PROPOSED SUBMISSION LOCAL PLAN INCORPORATING THE PROPOSED MAIN MODIFICATIONS NORTH HERTFORDSHIRE LOCAL PLAN 2011-2031 PROPOSED SUBMISSION (SEPTEMBER 2016) INCORPORATING THE PROPOSED MAIN MODIFICATIONS (NOVEMBER 2018) AND FURTHER PROPOSED MODIFICATIONS (MAY 2021) PROPOSED SUBMISSION LOCAL PLAN INCORPORATING THE PROPOSED MAIN MODIFICATIONS NOTE: In November 2018, the Inspector examining the new Local Plan issued his Main Modifications. Following further Hearing Sessions in 2020/21, the Inspector has issued Further Proposed Main Modifications. This document shows the Plan as it is proposed to be modified. It is not formally issued by the Inspector as part of the Further Proposed Main Modifications consultation. It has been produced by the Council to aid prospective consultees as well as decision makers and those (considering) applying for planning permission. The Schedule of Further Proposed Main Modifications, as issued by the Inspector, is the definitive list of further proposed alterations to the plan. The Schedule takes precedence in the event of any conflict between the documents. This document shows how the Local Plan could read if the Main Modifications and the Further Proposed Modifications are fully incorporated into the original text of the Local Plan as submitted for examination in June 2017 (Examination Library reference LP1). In presenting the emerging Plan in this way, it is recognised that all proposed modifications are issued without prejudice to any Inspector’s report and may change. Planning decisions will give weight to relevant policies in the emerging plan in accordance with paragraph 48 of the NPPF. This document does not contain page numbers to avoid confusion with the Schedule of Proposed Main Modifications which refers to the page numbers in LP1. Similarly, policy, paragraph and criteria numbering is shown as per LP1 (including where proposed for deletion). Additional policies, paragraphs or criteria are generally denoted by the ‘number’ [x], unless it is possible to add a specific number or title without affecting the original text (for example, if a new criterion is being added to the end of a policy). Where policies, paragraphs, criteria or footnotes have been deleted and the subsequent numbering would be altered, a note has been included. Should the Plan proceed to adoption, the final version will show only the final text of the Plan and will be formatted to ensure all page, paragraph, policy and criteria numbering run sequentially and consistently. This means that some paragraphs, policies and / or criteria in any final version of the Plan may have different numbers or notations to those shown in this document. PROPOSED SUBMISSION LOCAL PLAN INCORPORATING THE PROPOSED MAIN MODIFICATIONS SECTION ONE INTRODUCTION AND CONTEXT PROPOSED SUBMISSION LOCAL PLAN INCORPORATING THE PROPOSED MAIN MODIFICATIONS SECTION ONE - INTRODUCTION AND CONTEXT 1 Introduction 1.1 Planning is about making important decisions affecting the environment and character of our towns, villages and countryside and ensuring that development happens in the right place at the right time. These decisions affect how we live and work and how we feel about places. 1.2 The process of preparing local plans and controlling development are firmly based within a legal framework set by the Government. The legislation and national planning advice state that all local authorities should have an up-to-date local plan. The last District Local Plan was adopted in 1996. North Hertfordshire District Council’s new Local Plan directs where new development will take place across the plan area, describes what changes will occur and identifies how our towns and villages will be shaped in the future. 1.3 This Local Plan seeks to address the key issues facing North Hertfordshire and will set a strategic vision and spatial strategy for the District over the period 2011 to 2031. The Local Plan contains five main sections, not including the appendices. A separate Local Plan Policies Map is published alongside the Local Plan to show the spatial implications of policies: Section One: Introduction and Context – this section explains the planning system and provides an overview of North Hertfordshire and the wider area. It also sets out the key challenges and issues facing the District. Section Two: Spatial Strategy and Strategic Policies – This section sets out the spatial strategy and vision for the future of the District and links this to the strategic policies which provide the guidance on the main issues that the Plan seeks to address. It sets out our overall approach to topics such as housing, employment, Green Belt and countryside. It also contains a separate policy for each of the Strategic Housing Sites (defined as sites of 500 or more homes) which will make a substantial contribution