Salisbury State College Winter Commencement 1977 Program Or. Norman C. CrJwfOl'd, fr. Pr1•sidcnt o( Salisbury t;:itc ollCR<', Prl'sldln11 ACADEMIC PROCESSIONAL (The audience is requ1•sted to stand JS thr acadrmir prnces~lon move, Into the Arena and rrmain standini; untll the lnvo atlon.) PROCCS IONAL MAR H Wagner/Eymann Ch,irl ·· F. mlth, fr,, Condue1or SSC Concl't1 Band INVOCATION R,•vl'fcnd L<'wls . McKinney, Mlnl5ter Allc•n Mc•mm/JI /l,1p1,11 Cliurc Ii WELCOME ANO INTRODUCTION or SPEAKER Or. Norman C. Cr11wford, fr. Pr(•1/t/('lll. ~.1111/'wry \IJlt' Collt•gt• COMMFNCl:MENT ADDRESS Lucille Flrtchl'I' Wallo1> CONFERRING OF DECRFES Or. Norm,m C. Crawford, fr. Bach for of il'n I' /'11',icl£•nl, .\,1/i\/Wry 51.111' ( oll<'/1" Ba hclor of Art~ Dr. A. N.iyland Pa11c B,11·helor of Art~ in Social Work A, ,1(/1•mh nt•,111. \ .i/i,IJUry \WI' Collt•gc• Mast<-r of Education Governor I, MIiiard, T,lwes Ma..tcr of M s Mr. M.vshall w. Moore llo,ircl of I ru1lt•r1 ,\l,tll' Co l/pgp1 of Mary/,111rl Mr. Robcl1 Davis /Jo.ml nf Vi,ilor\ ~.1/1, tw,y \1,Ht• ( ollt'Hl' CONFERRING OF HONORARY DCGRtE Dr. Norman C. Crawford, fr. Mary I . Nock l'rc•, 1rl1•n1, 'i. 1/1S/J111 y \1,111• (oll1•11c• /)()( IW of I ,IWI /) r•g,c•p l)r. A. N,,yl,md P,1gc Lewis M. Hrss Ac ,1(/1•111/c /lt•, 111, S<1 //l/111r y ~f,1f1• Co/1(•/,!I' /)rn IOI of I /111ildl11' lc·llt•11 ALMA MATER Black/Lassmdn l('VC l!('Cd Baritone RENFOI TION Rrvl'l'l'ntl Lewi~ C' . MrKinncy, Minister Allt•n Mt•n1or/,J/ /l,,pri,r Clnrrc h THE RECESSIONAL (Th<' audience Is rcquc~ted to rcmdin ~landing alter thl' bcnc•tlictlon until facility ,lnd !\raduatcs hJve left the Arcn,1.) EREMONIAL RF rs IONAl Gounod/Ployha.r on l'r1 Band Candidates for Degrees BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Richard Nell Abell Robert Harwood Dillon Baltimore. MD Wheaton, MD Debora Ann Adkins Scot Hamilton Dolby Salisbury, MD Bethesda, MD Elizabeth Ann Stamenltoff Allo Linda Swift Downes Annapolis, MD Pittsville, MO Renda! C. Antoine Richard T. Downs Wllmlngron, DE Laurel, MD Susan Virginia Baker James Stephen Evans Salisbury, MD Cambridge, MD Diane Eileen Barnes Donald Baumann Fentress Perryvllle, MD Silver Spring, MD Ann-Mario Barton Jane Scharf Fisher Aockvllle, MD Arlington, VA Gall Leigh Sandor Betty Lou Fry Col/ego Park, MO Conowlngo, MD Morgan Knight Bennett, Ill Preston, MD Abby Denise Gordy Joseph Louis Bernard, Ill Snowhi/1, MD Baltimore, MO David Richard Grassett Harlan Russell Blades. Ill Seaford, DE Crisfield, MD Gary Alton Greenwood George William Blum Easton, MD Baltimore, MO Brenda Dawn Hall Dianne Estine Bowen Pocomoke City, MO Snow HIii, MD R. Michael Haynes Kayo Dykes Bozman Sunderland, MD Princess Anno, MD Robert Vincent Hearn David WIiiiam Bruning, Jr. Hurlock, MO Snow HIJJ, MD Richard Stephen Hopkins Victor Edmund Burns Fruitland, MD Cambridge, MD William John Hurley Cambridge, MO Edward C. Burton, Jr. Richard Irwin Hutt Cambridge, MO P/Nsv/1/e, MD Jeanne Caldwell Brenda Duane Johnson Annapolis, MD Seaford, DE Diane Loo Carey Harvey A. Kelley Pocomoke City, MO Salisbury, MD David Stephen Cernoy Cynthia Hope Kerrigan Lewes, DE Rock Hall, MD Betsy Creath Cheney Thomas William Kloetzll Pocomoke City, MD Ellicott City, MD Judith Frances Chludzinski Lisa Coe Longeler BaJrlmoro, MO Salisbury, MO Frederick Atwell Clino Charles Sylvester