Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 2-24-1959 The B-G News February 24, 1959 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The B-G News February 24, 1959" (1959). BG News (Student Newspaper). 1463. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/1463 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. Thought For The Day Weather Nothing astonishes men so tartly cloudy and cool today. High much as common sense and Mil. plain dealing. iUtlS- —Ciuiison VoL43 Bowling Gr»«n State University. Bowling Green. Ohio. Tuesday, Fab. 24. No. 31 Family Relations Informal Concert Scheduled Jf Nominations General Theme Of Duvall Talks By D(J Symphony Orchestra For 13 Positions Family relations and marriage Approximately 40 persons have will be the general topic of two The University Symphony Orchestra, under the direction been nominate 1 for positions as addresses March 1 hy Evelyn Mil- Fraternities Issue of Professor Seymour L. Benstock, will present a "Pops" con- Student Body Officers or members lis Duvall, sociologist and author, of the Student Council for 1959- whose appearance on the campus Formal Bids Sat.; cert Saturday, March 7, at 8:15 p.m. in the Grand Ballroom 60, Morse Sanderson, treasurer of will be sponsored jointly by the of the University Union. the student boHy, has announced. College of Liberal Arts and the Following the tradition set by the orchestra's first "Pops" All students were eligible to Association of Women Studonte. Two Pledge Early submit nominations, under provi- in 1957, it will present a program of universal favorites. Dr. Duvall, whose latest book, Bids for freshmen and upper- sions of the Constitution of the Among th- selections will be: Student Body. The deadline for "The Art of Dating," was publish- classmen participating in the for- ed in 1958, 'iK'.i written "Facts of "The Light Cavalry Overture" by the nominations was Friday, and mal fraternity rush will be avail- Life and Love,"' "Family Develop- Von Luppe; "Talcs from the Vien- the all-campus election to deter- Guest Lecturer mine these positions will be held ment," "Family Living," and i.ble between 9 a.m. and noon, na Woods" oy Strauss; "Waltzes "When You Marry." She is also Saturday. Unless otherwise an- during the week before Spring Re- from the Rosenkavalier" by Rich- cess. a feature writer for "National NUNANAKEH nounced, bids may be picked up in Tarent-Teach'r Mugazine." ard Strauss; and selections from To Give Speech The nominations will now be the Grand Ballroom of the Union, "The Chocolate Soldier." She was graduated from Syra- Dr. Grover E. Murray, profes- turned over to a nominating com- cuse University, aurama cum according to Robert Greenberg, Featured soloist for the concert sor of geology at Louisiana State mittee, consisting of the senior laude, with a bachelor of science Nunamaker Is chairman of the Interfraternity will be Paul Makura, instructor in University, will deliver a lecture members of the Student Council. degree in 1927, and earned her Council Rush Committee. violin and concortmaster of the on "Geologic Cccurancc of Oil and This committee will review all no- master's degree from Vanderbilt University Symphony Orchestra. Gas in the Gulf Coastal Province" minations, making sure that the University in 1929. She attended Award Winner Sigma Phi Epsilon, granted the Mr. Makaia will perform two at 8 p.m. tomorrow in 204 Moseley qualifications listed in the Consti- Teacher's College, Columbia Uni- compositions hy Fritz Krieslcr: tution for persons seeking these Norman Nunamaker, president privilege of pledging a maximum Hull. Dr. Murrrv's talk will be versity, and Northwestern Univer- "Tho Tambourine Chinois" and the fifth in a series of lectures olfices are met by all nominees. of the Student Body, recently re- of ten men during the first week of Also stated in the Constitution sity, receiving her doctor of the formal rush period by IFC, "I.eibe.sfreud." sponsored by the College of Lib- philosophy decree from the Uni- ceived a national Alpha Tau Ome- ii the required number of candi- ga scholarship award. He was one pledged the following men Satur- Also featured on the program eral Arts. versity of Chicago in 1946. will be the orchestra's tympani As a visiting scientist through dates that must be selected for of six member* from 119 ATO day: Bill Lawrence, Ron Sherer, each race. At least two but not Dr. Duvall has been executive .Toe Rusnak, John Rombouts, Tom player, Martha McNutt. Miss Mc- the National Seieiuv Geologic In- secretary on the National Council chi.pters who were chosen to re- more than four rising seniors must ceive the $200 awards. lesue, Dick TrombK-y, and Bert Nutt will play "The Worried Drum- stitute and a man of wide reputa- of Familyn Relations. She com- be named candidates for President These awards were given on the