122 Ïåðíàòûå õèùíèêè è èõ îõðàíà 2018, Спåцвûп. 1 Материалû конфåðåíцèй Features of Spatial Distribution and Population Number of the Imperial Eagle in the Kostanay Region, Kazakhstan ОСОБЕННОСТИ РАЗМЕЩЕНИЯ И ЧИСЛЕННОСТЬ ОРЛА- МОГИЛЬНИКА В КОСТАНАЙСКОЙ ОБЛАСТИ, КАЗАХСТАН Bragin E.A. (Kostanai State Pedagogical University; Naurzum National Reserve, Kazakhstan) Bragin A.E. (SAOC RO «Don’ Heritage», Rostov on the Don, Russia) Брагин Е.А. (Костанайский государственный педагогический университет; Наурзумский государственный заповедник. Костанай, Казахстан) Брагин А.Е. (ГАУК РО «Донское наследие», Ростов-на-Дону, Россия) Контакт: Иçу÷åнèå раñïрîñòранåнèя è ÷èñлåннîñòè The study of the distribution and population Евгений Брагин îрла-мîгèльнèêа (Aquila heliaca) â Кîñòа- number of the Eastern Imperial Eagle Aquila [email protected] наéñêîé îблаñòè ïрîâîдèлîñь â òå÷åнèå heliaca in Kostanai oblast was conducted 1998–2017 гг. Ñ 1979 г. âåдёòñя ïîñòîяннûé during 1998–2017. Since 1979, there has Contact: мîнèòîрèнг гнåçдîâîé груïïèрîâêè â been ongoing monitoring of the breeding Eugene Bragin Наурçумñêîм çаïîâåднèêå. group in the Naurzum Nature Reserve. [email protected] Тåррèòîрèя Кîñòанаéñêîé îблаñòè, ïрî- The territory of the Kostanai region, ñòèраюùåéñя ñ ñåâåра на юг бîлåå ÷åм extending more than 700 km from north на 700 êм, êраéнå нåîднîрîдна. Ïîмèмî to south, is extremely heterogeneous. In ïîñлåдîâаòåльнîé ñмåнû ландшафòîâ îò addition to successive changes in landscape лåñîñòåïåé дî ñåâåрнûõ ïуñòûнь, умåнь- from forest-steppe to northern deserts, шåнèя лåñèñòîñòè ñ 7,2–14,8% дî 0,3– decreasing forest cover (from 7.2–14.8% 1,2% è дîлè раñïаõаннûõ çåмåль, для нåå to 0.3–1.2%) as well the share of plowed õараêòåрнû èнòраçîнальнûå è аçîнальнûå land, small patches of pine and deciduous ландшафòû. Оñòрîâнûå бîрû è нåбîльшèå forest occur here almost to the border of êîлêîâûå лåñа âñòрå÷аюòñя ïî÷òè дî гра- desertified steppes. нèцû îïуñòûнåннûõ ñòåïåé. The distribution of the Imperial eagle in Раñïрîñòранåнèå îрла-мîгèльнèêа â îб- the region is determined by the presence лаñòè îïрåдåляåòñя налè÷èåм дрåâåñнîé of woody vegetation and a sufficient раñòèòåльнîñòè è дîñòаòî÷нîé êîрмîâîé forage base, which consists mainly of large баçû, îñнîâу êîòîрîé ñîñòаâляюò ïрåèму- rodents. The pattern of location of nesting ùåñòâåннî êруïнûå грûçунû. Мîдåль раç- territories depends on the area, type мåùåнèя â îòдåльнûõ раéîнаõ çаâèñèò îò and configuration of forest tracts and the ïлîùадè, òèïа è êîнфèгурацèè лåñнûõ features of the