NEWSLETTER THE SOCIETY OF ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIANS ocTOBER 1979 VOL. XXIII NO. 5 PUBLISHED BY THE SOCIETY OF ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIANS 1100 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103 • Adolf K. Placzek, President • Editor: Dora P. Crouch, School of Archi­ tecture, RPI, Troy, New York, 12181 • Assistant Editor: Kathryn Smith, 833 North Kings Road, Los Angeles, California 90069. publications List: Judith Holliday • Fine Arts Library • Sibley Dome • Cornell University • Ithaca, New York 14853. SAH NOTICES SAH FUND RAISING SAH members are urged to read the enclosed statement 1980 Annual Meeting-Madison, Wisconsin (April 23-27). carefully, as it outlines our efforts in this very important David Gebhard, University of California at Santa Barbara, will activity. be general chairman of the meeting, with Richard W. E . Perrin, FAIA, acting as honorary local chairman. Narciso Menocal, Department of Art History of the University of Wisconsin, and SAH Student Scholarship Winners. The all-expense student Eric S. McCready, The University of Texas at Austin, are local scholarships for the 1979 annual tour of Princeton (and Central) chairmen. New Jersey have been awarded to Anthony Alofsin of Harvard Listings of sessions appeared in the April , June and August University and Heather Hallenberg of the University of Mis­ ' 1979 Newsletters. ln addition to the full program of papers, the souri. local committee is planning several tours, and receptions at the SAH Allee Davis Hitchcock Book Award. The 1980 chairman is Elvehjem Museum of Art on Thursday evening and another one Bainbridge Bunting, with Drury B. Alexander and Myra Nan at Alumni House offered by the Department of Art History of the Rosenfeld serving with him on the committee. University of Wisconsin. Tours-Saturday afternoon, April26: I) "Frank Lloyd Wright and the Prairie School," ending with Founders' Award. Harold N. Cooledge will chair the commit­ a reception in Wright's First Unitarian Society Meeting House; tee, and will be assisted by Richard J . Betts and Daphne C. 2) "Frank Lloyd Wright: Spring Green and Richland Center," Roloff. ending with a reception in Wright's Spring Green Restaurant; CHAPTERS and 3) "Mineral Point." Sunday (all day): 1) "Sullivan, Wright and the Prairie School in Southeast Wisconsin" ; and 2) " Old Both Decorative Arts and Landscape Architecture issue their World Wisconsin." In addition, materials will be provided for own newsletters, a benefit of membership in these non­ self-guided tours in Madison. geographical chapters. The Urban History Group also issues a The Preliminary Program for the meeting (accompanied bulletin from time to time. Some geographical chapters, such as , by a preregistration form and hotel card) will be received by Western New York and Texas, also have newsletters, papers, the membership by January 15, 1980. Members abroad who proceedings, or bulletins. If the secretaries of each chapter wish to have the Preliminary Program sent airmail should would send information to this Newsletter, we will publish a notify the SAH central office well in advance of this date. systematic list of such publications. SPECIAL 1980 ANNUAL TOUR: Southwest (October 4·11). NEW JERSEY. Marion Husid Bensky, Kean College, spoke on The chairman of the tour will be John P. Conron. F AlA. who will " Architects and their Furniture,"at the Winter Meeting. The be assisted by Bainbridge Bunting, University of New Mexico. Spring Meeting in Hoboken began at the Stevens Institute and The tour will begin in Durango, Colorado (with two day trips out moved on to three brownstones, each representing different to Mesa Verde National Park); the tour then proceeds to Chaco approaches to restoration. The Fall Meeting will center around a Canyon (with an overnight at Ghost Ranch in Abiquiu, New tour of New Brunswick, New Jersey. Mexico), to the Taos area, and will end in Santa Fe. This tour will WISCONSIN. Met in conjunction with Historic Madison, Inc. of be limited to one busload, and will be arranged on the basis of Wisconsin at Cooksville, a 19th century community of vernacu­ SAH foreign tours (i.e., the tour cost will include payment for lar houses. hotels, Listed meals, and entry fees , but will not include transpor­ tation from participants' home cities to Durango and return). NORTHERN PACIFIC COAST. The Spring Meeting was an all Announcements will reach the SAH membership by May I, day affair with both lunch and dinner. A tour of the early settled 1980. area of French Prairie and the Aurora Colony followed a morning of papers. 1980 Foreign Tour-France, May 23-June 15. Earl D. Lay­ CHICAGO. The Annual Meeting on 5 July was highlighted by a man, Historic Preservation Officer for the City of Seattle, will be lecture, "Charles Rennie Mackintosh," by Robert W.K.C. chairman of the tour. Rogerson, Chairman of the Board, Hill House, Scotland. SAH 20.Year Index (1941-1961), Softcover. These are SAH Placement Service Bulletin, No. 3, October 1979 is en­ now priced at $6.50 each, plus $1.75 postage and handling. closed with this issue of the Newsletter. The next Bulletin will Prepaid orders should be sent to the SAH central office appear with the February 1980 issue. Deadline: January 10, (address above). 