;).;'::'.:'!Si-Aj:V:i;';W.«:f::!;;te 1 ' . Dry Clobd8.--Barnham & Company. BcseriptloD or • DlMoverjr Wkleh U ': CouniaMcilna - the TorriUe TlJfOBTGAGB SALB.-DEFAULT IIAVIMG should have it. Donaldson imid ; CIlmaiTe Bvlls. AM:...''^*"* '""d." mortgaBe bearlne date the Thnnday, Jnljr 1, 1880. attention to the injunction,' ulred ' (Detroit Correspondence Chicago Inter-Ocean.) elKHth day of May, 1S82. ex" onted bySelBon A. hotse and buggy to go to Onondaga^ DiinnlnK. Jennie K. DunnlnB, Bsbert B. Keoler Michigan ha* always been looked upon and Anaollne A. Keoler to Ann £. Leonard, and ' butdrove to Lansing, left his horse and by the Inhabitantt of other States, ai a rocordoa In tbo offlcoof the Resltterof Doeda Mi OKEMOS. went to Flint. The sheriff found the partlcuUrly nnhealtby rtglOn. And In­ for Inibsm Connty, Stato of Mlcbinan, upon the - horse and buggy; and is now looking deed the olficiBl reports of tho StaU Board eeventoontb day of May. 1882, in Liber flity-nlno I . Mn. Park and dauffhtor of New Jei> ofmortgaKoi,on page 178; thore ieclaimed toba for Donaldson. ofHealth show that inch Is In fact the -)By(- duo and unpaid upon iild mortiraKo two ihona- sey, the inotber and sister of; Dr. J. B. oaw. Wbatevar tho oauH may be, it Is and, four hundred and tirty-nlno dollars and yet YOL. XXVIII.-NO. 27. Park, ore here on a visit. :; Bohemian oats are promising a re­ certain that rheumatic, neuralato to bocomo due ono tbouaand dollars; andsoentt . MASON, MICH., THURSDAY, JULY 8,1886. markable crop iu this town. Many of and bronchial troubles have been or procecdlnKB nt law having boon Inatltntod to WHOLE NO. 1435. The summer term of school closes them are heading out six inches from and are to^lay fearfully prevalent tocovur tbo amount now duo or any part thereof this week Friday. • ? , : ' the ground will be oats all the way up. In evory portion of tbe atate. It •tandt to aud tbo power ol aalo eontalnod In lald mort- reason, theratore, "that where so inuch- gngo having become absolute, by virtue of the - A V. Bdgerly is visiting a brother Joseph Marks has his barn complet­ statute In such case mado and provided, noUce ta CITY CIIIT'CIIAT. and friends In Perry; N. Y. •nftoring exists, tboroabould bo a corres­ hereby eivcn that upon flntnrday, Ibe twM- A serious accident occurred early in I iao,O0O Hmnsli-np. ed. Thetlnishing stroke was the tak­ ponding ondeavor to relloTO the suirerlng, ay.anh amy or MeiHembiir next, at one THE FOURTH ! the evening. The liorse which nearly Mrs. E; L. Crittenden and Helen, ing out of an Insurance policy in the and we bavo to-day In tho ttnte of Mlchl- oVIock In tho aftornoou of said day. I ehall sell Justice Rice. Last Thursday afternoon at about .;L;::i:, daughter ot Btuart Pheliis, are danger­ at pulillc auction to tbo highest bidder at the killed Miss Maude Wiley nt Lansing five o'clock a collision occured at Holt Farmers' Mutual. nn probably the best Inttitution for fur- PimLisHBD Evsar Tudbsday, By F. I. Darling is in the city. thsrinatbliend that can bo fonnd any- front door of tho Ingham connty conrt-house In The National Holiday and the Way It recently was in Randall's livery barn between two freight trains. Each had ously sick. Some of' our farmers are entirely tho city of Mason (said conrt-house being the J. P. Bond was In town Tuesday. and a young man named Dennis Ocko- whneln the Unltwl States. I refer to the Was Observed in Mason. orders to meet the other at Holt. The Our cheese factory is a grand success, through witli haying for this season place whoro tho circuit court fur said county of y. J. TEFFT. F. M. Lyon of Lansing spent Sun­ bock hired it. Mr. Randall did his HibbardRheamatle Syrup Co.,ot Jaokaon, Ingham Is bold) so much ol the land embraced For Sale Only nt Ford'a Buaaar train from the north arrived first ia hirgely patronized, and the cheese Mr. Tucker has had put up over one which It hoi been my privilege to Investi- In said mortgage as shall bo necessary to satisfy day in Mason. utmost to persuade Ockotiock not to made uere Is tlie best that can be pro^ and Jewelry Store. and came down a few rods to the 1 ^t-' hundred tons of marah liay, and not gato recently. I not only aMortalned be­ The sale of Fine Wash Goods far exceeds tho amount duo and all legal costs (subject to On* yiir, tl.SO; tlx monlhs, 7S eanta; Ihra* A Host Mneceaarnl Celebration. drive the horse, but the fellow thought south of the depot to switch back, when duced. July yet. yond a doubt that tho goods thoy manu­ tho amount still