1 The Asian Intellect Research and Education Journal is a refereed journal and is published by the with SEC REGISTRATION NO. CN201539886 and office address at BLOCK 33B, LOT 1, PHASE 2, KAUNLARAN VILLAGE, NAVOTAS CITY and BLOCK 63, LOT 20, FIESTA COMMUNITIES, SAN RAFAEL, TARLAC CITY EMAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: www.asianintellect.org 2 RESEARCH AND EDUCATION JOURNAL Volume 5, march 2017 3 Publication Guidelines Editorial Board 1. All articles must be authorized for pub- lication by the author/s. DR. LOUELLA F. ONA. Editor-in-Chief 2. All the research papers published must have a high degree of scholarship. ENGR. MURPHY P. MOHAMMED, Ed.D. 3 All the research papers published must Editorial Consultant be approved by the editorial board . 4. All the research papers published must JULIE LIEZEL C. FERRER, MDA have undergone evaluation from our Issue Editor corps of referees thru double-blind ref- eree process. JANELA MARZEL C. FERRER Managing Editor 5. The articles may either be written in English or Filipino. All articles written in either languages must be accompa- nied by an Abstract which is written MELVIN REN ADDUN Circulation in English. JOAN MARION ADDUN 6. All contributions must be original. Cover Design 4 TABLE of CONTENTS Gender and Development (GAD Awareness and Gender Roles among Pwds in Conner, Apayao By: Agustina G. Pattung and Rosemarie D. Pidlaoan page 9 Local Government Units’ Educational Services for Out-Of-School Youth in the Municipality of Jolo: An Assessment By: Hayudini S. Asakil page 14 Status and Problems of Ruminant Projects of Occidental Mindoro State College: Lessons for Ruminant Management in the Philippines By: Elmer G. Ruedas page 20 Awareness on Gender Concepts and Perception on Gender Roles of Faculty, Staff and Students of Mountain Province State Polytechnic College By: Flordeliza G. Cruz page 33 Product Development of Bread Rolls from Tannia (Xanthosoma sagittifolium) By: Florida Bono page 45 Sensory Evaluation of Tannia (Xanthosoma sagittifolium)- Camote (Ipomea batatas) Cookies By: Jacinta Bayaua page 51 Abuyug: The Practice Of Bayanihan In Conner, Apayao By: Jacinta Bayaua, Agustina G. Pattung, Rosemarie Pidlaoan and Florida Bono page 57 5 TABLE of CONTENTS Mock-Up Multi Function Three Phase Induction Motor: An Instructional Tool By: Jun Rey J. Poyos page 62 Enriching the Quality of Buns Using Tannia and Camote By: Lilia Lagua and Florida Bono page 68 Math Anxiety and Scholastic Achievement of the Students in Siquijor State College By: Marjorie P. Eslit page 74 Tau’sug Level of Awareness and Acceptance of Government Health Services for Leprosy in Sulu By: Masnona L. Sabdani-Asiri, DPA page 86 Noting Details Skill and Problem Solving Ability of the Preschoolers of Select DepEd Preschools in In San Jose, Occidental Mindoro By: Michelle G. Gabasa and Maria Victoria S. Mateo page 98 Acceptability of the Developed Enhancement Material In Elementary Statistics By: Michelle G. Gabasa page 105 A Comparative Study of Online and Classroom Performances of Information Technology Students in Occidental Mindoro State College By: Pilita A. Amahan page 112 6 TABLE of CONTENTS Development and Evaluation of an Instructional Material in “Istruktura ng Wikang Filipino” By: Resyjane Minervina P. Tabangcura page 118 Product Development of Jam From Tannia and Camote By: Rita Hidalgo page 127 Marketing Margins and Business Functions of Hybrid Corn Farmers and Middlemen in Sablayan, Occidental Mindoro, Philippines By: Rizzi Angelica T. Dagos page 133 Stress Factors and the Teaching Performance of the Information Technology Faculty of Occidental Mindoro State College By: Rosalinda P. Magararu page 142 Basic Office Application Software Skills of The Elementary Schools Teach- ers in the Municipality of Balilihan Bohol, Philippines By: Shella C. Olaguir page 150 The BIKOLANO Sensibility in Merlinda Bobis’s “WHITE TURTLE” By: Douglas Angel A. Aragon II page 159 7 8 GENDER AND DEVELOPMENT (GAD) AWARENESS AND GENDER ROLES AMONG PWDs IN CONNER, APAYAO Agustina G. Pattung and Rosemarie D. Pidlaoan Apayao State College Malama, Conner, Apayao, Philippines e-mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT Gender is an integral component of every aspect of the economic, social, daily and private lives of individuals and societies, and of the different roles as- cribed by society to men and women as emphasized by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations . The PWDs of Conner are aware of GAD and GAD related Laws. There were 8 respondents who claimed knowledge- able on GAD. These are the respondents who are well- informed about GAD. The respondents were mostly aware of RA 8972 , followed by RA 6725, RA 7877, and RA 9262. Further, the respondents were aware about PPAs related to environ- mental protection and