surrounding landscapes. маññèâîâ è õараêòåра îêружаюùèõ èõ In the northern part of the steppe zone ландшафòîâ. (so-called kolochnaya steppe) the nesting  ñåâåрнîé ÷аñòè ñòåïнîé çîнû, â òаê territories of the imperial eagle are diffuse наçûâаåмîé êîлî÷нîé ñòåïè, гнåçдîâûå and located near more or less large pasture у÷аñòêè мîгèльнèêîâ раñïîлагаюòñя дèф- areas with colonies of Russet Ground фуçнî у нåмнîгèõ бîлåå èлè мåнåå êруï- Squirrel (Souslik) Spermophilus major. нûõ ïаñòбèùнûõ у÷аñòêîâ, гдå èмåюòñя Another important source of food is Rooks нåбîльшèå ïîñåлåнèя бîльшîгî ñуñлèêа Corvus frugilegus. The breeding density (Spermophilus major). Äругèм âажнûм is 0.6–0.7 pairs/1000 km2 of total area. In êîрмîâûм рåñурñîм яâляюòñя гра÷è (Cor- total, 11–12 breeding territories are known vus frugilegus). Ïлîòнîñòь ñîñòаâляåò 0,6– on this territory. Nests are located in pine 0,7 ïар/1000 êм2 îбùåé ïлîùадè. Âñåгî Pinus silvestris (7), birch Betula sp. (5) and на эòîé òåррèòîрèè èçâåñòнî 11–12 у÷аñò- poplar trees Populus sp. (1). êîâ, èç нèõ 7 у÷аñòêîâ â бîраõ Бîрîâîå è In the subzone of dry steppes, there are Àраêарагаé. Гнёçда раñïîлагаюòñя на ñî- three types of habitats. Here 108 nesting ñнаõ (Pinus silvestris) (7), на бåрёçаõ (Bet- territories are described, of which up to 60 ula sp.) (5) è îднî â лåñîïîлîñå на òîïîлå sites in pine forests. The “island” pine forests (Populus sp.). – Naurzum, Amankaragay, Kazanbasy, with  ïîдçîнå ñуõèõ ñòåïåé âûдåляåòñя òрè an area of 156 to 420 km2 are surrounded by òèïа мåñòîîбèòанèé è ñîîòâåòñòâåннî steppe or fallow land with colonies of Russet Proceedings of Conferences Raptors Conservation 2018, Suppl. 1 123 ïрîñòранñòâåннîгî раçмåùåнèя îрлîâ- мîгèльников. Здåñь îïèñанî 108 гнåçдîâûõ у÷аñòêîâ, èç нèõ дî 60 у÷аñòêîâ â бîраõ. Оñòрîâнûå бîрû – Наурçумñêèé, Àманêа- рагаéñêèé, Каçанбаñû ïлîùадью îò 156 дî 420 êм2 îêружåнû ñòåïямè èлè çалåжамè ñ ñîõранèâшèмèñя ïîñåлåнèямè ñуñлèêîâ è/èлè ñурêîâ (Marmota bobak). Âажнûмè груïïамè êîрмîâ яâляюòñя òаêжå âранîâûå è âîдîïлаâаюùèå ïòèцû. Гнåçда лîêалèçу- юòñя на îïушêаõ маññèâîâ на раññòîянèè 1,2–7 êм ñ ïлîòнîñòью 47,6–137,5/1000 êм2 лåñнîé ïлîùадè. Гнёçда раñïîлагаюòñя èñ- êлю÷èòåльнî на ñîñнаõ. Цåïî÷êè бåрåçîâûõ è îñèнîâûõ êîлêîâ (â Тåрñåêå êаê ÷аñòнûé ñлу÷аé – ñîñнîâûõ), лèбî груïï дåрåâьåâ на ñêлîнаõ Âîñòî÷- нî-Тургаéñêîгî è на нåêîòîрûõ у÷аñòêаõ Заïаднî-Тургаéñêîгî ïлаòî (Кèçбåльòау, Ñарûбулаê, Тåрñåê) îбåñïå÷èâаюò î÷åнь благîïрèяòнûå уñлîâèя гнåçдîâанèя.  