FRIDAY, MARCH 24, 1961 Average Dally Net Preea Run PAGE EIGHTEEN manrij^atpr lEofnitig l^pralii For the Week Ended* March 11, tgei Both cars were traveling east at Miss Jeanne PhyUis Halvonen Minor Accidents the time. Damage was m in o r . Former Residents 13,817 daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H owa^ Crocker was told to appear in About Tovm G. Halvorsen. #1 Phelps Rd.. will Circuit Court. Manchester, oh ORANGE HALL Member of the Audit Bring 2 Arrests Filling OES PosU Bureau of Circulation begin her spring vacation^ from April 6. Manchester— A City of Village Charm A rummage sale will be spon- , Centenary College for Women, Two persons were arrested as Arthur R. Colby, 31, of 409 Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Mcllroy. iored'-by the Covenant Women's j Hackettstown. N.J.. next Thura- Summit St., wss arrested at 8 Iday. and will resume classes on formerly of, Manchester, were In­ Guild for the building fund of Cove­ ! the result of two accidents In o'clock and charged with follow­ (TWELVE PAGfcS—TV SECTION) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, MARCH 29, 1961 (Classified’ Advertising on Page 10) PRICE FIVE CENTS nant Congregational Church to­ April 11. I Manchester yesterday afternoon ing too closely as the result his stalled as worthy matron and VOL. J.XXX, NO. 148 morrow from 9 a.m. to noon at a I and. evening. There were no In- car striking the rear of a stopped worthy patrOn of 'Storer (Chapter, vacant store in the Parkade. Aiiny Pvt. Raymond A. Pord. car being operated by Bernard A. son of Mrs. Louise V. Ford, 617 : juries. Order of the Eastern Star, at the Corona, 30, of East Hartford. The West Hartford Ma.sonlc Temple BINGO Girl Scout Troop 1 will sponsor Center St., recently arrived in i William D. Crocker, .45. of South Dog Brought Back a iiBaghetU supper,-with—sittings German\i' where he is a member I Coventiy. was arrested and charg­ accident occurred on HtlUard St., Wednesday evening. Every Sat. Night At 7 :30 Manned Space of the 37th Engineer group. P\t. ed with reckless driving as the just east of Regent St., with both Mrs. Edwin D. Foster of Man­ at S:30 and 6;S0. tomorrow at chester was soloist for the in­ 72 EAST CENTER ST.. MANCHESTER Center Congregational Church. The Ford, a bridge specialist, entered result of hitting a car being driv­ cars headed in an easterly direc­ supper is to raise funds for a trip the Armv last September He is a en by Russell G. Philbrick. 40, at tion. Colby was summoned to ap­ stallation. Also assisting In the Flight Possible pear in Circuit Court, Manchester, ceremony were several members SEATO Ministers to Europe this' summer. For tick- I960 graduate of Manchester High 361 Main St., on E. Onter St., $ sts. call Miss Diane Swanson. 50 School. west of Foster St., at 1:40 p.m. on April 6. of the Manchester Pipe Bahd. Reds Recover W. Middle Tpke. Tickets will also) ( In Six Weeks ba available at the door. | Kenneth M. Woodbury, son of ! Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Woodbury. Cape Canaveral, Ha., The Stem Club will sponsoi- a 38 Server St., recently was in­ public dance tomorrow night at March 25 (JP)— Manned space stalled in the Connecticut Alpha Space Vehicle night i.s a step closer— pos- theVFW Poet Home. Dick Stocks Chapter of Sigma Phi Epslloii and the M-Utee f orchestra will fraternity at the University of .sibly only six weeks away— provide music fon dancing from 9 To Talks on Laotian Crisis Connecticut. He la a 1960 gradu­ following the .successful p.m. to 1 a.m. A *oast beef lunch- ate of' Manchester High School, Guest Speaker I Cinderella Moscow, March 25 (/P)— 4'iisls have repeatedly said much launching of a Redstone mis­ m will be served. Tickets may and is a freshman in the school of testing and experimenting is be obtained at the door. A. Raymond Rogers, principal dressy The Soviet Union today suc­ sile carrying a mock space business administration at the uni- ' of Manchester High School, will necessary before a man . can be „ lersity. cessfully orbited and brought ■pul into space safely. S 1 m i 1 a r | capsule, Miss Susan Kerin. 