
janez bernik 2 3 janez bernik Galerija Univerze v Ljubljani University Gallery in Ljubljanana CIP - Kataložni zapis o publikaciji Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica, Ljubljana 75/76(497.4):Bernik J. BERNIK, Janez, 1933- Janez Bernik / [prevodi tekstov Alkemist ; fotografi je Miha Benedičič]. - Ljubljana : Univerza, 2012 ISBN 978-961-6410-36-6 262102016 1. razstava / 1st exhibition od 18. junija do 9. septembra 2012 / from 18 June to 9 September 2012 Kazalo / Contents 6 Galeriji Univerze v Ljubljani na pot At the Opening of the University of Ljubljana Gallery 8 Bernikova večnostna risarska ljubezen Bernik’s Eternal Love of Drawing 24 Slike Paintings 30 Risbe Drawings 67 Podatki o umetniku in njegovem delu About the Artist and His Work Galeriji Univerze v Ljubljani na pot Ponosen in vesel sem, da lahko Univerza v Ljubljani, ki se za predstavitve gostujočih profesorjev likovne umetnosti in pogledu od zunaj predstavlja v zgledno obnovljeni impozantni tistih tujih ustvarjalcev, ki jih posamična univerzitetna okrožja palači nekdanjega Deželnega dvorca, domači in tuji javnosti razpoznavajo kot vrhunske znotraj svoje kulture. 8 odpre srce svoje ustvarjalne notranjosti z razstavo našega velikega slikarskega sodobnika akademika prof. Janeza Bernika. Tisto, kar me kot znanstvenika in ljubitelja umetnosti pri tem Še posebej pa mi je v čast, da slovenski umetnik svetovnega našem novem ustvarjalnem laboratoriju še posebej veseli, slovesa in spoštovani univerzitetni profesor Akademije za pa je možnost, da na tem mestu izmenjujemo svoje poglede likovno umetnost in oblikovanje odpira vrata nove Galerije na umetnost, zlasti sodobno, ki refl ektira naše sedanje Univerze v Ljubljani, ki v univerzalnem jeziku likovne umetnosti samorazumevanje, in osvetljujemo interakcije med znanostjo in pooseblja ustvarjalno moč naše prve nacionalne hiše znanosti umetnostjo kot nerazdružljivima metodama odkrivanja življenja in vednosti, humanizma in poglobljenih razgledov po in sveta. Po svojih najboljših močeh se bomo potrudili sčasoma svetovnih jezikih in kulturah. Zavedamo se namreč, da se oblikovati tudi lastno galerijsko zbirko, pri čemer se zanašamo sleherni raziskujoči pogled najpopolneje lahko artikulira prav tudi na darežljivost gostujočih umetnikov, saj bomo tako lahko v kompleksnem izrazu umetnosti, ki znanje o življenju razkriva kar najbolj prepričljivo promovirali vrhunsko domačo likovno tako, da celovito ohranja skrivnost obstoja sveta. ustvarjalnost in se na reprezentativni točki slovenskega duha razgledovali po tujih kulturah. Z Galerijo Univerze v Ljubljani se poslej podajamo na pot predstavljanja vrhunskih likovnih umetniških del naših nekdanjih Hvaležen sem kolegom univerzitetnim profesorjem za in sedanjih univerzitetnih učiteljev in umetnikov, ki živo pričujejo plemenito pobudo in vsebinsko utemeljitev nove institucije in o visokih akademskih standardih in edinstveni ustvarjalni spoštovanemu, dragemu akademiku prof. Janezu Berniku, da moči in prodornosti tako našega osrednjega vseučilišča kot jo je počastil z otvoritveno razstavo. Veselim se, da nam je bilo tudi najbolj reprezentativne nacionalne umetnosti. To je tudi dano skupaj prižgati umetniško ognjišče v središču ustvarjalnega odgovor, zakaj Univerza v svoji slavnostni dvorani odpira lastno slovenstva, ki ga z žarom številnih znanstvenikov in umetnikov galerijo prav v času, ko sta umetnost in kultura izgubili svoj goji Univerza v Ljubljani kot naše osrednje živo srečevališče z simbolni formalni položaj na državni ravni. Vodilna slovenska elitnimi zaslužnimi osebnostmi in ustanovami po svetu. univerza si marginalizacije svojih ustvarjalnih moči ne more privoščiti, če želi obstati in se razvijati v svetu, kjer so ustvarjalci Rektor prof. dr. Radovan Stanislav Pejovnik umetniki in ustvarjalni znanstveniki baklonosci nacionalne kulture in znanja, s tem pa tudi ekonomske prodornosti in strokovne konkurenčnosti. V nenehnem pretoku in izmenjavah znanja in izkušenj bo poslej galerija tudi reprezentativno mesto At the Opening of the University of Ljubljana Gallery I am very happy and proud of the fact that the University of lucidity and trade competitiveness. With a constant fl ow and Ljubljana, housed in the beautifully renovated and majestic exchange of knowledge and experience, our gallery can now Provincial Mansion building, can now invite the Slovenian and serve as a representative space for presentations of visiting foreign public into the very heart of its creative interior with this professors of art, as well as various foreign artists recognised 9 exhibition of a great artist and our contemporary, Academician by individual university districts as the best in their own cultural Prof. Janez Bernik. I am particularly proud that this world- environment. renowned artist and highly respected university professor