VIRGINLA^ Thesehomes Before Renting

VIRGINLA^ Thesehomes Before Renting

Am. uNyutM.—p.c. <c—, APTS. UHfUm—MP. <C—4.) Am. UNfUfcHISNiP—¦MD. ACTS- UNFUtN- VA. iC—t-> I WOUSIS UMFUKR iCweM.i HOUtES 4ne SALE, H.W, (C—¦) THE EVENING STAR MR. TWEEDY —By ™ B-15 Ned Riddle| Washington. COLORED—NEW APTS. ‘ AURORA HILLS [ JUNE IN JANUARY ' CATHEDRAL ATE.. ta»4 9 bed- ! D. C. SHOWING KENT 'E-bed rm brick bouse with 12-ft FRIDAY. JANUARY M, IMS FIRST 1 and*?2isr®T*W?S2*an(flsßß.SO CARPETED llv up. , WALL-TO-WALL shopping and schools one block: APARTMENTS rm.. bright new kit. eating : CREBTWOOD 1314 K ST. S.E. 20 min. to downtown D. C- nr Port with New Orleans white HOUSSS TOO SALE—N.W. Nft NAVY TARO—Brand-new apt. Mgr-WA. VILLAGE• ’ brick Colantat; det. lovely lot; paw- • Meade Reas 7-3721 of iwttjtoes . der den. let fl.; ( bid*.: la*. Urine din.tu r ARMS . spacious apart- *' rm.. 4 bedrms.. 2 rm.. MEURILEE APTS 63rd and See our baths up; . maids rm., : It, bedrm . modern mPMt kit. Bladensbure rd. ments. Schools, shape, con- mtn ree. no bath: with r*frigera tor; modem tile bath: venient bus LAROE l-IfuROOM tPTVIts ilnSSm *fnlM nelglbborhood*tn 2-ear garaae: bamt. Priced la low brick arranged aa 2 separate apt,. to Rent from service: utilities 2 9100 heart of Arlandrta at the cross ! forties. ELIJAH G and each. cost, tTorTthlnt. Included: 1, 3 bedrooms; LARGE BEDROOM* ... ARNOLD. Col. noma, kitchen bath to A FEW 2. Dr storage roads as schools, shopping and M 2 beat. 3M7.R0 M8.60 mo. JUST rent from 473. SBS. 4118. luxe kit., locker, parking. Only per Full bsmt. gas h.-w. Deep LEFT. 800 janitor at 1100 K it.. REDUCEDS6fI^S79 Inspect aav time, la nenrby Va. transportation $l2O GEORGE^TOWN—Sft SPU yard and garage 913.950 with Apt. Tor lovely, elmost-new. 1-bedroom month to family who wIU rite good 3 N st. just off WU.: *" 1 or call MX. DUVAU. DI. a Pnrn. ApU Available cart. JA. new bbthf: c Mr 7- weekday, —2l apt- aU utilities Included. You ¦ Please caU 5-003lT^ lnccme *2.660 vr An unufsal vacant; ‘ DANIEL E. RAGALIE alone control heat In npt.; T COLORED near shops end transportation. I “alt ,vr. v&fed* WAW SP. 3-6300 * Flower and Finer Branch rd. j f&liS*. : DEBIRABLE, CONVENIENT —2O 1«24*14uf9lt N.W. AD°4:»O99 Apply Plymouth at ß*a,SL^V.° . Homes In and GEORGETOWN lmmaculate. 6 CARVER HALL APTS. P7lB Arllncton Fairfax roome. 1 bath, plus 2- COLORED, LOW DN. PYMT- WASHINGTON REALTY RA. 2-8300 Co a. 2-bedrm. homes from 986 per finished Morris Rd. and PI. Si. mo.; bedrm apt. In basement: asking BALANCE T.nca rrht Pitta 3-bedrm. homes with base- » p.m.. LIT. bedrm., dinette, and WOODSIDE CaU for of $27500. CaU ’ill Erf! 327 MADISON BTT. N.W. rm.. kit. menu from 3140. Uxt 2- W. JR. CO. storm bath, complete kit.. 972; two hed- VIRGINLA^ thesehomes before renting. F. BZREHfI. St I 8-room. aeml-det. brick: e%mb. JA. rme., 9827 all ntlla. turn, and jani- VICINITY OF -20 windows and ecreenv large living GEORGETOWN—New exclusive list- rm, open - fireplace, dining rm, tor oereloa: 1-fare trance, at door. restored and decorated with Bee MR FltU pi. MANOR Melpar, Pentagon, WRIGHT REALTY, INC. ing: kitchen and den on let find bed- BOSTON. 