Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi attends CHOGM 2018 Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abba- si attended the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM 2018) in London from April 18-20, 2018. During his stay in London, the Prime Minister attended the Reception hosted by HM Queen Elizabeth II; called on HRH the Prince of Wales and met Prime Minister Theresa May. He also inter- acted with Australian Prime Minister Mr Malcolm Turnbull and President of Republic of Kenya, Mr Uhuru Kenyatta. The Prime Minister actively partici- pated in executive and retreat sessions as well as a number of events held on the sidelines of the CHOGM, where he Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Ab- Speaking on the theme of sustainable spoke on a range of themes. basi underscored Pakistan’s unmatched future, the Prime Minister reaffirmed The Prime Minister articulated Paki- sacrifices and unparalleled achieve- Pakistan’s commitment to pursuing the stan’s vision, efforts and achievements ments in the fight against terrorism. He 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Develop- in the fields of economy, security and stressed that defeating this contempo- ment, highlighting several national steps sustainable development, while sharing rary menace required collaboration. He in this context. his thoughts on the Summit themes of a also cautioned against indulgence in The Prime Minister also held dis- more prosperous, secure and sustainable blame games and politicization for do- cussions with Peek Vision and CBM future. The Prime Minister highlighted mestic electoral gains, noting that such in London and highlighted Pakistan’s the significance of connectivity in the steps were not conducive to addressing efforts to eliminate preventable blind- context of enhancing trade and invest- this scourge. ness from the country. ment, describing CPEC as a model for The Prime Minister also underlined Besides, a delegation of Royal Dutch prosperity nationally and regionally. the imperative need of ensuring jus- Shell led by Mr. Ben Van Beurden, Chief While sharing concerns over the ris- tice for the people of occupied lands, Executive Officer, Royal Dutch Shell ing global trends of protectionism, the who continued to be subjected to state also called on Prime Minister Shahid Prime Minister called for an equitable, sponsored oppression. He emphasized Khaqan Abbasi and discussed further effective and inclusive multilateral trad- that the shared goal of shaping peaceful investment interest in Pakistan. ing system and advocated the need for societies would remain elusive without The main theme of CHOGM-2018 pathways to greater regular migration guaranteeing fundamental freedoms was “Towards A Common Future.” and mobility. and resolving disputes. High Commissioner visits Greater Birmingham Chambers of Commerce H.E. Syed Ibne Abbas visited Greater among them through their web/social GBCC for hosting the reception. He en- months to apprise the business commu- Birmingham Chambers of Commerce media channels. dorsed the view of Mr. Nasir Awan and nity about trade & investment opportu- (GBCC) on Saturday, 27th April, 2018. Mr. Nasir Awan, President Asian Mr. Steve Brittan, who had been doing nities in Pakistan; He was greeted by Mr. Paul Faulkner, Business Chamber of Commerce business in Pakistan for the last many • The Consulate will share data with CEO GBCC along with other office (ABCC) said that ABCC is already years that the word about improved in- the GBCC on monthly basis to be dis- bearers of the Chamber. working to promote the institutional vestment and trade opportunities was seminated to GBCC digital e-mail data During the meeting, Mr. Paul linkages between district Chambers of not getting out to the local businesses base of over 16000 business enteritis; Faulkner briefed the High Commission Commerce in Pakistan and the GBCC. in the UK. He highlighted the potential and on the role of GBCC and the opportu- He underlined the fact that the true of China Pakistan Economic Corridor • In the prelude to the Commonwealth nities available for promotion of trade word about the potential of Pakistani (CPEC) and Pakistan’s economy which games 2022, the Consulate together with and investment especially in post Brexit businesses and the improved security was registering a growth rate 5.5%. the GBCC will organize events involving scenario. He further added that GBCC situation is not getting out which is not The following were agreed in the Sialkot and other Pakistan Chambers. has huge following among the business encouraging the local businesses to go meeting: community and the available opportu- to Pakistan. • GBCC would host a “Pakistan Day nities in Pakistan can be disseminated The High Commissioner thanked the in the Chamber building within next 3 Interior Minister Ahsan Iqbal participates in Panel Discussion on Countering Violent Extremism Federal Minister for Interior Mr. the world, including unresolved inter- Plan (NAP) and the practical steps taken Ahsan Iqbal addressed a Panel Discus- national disputes, negative and stereo- by the Government