![Political Representation in Colonial South Australia 1857](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
-.{ a a 3'h'1 È 2 Ò c Y i!' ?. POIJTTC^A¡ REPRESENTAflON 1N COI¡NI.A¡ SOUITI AUSTR.ALIA 1857 1go1 by Dean H Jaensch Thesis submitted for the Degree of Doctor of philosopt\y. Department of Politics Universj-ty of Adelaid.e 1973 l_ lab1e of Contents Aclslon'ledgements. A Note on Format. State.ment. Lists of : TaÌ:Ies l_x-xl-l_. : Diagrams viii. : Maps xLv. VOLUME 'I fntroduction - The Study of Colonia1 Politics xv-xxvJ_l_ P.ART 1 z The Makirrg of Representative Goverr¡nerrt Chapter I Poli tical- Re¡,resentation FN - Political replesentation 'l The contemporery climate of opinion 10 - 'Ihe elimate of opinic,n iri South Austrafia 17 - Conclusion 24 Chapter II - Plaruing f'or Representative Goverrme¡rt 11-76 - introduction 3'l +;he | - The natule i,i' Ìiybrj d.r Ct¡uncil 51 - Tiie issue of nomineeism ù!:¡ - Bicameralism aml the r)¿ìtìrre of the hc¡uses 51 ì.855 : abalarrced corÌsjti-tution 55 - Patterns of J-egisì-artive behav-iour 6t - Conclusion 68 Chapter III - f4q f'ilst Session - 01d a¡d New Problems 77-122 - Introduction 77 - the first general electj-ons 79 An unstable begirrnj-ng 92 - Deadl-ock 100 - Conclusion 1Ct9 ii. Pa¡:;e Nos. P.¿IRT 2 TkLe Structr.res of Retrrresentative Govcrnment Ch,arrter IV - The rDe¡locratict T,lfectìcn Syste¡rÞ 12J-17\ - Introduction 123 Burke a¡d I procedrrralr reprr;r;ertt ation 121+ - The Legíslative Conncil- ' tlLe Ilouse cif n-ral propcrty 128 - The House of Assembly - represent¡.ticn c¡f iriterr:sts 139 - Conclusion Ctra.Prf,ss Y Producing the lìepresetita tives 175-2.J1 - Introcluction 175 A sunniary of elections fE57-f901 176 The ef'fects of volunti:r.y' voting 179 The colonial re¡rresenl,a.tives 198 - Cc¡ncfusion 223 Chapter VI The Relations of the Houses ?"32-27t4 Introcluction 232 - The cons¡titutional r'elatì-orrs;ÌLi.trr ?37 An obstrucl,Íve Le¡1i slati ve Cc¡unci1? 2 l+c) - C¿-r se strrclies 2r\ C onclu si on 266 Chapter \|rI - An Un^stable Derrrocracy ?-75-J12 - fntroduction: Representative and l,.esponsibl-e goverrrrnerrt 275 - the fa.ll of ministrir:s 281 - The stability of the rnirústers 297 - Conclusion 305 .t1L. lutg-N'È voltnfE 2 P.,âRI I : Indetr:endents, !'actions :,.¿xl P¿¡-rties f ntrod,ucti on tcr Part J a-r-v Chapter \TfI - The lvlethoclolo,ql' of' Le¡lislative Anaf.ysis 31J-182 ' Introcluction 31J - Methocis of a.nalysis 31t+- - îhe PøT-LI tecluri que descriptive suffla-ry 118 numeric sL¡rìnra-ry J23 Exampl-e alaì-yses 108 ilhe Ì'IULTBIIT tecirrrì-qlre )lt3 The RICE tecluli<1ue 317 The Stri,ctutres of i,liç rrar.ìiaments 369 IX - r!-unctionalr Rc ,r'esent¿rtion - fnde ts ons 18)-t,t,t, - Burke and I functional-r representation rlrxlependencer 38t - iri South .A,ustralia 389 - The faction systenr in South Austr.alia 398 - Factions arrr1 Govtrrrme¡tts, 18!/-18/8 411 - La¡rd Legislation a-.nr-1 Lhe f'action systern 42t - New men, nd^¡ fact,i ons r:J5 rF'unctionalr Chapter X - Iìe r',re;serit¿tion - tr'actions anrl parties M5-511 Introrjucti-on rPartyr U+5 irr tl:e col-orúaL context ¿47 I The factions of the ei-p;hties 167 The electcrate of i,ire 'eighties 482 Patterns of Le¿:4islative Beha_viour - a turiff divlslon? ¿89 Conclusion 506 Chapter ,U - The Kingston Era f - ûle cforal Polil,ics i n the |Ninetics; ,1-, - ïntroduction - f,aborrs role in CoLrnc:ì 1 r:Iection.s, I Íj,¡1*1901'17 f.oz - trabor and the Asse,:,bl .ir clections I c.f' the r.r_i¡reties 5?-8 - Ilectc.ral Cltan,r,';e-. ¡:ncl í.ìtl..biIi1;y, r893-t.9ot ,42 ,LV. Ì :r i 'e l"los . -t]ra ¡rrcl lr¿r,rt L<:.1; ,)r'621 er lilr The Kingston 1,1 Lìr" ou¡rs t I'actions ,,, - Introductio¡r ,: !:-/ - Kin;;ston, rise a'nrl fe'Ìl )_t I fotíV irr the Lcgirl-ati've Council' - - 1ti91-1901 ,75 .uhe Patterns of conlllicrt i;l A::senbly' - 1B9l-1901 5ít? - Pa-1,terns of Politics - pra'gnatislÌì alrC princi ¡'1t: ,9t 615 - Conclusion 6zz-63J Chap ter XIII - Concl-usion 'ú4-65\ Lribli ,ïeeç_J_æ. Introdrretoq¡ ncte to a_ppe;ncìices T tr., fV. (i) - (: f nlex of .:lectore,l clistri.cts. (") - (v Ar:renÈLx J - sr-'nary of l{ouse of A;ser roJ-;u EJ-ection Resurts, r8t7-1899. 