/B2, and (5) That the changes to the MRP Statement be approved. 46. CITIZEN OF HONOUR NOMINATIONS Consideration was given to a report of the Chief Executive detailing the Citizen of Honour Nominations. RESOLVED: That Council confirms the nominations of the following Citizens of Honour agreed by the Mayor, Liberal Democrat Group, Conservative Group and Independent Group Leaders: Mr Sri Kandiah Mrs Audrey
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