to counter terrorist/ sion on Countering Violent Extremism typing media campaigns against com- violent extremist elements. (CVE) at the Foreign & Commonwealth munities, religions and nations. At the end, he reiterated that Paki- Office in London, UK, on the side-lines He pointed out it was the prejudice stan had already geared up for a grand of the Commonwealth Heads of Gov- and a sense of injustice and hopelessness strategy for preventing and countering ernment Meeting (CHOGM) 2018. that, coupled with lack of engagement violent extremism to defeat forces of ha- While affirming Pakistan’s support for & understanding and lack of peaceful tred and violence. The founder of nation, the cause, Minister Iqbal observed that alternatives, were driving impressiona- Mr Jinnah gave us a clear vision for an at a time when global challenges like ble individuals into the folds of violent inclusive and harmonious society. We climate change, terrorism & extrem- extremism & terrorism. Extremism and want to give our next generation peace ism, and inequalities were staring us in terrorism can never be defeated unless and stability for economic development. the face in an ever-connected world, there is an understanding of why and Pakistan would be happy to share its global politics had become fractured how it spreads, he stressed. experiences of success as well as learn and dysfunctional, and that there was a Briefing the participants about Paki- from others. need for collaborative and accommoda- stan’s journey from being the victim of The Interior Minister also met Sir Ci- tive efforts, rather than finger pointing. terror & extremism to a victor over these aran Devane, Chief Executive British He stressed that any effective policy to menaces, Minister Iqbal highlighted the Council and discussed British Council’s counter violent extremism would re- commitment and sacrifices of Pakistani project in Pakistan. quire a comprehensive approach based nation in fight against terrorism. on an objective and considerate under- Speaking of measures undertaken standing of both internal and external by Pakistan, Minister Iqbal briefed the root causes of the rising extremism in participants about the National Action Qasim Farasat from Pakistan elected as Asia Regional Representative of Commonwealth Youth Council A young Pakistani Qasim Farasat has erment of youth. been elected as Asia Regional Represent- H.E. Syed Ibne Abbas, Pakistan High ative of Commonwealth Youth Council Commissioner to the UK felicitated Qa- (CYC). The election took place during sim on this unique honour. He termed the CHOGM 2018 in London. him a role model for the youth and Qasim represented young people of wished him well in his future endeav- Pakistan at the 11th Commonwealth ours. Youth Forum of the CHOGM 2018. He is the first ever Pakistani who received this singular honour. Qasim is an active young leader working for the empow- Commerce Minister Pervaiz Malik meets British Minister Greg Hands Mohammed Pervaiz Malik, Federal Textile Event under Commonwealth Commerce Minister, during his visit to Business Forum where he highlighted London in April, met Mr. Greg Hands, the success which Pakistan is making Minister of State for Trade Policy and on the economic front and the mega Mr. Rehman Chishti, Trade Envoy for change which the realization of CPEC Pakistan. He was accompanied by Pa- is bringing about in the infrastructure kistan’s High Commissioner H.E. Syed and energy landscape of Pakistan. Ibne Abbas. Commerce Minister also met with During the meeting, Commerce Min- Prince Andrew, Duke of York at St. ister called for a closer trade relation James Palace on the eve of Pitch@Palace between the two countries post Brexit. Commonwealth event. On this occasion, Mr. Hands assured Pakistan’s Commerce both the leaders acknowledged close Minister that post Brexit, Pakistan would relations between the two countries and get more generous market access in the agreed to cement them further. UK as compared to the access which it It is important to note that Com- currently enjoys under GSP Plus regime. monwealth countries represents about He also assured to work with Pakistan one third of global population having a to promote it as a safe destination for combined GDP of US$ 10 Trillion which British Investment. Commerce Minister offers immense opportunities in Trade also invited him to visit Pakistan which and Investment which Pakistan is keen Mr. Hands agreed in principle. to exploit in order to boost its exports Apart from this meeting, Commerce and create employment opportunities. Minister attended “Asia Leaders Round- table Conference” and “Fashion and Dr Robina Shah becomes the High Sheriff of Greater Manchester for jurisdiction, district or County - a thousand years ago, the High Sheriffs have come from many different profes- sions, trades and ethnic and religious backgrounds. “Dr Shah’s Instalment is an important continuation of this tradition, as the re- gion’s first Muslim woman. “I am sure she will make a brilliant contribution to the role and am looking forward to her tenure.
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