Index absolute but fl exible layout. Special Characters See also layout and Numerics creating, 328–329 description, 326 <!-- --> (comment) tag, 13 heights, 329 != (not equal) operator, 363, 545 margins, 329 $ (dollar sign), 460 overview, 326 % (percent sign), 680 percentages, 326–328 & (ampersand), 528 widths, 329 * (asterisk), 461, 464 absolute layout . (period), 460, 463 CSS, 324–325 / (slash), 12, 342, 462 overview, 322–324 : (colon), 162, 368, 419, 551 XHTML, 324 ; (semicolon), 162, 342, 510, 666 absolute measurements, 189–190 { (left brace), 362, 369 absolute positioning { } (curly braces), 162, 363, 368–369, 464 absolute but fl exible layout } (right brace), 362, 368 creating, 328–329 + (plus sign), 355, 461, 464 description, 326 < (less than) operator, 363, 545 heights, 329 <= (less than or equal to) operator, 545 margins, 329 <> (angle braces), 12 overview, 326 = (equal sign), 364, 528, 678 percentages, 326–328 == (equality) operator, 363, 545, 678 widths, 329 > (greater than) operator, 363, 375, 544–545 absolute layout >= (greater than or equal to) operator, CSS, 324–325 375, 545 overview, 322–324 , (comma), 419 XHTML, 324 “ “ (double quotes) description, 317 coding with, 510 HTML, 318 double quote interpolation, 515 position guidelines, 318–319 embedding quotes within, 431 settings, 319–320 local styles, 242 COPYRIGHTEDz-index MATERIAL property, 320–322 ‘ ‘ (single quotes), 666 absolute references, 89 3D Button fi lter (IrfanView), 113 Accordion tool (jQuery UI), 798, 824–827 action attribute, 524, 534 addClass( ) event, 763 A addContactCSV.php program, 602–603 a value, 593 addContact.php program, 596–597 <a></a> (anchor) tag, 84–86 addInput.html program, 357–358 559_9780470537558-bindex.indd9_9780470537558-bindex.indd 985985 110/7/100/7/10 99:01:01 PMPM 986 HTML, XHTML & CSS All-in-One For Dummies, 2nd Edition Adobe Fireworks, 942 AJAXtabs.html program, 831–832 Adobe Flash AJAXtest.html program, 844–845 binary encoding, 262 alert( ) method, 342 disadvantages of, 261–262 alert statement, 345 search engine problems, 262 Align tool (Gimp), 952 technical issues, 262 alt attribute, 98 updating issues, 262 alternate text, 98 in Web-based fonts, 184 ampersand (&), 528 Adobe Photoshop, 942 anchor (<a></a>) tag, 84–86 Airbrush tool (Gimp), 945 AND clause, 725 AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) angle braces (<>), 12 asynchronous transactions, 733 animate( ) method, 489, 492, 785 client-side inclusion, 964–966 :animated fi lter (jQuery), 796 CMS, building with, 766–769 animated GIFs, 105 connections animate.html program, 779–782 asynchronous, 741–742 animation checking status, 740–741 automatic motion getAJAX( ) function, 743–744 code, 484–485 HTML forms, building with, 737 overview, 483–485 opening to server, 739 setInterval( ) call, 485–486 overview, 734–737 boundaries, checking, 474–475 reading responses, 745 <canvas> tag, 155 sending requests and parameters, 740 global variables, 471–472 setting up program, 743 HTML code, 468–470 XMLHttpRequest object, 738–739 image-swapping description, 731 animating sprites, 489–490 features of, 731–732 fi le format, 487 JavaScript in, 733 fi le size, 487 libraries, 747–748 global variables, 488–489 multipass application interval, setting up, 489 HTML framework, setting up, 849–850 names, 487 loadlist.php program, 851–852 overview, 486–487 overview, 847–849 page, building, 487–488 responding to selections, 852–853 preparing images, 487 select element, loading, 850 subdirectory, 487 showHero.php script, 853–854 transparency, 487 sending requests init( ) function, 472 overview, 843–844 JavaScript, 470–471 PHP, simplifying, 846–847 jQuery sending data, 844–846 alternating styles, 795 tabs, using with, in jQuery, 830–833 callback function, 785 text fi les, including with, 765–766 changing position with, 779–782 XML in, 734 cloning, 793–794 559_9780470537558-bindex.indd9_9780470537558-bindex.indd 986986 110/7/100/7/10 99:01:01 PMPM Index 987 CSS in, 775–776 moving sprites, 497 events, setting up, 782–783 overview, 490–492 fading elements in and out, 779 swapping, 492 fi lters, 796 updating images, 497 framework, creating, 782 reading input from keyboard, 475–476 hiding and showing content, sprite div, 467–468 771–773, 777 timer-based movement, 484–485 HTML in, 775–776 anti-aliasing, 945 initializing code, 792 antsFunction.html program initializing page, 776–777 chorus( ) function, 400 JSON object, 785 code, 397–399 modifying elements, 786–791 distraction, 401 move( ) function, 784 passing data to and from functions, node chaining, 783–784 398–401 page, building, 791 text, creating, 401–402 relative motion, 785–786 verse function, 400–401 resetting page, 795–796 antsParam.html program, 398–399 sliding elements, 778 Apache, 644, 872–873 speed attribute, 785 append( ) method, 792, 821 text, adding, 792–793 append