FUMEC UNIVERSITY LAW MAGAZINE MERITUM MAGAZINE Belo Horizonte v.15 n.1 p. 01-370 Jan./Apr. 2020 ISSN 2238-6939 RECTORY Rector: Prof. Fernando de Melo Nogueira Graduation Pro-Rector: Prof. João Batista de Mendonça Filho Pro-Rector Of Planning And Administration: Prof. Márcio Dario da Silva Pr-Rector Of Post Graduation, Research And Extension: Prof. Henrique Cordeiro Martins MINING FOUNDATION OF EDUCATION AND CULTURE . 2020 . pr Chairman of the Board of Trustees: ./A Prof. Antônio Carlos Diniz Murta an Vice-Chairman of the Board of Trustees: Prof. João Carlos de Castro Silva .1 • J .1 n President of the Executive Council: Prof. Air Rabelo .15 • .15 v FACULTY OF HUMAN, SOCIAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES General Director: Prof. Rodrigo Suzana Guimarães Coordination of the Law Course: Prof. Daniel Firmato de Almeida Glória Profa. Silvana Lourenço Lobo Coordinator of the Master’s Program in the concentration area Social Institutions, Law and Democracy: Prof. Sérgio Henriques Zandona Freitas MERITUM MAGAZINE • FACULTY OF HUMAN, SOCIAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES - FUMEC Rua Cobre, 200, Cruzeiro Belo Horizonte/MG – CEP 30310-190 Tel (31) 3228-3090 – Site: www.fumec.br MERITUM MAGAZINE EDITORIAL COORDINATION: Prof. Sérgio Henriques Zandona Freitas TECHNICAL RESPONSIBLE OF MERITUM MAGAZINE: Prof. Adriano da Silva Ribeiro (Adjunct Editor and Technical Responsible) Bel. Cláudia Márcia Magalhães (Secretary of PPGD FUMEC) ENGLISH REVIEWER AND TRANSLATOR Profa. Marina Araújo Campos Cardoso Prof. Ronan Cardoso Naves Neto Site: http://www.fumec.br/revistas/meritum/ E-mail: [email protected] FUMEC UNIVERSITY LIBRARY: Priscila Reis (Area Coordinator, PhD student in SIGC) GRAPHIC PROJECT Rodrigo Tito Moura Valadares Leonardo Ferreira Costa DESKTOP PUBLISHING Tecnologia da Informação / Produção Multimídia PRINTING: online . 2020 . pr ./A an .1 • J .1 n .15 • .15 v MERITUM MAGAZINE • Meritum: Law Journal of the FUMEC University / FUMEC University, Faculty of Human, Social and Health Sciences. - v. 15, no. 1 (Jan./Apr. 2020) -.- Belo Horizonte: FUMEC University, 2006- v. ; 21 x 29,7cm Quarterly ISSN 2238-6939 1. Right. I. FUMEC University. Faculty of Human, Social and Health Sciences. CDU:34 Catalog form prepared by the University Library-FUMEC Concepts issued in signed articles are the sole and exclusive responsibility of their authors. Editorial Board Adolfo Ingácio Calderón, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas (PUC Campinas) Arno Dal Ri Jr, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC) César Augusto Baldi, Universidad Pablo Olavide (UPO), Sevilha, Espanha Daniel Firmato de Almeida Glória, Universidade FUMEC . 2020 . pr David López Jiménez, Universidade de Huelva, Espanha ./A an Deissy Motta Castaño, Universidad Autónoma, Bogotá, Colômbia .1 • J .1 n Dídima Rico Chavarr, Universidad Autónoma, Bogotá, Colômbia .15 • .15 Erica Palmerini, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna (SSSUP), Pisa, Itália v Fernando Antonio de Carvalho Dantas, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná (PUC/PR) Profª Flávia de Avila, Universidade Federal de Sergipe. UFS Gladston Gomes Mamede da Silva, Universidade FUMEC Haroldo Duclerc Verçosa, Universidade de São Paulo (USP) Jan Peter Schmid, Instituto Max Planck (MPI), Alemanha MERITUM MAGAZINE • Jean-Christophe Merle, Faculdade de Filosofia da Universidade de Saarbrücken, Alemanha José Filomeno de Morais Filho, Universidade de Fortaleza (UNIFOR) Joaquim Carlos Salgado, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG) Jorge Renato dos Reis, Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul (UNISC) Karine Salgado, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG) Kennedy Kihangi Bindu, Université Libre des Pays des Grands Lacs (ULPGL) – República Democrática do Congo Manuel David Masseno, Instituto Politécnico de Beja (IPBeja), Universidade de Porto (UP), Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC) Nattan Nisimblat, Universidad del Rosario, Bogotá, Colômbia Otavio Luiz Rodrigues Junior, Instituto de Educação Superior de Brasília (IESB) Paula Nunes Correia, Universidade de Macau (UM), Macau, China Raymundo Juliano Rego Feitosa, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE) EDITORIAL The FUMEC University Law Graduate Program (master’s degree) presents the Meritum Magazine to the academic community, with the mission of being an effective instrument for the dissemination of scientific works developed in Brazil and abroad, in line with the research lines “Private Autonomy, Regulation and Strategy”, “Public Sphere, Legitimacy, Control”. The upward profile and quality of the Master’s Program in Law at the FUMEC University 2020 . pr were attested by the last evaluation carried out by the Coordination for the Improvement of ./A Higher Education Personnel - CAPES (quadrennium 2013/2016), in which it obtained