at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design is the fi rst to exhibit his As a scientist and lover of art, what I am personally most excited work in the new University of Ljubljana Gallery. In the universal about when it comes to this new creative laboratory of ours is language of art, the new gallery embodies the creative power the opportunity to use it as a forum to exchange views about of our university, a leading national institution dedicated to art, particularly contemporary art, which refl ects our current knowledge and science, humanities and in-depth perspectives self-understanding. Furthermore, I hope that the gallery will also on world languages and cultures. We are well aware that there serve to highlight the interaction between science and art as two is no better way for any searching gaze to articulate itself than inseparable methods of learning about life and the world. We in the complex expression of art – an expression that reveals will do our best to establish our own gallery collection eventually, knowledge about life, yet still preserves the mystery of the relying partly on the generosity of the visiting artists. This will be world’s existence. the best way for us to promote outstanding Slovenian artistic creativity and contemplate foreign cultures at a point that is so With the opening of the University of Ljubljana Gallery, we now representative of the Slovenian spirit. embark on the path of presenting the fi nest artworks created by our former and current university lecturers and artists. I am extremely grateful to my fellow university professors for They are living witnesses of the high academic standards, their noble initiative and substantiation of the new institution, unique creative power and astuteness of the country’s leading and particularly to the eminent academician, our dear Prof. university and most representative form of art. This also answers Janez Bernik, for honouring us with the inaugural exhibition. the question of why the University has chosen to open a gallery I am pleased that we are able to light this artistic fi re in the in its festive hall at a time when art and culture have lost their very heart of national creativity, fuelled by the enthusiasm of symbolic formal status at government level. Slovenia’s leading the many scientists and artists associated with the University university simply cannot afford to marginalise its creative power of Ljubljana – the central meeting place for prominent – not if we want to survive and develop in a world where personalities and institutions across the world. creative artists and creative scientists are the torchbearers of national culture and knowledge, leading in turn to economic Rector, Prof. Dr. Radovan Stanislav Pejovnik Bernikova večnostna risarska ljubezen Bernik’s Eternal Love of Drawing Slike in dnevniške risbe Janeza Bernika The Paintings and Dairy Drawings of Janez Bernik Videc z modrijansko glavo A seer with a wise man’s mind roma skozi nótranjost sveta. wanders through the world’s insides. Na poti do podzemnega neba On his way towards the nether skies strmi le v človeško zmešnjavo. the madness of humanity is all he’ll fi nd. Zaslužni profesor ljubljanske Univerze, akademski slikar In his art, academician Janez Bernik, professor emeritus at the akademik Janez Bernik v svoji umetnosti arhitektonsko University of Ljubljana and Academy-trained painter, creates pretehtano povezuje kontemplativno zbranost z intenziteto architectonic connections between a contemplative focus with a duhovnega izraza in odzivi na družbeno dogajanje, vse to pa marked intensity of spiritual expression and social commentary, prežarja z veliko estetsko pretanjenostjo svoje izjemno občutljive infusing his themes with the aesthetic refi nement characteristic likovne narave. of his extraordinarily sensitive artistic nature. Z močno nadarjenostjo je Bernik izstopal že kot srednješolec Even as a secondary school student and later as a student in zatem kot študent na ljubljanski likovni akademiji, njegova at the Ljubljana Academy of Fine Arts, Bernik displayed nadaljnja umetniška pot, razvidna skozi avtorjeva ciklična immense talent. His artistic path, divided into several cyclical ustvarjalna poglavja, pa je nenavadno pestra, zapletena creative chapters, has been unusually varied and complex but in hkrati notranje logična. Umetnik je pričel soustvarjati has always maintained a certain internal logic. Bernik soon tedanji evropski informel: podobe razjedenih zidov, v katerih immersed himself in the European Art Informel movement, dojemamo utelešenje samote, ne le reliefno otipljive in optično creating images of corroded walls, textured paintings that can razbrazdane snovi, ter površine vulkanskih magem, v katerih be perceived not merely
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