AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY WAGENINGEN PAPERS 86-5(1986) A REVISION OFBEAUMONTI A WALLICH, KIBATALIAG . DON AND VALLARIOPSIS WOODSON (APOCYNACEAE) (serieso frevision so fApocynacea e XIX) RUDJIMAN Department ofPlant Taxonomy Wageningen, Agricultural University, The Netherlands Received04-VIII-198 6 Dateo fpublicatio n 30-03-1987 Presentaddres so fauthor :Faculty of Forestry, GadjahMada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia BIBLIOTHEEK LANDBOUWUNIVERSITEIT WAGENINGEN 1987 Wageningen mm Agricultural University : LANDBOUW/CATALOGUS 0000 0213 3466 CIP- koninklijkebibliothee k- de nHaa g ISBN9 0675 409 94 ISSN 0169-345x © Agricultural University,Wageningen ,th eNetherlands , 1987. Nopar t ofthi spublication ,apar t from abstract,bibliographi cdat aan dbrie f quotationsembodie d incritica lreviews ,ma yb ereproduced , re-corded or published inan yfor m includingprint ,photocopy ,microform , elektronico r elektromagneticrecor dwithou twritte npermissio n from thepublishe r AgriculturalUniversity ,P.O .Bo x9101,670 0H BWageningen ,th e Netherlands. Printedi nth eNetherland sb yDrukkeri j Veenman B.V.,Wageningen . INTRODUCTION The present publication isa monographic revision of the Asian genera Beau- montia, Kibatalia and Vallariopsis. It isbase d on the study of livingplants , her­ barium material and spirit collections. The author had the opportunity to study living plants in the field of B. multi- flora, K. arborea,K. maingayi, K. villosa and K. wigmanii. The first and last were seen only in cultivation, the others in the wild. The cultivated plants of the men­ tioned speciesh estudie d in the Botanic Gardens ofYogyakart a and Bogor. The genera Beaumontia and Kibatalia consist of 9an d 15specie s respectively. Vallariopsisi sconsidere d to be monotypic. The three genera belong to the tribe Nerieae, of the subfamily Apocynoideae. The distribution maps are the first evermad e for these genera. Almost all specimens studied are cited in the present paper. HISTORY OF THE GENERA BEAUMONTIA Beaumontia wasdescribe d by WALLICH in 1824wit ha singlespecie s Beaumon­ tiagrandiflora. He named it in honour of the late lady Diana Beaumont, a bene­ volent supporter of botanical science.Te n years earlier, ROXBURGH proposed the nomen nudum Echues grandiflora for the same taxon which he validated only in 1832,althoug h it did not belong to the genus Echites asdelimitate d today. In 1850 WIGHT published a second species: B.jerdoniana. Several more fol­ lowed, the last of which, B. yunnanensis Tsiang & W. C. Chen (1973), turned out to beconspecifi c with B. khasiana. KIBATALIA In 1826BLUM E proposed the Apocynaceous genusHasseltia based on a single species H. arborea. He didn't know that 3year s earlier HUMBOLDT, BONPLAND and KUNTH published the Tiliaceous genus Hasseltia. When he discovered the latter, BLUME rebaptized his Hasseltia Kickxia. However, his Kickxia turned out tob ea homony m ofth e Scrophulariaceous genusKickxia Dumortier (1827). Thelatte r fact wasth e reason why G. DON (1837)gav ei tit sthir d name Kibatalia being used up to the present day. The name ofKibatalia isderive d from the Sundanese, Ki Benteli. Ki = wood; Benteli = spear. Presumably its wood was used by local people for shafts of spears (personal communication ofM . RIVAI and HARINI, 1985). Agric. Univ. WageningenPapers 86-5 (1986) 1 '^^ ***£-•'•'* <!»