grade 4 an (four). • J .1 n Revista Meritum, in this context of academic production quality, is a traditional journal and .15 • .15 a reference in Law, being classified with extract B1 by the Coordination for the Improvement of v Higher Education Personnel - CAPES, through the set of procedures called Qualis Periódicos. Therefore, it is characterized by disseminating the knowledge generated from investiga- tions that contribute to the formation of professionals with critical legal conscience, qualified not only for the exercise of legal technique, but also for thinking about the Law in its scientific, philosophical, historical, sociological and political. As of Volume 15, Number 1, of 2020, Revista Meritum started to adopt the four-monthly MERITUM MAGAZINE • periodicity (3 issues per year), with the receipt of articles for evaluation in a continuous flow. In addition, it is internationalized, through DOI, that is, it has a digital object identifier, which allows the publication to be identified in a unique and persistent way in the Web environment. Meritum Magazine is also pleased to announce that it has introduced the English version of articles written in Portuguese and the MP3 audio version. A new permanent section of Dis- sertations of PPGD FUMEC was created with the objective of giving visibility to the dissertations defended by the master’s students. Articles submitted to Revista Meritum vol. 15, n. 1, were evaluated by the Editorial Coordina- tion, which examined the suitability for the journal’s editorial line, elementary formal and metho- dological aspects, among others. Subsequently, each text was sent to at least two reviewers, by the double blind peer review system, for analysis of form and content, as well as the issuance of the opinion. Critically, autonomously and plurally, in this vol. 15, n. 1, several issues and problems in the legal universe related to the Democratic Rule of Law and the enforcement of rights are addres- sed. It seeks to analyze and debate perspectives that help to critically interpret our contempora- neity and the challenges that arise from it. Happy reading to all! Prof. Dr. Sérgio Henriques Zandona Freitas Prof. Dr. Adriano da Silva Ribeiro Editorial Coordination SUMMARY Articles THE UNAVAILABILITY OF PUBLIC INTEREST: CONTENT, LEGAL NATURE, NORMATIVE FOUNDATION AND IMPACTS ON BRAZILIAN ADMINISTRATIVE LAW ..............................................................................9 A INDISPONIBILIDADE DO INTERESSE PÚBLICO: CONTEÚDO, NATUREZA JURÍDICA, FUNDAMENTOS NORMATIVOS E IMPACTOS NO DIREITO ADMINISTRATIVO BRASILEIRO . 2020 . pr Luzardo Faria ./A an DISCHARGING: ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY IMPOSED BY THE EXTRAJUDICIAL USUCAPTION PROCEDURE ....................................................................................................................................30 .1 • J .1 n DESJUDICIALIZAÇÃO: AQUISIÇÃO DA PROPRIEDADE IMÓVEL PELO PROCEDIMENTO DE USUCAPIÃO EXTRAJUDICIAL .15 • .15 v Gilberto Ferreira Marchetti Filho Ana Julia Muniz Lemes THE AUTOPOIESE OF LAW AND THE TRANSPARENCY OF THE SOURCES OF FINANCING OF THE BNDES ............................................................................................................................50 A AUTOPOIESE DO DIREITO E A TRANSPARÊNCIA DAS FONTES DE FINANCIAMENTO DO BNDES Gabriela Eulalio de Lima EL CUIDADO COMO ESTRATEGIA DE SUPERVIVENCIA HUMANA: Discapacidad, género y salud .......................69 MERITUM MAGAZINE • CUIDADOS COMO ESTRATÉGIA DE SOBREVIVÊNCIA HUMANA: Deficiência, gênero e saúde Daniela Verónica Maza PERSONAL TRAINER’S CIVIL LIABILITY ...............................................................................................................81 RESPONSABILIDADE CIVIL DO PERSONAL TRAINER Fabrício Germano Alves Mayara Vívian de Medeiros PRECEDENTS: BETWEEN CLOUDS AND CLOCKS ...............................................................................................................96 PRECEDENTES: ENTRE NUVENS E RELÓGIOS Luís Gustavo Reis Mundim PHISHING AND SOCIAL ENGINEERING: BETWEEN CRIMINALIZATION AND THE USE OF SOCIAL MEANS OF PROTECTION ...........................................................................................................................................................117 PHISHING E ENGENHARIA SOCIAL: ENTRE A CRIMINALIZAÇÃO E A UTILIZAÇÃO DE MEIOS SOCIAIS DE PROTEÇÃO Mateus de Oliveira Fornasier Norberto Milton Paiva Knebel Fernanda Viero da Silva THE JUDICIAL ACTIVISM AND THE WEAKNESS OF POLITICAL POWER:EFFECTIVE CRISIS OR PARADIGMATIC CHANGE? .........................................................................................................................................................132 O ATIVISMO JUDICIAL E O ENFRAQUECIMENTO DO PODER POLÍTICO: CRISE EFETIVA OU MUDANÇA PARADIGMÁTICA? Celio Roberto Correa
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