towards housing requirements over the plan period. Section Three: Development Management Policies – This section covers the detailed requirements that new development must meet to be granted planning permission. It includes issues such as open space, design and car parking. Section Four: Communities – This section sets out the site allocations for each community on a parish / town basis. It identifies the detailed site-specific criteria for each local housing allocation. Retail and employment allocations are also identified. Section Five: Implementation, Monitoring and Review – This section sets out how the proposals in the Plan will be delivered. It identifies key supporting infrastructure and the partners that will help to deliver it. It sets out a monitoring framework that will be used to ensure that our vision and strategic policies are being met and sets out an approach to a future review of the Plan. 1.4 It is important to note that the policies and supporting text in this Plan are inter- related and need to be read together when considering a specific proposal or issue. PROPOSED SUBMISSION LOCAL PLAN INCORPORATING THE PROPOSED MAIN MODIFICATIONS This Local Plan supersedes the saved policies from the 1996 North Hertfordshire District Local Plan No 2 (with Alterations). Appendix 1 provides a list of policies that have been superseded. Appendix 2 provides a list of Local Plan designations as shown on the Policies Maps and where to view other designations which policies in the Local Plan refer. The Planning Framework: National Policy and Guidance 1.5 The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF)1 was first published in 2012 and was revised in 2018. The NPPF sets out the Government’s planning policies for England and must be taken into account along with other national planning policy in the preparation of local and neighbourhood plans and in determining planning applications. The NPPF is supplemented by detailed Planning Practice Guidance (PPG), first released in 2014, which provides additional detail on certain topics. Local plans must be consistent with national planning policy to pass examination. This Local Plan has been prepared in accordance with the 2012 version of the NPPF. 1.6 One of the key elements of the NPPF is the presumption in favour of sustainable development. Local plans must be based on and reflect the presumption and include clear policies setting out how the presumption should be applied locally. It also states that local plans should meet objectively assessed needs for housing, business and other requirements, with sufficient flexibility to adapt to rapid change, unless the adverse impacts of doing so would significantly outweigh the benefits or other specific policies in the NPPF indicate that development should be restricted. 1.7 In relation to local plans, matters covered by the NPPF include (but are not limited to) requirements to: Properly assess the need for new development (known as objectively assessed needs) and planning to meet these insofar as is consistent with the framework; Where appropriate, carry out these assessments with regard to market areas which may cross administrative boundaries and ensuring that development needs across these wider areas are also met; Protect existing Green Belt and only alter it in exceptional circumstances; Identify what infrastructure will be required to support planned development; Address issues such as climate change and ensure a positive approach to the conservation and enhancement of natural and historic environments; and Where potential harm to relevant natural or historic assets may occur, consider this against the public benefits that may arise from any proposed development. Duty to co-operate 1.8 Another important element of the National Planning Policy Framework is the Duty to Co-operate. The 'Duty-to-Co-operate' was introduced via the 2011 Localism Act. Public bodies have a legal duty to co-operate on strategic planning issues that cross 1 National Planning Policy Framework (DCLG) March 2012 – https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/national-planning-policy-framework--2 PROPOSED SUBMISSION LOCAL PLAN INCORPORATING THE PROPOSED MAIN MODIFICATIONS administrative boundaries, with local planning authorities working together to meet development requirements which cannot wholly be met within their own areas. Local planning authorities will be expected to demonstrate evidence of having effectively cooperated to plan for issues with cross-boundary impacts when their local plans are submitted for examination. 1.9 The Council has sought to engage constructively and on an on-going basis with other neighbouring authorities and public bodies throughout the preparation of the Plan. This includes
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