Maddox. Jr. Laurel, DE Glrdletree, MD Frances Jean Collier Easton, MD Clyda Bill Male Sandra L. Davi s Oxon HIii, MD Delmar, DE Terry Andrew Megee Constantina Cecelia Maria Georgetown, DE DeShields William Edward Mitchell Snow HIii, MO Delmar, MD Bonnie Horsman Morgan Donald L. Bayne Traope, MD Greensboro, MO Derek David Morgan Gewn Bridget McMurray Bennett Aockv/1/e, MD Annapolis, MD Robert James, Moyle Sliver Spring, MD Max Paul Berman Robert Allan Murch · Elkton, MD Laurel, DE Jeffrey Andrew Boudman Roger Kenneth Nelson Crofton, MD Snow HIii, MD Gary Dow Britton Mark Royston Nolte Chincoteague, VA Mattoon, IL Frederick William Brueckmann Janet Patchett Berlin, MD Federalsburg, MD John Edward Carpenter Thomas Anthony Perry, Jr. Cambridge, MD Annapolis, MD Karen Dawn Chance Stephen John Pesature Crofton, MO Bayside, NY Althea Burnette Church Timothy Alan Prettyman Edem, MD Exmore, VA Melanie Lee Cook Shirl ey McMIiian Rawls Upper Fairmount, MD Seaford, DE Carroll Ray Daugherty Randy L. Reid Salisbury, MD Washington, DC Valorie Foster Davis John Steven Rock Salisbury, MD Ocean City, MD Doeda Adams Dobson Linda Ring Seefried Federalsburg, MD Salisbury, MD James Dale Drumheller Jane Lynn Sharp Camp Springs, MD Lewes, DE Cora Lynn Elliott Candi Jean Smith Salisbury, MD Salisbury, MD Lee Howard Gillan Merriell Lou Smith Salisbury, MD Ahodesdale, MD Judy Carol Groton Russell Robert Snader Salisbury, MD Pasadena, MD Robert Lee Hanson Patricia Souter Spurling Cambridge, MD Pocomoke City, MD Doborah Ann Hart WIiiiam George Standiford Salisbury, MD Port Deposit, MD Tefta Karagjozi John Robert Stubbs Hyattsvlllo, MD Queenstown, MD James Timothy King Gregory Thomas Taylor Baltimore, MD Fruitland, MD Raymond Gerald Thibodeau, Jr. Sharon N. Long Annapolis, MD Swepsonville, NC Beth Trainor John Sander Moll , 4th N. Forestville, MO Sykesville, MD Daniel Ernest Twigg Stuart Walter Mumford Pasadena, MD Blshopvllle, MD Debra Dennis Twilley Petor Andrew Nagler Salisbury, MD Salisbury, MD Benjamin Sargent Wells, Ill Pamela Sue Nottingham Salisbury, MD Salisbury, MD Lane Whltfield-Hu11 Diana Marie Plomasen Plttsv/1/o, MD Potomac, MD BACHELOR OF ARTS Joyco M. Poukish Do/mar, MD Karen Marie Allon Richard Michael Price Salisbury, MD Cambridge, MD Raymond Arthur Richards, Jr. MASTER OF EDUCATION Timon/um, MD Deborah Annette Ross Nancy Roe Ahern East New Market, MD Rehoboth Beach, DE John C. Sancandi Beverly Ann Allen Ocean City, MD Darien, CT John Harold Sharpe, II Ralph L. Aurlllo Salisbury, MD Camden, DE Robert Lee Short Teresa WIiiiams Ayers Salisbury, MD Delmar, DE Shella Mae Thomas Sterling Deltra Johnson Sennott Sudlersv/1/o, MO Mardela Springs, MO Richard Harrington Thomas Lynn Weyandt Bergold Lusby, MD Dover, DE James Robert TIiiman Thomas Peter Berkich Baltimore, MD Hartly, DE Mary Michello Vermilyea Ronald Larry Blreley Salisbury, MD Salisbury, MD Anne Robinson Wilson Mary Harvey Bixler Ocean City, MD Selbyv/1/o, DE Cynthia Lee WIison Rebecca D. Bradfield Marlon, MD Snow Hill, MD Linda Carol WIit Faye Tylor Bradley Sallsbury, MD Annapolis, MD Joanne Rosa Brown John Lawrence Wood, Jr. Palm Boach Shores, FL Queen Anne, MO Leon Burks Salisbury, MO Charlotte Anne Cannon Cambridge, MD BACHELOR OF ARTS Jane Palmer Carmean Snow Hill, MD IN SOCIAL WORK Timothy D. Coar Georgetown, DE Darlene