нèжнåé ÷аñòè ñêлîнîâ è на раâнèнаõ Тур- Орёл-могильник (Aquila heliaca). Фото Е. Брагина. гаéñêîé лîжбèнû раñïîлагаюòñя ïлîòнûå Imperial Eagle (Aquila heliaca). Photo by E. Bragin. ïîñåлåнèя жёлòîгî ñуñлèêа (Spermophilus fulvus), на âîñòî÷нîм ïлаòî – ñурêîâ. У÷аñòêè (29) îрлîâ-мîгèльнèêîâ раñïî- Ground Squirrel and/or Marmots Marmota лагаюòñя лèнåéнî на раññòîянèè 5–17 êм. bobak. Important food items are also corvidae Гнåçда раñïîлагаюòñя на бåрёçå (75%), and waterfowl. The nests are localized along лèбî îñèнå (Populus tremula).  Тåрñåêå – the edge of the forests with density of 47.6– на ñîñнаõ, òîльêî на дâуõ у÷аñòêаõ èç 12, 137.5/1000 km2 of forest area. Nests are гдå îòñуòñòâуåò альòåрнаòèâа, гнёçда раñ- located exclusively in pine trees. ïîлагалèñь на бåрёçå. Rows of birch and patches of aspen (in Маññèâû бåрёçîâûõ è îñèнîâûõ êîл- Tersek as a special case – pine) along the êîâ (Ñûïñûн, Кумагаш, Бåльêарагаé) на slopes of the Turgai plateau provide very мåлêîбугрèñòûõ, ïîêрûòûõ раçнîòраâ- favorable nesting conditions. In the lower нî-ïåрèñòîêîâûльнûмè ñòåïямè, ïåñêаõ. part of the slopes and on the plains of the Гнåçдîâûå у÷аñòêè лîêалèçîâанû ïî Turgai valley there are dense settlements of îêраèнам маññèâîâ, ñî ñрåднåé ïлîòнî- Yellow Ground Squirrel Spermophilus fulvus, ñòью 92,3–100 ïар/1000 êм2 лåñа. Здåñь and on the plateau – marmots. Breeding èçâåñòнî 17 у÷аñòêîâ, â которûõ гнёçда territories (29) of the Imperial Eagles are раñïîлагаюòñя на бåрёçаõ. Крîмå òîгî, located linearly at distances of 5–17 km. шåñòь у÷аñòêîâ раñïîлагаюòñя â ñîñнî- Arrays of birch and aspen forest (Sypsyn, âûõ ïланòацèяõ è лåñîïîлîñаõ, è 1 гнåç- Kumagash, Belkaragai) occur on finely hum- дî бûлî на îïîрå ЛЭÏ. mocky sands, covered with feather-grass Оïуñòûнåннûå ñòåïè юга îблаñòè õараê- steppes. Nest sites are located on the out- òåрèçуюòñя шèрîêèм раñïрîñòранåнèåм skirts of woodlands, with an average density êîлîнèé жёлòîгî ñуñлèêа è дåфèцèòîм of 92.3–100 pairs/1000 km2 of forest. There мåñò гнездованèя. Гнёçда ïрèурî÷åнû ê çа- are 17 breeding territories known, and nests рîñлям лîõа (Elaeagnus sp.) â ïîéмаõ рåê are located in birches. Another six sites are è â ïåñ÷анûõ маññèâаõ. Ïлîòнîñòь гнåçдî- located in pine plantations and forest belts, âанèя нå ïрåâûшаåò 0,8 ïар/1000 êм2 îб- and one nest was on a power line pole. ùåé ïлîùадè.  