to bocomo duo). Tho laud cov­ monlhs, 40 eaalt—In <d»aaat. Frank C. Sayers is visiting friends himself more than equal to its manage­ ered hy and doacrtbed In said mortgage Is the at Ionia this week. tbe north bound train came up. It facture aro abiolntely par* and made that of any previous year, and the Large and northwest quarter of eectlnn number llfioen in Sew AdvertisementaThla Week. ment. He took Miss Lizzie Gunn, . UELlil. Fitchburg will celebrate tlie Fourth from the bant poulbU materials bnt also ADVCRTISINa RATE*. Independence day was celebrated at was not running rapidly, but the engi­ of July on the third. that the remedy la produoing result! town two north of range one west In Ingham Onr advertliing rates made Itnown at offloe. Dry Goods-Burnhom A Company. Lambert F. Bunnell was on onr who was living at E. C. Russell's, Into neer was unable to stop it and tho en- Varied Assortment purchased -by us early in County, State of Michigan. Uardware-Sayers A Phelps. streets last Monday. Mason on Saturday, and, contrary to the carriage with him ond tbe two really woadertuL Tho following ara a Bailneas cards tla line per year, lnea collided. Eight or ten cars were Considerable haying was done last few of vary many facta whioh eama under Bniiness looali five centa per line each and custom. It did nut rain. Tlie sun drove up town to see the fireworks.. week. "To ckeT the season has been entirely closed out, so we ANN B. CUONARD. Mortgagee. •very Insertion. Sfew Bn»itie«»l.oi)aiii. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Cheney spent §erailed and damaged and one of the myobiarTktlon: LuoiEN Rkei>. Attorney for Mortcagoo? poured down its rays witli relentless They had Just reached the crossing I Marriage, birth, and death notices free. last Sunday with friends in Mason. engines was so badly injured that it The chief topic of interest is the Mr. C. D. Denie, a grocer of'Jockson, now have the pleasure of offering our cus­ Dated Mason, Juno thirtieth, 1886. Obltnary notices, resolutions of respect, Ford's Bazaar Local. force all day, and the earth seemed to between the city bakery and A. L. camp meeting. Mrs. Rose Ainsley died at lier woaaoorarcome by iclatio rhenmattam, Photographs-U. B. Critlondoii. Mrs. Helen M. Moore of Chelsea is the bake. The patriotic souls that drove had to be sent to Jackson for repairs. father's last Friday after a long illness, oardi ofthanlEB. etc., five centa a line. Vandercook'a wlien whlz-z-z J went the M. H. Qunn of Ionia was in town that hit right arm; lag and aide, were tomers an entire rvEFAULT HAVING BEEN MADE IN THE Dry Goods-Holmca & Co." guest of her brother, Beeri B. Noyes. into town found tlietr sole protection first sky-rocket. The horse jumped, The damage is estimated at about H. Perkins of Locke Center died last paralyzed and ahrunken. Ha could not IJ conditions of a certain mortgage, made by $20,000, Tbe passenger train for tho last Thursday. walk and aufferad lutenaa pain, which Dollle E. Lowe to Wheeler Gaylord, dated Au- S. C. Parker was immersed at the from the scorching sunbeams in the overturned the buggy, nnd Miss Gunn week. ^st 4th, A. D. 1881, and recorded in tbe ofBce of Baptist churcli last Sunday evening. dust which rolled above them. It was was thrown to the ground, receiving \ north, which arrives at Mason at 6:22, Delia Hughson, who has been sick a eonld only bo reiioTed by morphine. To­ IU Register of Deeds for tbe county of Ingham was held here six hours before it could H. Murpliy, D. Duiikionnd A. Moy- day he la well wholly through using the S tsjb news job boom Capt. Norman Minar made his family an excellent hay day. severe bruises about tlie face, and laps­ number of weeks, is reported better. er have each liuilt grain barns tiiis aud state ofMichlgan. on thu 10th day of August, NEWS NOTES. go on. The passengers even then had Rheumatic Syrup. A. D. 1831, In llbor 51 of mortgages, on page 604, Ii supplied with tho best machinery that The city will build an engine bouse. n ilyiiig visit this week Monday and But in spiteof dust and sun and out­ ing into unconsciousness from the The funeral of Philip Siehl was summer. F. Davis und T. Collins Mr. A. K. StockweU, manager ot the on which mortgage there Is claimed to be due at money can buy, fitted lor steam power, a large Tuesday. lying hay the crowd was large and shock. Ockobock was not hurt. Tbet o be transferred ot Holt. held In tbe German Methodist church have shingled theira.
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