£.pos'ng oh , tta cll 0' S Gr 11\S MUSIC GOES TO WAR Th i rly Si Iver Dollars! Meredith Willson, One of Radio's Picture Story of What Happens at Finest Composers, Joins the Army Dr. I. Q.'s Monday Night Programs F ROM now until victory Meredith were "Jervis Bay," "The O. O. Mc­ Willson will be just d cog in the Intyre Suite," "America Calling" and gigantic war machine. He has put his "Song of Steel." music in the bockground to become a And, tolkin'! with some radio folk captoin in the Speciol Services Branch recently, we ound that they oil re­ of the Uni ted States Army. Which, ac­ membered his original programs­ cording to Meredith, is the woy it "House of Melody," "America Sings," should be in this man's war. But that "The Big Ten," "Chiffon Swing" and idea notwit hs tand­ "Musicol Revue." ing, radio-dialers In motion pic­ won't forget his fine tures, Willson's orig­ music, for he was ino1 music for "The o ne of the oirlone's little Faxes" and top personalities os "The Great Dicta­ on entertainer os tor" was named for well as a composer. Acodemy Awa rd One of radio's fore­ votes. In addition, most conductors, his directoriol ef. Willson had 0 rec­ forts on benefit ond ord of six continu­ war-relief progroms ous yeors on the -a Greek relief Moxwell House pro­ broodcost, "Morch grom , with two sym­ of Dimes," "Com· mond Performance" phonies, mllny pop­ Composer Willson at work. His ond current "Mail ulor tunes and rous­ engaging fl"ir for comedy en­ ColI"-mllde these ing service songs, deared him to radio listeners MRS. VIRGINIA DOLDE plus a score of suc­ shows musicol trio ponders question posed by cessful progroms, umphs . Dr. I. Q. (Jimmy McClain) which he originoted, to his credit as '\11 these ond others Willson has while Ed Shaughnessy, pro­ well. And we'll venture to say thot done for rodio, for pictures and for gram announcer, lIw"ih her music-lovers won't forget his two sym­ Americo. Yet he wanted to do more, answer. Boy, r., ponders. too phonies, "Son Francisco" and "Mis­ and the only woy he knew how was to sions of Colifornio," which were heard get in the ranks with the fighting men. on 011 the networks. A'nd they' ll still be Yes, radio listeners will miss him: but THE ANSWER'S OUT, and hum\l1ing his popular song, "You and they'll be on hond to welcome him broad grins on faces of an­ I," thot swept the country a few sea­ back when peace comes and rlldio nouncer and lady questioned sons back. Among his other composi­ moves into the golden era of the say Dr. I. Q. has called. tions which ranked high on the radio future. -The Editors. "Right!" Boy in next seat registers mixed emotions MOVIE-RADIO GUIDE CONTENTS Pin-Up Girl: Dorothy Lamour. Music, by Robert 9agar ...... 10 Hollywood Goes Overboard in Frequency Modulation, by Dick "Star Spangled Rhythm"... 2 Dorrance . ...... 11 Exclusiv e'! Exposing Radio's Short Waves, by Charles A. Grohms. ...... ... 4 Morrison. ......... .. 12 Radio in Russia, by Larry Lesueur................... 5 Complete Programs for This The Movie Front, by Frances W eek... .. 14-32 Long ............... , . 6 Feminine Forum, by Edith Hampton............ .. 33 The Radio Front, b~ E. Kay, Ave ry Thompson ancf""';James What's Cooking! by Georgia G. H.anlon .. '..... 8 Scott. .. .......... 35 CoveT Photo by James Fink Volume 12, Number 16 January 23-29, 1943 SU'•• "IS!NO n1To.: Carl A. Schroeder G.N."" ......... : Hatty Hayden .......!" ...,,0..: Ruth Bloull cnetl1.• Tle .....NAC.O: Rober~ E. Ha!~ A'" PI ••CrOJ.: D<l Poore .oe.uCTION "'ANA«': Jam•• O. Hanlon A.soc ..n .n".,..: ... nn MonliO",er;-. Moy!e.; France. Loni. 1I01lywOQd: EUlel Klroner and Richard Kurutman. N .... York; Clarence Reuter. Prwram.; Chari...... Morr!""". ShOrt Wa ••• ; Dlolt Dorrance. FrO<luency Mo<!ulaUon; Robert !.lagar. Mu.sic. '01TO.,." ..."TANT,: lielene JaOOby. Robert Oatenby. liUlI"h Harper. Charles LocIIl"M. W!!llam Rice. Robert S,,·all"e. Elmer Sehauer. Cne.ton Stafford. Dan s,·.bek. ••ITOOIAL .... ".OU..... TION orFlO.,.: 7Jl Pb'mouth Court. Chlc~go. Ill!nol •• Mo.,.,RA.,o 01.11 •• (Trade Mark Rei!o\.,.d 0. S. Pat. omce). Volume 12. Number 16. w ..k of JanUary 23_29 . 1943 . Publ1.hed ... .,.,kly b)' Trlangl. publlcaUon •. Inc.. 400 North Broad S\,...I. Phlladelphi •. hnn.yll"anla. Editorial and Circulation om.e,. 731 Plymou1h Court. Chl.aIO. lll!noto. Enl.rO<! ....eoond_clas. matter a~ the P.,.t Ofllce. Chleaao. Illlnol,. February 21. IUO. under the Ac~ 01 MarCh l. 187~. AUIMrlto<l by Post Omce D<Panmenl. O","wa. Can.d..... ...,.,nd_cl.... ",atter. :;'''~:;;~~~~ bbyT~\~~~r!'it~~;~".J~!