DGS - Real Estate Inventory Report 10/7/2019 By County and Agency Site ID and Name, Address Yr Content $ Acreage Building ID and Name, Bldg Usage Built Sq Ft Replacmnt $ Acquisition $ Adams County Conservation & Natural Resourc 38-01-0008101 - Michaux State FOREST 23,046.3 38-01-0008101-00000001 BLDG 1AIROPS1 STORAGE-ANIMAL-FISH 1966 $16,776 38-01-0008101-00000002 BLDG 1AIROPS2 UTILITY PLANTS 1966 $18,803 38-01-0008101-00000003 BLDG 1 BFPX 1 SITE AMENITIES 1984 $5,383 38-01-0008101-00000004 BLDG 1 BFPL 1 PUBLIC RESTROOMS 1989 $5,383 38-01-0008101-00000005 BLDG 1 BFPL 2 PUBLIC RESTROOMS 1988 $5,383 38-01-0008101-00000006 BLDG 1 AIROPS 4 PUBLIC RESTROOMS 1996 $1,014 38-01-0008101-00000007 BLDG 1AIROPS3 SITE AMENITIES 1983 $5,767 38-01-0008101-00000008 BLDG 1D29S5 CONTROL COMMUNICATION CTR 1960 $574 38-01-0008101-00000009 BLDG 1-D29S9 STORAGE 1997 $1,014 38-01-0008101-00000010 BLDG 1D29G3 STORAGE 2002 $277,000 38-01-0008101-00000011 BLDG 1D29S10 STORAGE 1932 38-01-P006303 - Caledonia State Park 146.2 38-01-P006303-00000001 Hosack Campground ADA Washhouse SITE AMENITIES 168 Fish & Boat Commission 22-01-078F111 - WAYNESBORO RESERVOIR 800.0 22-01-084F123 - BIRCH RUN RESERVOIR 175.0 22-01-230F326 - LONG PINE RUN RESERVOIR 332.4 Game Commission 23-01-0000249 - SGL 249 1,953.7 23-01-0000249-000SB450 BLDG SB 450 HOUSING 1963 234 $28,840 23-01-0000249-000SB451 BLDG SB 451 STORAGE 1966 768 $12,039 23-01-0000249-000SB453 BLDG SB 453 STORAGE 1966 3,735 $164,214 $35,513 Military & Veterans Affairs 13-01-0042855 - DMVA - Gettysburg (New) 3.9 West Confederate Ave., Seminary Ridge, Gettysburg 17325 Data Source:IES SAP - ZPM_T_BRIM_DATA Page 1 of 632 DGS - Real Estate Inventory Report 10/7/2019 By County and Agency Site ID and Name, Address Yr Content $ Acreage Building ID and Name, Bldg Usage Built Sq Ft Replacmnt $ Acquisition $ Adams County Military & Veterans Affairs 13-01-0042855-00091001 Gettysburg - RC (New) 13-01-0042855-00091002 Gettysburg - Repair Bays 13-01-0042855-00091711 Gettysburg - Sewer/Wastewater Treatment 13-01-0042855-000FENCE Gettysburg RC - Fencing, Gates & Walls 13-01-0042855-000SCLSA Gettysburg RC - Wastewater Lines 13-01-0042855-000WDLUG Gettysburg RC - Water Distribution Lines 13-01-0042855-0HVELECT Gettysburg RC - Electrical Lines 13-01-0042855-PAVESURF Gettysburg RC - Paved Surfaces 13-01-0042855-UPAVSURF Gettysburg RC - Unpaved Surfaces 13-01-0042B80-00000001 Hanover RC 13-01-0042B80-000FENCE Hanover RC - Fencing, Gates & Walls 13-01-0042B80-000SCLSA Hanover RC - Wastewater 13-01-0042B80-000WDLUG Hanover RC - Water Distribution Lines 13-01-0042B80-0HVELECT Hanover RC - Electrical Lines 13-01-0042B80-IMPRVGRD Hanover RC - Improved Grounds 13-01-0042B80-PAVESURF Hanover RC - Paved Surfaces 13-01-0042B80-UPAVSURF Hanover RC - Unpaved Surfaces 13-01-0042E76 - DMVA - South Mountain 15.0 SOUTH MOUNTAIN ROAD, FAYETTEVILLE 17222 13-01-0042E76-00000001 South Mountain - RC 13-01-0042E76-000FENCE South Mountain - RC-Fencing,Gates&Walls 13-01-0042E76-000SCLSA South Mountain - RC-Waste Water Lines 13-01-0042E76-000WDLUG South Mountain - RC-Water Distrib Lines 13-01-0042E76-0HVELECT South Mountain - RC-Electrical Lines 13-01-0042E76-IMPRVGRD South Mountain - RC - Improved Grounds 13-01-0042E76-PAVESURF South Mountain - RC-Paved Surfaces 13-01-0042E76-UPAVSURF South Mountain - RC - Unpaved Surfaces Transportation Data Source:IES SAP - ZPM_T_BRIM_DATA Page 2 of 632 DGS - Real Estate Inventory Report 10/7/2019 By County and Agency Site ID and Name, Address Yr Content $ Acreage Building ID and Name, Bldg Usage Built Sq Ft Replacmnt $ Acquisition $ Adams County Transportation 78-01-0810100 - Stockpile Grounds 7.4 SR 0116 Seg 0210 1185 Fairfield Rd., GETTYSBURG 17325-7238 78-01-0810100-00810101 County Office OFFICE-GENERAL 30,632 $9,690,278 78-01-0810100-00810102 old state police OFFICE-GENERAL 78-01-0810100-00810103 fuel island STORAGE-HAZARDOUS $90,000 78-01-0810100-00810104 Gas Cylinder Storage STORAGE-HAZARDOUS 200 $8,000 78-01-0810100-00810105 3 bay STORAGE 654 $65,000 78-01-0810100-00810106 6 bay STORAGE-HAZARDOUS 1999 5,060 $110,000 78-01-0810100-00810107 Green Metal Shed STORAGE 83 $3,000 78-01-0810100-00810109 beige shed - Survey Crew OFFICE-GENERAL 152 $5,000 78-01-0810100-00810110 liquid containment STORAGE-HAZARDOUS 152 $18,000 78-01-0810100-00810111 Paint Storage STORAGE-HAZARDOUS 1,593 $45,000 78-01-0810100-00810112 Winter Matl Storage - Multi-Bay STORAGE-HAZARDOUS 2001 $65,000 78-01-0810100-00810113 Storage - 2-Bay STORAGE 1,100 $45,000 78-01-0810100-00810114 Storage - General STORAGE 84 $5,000 78-01-0810100-00810116 Storage Canopy STORAGE 240 $5,000 78-01-0810100-00810117 Liquid Containment STORAGE-HAZARDOUS 440 78-01-0810100-00810118 Brine Building STORAGE-HAZARDOUS 192 $18,000 78-01-0810500 - Stockpile Grounds 4.0 intersection of RT34 and SR4008 1400 Car, GETTYSBURG 17325-0000 78-01-0810500-00810501 3 bay STORAGE-HAZARDOUS 1,891 $65,000 78-01-0810500-00810502 beige w/ green trim shed STORAGE 172 $5,000 78-01-0810500-00810503 beige shed STORAGE 75 $5,000 78-01-0810500-00810504 white shed OFFICE-GENERAL 238 $3,000 78-01-0810500-00810505 liquid containment STORAGE-HAZARDOUS $18,000 78-01-0810500-00810507 Personnel Staging OFFICE-GENERAL 2008 576 $65,000 78-01-0810500-00810508 Winter Matl Storage - Husky STORAGE-HAZARDOUS 78-01-0810600 - Stockpile Grounds 2.1 1 Mi. west of Cashtown, GETTYSBURG 17325-0000 78-01-0810600-00810601 domar STORAGE-HAZARDOUS 707 $400,000 Data Source:IES SAP - ZPM_T_BRIM_DATA Page 3 of 632 DGS - Real Estate Inventory Report 10/7/2019 By County and Agency Site ID and Name, Address Yr Content $ Acreage Building ID and Name, Bldg Usage Built Sq Ft Replacmnt $ Acquisition $ Adams County Transportation 78-01-0810600-00810602 white shed OFFICE-GENERAL 250 $3,000 78-01-0810600-00810605 liquid containment STORAGE-HAZARDOUS 255 $18,000 78-01-0810600-00810606 Bin - Wood STORAGE $45,000 78-01-0810600-00810607 Storage - General STORAGE 2005 144 $5,000 78-01-0810600-00810608 Storage - General STORAGE 2005 144 $5,000 78-01-0810700 - Stockpile Grounds 5.0 SR 0194 Seg 0030 60 Ulrichtown Rd., LITTLESTOWN 17340-0000 78-01-0810700-00810701 3 bay STORAGE-HAZARDOUS 2,520 $65,000 78-01-0810700-00810702 Personnel Staging OFFICE-GENERAL 192 $65,000 78-01-0810700-00810703 brown shed STORAGE 96 $5,000 78-01-0810700-00810704 brown shed STORAGE 96 $5,000 78-01-0810700-00810705 Liquid Containment STORAGE-HAZARDOUS 