2387 great charm; din. ,Dd * ~ Rd., i llv. rm.. rm. rm*’ bathe, 2 porches 2nd 10102 Ga. Ave. ( 811. Spg. 1 H. Olebo 2-4800 IJ4 on un Arlington Hall Arl. JA. rm.. kit. on Ist floor: 3 flr.: full garage, NEW FOR powder bamt.. oil h.-w. Vn.'&.xm. bedrms.. bath on 2nd. Secluded heat. Newly decorated. See anytime THOSE SEEKING THE UTMOST IN garage. by appt. EXTRA AVAILABLEIMMEDIATELY patio: Inspection appt. by Mr. Weaver. WO. 6-4944. Am. UNfURHtSHtP—MD. LAROX CON DE 2-7702. HO 2-IQI6. NEtLE fIHOPPINO W~HC&Li* TRANS- MARSHALL J. WAPLE CO. B A1 " PORTATION. BEE LOWE CASBEL. Realtor. 1612 CORAL BILL*. Garden ApU. at LUXURY pT?dM 00 separate dining 1224 14th 2* bSdROOMB. *95 room bsmt., front St. N.W. AP. 4-2008 D. C. line.—3 bedrme.: 906. tnd screened porch, MT.*' FLEASANT—Detached stucco: util., nr. bui. chops. JO UTILITIES INCLUDED f side fenced 1 12 rms., 4 baths. 3 apts.; priced eebool. Immediate and Peb. occupancy, par- NO COLORED—VACANT 8- —24 quet floors. ample closeU and ator- NORTH HULLS—We have eeveral low. H. E. BRUZEE. 7-7628 ROCKVILLE—I. 2 and 2 bedrooms. ADULT APTS. age: incinerators and disposals I fJmm'iT thu POTOMAC PALlSADES—Beautiful LIVE FREE ventilating i big 4-bedrm . 2-bath brk. Colonial. UTtnc rm., dinette, kitchen, bath FAMILY APTS. fan. laundrr facilltt : • Mac- Kennedy and porch: Newlv decorated In colors off- WILLSTON £23TYLER bedrooms, In the highly convenient 9th and Sts. N.W. rear screened near transportation PARK—2 tuU yrs. old. schools and sbopplnc center: 966 street narking; good AT SEVEN bamt.. screened porch, fenced yard. Arthur blvd. ares: onlv 7 let COMMERCIAL and t CORNER* SOUTH and la lovely cond.; wonderful 2 2 kitchens. 2 baths, aids to 980. plus utils. PO. 2-4296. locs lon WOODLEY—2-bedrm. con. large apts, temporary rambler, carport, (creep quaUty: 17-ft. bedroom and hall. 2 enclosed heated porches, SPRING AREA—2-bedrm. tajMSMsar"* lit floor; Live SILVER Park Hampshire CALL JU. 9-2123, 9-5 Rental Office “ \ full bath on built-in in one apartment sad rent - — - sou.: 976.60-484.60. plus • garage; screened porch; raof; de luxe Hampshire i™ t: ’ HOLMES RUN—3-bedroom eon tem- slate the other to pay your expenses. utilities rms. super-sited 9300 New Ave. —23 < DI Larse _ ' 6601 Arlington Blvd. 928.606. FRANK 3. PHILLIPS. Call p.m. dlspoeaL “We’llleave it up to this egg—you porary rambler with dgn, carport, WO. Immediately till 9 closets, car base bis refre. (2 BLKS. FAST SHOP. CENTER) eaw me dishwasher, disposal. 