20—MANCHESTER HERALD, Monday. Feb. 5,1990 APARTMENTS STORE AND MISCELLANEOUS CARS m FOR RENT OFFICE SPACE E3FURNITURE ODFOR SALE HDFOR SALE Fatalities FOR SALE-Dresser and 2 MISC. Household Items- MERCURY, 1980. M ANCHESTER-Brand nightstands with draw­ All need fixing. Take It Cougar-Very good con­ Speciolis'i spanking new! 2nd ELLINGTON ers. Good copditlop. all tor $30. 633-2447. dition. good for young floor. 1 bedroom apar- $95. 649-9367. HANDPAINTED flower kids first car. Asking Impairment factor ment with fully ap- MEADOWVIEW pots. $2.75 and up. Call $800. Call anytime 645- T o w n h aH pllanced kitchen, car­ PLAZA 633-2447. 0467. peting, air, Intercom neefe sellings in truck accidents/5 Security, s to rage, jMUSICAL WANTED TO i n CAMPERS/ Do'it! laundry tacilllies, and 1000 sq. ft. ITEMS |931 TRAILERS •c- parking. No pets. Heat IsOBUY/TRADE extra Security. $500 a Busy Rte. 83, new 1000sq. ft. month. 646-1379. rental area. In attractive WANTED-Bedroom setor PUYMOUTH-1977, T ra il shopping plaza. Ideal for re­ MUST SELL-7 piece U P. dressers, dining room Blaer, V8, 4 speed M^NCTiTSTF^r'r'lo^, 2 tail, office, professional, serv­ Electronic Drum set. set. and crib. 524-8824. needs tltal.$400orbest LAWN CARE PAINTING/PAPERING MISCELLANEOUS bedroom, screened ice. All hardware. Included. otter. 645-8728. SERVICES porch. Includes heat Call Pearl Snare, Ampeg ca­ and hot water. Nice James J. Gessay binet, 8 channel board, CARS power amp. 6 symbols. MOTORCYCLES/ YARD MASTERS neighborhood. $700 875-0134 FOR SALE -Wintertime Improvements D&H PAINTING HAWKESTREE SERVICE monthly. Security and Mint condition. Would IlD MOPEDS like to sell by February ED -Tree & Branch Removal Bucket, truck & chipper references. 649-4820, 6 46-4412. 2, 1990. $600 or make 4 FIREBIRD tires and -Gutters Cleaned INCORPORATED Stump removal. Free ROOMMATE W a n te d - -Snow Removal otter. Call 645-9355. rims, car mask tor 1985 estimates. Special MANCHESTER-3. 4. 5, 6, Male preferred. $325 BuIck Somerset. 649- HONDAMATIC 7 5 0 - -Any yard job considered Good condition. Has All Phases consideration for elderly and? room apartments. plus security, includes 0933._________________ ■Security No pets. Now 7 1 MISCELLANEOUS power. $200. Call Ron. 643-9996 •Custom Painting and handicapped. utilities. 633-2447. FORD-1 983, Escort iKanrlifatpr Mpralft available. 646-2426. 9-5 649-9034. Inside & Out _______ 647-7553 HOUSE TO SHARE- ' I FOR SALE Wagon. Rebuilt engine, w eekd ays. Andover Lake. $350 ED LOOKING FOR o second automatic, air, AM/FM •Textured Ceilings, M A N C H E S TER / wTlTT m a i cor for vour family? BOOKKEEPING/ EXPERIENCED SEAMSTRESS month, includes utili­ SKI Boots, ladies ske 7 sterio, excellent condi­ All Textures tic. 1 & 2 bedroom ties. Female preferred. tion. $1800/best otter. Don't missthe many offer­ INCOME TAX I DO; apartments. Applian­ Raichle. used one sea­ ings In today's classified •Dressmaking -Alterations (All Call Jim, 742-5010, son, $75; Skis. 180cm's 649-0381.____________ Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm Newsstand Price: 35 Cents -Sheet Rock and ces, heat/hot water. evenings. colum ns. Tuesday, Feb. 6,1990 Kinds) -Replace Zippers Coal Call Phil or Siranne. with bindings, $50. Call TOYOTA-1982, Corrolla Taping Linings -Custom Curtains and 6 4 9 -8 5 2 5 , Wagon. Air. automatic. ALAN W. GATES 6 4 6 - 1218. CARS •Plaster •Slipcovers (certain types) CLEANING AM/FM sterio, excel­ &CO. MANCHESTER-2 bed­ lent condition. $1800 Call 647-8730 room. 2 family, 2pd END ROLLS FOR SALE All phases of •Residential and SERVICES 649-0381. ED floor. Spacious rooms, 2 7 W width — 50e Giving up party’s monopoly doesn’t mean giving up power tax preparation and Commercial newly renovated, ap­ 13" width - 2 for 50« financial planning. pliances, hookups POLISH woman will clean OUTTOBECOME •Compelilive Prices your house. For more Newsprint end rolls can be •Individuals -Partnersliips ALL SEASONS Easy access to 384. picked up et the Mencheeter Schaller's MANCHESTER'S former satellites by Josef Stalin and T h e most widespread groups and no cohesive national or- •Prompt Estimates $625/monfh plus utili­ information call 644- Herald ONLY before 11 am. the constitution of being the •Corporations -Estates ties and security 647- 2835. 644-4663. Quality By Mark J. Porubcansky News Analysis thus resented for nationalist reasons phenomenon is the birth of People’s ganiz.alion or program has been es­ •Fiduciaries -Trusts •Reliable Service Spring Is Here. Monday through Thursday. The Associated Press country’s “leading and guiding 19 6 0 _________________ Pre-owned Autos #1 force.” by the people of those countries. Front political movements that have tablished. •Electronic Filing ■15 Years Experience In the Baltics, the People’s Front M ANSFIELD/W illi no Ion Value Priced Communists, he said, must earn cases within a matter of weeks. Through the years of Stalin’s ab­ sprung up to press local demands for • Computerized Tax We Do: Line-Rt 44. 