360 $18,000 78-01-0810700-00810706 Personnel Staging OFFICE-GENERAL 192 $65,000 78-01-0810700-00810707 Personnel Staging OFFICE-GENERAL 576 $65,000 78-01-0811000 - Stockpile Grounds 3.3 SR 0094 Seg 0070 Off of PA 94 & PA 30, BERWICK 18603-0000 78-01-0811000-00811001 3 Bay Wood Top STORAGE-HAZARDOUS 2006 2,700 $65,000 78-01-0811000-00811002 Foreman Shed OFFICE-GENERAL 2006 288 $5,000 78-01-0811000-00811003 Equipment Building STORAGE 2006 288 $8,000 78-01-0811000-00811004 Liquid Containment for 5000 gal. tank STORAGE-HAZARDOUS 2006 400 $18,000 78-01-0811100 - Stockpile Grounds 4.0 West of Rt 116 1051 Wanyesboro Pike, GETTYSBURG 17325-0000 78-01-0811100-00811101 3 bay STORAGE-HAZARDOUS 1,682 $65,000 78-01-0811100-00811102 Personnel Staging OFFICE-GENERAL 192 $65,000 78-01-0811100-00811103 tan shed STORAGE 96 $5,000 78-01-0811100-00811104 Beige shed STORAGE 224 $5,000 78-01-0811100-00811105 2 bay STORAGE 290 $45,000 78-01-0811100-00811106 liguid containment STORAGE-HAZARDOUS 288 $18,000 78-01-0811100-00811107 Winter Material Storage - Multi-Bay WINTER MATL STORAGE-MULTI BAY 2013 $219,720 78-01-0811200 - Stockpile Grounds 3.4 .5 Mi West of Rt 15 on Rt 234 3020 Heidl, HEIDLERSBURG 17325-0000 Data Source:IES SAP - ZPM_T_BRIM_DATA Page 4 of 632 DGS - Real Estate Inventory Report 10/7/2019 By County and Agency Site ID and Name, Address Yr Content $ Acreage Building ID and Name, Bldg Usage Built Sq Ft Replacmnt $ Acquisition $ Adams County Transportation 78-01-0811200-00811201 Winter Matl Storage - Hi-Arch STORAGE-HAZARDOUS 2002 5,280 $350,000 78-01-0811200-00811202 2 bay STORAGE-HAZARDOUS 1,000 $45,000 78-01-0811200-00811203 liquid containment STORAGE-HAZARDOUS 225 $18,000 78-01-0811200-00811204 white shed OFFICE-GENERAL 201 $3,000 78-01-0811200-00811205 beige shed OFFICE-GENERAL 201 $5,000 78-01-0811200-00811207 green shed STORAGE 105 $3,000 78-01-0811200-00811208 Winter Matl Storage - Hi-Arch STORAGE-HAZARDOUS 192 $5,000 Allegheny County Conservation & Natural Resourc 38-02-P006225 - Point State Park 36.0 38-02-P006225-00000001 Restroom $40,000 SITE AMENITIES 1974 1,800 $273,000 38-02-P006225-00000002 Pump House $800,000 MAINTENANCE - MULTI USE 1974 1,800 $500,000 38-02-P006225-00000003 Maintenance $50,000 MAINTENANCE - MULTI USE 1963 5,400 $700,000 38-02-P006250 - Allegheny Islands 43.0 Corrections 11-02-0000947 - SCI-PITTSBURGH 0.0 11-02-0000947-1PUMP021 PUMP HOUSE NO 1 - BLDG 21 VACANT 1934 100 $5,259 11-02-0000947-ADMINBD7 ADMINISTRATION - BUILDING 7 CORRECTIONS 1986 37,642 11-02-0000947-AUDITRM8 AUDITORIUM - BUILDING 8 AUDITORIUM/CONFERENCE CTR 1885 14,400 $129,150 11-02-0000947-AUTOGA35 AUTOMOTIVE GARAGE - BLDG 35 MAINTENANCE-GARAGE-VEHICLE 1996 5,874 11-02-0000947-CERTEQ43 CERT TEAM EQ TRAILER - BUILDING 43 CORRECTIONS 1954 720 11-02-0000947-CIPLAN11 CI TAG SHOP - BUILDING 11-12-13 STORAGE 1922 22,100 $62,758 11-02-0000947-DIETRY15 DIETARY DEPARTMENT - BUILDING 15 KITCHEN-DINING 1931 15,971 $525,240 11-02-0000947-EDUCAT18 EDUCATION - BUILDING 18 CORRECTIONS 1924 30,225 $107,096 11-02-0000947-ENGINE14 ENGINEER'S OFFICE - BUILDING 14 OFFICE - GENERAL 1956 750 11-02-0000947-FORMAN23 MAINTCE REPAIR FOREMAN SHOP
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