- t A ftn tf DaUy N«t Ptm« Rim T h » W M thar Vor the WeMc Ended April t, lOds EeNCHl of V. & Weather ! Clear ead eeet tealght. Low W 13,985 to xaeedojr irir wHh Httlo Wtonber of the Andlt t a e w ef Oraalnttim tenaperataro nhnafe. High hi Mo. Manehener^A CUy of ViUage Charm TOL. L X ra , NO. 100 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, APRIL 8, 1963 (OUeeifled AdvertMag oa Pago Id) PRICE SEVEN CENTS Steel Boss S iaie N ew s Claims JFK Roundup U.S. Demands Attack By Canadians Hurt Trade Mariani O aim s DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) Democratic Insult TORONTO (AP) — Heavy eulyaheavy In eaatem Canada. Both — Roger Bloiigh, chairman of halloUng aided by generally fine expressed confidence. the U.S. Steel Corp., said HARTFORD (A P )— Sen­ Be Stopped L^os Montreal and Ottawa reported Monday the government ate Democrats have been ac­ ■prlng weather p ^ te d to a rec­ the early turnout heavier than in ord vote today In Canada's na­ the last election, in Jime 1S62. All should stay out of business cused of insulting the Repub­ tional election which most an­ parties in Metropolitan .Toronto decisions. lican leadership in the Upper said thsy were flooded with calls He said the steel industry suf­ House. Senate minority leader alysts expect will make Lester B. fered because of the federal gov­ Pearson, flO, the nation's prime asking for transportation to poll­ Peter Mariani made the Red Force minister. ing booths. Lines formed before ernment's intercession against a I»tce hike a year ago this week. charge during the weekend. Pearson, the Liberal party lead­ polls (g>ened In many areas. Turnouts in the Atlantic prov­ And he said "it is at least an He said the Democrats ignor­ er, and Prime Minister John O. open question whether any action Dlefenbaker of the Conservative inces ranged from poor in parts ed his selection of a Republi­ Strikes in of sparsely populated Prince Ed­ that adversely affetts a group of party cast their ballots In the ear­ this size does not weaken the can to serve on the bi-partisan ly voting, described as brisk to ward Island to heavy in urban areas of Nova Scotia and New­ economy of the nation.’’ compromise committee. foundland. Quebec reported mod­ Blough, in remarks prepared Mariani said he wanted Sen. K ey Plain erate balloting with the expecta­ for the Iowa Medical Society, Alden A. Ives, R-Monis, on the tions sunny weather would bring termed himself "a specimen who committee, which became neces­ Rome Overrun last-minute rush. —almost exactly a year ago—was sary when the House and Senate WASHINGTON (AP) — Qualified observers, after sound­ virtually tom limb from limb as were unable to agree on a defi­ The State Department said ings in all 10 provinces, conclud­ a result of an unfortunate but ciency appropriations bill. Both today Communist forces have 9 W ith Tourists ed that only a major upset could well-intentioned attempt to have passed their own versions. save Diefenbaker’s Conservative his company try for economic re­ But, Instead of Ives, the Demo­ committed "a serious viola­ 1 party, from a drubbing. covery.’’ crats selected John A. Mlnetto, R- tion of the cease-fire” in Laos. In H oly Week Dlefenbaker, 67, became prime Blough clashed with President Torrington, Mariani said. It called on Britain and the So­ minister in 1BB7, ending 22 years Kennedy when U.S. Steel followed Sen. Maurice J. Ferland, chair­ viet Union for "prompt anj ef­ By BENNET M. BOLTON of Liberal rule. In 1968 he scored a new wage settlement with an man of the Senate appropriations fective action to stc^ the firing." ROME (AP)—Thousands of for­ commlttoe, a Democrat, denied The State Department state­ eign tourists thronged Rome today (Continued on Page Thirteen) (Continued on Page Eleven) Mariaai’s claim. ment was issued as official re­ He said he made the committee ports began arriving in Washing­ attracted by the Holy Week cere­ appointments and knew nothing monies that usher in Easter. ton about an attack by Red forces of Mariani’s preference for Ives. against neutralist Gen. Kong Le’s Despite a cold spell, the van­ Mariani said he was "abruptly guard of seasonal tourists flocked army in the strategic Plaine dea informed’’ by Senate Majority Jarres. in over the weekend as Palm Sun­ Leader Louis I, Gladstone of Ml- day opened Christendom’s most Police Dogs Scatter Press officer Lincoln White said netto’s appointment. there is evidence that some Com­ solemn week. ■ He warned that the Democrats’ munist troops from neighboring ' Government tourism officials action "is bound to lead to retali­ Red North 'Viet Nam were in on said they expected a bigger crowd ation in the House.” The House of the assault, which he said had than last