2 bedroom MISCELLANEOUS MOSCOW — Although the organizations increasingly are set­ Call CARS USED CAR the right to run the country. Gorbachev repeatedly has said solute rule, the Soviet ruling party more autonomy. Returns apartment, adults pre­ SERVICES Soviet Communist Party appears had no written guarantee of politick The movements are strongest in ting their sights on complete in­ • TTD-TTY For the Deaf •Carpentry ferred. country pri­ OD FOR SALE 84 Olds Fhenza S/W In taking that step, Gorbachev that no other political forces exist in ED poised to give up its constitutionally the Baltic republics of Lithuania, dependence from the Russian-ruled 875-9094 vacy. No dogs. $460 per Auto,A/C. do 70i; DEALER acknowledged the power of the the Soviet Union that are capable of power, and it was only in the last Alan W. Gates •Hauling month plus 2 months GSL Building Mainte­ Like New 9 0 , 1 guaranteed grip on power, it is un­ Latvia and Estonia. They began Soviet Union. nance Co. Commerciai- 84 Merc Cougar $4,995 pro-democracy movement he un­ the wide-ranging activities in which constitution, adopted in 1977, that Enrolled Agent 24 Hours security 742-0569 likely to soon follow fraternal par­ its monopoly was assured. there less than two years ago and are Another organization, the Registered Financial Planner •Painting /Residenfial building leashed when he began his reform the party engages. For years, the M^NC'HESTE^BaFk'" On repairs and home im­ 87 Ford Escort 84 Sunbird 4 Dr. $2,495 ties in Eastern Europe and actually Encouraged by Gorbachev’s now leading to the formation of Democratic Platform, has united dis­ 210 Main Street Sell Your Car program upon rising to power five party ruthlessly repressed any effort •Snow Removal The Market!!! 2 bed­ provements Interior Auto,A/C,PS, ( 40*% surrender the reins of power. reforms, opposition to authoritarian some small political parties that will gruntled Communists who are close Manchester room apartfpent. noap- Security System' 85 Pontiac Fiero $3,695 years ago. to oppose it. WEIGLE'S PAINTING CO. and exterior painting, Communist rule has grown in recent contest local elections this spring. to declaring the party incapable of 649-7470 Quality work at a ■Landscaping pMances $550 plus util­ light carpentry Corn- 85BMW325E $10,895 President Mikhail S. Gorbachev But he also understands that con­ In addition, the Soviet Com­ ities 643-6927 after 82 Chev El Camino months. But the forces of dissent Despite growing contacts between reform and forming a social Fax649<}295 reasonable pricel plete ianitorial service. proposed to the party Central Com­ ditions are far different in his munist Party has been in power •Complete Property 4pm Experienced, reliable, ns V-d, Auto, PS 86 Buick Riviera $9,495 the People’s Front movements of democratic party. Visa/Mastercard Interior & Exterior 4 Lines — 10 Days $3,995 mittee on M qn^y that the Com­ country than they are in other East­ much longer than its fraternal still are widely scattered across this Free Estimates Maintenance M ^N(rHl'sTER~2~Fe d - tree estimates. 643- 50C charge each addi­ 86 Pontiac Fiero $4,395 munists take the historic step of sur­ ern European nations where com­ former ruling parties in Eastern vast country of more than 100 various republics and regions, local room apartment, targe 0 3 0 4 .________________ Please see ANALYSIS, page 8 Call Brian Weigle tional line, per day. You rendering the guarantee they have in munist power crumbled, in some Europe — which were forced on nationalities. issues still are paramount to the MATURE/EXPERIENCED living room and kit­ TAROT and playing card can cancel at any time 86 Sable Wagon $8,695 645-8912 Call Now chen 1st floor $600 a readings. Call for ap­ Surv^f 9 0 ,4. o 9 x5 INCOME TAX SORRY, 86 Chrys. 5th Ave $7,395 month plus utilities and pointment anytime at NO REFUNDS OR PREPARATION For A deposit. 645-8912. 633-2447 Ask to speak ADJUSTMENTS 88 Cutlass Coupe 86 New Yorker $6,995 ED CARROLL'S PAINTING n c h with Debi or leave a Dearth INDIVIDUAUBUSINESS M/T I E ST ^ R ^ F e T iTti f u I V-6.SLPKG.. 6 0 O O i; Renovation Professional painting and wall­ 1 or 2 bedroom apart­ m essage. Loaded 9“ ,TT0 87 Merc Cougar $8,595 DAN MOSLER papering. Prompt, courteous, Free, Prompt CALL HERALD 649-3329 ments. on bus line, dependable, insured. living room, dining 87 Mercury Sable LS 87 Maxima $10,895 INVITATION TO BID CLASSIFIED FREE ESTIMATES! Estimate room, fully applianced V-d.Auto, * 7 0 0 * i 87 Mercury Sable $7,595 projects go of data CALL kitchen, air conditi­ Seeded bids will be received in 643-2711 Loaded 9 f , ^ ^ 0 CARPENTRY/ 643^93 oned Ideal tor sepiors the General Services' office, 87 Town Car $15,995 REMODELING 875-9094 or middle aged Heat 41 Center Street, Manchester, 8 7 A c u r a ILegend 87 Grd.
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