mode, 598 time-based animation, 785 Apple Safari, 52 toggling visibility, 778 Apple Webkit framework, 52 transition support, 773–775 Aptana Studio. See also Integrated wrap method, 794–795 Development Environments (IDE) keyboard, reading input from automatic end tag generation, 58 event handlers, 478 on CD-ROM, 981 init( ) function, 477–478 changing extension, 61 key codes, 480 changing initial contents, 61 overview, 475–476 changing view, 61 page, building, 476–477 code completion, 338 responding to keystrokes, 479–480 customizing, 60–61 mouse-following effect debugging, 380–381 followMouse.html, 481–482 error detection, 58, 339 initializing code, 482 features of, 58–60 listener, 483 fi le management tools, 58 moving sprites, 472–474 help fi les, 338–339 overview, 467–468 HTML editor preferences, 60 preloading images issues with, 61 building code, 494–495 Outline view, 58–59 global variables, 495–496 Page preview, 58 initializing data, 496 syntax completion, 58, 338 loadImages( ) method, 496–497 writing JavaScript editor with, 338–339 movement, 492 XHTML template, 58 559_9780470537558-bindex.indd9_9780470537558-bindex.indd 987987 110/7/100/7/10 99:01:01 PMPM 988 HTML, XHTML & CSS All-in-One For Dummies, 2nd Edition arguments, defi ned, 583 associative arrays. See also arrays arrays creating, 567 accessing, 405–406 extracting rows as, 620 associative foreach, using with, 568–570 creating, 567 normal arrays versus, 568 extracting rows as, 620 asterisk (*), 461, 464 foreach, using with, 568–570 asynch.html program, 742–743 normal arrays versus, 568 Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX) breaking strings into, 574–577 asynchronous transactions, 733 code, 405 client-side inclusion, 964–966 creating CMS, building with, 766–769 with explode, 574–575 connections overview, 559 asynchronous, 741–742 with preg_split, 576–577 checking status, 740–741 defi ned, 395 getAJAX( ) function, 743–744 description, 355 HTML forms, building with, 737 fi lling, 559–560 opening to server, 739 in HTML, 565–567 overview, 734–737 loops reading responses, 745 for loop, 406–407 sending requests and parameters, 740 foreach loop, 564–565, 568–570 setting up program, 743 overview, 562–567 XMLHttpRequest object, 738–739 multidimensional, 570–574 description, 731 objects, 395 features of, 731–732 one-dimensional JavaScript in, 733 creating, 559 libraries, 747–748 fi lling, 559–560 multipass application preloading, 562 HTML framework, setting up, 849–850 viewing elements of, 560–561 loadlist.php program, 851–852 preloading, 562 overview, 847–849 two-dimensional responding to selections, 852–853 calculating distance with, 573–574 select element, loading, 850 code, 411 showHero.php script, 853–854 description, 409 sending requests main( ) function, 411–412 overview, 843–844 setting up, 410–411 PHP, simplifying, 846–847 <article> tag, 143 sending data, 844–846 ASCII fi les, 666 tabs, using with, in jQuery, 830–833 ascii_general_ci collation setting, 661 text fi les, including with, 765–766 askName.html program, 523 XML in, 734 ASP.NET, 503 :attribute=value fi lter (jQuery), 796 559_9780470537558-bindex.indd9_9780470537558-bindex.indd 988988 110/7/100/7/10 99:01:01 PMPM Index 989 attributes, defi ned, 75 basicColors.html program, 159–161 audience basicDL.html program, 73 broadband access, 900 basicForm.html program, 123 browsers used by, 900 basicLinks.html program, 85 computers used by, 900 basicOL.html program, 67–68 determining, 899–900 basicTable.html program, 74–75 mobile devices used by, 900 batch processing, 101, 115–117 profi ciencies, 900 Bezier path, 948 <audio> tag, 149–152 Bezier Select tool (Gimp), 948 AUTO_INCREMENT tag, 672–674 binary notation, 12, 366 automatic motion. See also page Blend tool (Gimp), 945–946 animation blink attribute, 196 code, 484–485 <blink> tag, 196 creating, 483–486 BLOB data type, 640 setInterval( ) call, 485–486 blob property, 628 block-level tags, 85 B blockType table, 979 blogging, 918–920 <b> tag, 183 Blur fi lter (IrfanView), 111–112 background images. See also images blur fi lters, 111–112, 954 changing, 228–230 Blur/Sharpen tool (Gimp), 950 colors, 232 BMP images, 102, 106 contrast, 232–233 <body> tag, 13, 161 description, 93 bold text, 193–194 gradients, 235–237 Boolean functions, 363 in jello layout, 298 Boolean values, 355 preparing, 941 Boolean variables, 363 problems with, 230 border( ) function, 761 seamless texture, 232 border-color attribute, 220 tiled, 230–232, 958–960 bordered class, 758 turning off repeat, 234–235 borderProps.html program, 220 using in lists, 237–238 borders background-color attribute, 162, 428 attributes, 219–221 backgroundColor property, 431 box model backgroundColors.html program, block-level elements, 224–225 428–431 border, 225–228 backgroundImage.html
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