year, when some 1B0,(X)0 Protesting Negroes Representatives is under Republi­ been "instigated by thq Commu­ tourists swelled the city. can control. nist Pathet Lao faction in Laos." As usual, the pre-Easter arrlv- The committee’s Job is to work Britain and Russia — plus the sds are predominantly from Ger out a compromise on a deficiency three-nation Intematicnal Control mamy, France, Scandinavia, AuS' BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (AP)—Ne-^Negroes moved to the man’s res- appropriations bill snarled in a par­ Commission — were called on to tria and the Netherlands. gro leaders have urged renewed cue. tisan difference over the teachers About 60 policemen and at least halt the first because those two Pope John X X m blessed Palms desegregation efforts in this Deep retirement fund. nations nre cochainnen of last Sunday in St. Peter’s Basilica. He South city where police dogs six other dogs Jumped into the Republicans say the fund has |2 year's Geneva conference which gave his blessing at noon from crushed violence during demon­ fray.. The crowd broke and ran, million in available surplus which worked out the international his apartment window to 00,000 strations Sunday. with the dogs suid patrolmen at the state can use to avoid dipping agreement for an independent an persons—double the usual Sunday At least 20 Negroes were ar­ its heels. into revenues. Democrats say using Neutral Laos. crowd—in' St. Peter’s Square. rested as police halted a prayer Police CommisslMier Eugene the surplus would be tantamount The agreement provided lor Palms were distributed at march led by the Rev. A. D. King, (Bull) Connor shouted to news­ to a raid on teacher retirement withdrawal of outside forces, s Masses in Roman Catholic brother. of Integration leader men: ‘-Look at that dog go! That’s funds. provision which White also ac­ churches throughout the world. In Martin Luther King Jr. what we train them for—to en­ The conference committee will cused the Reds of violating. Italy the palms of Palm Sunday More demonstrations were force the law.’’ include Sen. Ferland, D-Danielson, The text of the State A p a rt­ actually are olive branches, more scheduled today. Blind singer A1 The fracas was over within sec­ and Sen. Samuel Lebon, D-Hart' ment statement; plentiful and more traditional. Hlbbler—of “ Tou’ll Never Walk onds. Six policemen held down the ford, and Sen. Minetto. Selection "Our information is that tos Roman Catholic dioceses put Alonb" fame—volunteered to help Negro who attacked the dog. He of the House members of the com. Kpng Le neutralist forces have aside some of the palms each in the desegregation effort. was among those arrested. mlttee has not yet been announced. been attacked by pro-Communist year and bum them. The ashes Violence broke out when a knife- Twenty-three marchers led by Ferland said he picked Minetto Pathet Lao and there are indica­ are used for marking foreheads wielding Negro tried to slash a King were arrested on charges of because he is the senior Rejmbli- tions that they are supported by to start the penitential season of police dog. violating a city code which pro­ can member of the appropriations some Vietminh militaiy person­ The dog downed the man and a hibits parading without a permit committee. He praised him as a nel. (ConMnued on Page Three) surging crowd of more than 200 At least four others were ar­ "man of good Judgment.’’ "We have no detail or late In­ rested after the riot, mostly on He contrasted the veteran Minet- Dying Artist Wishes to Be Left Alone formation on how serious the charges,of failure to-move on the to’B experience wiUi Ivesi wtxt. i i MaMd CgvgBa, 73-year-old recluse artist who is dying of cancer and would Just as soon f i ^ t i ^ is in the Plaine des orders o< a poUce offlcos aervlng his second term. be left atoito'ftspteye'-one-of his-painiting# in Los A ng«eB r'T h e ■«**** has been Uteug' eii Jarres. Negroes were called for a mast Social Security Checks for eight years in a rear bedroom in a ramshackle old house. De­ "However, the fighring now go­ Airmail Hgia for Crime meeting at a nearby church less spite his -wish to be left alone, Cavalla will be honored by art colleotors, critics and museum ing on not only appears to be a than 30 minutes after the incident. Falls into Furnace people at a reception and then his works go on public display In a one man Show. (AP Plio- serious 'violation of the cease-fire, HARTFORD (AP)—It was ‘’It may be you they put the dogs t'Ofax.) but if it continues will endanger on next time,,’’ a minister shouted normal quiet Sunday at the Alonzo the Implementation of the Geneva Starts Out on New Life over a loudspeaker.
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