>« MAPA . • Beaumontia; mKibatalia; * Vallariopsis. Agric. Univ. WageningenPapers 86-5 (1986) VALLARIOPSIS In 1882HOOKE R f. described the species VMaris lancifolia based onmateria l collected by MAINGAYIunde r Kew distribution number 1048.WOODSO N(1936 ) proposedth egenu s Vallariopsisbase do nthi sspecies . Thepresen tautho rmaintain sthi sgenus . GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION Thedistributio n ofth egener ai sshow no nma pA .Beaumontia occur si ntropi ­ calAsi afro m India to Balii nIndonesia .B. grandiflora i sth eonl yspecie sreach ­ ingtemperat eregion si nNepal ,Bhuta nan dSikkim .Th elatte ri swidel ycultivat ­ edi nAmerica ,Europ a and Africa. Kibatalia isrestricte d to Southeast Asia, known from Thailand south toIn ­ donesia andeas t toTh e Philippines. Itsare a nearly reaches 127° East. Several species occur in very limited areas: K. elmeri at Irosin (Luzon), K. longifolia at Southeast Mindanao,K. macgregori inhabi t Sibuyan island andK. wigmanii Northeast Sulawesi.Th emos twidel ydistribute d speciesi sK. maingayicoverin g a largepar to fth eare ao fth egenus . Vallariopsis isonl y known from continental Malaysia andfro m the Islands of Siberut and Pagai, Province of West Sumatra. It iscuriou s that thegenu s isno tye tknow nfro m Sumatra. TAXONOMICPART BeaumontiaWallich ,Tent .Nap . 14.1824 ;Ker , Bot. Reg.911 . 1825;Chitten ­ den, Bot.Mag . 60:3213 . 1833;G . Don,Gen .Syst . 4:77 . 1837;D eCandolle , Prod. 8:403 . 1844; Miquel, Fl.Ned .Ind . 2:430 . 1857; Bentham & Hooker, Gen. PL2 :721 . 1876;Kurz , Fl. Brit. Burma 2: 179.1877 ;Hooker , Fl. Ind. 3: 660. 1882; Bâillon, Hist. PL 213. 1889; Boerlage, Fl. Ned.Ind . 2:389 . 1899; Cooke, Fl. Bombay 2: 138. 1908;Koorders , Exk. Fl.Jav a 3:77 . 1912; Gamble, Fl.Madra s5 :817 .1923 ;Pitar d inFl .Indo-Chin e3:1235 . 1933; Craib,Fl .Siam . 2: 475. 1939;Pichon ,Mem .Hist .Nat . 1:61. 1950; Bor& Raizada , Somebeauti ­ ful Indien climbers andshrub s 205. 1954;Backe r &Bakhuize n v.d. BrinkJr. , FLJav a 2:239 . 1965; Tsiang& T'ao ,Phyt , Sin. 11:379 . 1973;Stevens ,Fl . Has. Dist. Karnataka 430. 1976; Herklots, FI. Trop. Climbers 39. 1976; Tsiang& Li,Fl .Pop .Sin .63 : 129.1977. Typespecies :Beaumontia grandiflora Wallic h Agric. Univ.Wageningen Papers 86-5 (1986) 3 Woody climbers, producing white latex. Trunkterete ;bar k pale grey, rough and mostly corky. Branches terete, hollow when dry, pale grey or pale grey- brown,wit hlongitudinall y fissured bark,lenticellate ,sometime scorky ;branch - letsterete ,lenticellate ,a tth eape xsomewha tquadrangula r orlaterall ycompres ­ sed.Leaves opposite ,thos eo fa pai requa lo rsubequal ,les softe n unequal,petio - late; petioles connate at the base into a very short ocrea, with colleters in the axils.Blade coriaceous or papyraceous, entire,wit h costaimpresse d above and prominent beneath; secondary veins anastomizing; tertiary venation conspicu­ ous,reticulate .Inflorescences axillar yo rtermina lan dthe nofte n seeminglyaxill ­ arya si nth eaxi lo fsubtendin glea fpai ra branchle ti sdevelopin gfo rth econtinu ­ ation of the branch, alternating when axillary, cymose, lax or less often con­ gested. Peduncle and pedicels puberulent, sparsely