êîнцå ХХ – на÷алå ХХI âåêа Desertified steppes in the south of мîгèльнèêè ñòалè îñâаèâаòь çдåñь нîâûå the region are characterized by a wide рåñурñû – îïîрû ЛЭÏ, а òаêжå дрåâåñнûå distribution of colonies of Russet ground наñаждåнèя â брîшåннûõ наñåлåнèåм ïî- squirrel and a shortage of nesting sites. ñёлêаõ. Иç 16 èçâåñòнûõ гнёçд шåñòь раñ- Location of nests is confined to thickets ïîлагаюòñя â ïåñêаõ на дåрåâьяõ лîõа, 4 of Central-Asian olive in riverbeds and in – на îïîраõ ЛЭÏ, 3 – â брîшåннûõ ïîñёл- sandy areas. The density of nesting does êаõ на âяçаõ (Ulmus sp.) è êлёнå (Acer sp.) not exceed 0.8 pairs/1000 km2 of the total 124 Ïåðíàòûå õèùíèêè è èõ îõðàíà 2018, Спåцвûп. 1 Материалû конфåðåíцèй 3 – на лîõå â ïîéмаõ рåê. area. At the end of the XX centuries eagles На ñамîм югå рåгèîна îрёл-мîгèльнèê began to use power line poles for nesting, нåрåдîê â ïрè÷èнêîâîé çîнå ïлаòî Шал- as well as trees in abandoned settlements. êарнура. На 78 êм ÷èнêа â 2016–2017 гг. Of the 16 known nests, six are located in наéдåнî 6 гнёçд è лîêалèçîâан åùå îдèн trees on sandy ground, 4 – on poles, 3 – in у÷аñòîê. Гнёçда раñïîлагаюòñя â нèжнåé abandoned villages and 3 – along riverbeds. ÷аñòè ñêлîнîâ на дåрåâьяõ òурангè (Populus In the south of the region, the imperial diversifolia) (2), ñаêñаула (Haloxylon sp.) eagle is not rare along the edge of the (3) è лîõа (1), гнåçдî, наéдåннîå на ïлаòî, Shalkarnura plateau. Along 78 km of slopes бûлî уñòрîåнî на ñаêñаулå. in 2016–2017, six nests and one new  наñòîяùåå âрåмя ÷èñлåннîñòь гнåçдî- nesting site were found. Nests are located in âîé ïîïуляцèè îрла-мîгèльнèêа â Кîñòа- the lower part of the slopes in Turanga trees наéñêîé îблаñòè îцåнèâаåòñя â 200–220 Populus diversifolia (2), Saxaul trees Halox- ïар. Оêîлî ïîлîâèнû (49,1–54,0%) раç- ylon sp. (3) and Central-Asian olive (1), and мåùаåòñя â îñòрîâнûõ è êîлêîâûõ лå- the nest found on the plateau was in saxaul. ñаõ ñуõèõ ñòåïåé. Наèбîлåå êруïнûå Currently, the breeding population of груïïèрîâêè наñ÷èòûâаюò â Наурçумñêîм the imperial eagle in the Kostanay region бîру 17–18 ïар, â Àманêарагаå 18–19, is estimated at 200–220 pairs. About half â Каçанбаñаõ 9–10, â Тåрñåêå 8–9 ïар.  (49.1–54.0%) is located in forest patches ïîñлåднèå дåñяòèлåòèя мîгèльнèêè ñòалè on dry steppes. The largest groups are çаñåляòь лåñîïîлîñû, â òîм ÷èñлå ïрèдî- in the Naurzum forest, 17–18 pairs, in рîжнûå, раñïîлагая гнёçда на ñòарûõ òî- Amankaragai 18–19, in Kazanbasakh 9–10, ïîляõ èлè âяçаõ.  îднîм èç òаêèõ гнåçд у in Tersek 8–9 pairs. In recent decades, Impe- ñамîé îжèâлåннîé òраññû Àñòана – Кîñòа- rial Eagles began to inhabit atypical nesting наé – Чåлябèнñê îрлû уñïåшнî âûêарм- places, for example, forest belts, including лèâаюò ïòåнцîâ òрè гîда ïîдряд.
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