7-1411; eves.. 6-4764. with cross-top treeaer. WASH IN D. C.'s MOST COMPLETE' WALTER REED Clean and very Murray Levine, AD. 4-3737 YOUR OWN KITCHEN. Hemlock JE. 2-1613 come to a full atop, didn’t you?” TYLER PARK—4-bedrm. Capo Cod: brk. 4-8809. •übetnntial 3-bedrm Calonlal. Hemlock 4-7793. —2O SUBURBAN COMMUNITY ’ convenient to everything: $18,950 COLORED—NEAR FAIRFAX—4-bearoom Cape Cod; K 8 7 PETWORTH TAROMA FARE—Modem 2-bedrm. Express Bus Downtowq ACTS. UNFURNISHIP—VA. HOUSES UNFURN. (Coot.l repsrste dining room; nr. Kgmp • —22 DET. BUNGALOW apt. Garbase dlspoeaL utils, lncl e^ OL Lovly. 5 2 1 blk elementare school. 3 blks. 1-Bedroom Apt., " HILLWOOD—I-bedroom Cape Cod. FACING GOLF COUBBE Lovely rmi, plus finished heated ih #d SBS 628 MADISON ST. N.W. (facing home rme. In attic, full bsmt. gas h.-w.h, INC . *,Rj Bedrooms, $95 LANGLEY $73.50 AND SBB Park)—Mod., semJdet. brick, on lgs. custom-built stone-and-brtek recr. rm, lge. yd, gar. UANOR APAß*mE^rrS 2 From Llv. din. ‘ jsrst*. i overlooking Rock Creek Park. Of- BT. TU. 2-6091 9*3911. d»n; JU. 5-3066. era# UTILITIES INCLUDED Congressional lot rm.. rm kit., sun- quiet serenity of country 3-3626 Eves. room. 4 bedrms.. bath, powder ! fers the Included H. G. SMITHY CO. mt, EROYHILL CREET^'s-bedroom Co- . living; 10 minutes commuting time All Utilities PARK room: room In bamt., Vi bath: hall, 2-BEDRM. AFT., Ut. rm., din. rm.. 811 13th St. N.W. ST. 3-3800 xns h.-w h„ 2 Ige. porches, garage: lonial: fireplace, screened porch. to downtown. Wide center COLORED—VACANT kit. with washer, dryer and bath: Daily, 9:30-6; Sun., 12-6 APARTMENTS ’ • full bsmt living room with screened Service conv to everything; Sl5O mo. livingspacious room, 426 Nicholson St. N.W. In new apt. bids, on Oliver Sprint NEW AVE. St ' BRYLIN PARK 3-bedroom split t porch, large dining BUecr Soring unfurn., Call HE. 4-4500 HAMPSHIRE EARLY DAWN CO . TU. 2-8,135. baths, porch, rec. and powder room on Ist Semldet. brick: 6 beautiful rma, mod- see.. ft 10 EXTENDED level: 2 screened kitchen3 large kitchen; h.-w.h.; utils, tnd. EX. 3-6604 or JU. 6- AT UNIVERSITY LANE Personnel THREE din. floor: bedrms. on 2nd floor: ern bath and oil 4563. —2l Uv. rm.. rm.. WMTHAMPTON—3-bedroom rsm- - paneled study on 3rd floor: 2-car aarage: nice yard. Excel, location LYNHAVEN GARDENS , kit., bath, lot fl.; full bamt.: stor- • bier; 2 baths; lull bsmt. garage. Price. $26.050.. Eves. Mr COLLEGE FARE—97B monthly. lncl 3617 COMMONWEALTH , ate attic; nawly dec.: 985 mo. LO. 4-0147. T FRED EHRLICH , Brand-new btmt. apt, 3 ALEX.—2 bedrme.. llv. Cbannlng LA. Woodell. L ORA- best. AVE.. 1 2806 at. a.a.. 6-2983. REALTY, VATTE. Realtor. NA. 8-0763. 1012 14th Bt. N.W. 8T 3-0450 Ist. rooms and lse. mod. kitchen: 1 BEDROOM vn.. dinette kit. and bath: ARFAX INC. After 6:30. DU. 7-7595 —2* 1 blk. from stores, churches and 869 See resident manager on Lovely Lawn, Trees NEW BRICK HOMES—3 bedrooms. JE 2-1450 Queenstown premise, ’ _ transp,: ne children or pets. |Vi baths; ‘»U boat.: 8105 mo. » COLORED DAnAlb REALTY, to. 9-6237. and Flowers lmmed pots. DIM BEDFORD. : COLORED—I4IB rTL AYE. N.W—- GEORGETOWN 13th AND SHEPHERD —2O $73.50 FALLS CHURCH VA.. 302 AP. 7-2846.

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