Coburn. mer" by Schueiner. She will utilize tion and experience in his field, pleted a special assignment abroad 18 percussion instruments. Dr. Murray will remain on campus of the Student Body; and at least basis of the students' scholarship, /.tin Beta Tau, also granted two but not more than three rising for Around the World Family Life character, and participation in ex- special permission to pledge fresh- The concert, sponsored by the until Friday to permit further dis- Leaders Conference in 1964-56. She sophomores, juniors, or seniors for tiacurricular activities. men and upperclassmcn prior to U:iion Activities Informal Concert cussions and conferences. has taught summer school courses each of the positions of Secretary Nunamaker received his award Saturday, Feb. 28, have pledged Committee, will be organized At 4:30 p.m. Thursday, he will at various universitiea in the piesent a popular lecturo on Mexi- and Treasurer of the Student from William Hand, national Alpha Lewis Krongold and Norman Led- along traditional "pops" lines with United States, including Florida co in 140 Overman Hall. Body. Tr.u Omega province chief, at a erman, in addition to the 13 men individual tables for groups of For the election of three per- State University, Northwestern dinner at the ATO house in Janu- listed in the Feb. 17 issue of the four to eight and refreshments Friday has been set aside for faculty and s:urient conferences. sons to the Student Council from and Syracuse. ary. NEWS. will bo sold between numbers. Dr. Donald S. Longworth, chair- Any students liesirinir to talk with each of the rising sophomore, jun- man of the sociology department Dr. Murray are directed to visit ior, and senior classes, there must and Donna Remy, president of 21 Overman between tho hours of be at least five but not more than AWS, arranged for Dr. Duvall's III and 11:30 a.m. nnd 1:30 and seven candidates from each class. appearance. Student chairmen and .". p.m. on that day. The Vice-President of the Student committee members for the affair 'The Ultimate In Musical Events Dr. Murray was brought to the Body will be the presidential can- are: general chairman, Pitricia University through the efforts of didate with tne second highest Ensign; publicity, Emma Grasscn, the newly-formed liberal arts lec- number of votes. chairman, Suzanne Welter, Sondra ture committee, under the direc- Ewing, and Beverly Staidle; pro- tion of Dr. Jacob Verduin, chair- gram, Lucinda Krintz, chairman, Describes Philadelphians Concert man of the biology department It Change Considered Patricia Ayers and Cathy Kuss; is the work of iln ■ committee to reception, Carol Toth, chairman, By DAVE MEHTZ war consciously or immediaU-ly re- the predecessors of the now-popu- arrange for outside speakers and In Smoking Rules Molly Carter, Barbara Schultz, A rare treat was offered cognized by t'ie uudiencc. The lar "mood music;" and the afore- faculty members to present their mentioned "Firebird," which can and Virginia Weadock. background and experience of the ideas concerning the three phases to the students, faculty, and be enjoyed only occasionally by For BGSU Women concertmaater and Msl woman of. the liberal arts curriculum— administrators of the Univer- tl-e average Msicncr because of its i. aihcniatics and science, tho hu- A suggestion for amending AWS violinist sitting lesice. him, for in- wild, eratic third movement, also sity, Thursday night, and a manities, and social sciences. ruics to permit smoking in indivi- stance, made the snapping of a found sympathetic listeners. Two outside, speakers and two Exchange Trip crowd of discerning persons dual rooms of women's residence violin's string and its repair an Something might be said of the faculty members have been pre- who recognized the offering halls was considered by the AWS occurance that was hardly notice- audience, becuusc its enthusiasm sented to date. Dr. David G. Fry Won By Ensign as something particularly outstand- able. The concertmaster's switch- was apparently appreciated by the ditcussed "Ona Story, Two-Story, Legislative Boaid at its Feb. 17 ing threatened to break the con- and Split-Level Homes for Fish" Pat Ensign, a Klliof in the Col- ing instruments, the woman's re- Orchestra and Ormandy. At least meeting. Also discussed was a plan fines of the Union's Grand Ball- in October. Dr. Bentley Glass' lege of Business Administration, an encore mi played, which Is for AWS cooperation In accommo- room as it too'* advantage of the placing the siring and re-tuning subject In January was "Genes and is one of four Ohio students cho-cn hiehly unusual for the Philadel- dating members of Pi Kappa Del- occasion and packed itself into the violin, and another switch that Man—New Vistas." by the 111 Club for an all expense phians.
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