1980. BOOKS De La Fuente, G. Y. and Anthony Eardley, eds. 35 rue de Sevre.•. Rome· M 1978. L6000 · aarna, Dendy, William (SAH). Lost Toronto. Toronto: Oxford Univ. Press, 1978. Abramovitz, Anita. People and spaces: a view of history through architecture. 206 New York: Viking, 1979. 207 p. $ 14.95. ISBN 0-670-54705-0 $19.95. ISBN 0-19-540294-4 p. Adams, William H. The French garden 15{)()-18()(). New York: Braziller, 1979. 160 Dischinger. Gabriele. Die Wiirzburgl'r Re.•idenz im ausgehenden 18. Jahrhund p. (World landscape art and architecture series) $19.95, $9.95 paper. ISBN Wiesbaden: Reichert, 1978. 47 p. (Verotfentlichung des Zentralinstituts •;t· 0-8076-0918-8, 0-8076-0919-6 Kunstgeschichte Miinchen) ISBN 3-88226-016-5 ur Adaptive use: development economics, process and profiles. Washington, D.C.: Drew, Philip. Tensile architecture from the tent to the bubble dome. Boulder. CO· Urban Land Institute, 1978. 246 p. $24.00 Westview Press, 1979. 224 p. $32.75. ISBN 0-89158-550-8 · Advisory Council on Historic Preservation. Assessing the energy conservation *Emmet, Alan, et al. (SAH). Cambridge, Massachusetts. the changing of a land­ benefits of historic preservation: methods and examples. Washington, D.C.: scape. Cambridge, MA.: Harvard Univ., 1978. 87 p. U.S. Govt. Printing Office, 1979. 91 p. $2.75. Stock no. 024-000-00856-8 Advisory Council on Historic Preservation. The contribution of historic preserva­ Farenholtz, Christian , et at. Neue Aufgaben fiir die City: Platz u. Bauwerk als tion to urban revitalization. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Govt. Printing Office, Beitr. zur Erhaltung u. Gestaltung d. lnnenstiidte. Hamburg: Christians, 197B. 1979. $4.75. Stock no. 024-000-00857-6 64 p. DM22.00. ISBN 3-7672-0545-9 Anderson, William F. D. and Clive Hicks. Cathedrals in Britain and Ireland: from Farley, Kristi L. A primer: preservation in Seattle. Seattle: Office of Urban Con­ early times to the reign of Henry Vlll. New York: Scribner, 1978. 184 p. $17.50 servation, 1978. 46 p. $4.45. Order from: Publisher, 400 Yesler Bldg., Seattle ISBN 0-684-15657- 1 WA. 98104 ' Argan, Giulio C. L'architellura protocristiana. preromanica e romanica. Sari: Fiore, Francesco P. Cittil e macchine del '400 nei disegni di Francesco di Giorgio Dedalo. 1978. 64 p. (Universale di architettura, 13/ 14) lAOOO Martini. Florence: Olschki. 1978. 165 p. (Studi-Accademia toscana di scienze e lettere La Colombaria, 49) Battisti, Eugenio. Filippo Brunel/eschi: das Gesamtwerk. Stuttgart: Belser, 1978. Florin, Lambert. Victorian West. Seattle: Superior Pub!. Co., 1978. 190 p. $ 14.95. 412 p. (Die Bibliotbek der grossen Baumeister) DM192 ISBN 0-87564-341 -8 Bellini, Amedeo. Benedello A/fieri. Milan: EJecta, 1978. 326 p. U5000 Fournier, Rodolphe. Lieux et monuments historiques des Camons de /'Est et des Bettini, Sergio. Lo spazio architellonico da Roma a Bisanzio. Bari: Dedalo, 1978. Bois-Francs. Montreal: Editions Paulines. 1978. 275 p. $ 13.25. ISBN ~ 147 p. (Universale di architettura, 10/11) lAOOO 88840-622-3 Billcliffe, Roger. Mackintosh watercolours. New York: Taplinger Pub!. Co., 1978. Francia, Ennio. /506-1606: storia della costruzione del nuovo San Pietro. Rome: 144 p. $20.00. ISBN 0-8008-5044-0 DeLuca, 1978. 220 p. BirindeUe , Massimo. Roma italiana. Come fare una capitale e disfare una cilia. Rome: Savelli, 1978. 80 p. L5000 Gleijeses, Vittorio. Chiese e palazzi della cittii di Napoli. Naples: SEN, 1978. 375 Blaser, Werner. Courtyard house in China, tradition and present. Cambridge, p. Ll4000 MA.: Birkbtluser Boston, 1979. I 12 p. $ 19.80. ISBN 3-7643-1091-X Goldberger, Paul (SAH). The city observed-New York. A guide to the architec­ Bluestone, Daniel M., ed. Cleveland: an inventory of historic engineering and ture of Manhallan. New York: Random House, 1979. 347 p. $15.00, $7.95. industrial sites. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Govt. Printing Office, 1978. 11 8 p. ISBN 0-394-50450-X, 0-394-72916-1 $3.00 Stock no. 024-005-00698-2 Gomme, Andor, et at. Bristol: an architectural history. Montclair, NJ.: Abner Blunt, Anthony. Borromini. Cambridge, MA.: MIT Press, 1979. 240 p. $15.00. Schram, 1978. 452 p. $56.00. ISBN 0-8390-0235-1 ISBN 0-674-07925-6 Gottarelli , Elena. Urbanistica e architetlura a Bologna agli esordi del/'unitii Bodecker, Ehrhardt. Die griine Stadt am Beispiel Berlin. Berlin: Arani, 1978. 150 d' It alia. Bologna: Cappelli, 1978. 150 p. L9000 p. DM49.80. ISBN 3-7605-8530-2 Grabar, Oleg (SAH). The Alhambra. Cambridge, MA.: MIT Press, 1978. 230 p. Brown-Manrique, Gerardo. The archituture of Oswald Mathias Ungers: a bib­ $15.00.
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