to densely pubescent orles s often tomentose;bract ssepal-like ,mostl ywit hcolleter sa tth ebas eo feac hbrac t (only in B. macrantha, colleters absent). Flowers 5-merous, mostly very large, actinomorphic,mostl yfragrant . Sepals 5 (whichma yb e6 fo r B.khasiana), free , entire, with a single row of colleters at the base. Corolla consisting of a lower and an upper part; lower part cylindrical. Stamens connivent into aclos econ e around the pistil head (only in B.khasiana the anther cone lessclose) ,withou t dorsal swelling;filaments filiform; anther s narrowly triangular, acuminate at the apex, sagittate at the base, introrse, tails curved towards each other; cells 2, dehiscent throughout by a longitudinal slit. Pistil: disk ring- or cup-shaped, shallowly5-lobed ,o ronl yi nB. longituba 5-parted ,surroundin gth eovary ;ovar y bicarpellate;carpel sbroadl y ovoid; stylefiliform; pisti lhea dellipsoi d or ovoid, toppedb ya conica lsteril eapex .I neac hcel lon esemiglobos eo rellipsoi dplacen ­ ta with many ovules. Infructescences as far as is known bearing 1-2(3) fruits, pendulous.Mericarps dar kbrow no rdar kgrey ,cylindrica lo rellipsoid ,rounde d at the apex, somewhat cordate at the base, glabrous, lenticellate, dehiscent throughout bya longitudina l slit,many-seeded .Seeds (onl yknow nfo r B. multi- flora, B. murtonii and B.grandiflora): with apex of the seeds directed towards theape xo fth efollicle ,bearin ga napica lcoma ;grain sfusiform , brown,glabrous , granulate;com a white,silky ;hair s simple,recurve d whenth esee dlef t the fruit; endospermwhite ,surroundin gth eembryo ;embry olarge ,straight ,white ;cotyle ­ dons flat, elliptic;rootle t cylindrical, directed towards theape x of theseed ,ob ­ tusea tth eapex . KEY TO THE SPECIES 1. Corolla tube 10-22.5(30)m mlong ,uppe rpar t 6-17.5(20) mmlong ;anther s inserted4-6(10 ) mmfro m thecoroll abase ,8-9. 5 x 1.5-2 mm;dis kdensel y pubescento rtomentos e 2 - Corollatub e(20)30-13 0m mlong ,uppe rpar t(25)27.5-11 0m mlong ;anther s inserted 10-40 mm from thecoroll a base, 10-17 x 2-4 mm;dis k glabrous orpuberulen t 3 Agric. Univ. WageningenPapers 86-5 (1986) 2. Corolla lobes (20)25-40 x 17.5-40 mm; mouth diameter 20-30 mm; fila­ ments 20-25(30) mm long;stamen s exserted for 10-20 mm;leave s sparsely puberulent orglabrescen tabov e 5.B .khasian a - Corolla lobes 9-12 x 6-10 mm; mouth diameter 10-12.5 mm; filaments 10-10.5m mlong ;stamen sinclude d for 0-1 mm;leave s(sparsely )tomentos e above 7.B .macranth a 3. Stamens exserted, less often included; filaments (10)15-25 mm long; pistil 25-50 mm long; disk glabrous, or sometimes with hirto-puberulence at the apex 4 - Stamens included; filaments 30-60 mm long; pistil 65-100 mm long; disk tomentulose,pubescen t ordensel yhirto-puberulen t 6 4. Peduncle 10m m long; sepals very narrowly ovate, about 0.2 x as long as the corolla tube, 8-10 x 2 mm; mouth 12.5 mm in diameter; disk parted 6.B .longitub a - Peduncle (25)30-100 mm long; sepals elliptic, obovate or narrowly ovate, 0.2-0.9 x as long as the corolla tube, 9-40(45) x 2-27 mm; mouth (25)32.5-70m mi ndiameter ;dis klobe d 5 5. Sepals27.5-40(45 ) x 18-27mm ;colleter so fth esepal s 50-70i nth ewhol e flower;lowe rpar to fth etub e(10)15-17.
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