sustainable development and disaster. In addition , they perform gender roles along social empowerment, reproductive roles, household managing roles, community and political roles. With regards to trainings, the findings showed that the top five training priorities identified by the respondents included WEDGE, GAD, Responsible parenthood and Reproductive health act, Anti Violence against women and their children and Human Rights. Organic Fer- tilizer Production was also of interests among the PWDs. They also have signified preparedness and knowledge on what to do in cases of disaster. Keywords: gender roles, PWDs, GAD laws INTRODUCTION society's particular perceptions of the physical differences and the assumed tastes, tendencies and In the Philippines, the Gender and Devel- capabilities of men and women. According to Fiar opment (GAD) Programs are mandated in every - od (2000), gender roles are the result of how institution to make governance gender respon- societies socialize men and women to behave. For sive. According to the Philippine Commission on several years now, governments and development Women (2009), laws mandate non-discriminatory agencies have given top priority to gender issues and pro-gender equality and equity measures to in development planning and policies. Gender enable participation in the formulation, imple- responsiveness is concern on resource access and mentation, and evaluation of policies, plans, and allocation as well as opportunities for social and programs for national, regional, and local devel- economic advancement. There is a need for policy opment. The Philippine Commission on Women -makers to be mindful of the major aspects of so- presents that the gender perspective looks at the cially ascribed gender functions and the specific impact of gender on people's opportunities, social needs of men and women such as employment, roles and interactions. Successful implementation family life, health, education, the environment, of the policy, programs and project goals that are public life and decision-making bodies (FAO, gender related have directly affected the process 2000). of social development. Gender is an integral com- ponent of every aspect of the economic, social, With the mandate for GAD, the College, daily and private lives of individuals and socie- as part of its Extension Services, conducted this ties, and of the different roles ascribed by society assessment as input in updating the Training Pro- gram considering the needs of one sector of the to men and women. Gender differences are social society- the PWDs. constructs, inculcated on the basis of a specific 9 LITERATURE REVIEW der the Regional Development Council (NEDA) , Guidelines for the Creation, Strengthening, and Globally, governments and development Institutionalization of the Gender and Develop- agencies have prioritized gender issues in devel- ment (GAD) Focal Point System and others . opment planning and policies. National and inter- national cooperations were geared towards gender equity, resource access and allocation, social and OBJECTIVES economic advancement like the 1992 UN Confer- ence on Environment and Development This study aimed to describe the awareness of (UNCED) in Rio de Janeiro (known as the "Earth the PWDs on GAD and their gender roles. Summit"), World Conference on Human Rights, held in Vienna in 1993, The World Summit for Social Development, held in Copenhagen in 1995 Specifically, it sought answers to the follow- and the likes (FAO, 2000). ing: 1. determine the awareness of the respondents The 1987 Constitution states two promi- on GAD related laws nent provisions on gender equality and develop- 2. describe the gender roles of PWDs in Conner ment namely; first in the Declaration of Princi- ples Article II Section 14 which asserted that "The 3. determine training needs of the respondents State recognizes the role of women in nation- building and shall ensure the fundamental equality before the law of women and men" and article METHODOLOGY XIII-Labor: Section 14 provided that "The state The study employed descriptive method shall protect working women by providing safe of research. The study was conducted in Conner, and healthful working conditions taking into ac- Apayao among 15 officers and members of the count their maternal functions, and such facilities Association of PWDs in Conner consisting of 10 and opportunities that will enhance their welfare female and 5 male respondents. Purposive sam- and enable them to realize their full potential in pling was employed in the study. PWDS who the service of the nation". Anonuevo (2000) pro- were present during the conduct of the research vided overview of the gender situation in the Phil- were interviewed by the researchers. The ques-
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