Barlowe Cole Virginia Nichols Cheok Salisbury, MD Fedoralsburg, MD Michael Desmond Coyne Susan Louise Harper , Centreville, MD Rhodosdale, MD Arelela Hull Cray Cheryl Lynne Johnson Mardela Springs, MD Salisbury, MO Faye Pusey Cropper Paula Ann Martin Berlin, MD Salisbury, MD Howard Joseph Culver Charles Edward Nicholson Delmar, DE Cambridge, MO Paul Hudson Daisey Debora Carol Outten Solbyv/1/e, DE Salisbury, MO Gloria Creighton Denklor Barbara Aline Powell Cambrldgo, MD Bridgeville, DE Patrick James Dunree Elizabeth Wright Rood Shepherdstown, WV Fruitland, MO Sarah Hopkins Dykes Donna Jean Robbins Salisbury. MD Cambridge, MD James Kenneth Fleming Patti Ann Robinson Cambridge, MD Crapo, MO Dora Ann Shinn Alta Warfi eld Fox New Castle, DE Morgantown, WV Charles Edward Trojan Catherine DeShlelds Handy Forest Heights, MD Ber/In, MO Theresa Anne Wheatley Larry Edward Harrison Cambridge. MD Laurel, OE Rachel Nelson Harrison John Atwell Robertson Dovor, DE Crisfield, MO Iris Virgie Jackson Pernetha S. Ross Salisbury, MD . Cambridge, MD Leigh Hunt Jackson Carol Jean Samus Salisbury, MD Cr/sf/old, MO Daniel Jerome Savoy Susan Launa McBrlety Johnson Salisbury, MO Salisbury, MD Patricia A. Sedorovlch Carolyn Starace Johnston Controvllle, MO , Salisbury, MD Roso Katinsky Seward Wilham Albert Jones, II Princess Anne, MO Pocomoke City, MD Bruce Leonard Simmons Thomas Whea tl ey Lewis Proston, MO Salisbury, MD Donald Alan Sisson Mary Louise Long Frederica, DE MIiford, DE Deloris llano Loy John Stuber Stackhouse Smyrna, OE Cambridge, MD Sharon Jo Dorfllngor Lynch Thomas Paul Stitchor Salisbury, MO Salisbury, MD Suzanne Ruth Lynch Storman Theresa Funke Mabaje Ocoan City, MO Princess Anno MD Bonnie Christine Teat James Polk Mallory ' Trappe, MD Salisbury, MD Mane Webster Thomas George Timothy Mason Fruitland, MD Salisbury, MD David Henry Tracy Diane Matthews Dover, DE Cambridge, MD Erika Varhalmi Vathls Maxwell George McKelvey Ocean City, MD Delmar, MD Margaret Mitchell Weir Karen Rooke Melhunek Ocean City, MD Trappe, MO Mary Fmncos Ratcliffe Wt1itelock Michael Joseph Morris Chance, MD Proston, MD Barbar a Schott Willey Elva Myers Mullin Cambridge, MD Do/mar, MD Lana Rae-Smith Williams Benjamin WIiborn Nelson, Jr. , Whaleysv/1/e, MD Snow HIii, MD Hilda Cottman Polk Nancy Fykes Nelson £den, MO Snow HIii, MD Bruce Wylie Oldham Salisbury, MD MASTER OF ARTS Patricia S. Oliphant MIiisboro, DE Frances Downs Ballance Pocomoko City, MD James Thompson Orr. Jr. LI nd a W . Hurley Fodera/sburg, MO Hurlock, MO Dana Starr Johnson Ralph Edward Osborne Salisbury, MD Nelson/a, VA E. WIiiiam Owens. Jr. Jacqueline Ann Stephenson Ocean City, MD Salisbury, MO J . C. Parker, Jr. Salisbury, MD Virginia Linell Parks Belair, MD Donna Hastings Phillips Laurel, DE Joseph Gary Price Praston, MO ACADEMIC REGALIA The traditional caps and gowns worn by students and faculty in the academic procession have been the historic costume of scholars since medieval times. Because many scholars of that period were members of monastic orders, the academic costume resembles ecclesiastical dress. A uniform code for academic costumes was drafted by an intercollegiate commission in 1893 and has since been adopted by the majority of colleges and universities in the United States.
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