·..,~~c. en~'~lorJ:~:~r r~~~'r~' ~~~~cI~~~a.;:,,:,,,~~~' f~~;~ United State. 8,,' ,."0"QN UTE, In the U. S. and po .."",lon, and countrle. of the Pan ... merlcan p",;tal Union: "GIVE THE LADY THIRTY SILVER DOLLARS," says Dr. L Q., which .j~ month •• $3.00: on. year. 55.00. Su".crlpllon rate. In {orelin countries: .Ix months. «.00; on. year. 57.00. Remit by pootal money order ... pre.. money order or check dru'" to the order of MOVI<_ is announcer Shaughnessy's cue to start clinking the cartwheels RA'!o 01.11 ••. Curr.nc, ~nt at sub",rlber', rl'~. PIe..,. aUow four week. lor chanlle Qf add,.., ••. !.le su", to Ih·. both old and n.~· addre... '. Plu.. add",.. all """e.pond"nee In "'Ierenee to .ub$Crll>­ into Mrs. Dolde's upturned palms while her neighbor beams at the tic.... to t~e Sub",rlptton D<vart",ent. 731 Plymouth Oourt. ChlC>40. Illlnol., "music." Pictures were taken at the Stanley Theater, Pithburgh •• !Nn. I~ U. S. A. 12/16 P Sixteen Paramount Stars and Twenty-Four Featured Players Cavort in This Zany Picture IISTAR SPANGLED RHYTHM" is Paramount's answer to' something new under the sun. Every name star • on the lot takes part, together with twenty-Cour featured players. Pro­ ducers and directors play themselves. The story is woven around the didoes of Eddie Bracken, Betty Hutton and Victor Moore. Location is the Para­ mount studios. But the novel way that , the various stars are presented is what makes the picture refreshingly differ­ ent. The plot ot the piece dodges in and out of tight situations, musical WARBLERS Mory Mortin ond Di ck Powell, numbers, romance and zany comedy. obove, right, supply the Iyricol atmosphere, at which Betty Hutton and Eddie but Betty isn't too happy obout the ideo of Bracken shine. Bing Crosby and a Eddie givi ng Mory so much ottention, Below: chorus ot a hundred singing Old Gkn'1I Betty ond Victor Moore get melod romotic will make movie-goers want to stand up and cheer. A long time In the mak­ ing, "Star Spangled Rhythm" is a zippy, light-hearted production that deserves its hundred percent Ameri­ can title. All in alt, it gives a lift to the spirit with laughs! Lookit the Cast! Sr.r5: Bint C.osby. Bob Hope, F.H Mile· Murray, Frilnchol Ton., Iby Milllnd, ViClor Moort, OOnltlly Lamour, V.rI Zorinl, Plu· 1£11. COo.cldud, MIry M.rt;n, Diet Powtll, Betty Hutton, [ddit Bn.ck,", Vuon;ur. uke, AI,n lIdd, [ddit ( Rochnl.r) Andtllon. Ftaturtei ,IIyell: Mad onal4 Cu~, Wllter AHI, Sus,an Ha)'Wircl, ~.jorle Reynolds, Btlty Rho.cln, Doni Onk., L ~nn. Dnrman, Glry Crosby. Albert Odlktf, Johnnlt John­ sIon. Gil umb. CISS Olit)', [ rnti\ Truex, Mabtl ' "Ig., Ctell Kell,w.y. ~lhtrlnt Dun· ham, Arthur frueher, W.ller Cltltll. Sltr­ lin, Hollow.y. BIrN,. Brilton. lhe Goldm Clle Quartet, and Waller O.rt W",hl lnd Comp.ny. Plus: Pro.cluct ..... irutors C.cil B. DeMille. Pinion Stur9ti lnd Rllph Murphy. HE~O AND HEROINE of the piece ore Eddie Brocken "YOU'RE sure ly 0 snany dis h," burbles "WELL. oil right," rells Betty, "if ond. !Jetty Hutton, above in 0 typicol love-scene. Eddie. "I beli eve he really meons me,'" that's the woy you fee about me. let's "Aho, " leers Eddie. "Whot's he up to, " thinks Betty soys Betty's heort, "but let's find out" go!" "Help'" yelps Eddie in this one E~posing Radio's Grohms Gremlins That Heckle Aviators Are Old Hat to the Grohm-Ridden Folks of Radioland! G REMLIN trouble, reported by United Nations' aviators in recent magazines, has been noted with sym­ pathetic understanding by NBC's Chi­ cago staff. And {or good reason! They have been having difficulties with their first CQusi ns, the grohms, fo r years. In case you don't happen to be fa­ miliar with gremlins, they are the gnomelike creatures who have caused fighting pilots no end of trouble by suc h shenanigans as boring holes in gas tanks and wings, and whis­ pering, "You're EILEEN PALMER, NBC actress, runs flying ups i de down," to pilots into grohm trouble with Foglee, who who were fiying causes hoarn!ness; a Fluffnik "'(aiting to blind. toss pebbles into her mouth. and a Radio grohms Smudget t hat blu~ type on scripk are just as annoy­ ing. Only dif!er­ Di nn ing Trio­ eoce be ing they adapt their tricks Cove r girls to the trade. For instance: A F lucu.e will grab cues and fly around the studio with t hem until it's too late for actors to use them. This causes awkward pauses on a show and the overlapping of music and dialog. Holdouts snatch musical notes in midair and prolong or dis­ tort them as suits their fancy.
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