30 Locust St., I be guest speaker for the annual dresses emphasized, however. I inch and boys’ Palm Sunday Com- back to hearth another ani­ statements were made after the: Officlats is among seniors at Becker .Junior Marine Lance CpI. Elwood, J. mal-carrying space ship. Mos­ launching earlier this month. that more' tests, including at least: Bias Hits] Hard Line ollege Worcejiter. Mass., to be I luunion and breakfa.st at South one more rocket launch, remain be­ Anderson, son of Mr and Mrs. ■ Methodist Church Sunday moni- EASTER cow Radio said it carried a Only 16 days ago the Russians hbpored at an academic honom Oscar L. Anderson, 93 W. Center for a little girl’s announced a dog named Brunette fore an American astronaut can convolution next Monday in the I Ing. Tlic Communion service wnll St.. Is serving as a security guard dog and other small crea­ (or Blackle) and other small take a .short suborbital rocket eollege^ditorium. [be at 6:30, and the principal will creatures were thrown Into'orbit! flig«t. They cautioned a g a i n s t Civil War with Marine Barracks at the Naval (speak after the breakfast. tures. Blueprint Tlie launching was a repeat pec- and brought back to Earth the i o v e r-optimism on the 6-week The 'W cH l will hold a postponed Air Station. Qiionset Point. R. I. !■ The Methodist Men'.s Chorus will He is a ' graduate of Manchester sing at the ■ Communion service. Easter Finery. formancr of a March 11 sputnik, same day. This flight was described ; timetable. | business meeting next "Diesday at SUNDA’ when a dog was rocketed into orbit 10:30 a.m. a t^ ou th Methodist High School, and enlisted in July ' under the direction of Jack Byron as being "for the further adjust-; The sleek Redstone boosted the , Day Plans 19.58. ' Grove. The breakfast is sponsored and brought back safely. That sput­ ment of the design of the space-i dummy capsule 115 miles high and ChurcK nik weighed 4,700 kilograms ilO,- ship and of the systems on board 1 311 miles down range yesterday In ! Prepared 1 bv Methodist -Men of ^uth Church S60 pounds I. By THE .ASSOCI.VTED PRESS ! Mias Jean BreltenbachKdaughter The Rev. H. Osgood Bennett, so as to Insure the necessary con- a test designed to prove out I of v. hich William L. Hooker is Moscow Radio said today’s space of Mr. and Mrs. Edward^reiten- pastor.of Nort'i Methodist Church, j president. ditlons for the flight of man." . changes made in Uie rocket as a There was a possibility to-. By TONY ESOODA will be in charge of radio broad­ SHOES ship weighed just about the same Western scientists have been. result of flaws which developed National Civil War bach. IS Ensign St., recently was —4,605 kilogramskfl (10,.329 pounds) elected vice preeident of the freeh- casts over station WINF Sunda.v closely watching spac^wiwn Ham ^ j' Centennial Commission might Bangkok, Thailand, March man das* at Albertus Magnus Col­ at 6:30 p.m. and daily next week Indicating the two may have been announcements since March 14.. aloft on 25 (IP)— Foreign ministers of Youiigi (;o p Clubs •imllar models. meet in a military installation' lege, in New Haven. Miss Breiten- at 7:15 p.m. The broadcasts are b y when Premier Khrushchev pre- January. rkn.-lnair.,, <2 r the Southeast Asia Treaty s.eh, a graduate of Manchester sponsored by the Manchester Min­ IWI The dog was named Zvesdochka'„ dieted the Soviet Union soon would ! The mo.sl serious malfunction on j at v nai lesion, a. v. iitxi isterial Association. Plan ‘Jazz Gala’ (Little Stan, and the announce Organization (SEATO) rush­ High School, is a member of the ment said ’ nreii^inarv InvestVga-; rocket one of Its astronauts into the Ham shot a faulty engine, niontll during ceremonies ed here today for a ’ confer­ science chib at the college. I —— Don of Die Iande“ e ship sateU orbR. ^ thrust regulator a p p a r e n t y , commemorating the fM rig on ■ ' Speakers ,,at the meeting of The combined Young GOP clubs llte have shown the condition of the I "The time is not far off. he worked perfectly on >csterda\ s 1 p j gumter 100 years ago. ence on the liotian crisis. St, Bernadette’s Mothers '-"'cle | piirtt^s Monday night of .Manchester. Bolton. Columbia experimental animal is normal.” 1 said, "when the first (S o v i e tl : test. Centennial commiasion.s of New Ready for them is a defcnM will meet Monday at 8:30 p.m. at ■ ^ home‘‘V(f Mrs. Stuart and the University of Connecticut Today’s announcement, read re-; spaceship with a man on board pr. Kurt Debus, head of the Jersey. California, New York and blueprint, drawm up by SEATO Um home of Mrs. Richard Hi^hes., gp-j,,. 226 Greenwood Dr., wilt be will spon.sor a ’jazz gala" and peatedly on domeatlc broadcasts will soar into Space.” He addril no . National Aeronautics and Space | j,ave withdrawn military experts 'wrho favor the S9 Ekiglewood Dr. There will be rw j Harrv Llovd of Mahche.ster cocktail hour at Fiano's Res- of Moscow Radio, hailed the new details.
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