1-79 Âpnenc-lix If - By-electi o:rs, I{ouse of' Ar:rembLy, Ig57_lgC1. oo-uu Apirenlij!-_IJ] - Leg;i.sla-Lirre Council-':.l.ecti cns, General and By-elect.j.cns, t857-f9Ot . 99 - 118 ÂT)perdix JV - I{ouse of Assenrbì.y lìlection IÌesults, Polling p_I,¿rcc Drrta. 11c) - ?I+1 Appendix V ' I{r:¡¡5""= of i,he Sou.Lh ¡h¡str¿,.lian pa¡liame¡its and l,finistlies 242 - 2r5 Arrpendix Vr - PøIJI progra::r, CDC 64C0 Listin¿a. 256 - 276 \ri.. ACIO[oWtiÐGEIÍEI{TS îtús stud¡r of poti-bical representation in colori a-1- South Australia has been based. on a wide range of pri-rnar¡r sources, a¡rd. was only possíble ttrrougþ the wiJ-ling help of rnar¡1r people. I would. li,ke to ack¡eowledge j:r particrrlar the help Éven by the staffs of tlre Barr Smith Library of the Urriversity cf Adelaide, the State Library of South Australia anil the Parliamentary libra-:5r cf South Australia. I especially aclcronled.ge the patient assistance given by Mr. L. Marquis of the Nmspaper Collesfion at the State l,ibrary a-rrd- to the staff of the South l¡.ustralj-a¡r Archives. iWy tha¡ks, also, tc Mr. G. D. Coþbe, then Clerk cf the House of Assanbþ, for his invaluable help. I wculd. al-so l-ike to express ny appreciation to lvlr. I¡. Veitch and l[r. B" MÐowatl cf the CSIRO orgarrisation for their patience anl time in the preparation a¡ö planrring of the corrputer progra¡ns which fo:mecL al iropor'tant resealch base of this study. My tharks to the staffs of the Adelaid.e üniversity ard, CSIRO computing centres for thej-r riril.ling help at all stages of the statistica-l work. I am ind.ebtecL, alsc, to Mrs. E" Hawke for most patient secretar-ial assista¡rce. Fi-na11y, but among the most imporbarrt, this study owes its genesis a¡rd. ¡uuch of its direction to l[r. R. L. Reid., whose patience a¡rd assistance, ald. especially Lris probing critíci-srns, were invaluable over the past years. l\lthorgh my d.ebt to so rurgr is obvious, the responsibility fcr opinions, jud.ganents and. conclusions in this thesis ¡m:st be nine. I¡IL. A Note on Fo:moat througþout the thesis, footnotes have been collateil at the end. of each Chapter. Á.lthougþ this fonnat is more &ifficr¿lt for the rea.der, nargr footnotes were long, or includ.ed- tables, and. in scme cases would have required. more tha¡r one page. To facìlitate reference, footnotes have been printed. on coloured. paper. References rrrhich appear continr¡ously have been abbrer¡:Lated. as fo1Iøs: SAPD : South Australiari parliamentarSr Debates. SAIB : South Austra_lia¡r parliarnentarSr papers. SAI/P : Sotrth Australian Parlia¡rent, Votes a.nd. Þoceeèings. Advertiser : The South Àustralia'Advertiser. 3ggÞt* : The South Austra'tian Register. SAA : South AustraU_an State liUr"r1r Archives. Readers are referred. to the rntroductor¡r note to vo}:me rï[, Apperdices r to rv, for the fo:ørat of the statistics of erections. tr:Ll_f-, Statement Thls thesis contairìs no naterial whictr has been accepted. for the awarcl of ar¡¡r other d.egree or cliplcEn¡ at ar¡1r TEriversity a.rÉ., to the best of 4y krcmleQge a¡lÈi belief, it contains no ¡naterj¿.I previans\r prblished. or written by a.rnother p€rsoin, except where d.ue referenæ is nad.e in the text or appenlices. tv List c¡f Tabl-es Page ll 2:1 Fopu¡."tr1on and. Enrolments; 1851, IB]]1. ,b 222 Sunmary of resrrfis, 1851. 3u 2zJ Srnru::a:'y of rc;slrlts of by-clccti r;ns; IB5J, lBr4 19 t. t, Surnnrar;; of' results, l8ll 4't l.Te¡¡rbers I h¡'ìrrid.r of Counci_l-, 1íj51 -l-.[)r)/6. 42 I Votiug on compromisier nonj.nr-:* ¡rr.ol)osal_, ::Bltj. t+9 Elecr:cral proposa_l-s IBDJ. , 55 ¿:O Electoral Schedu.l_e 1.855 , 5¡l 2. c1 lllectc¡raf districts, l8f:5 fr,ì /.4 lv To¡rensf proposal- , L3,r,irs 6tt ? 211 Votin¿5 on Constitutiorurl_ .Alnenchrrr:rrts, 1Br)5. 6i) 2:12 Le¡1i sì divi si.on ative darta, ì.}ttl-tj6 . (t l+ 2:1j Ir¿:-ttcrns of votin¡¡, ffì5t -185r/6. 66 3:1 Sunn::rry of election results, l-Bl7: A. LegisÌatJ-ve Cc¡uncil 8l+ B. House ,_,f Assembly Ò) Ir:1 Eff'ects ¡:f fr¿:rLchir-;e pr.ovì sions, lÍlUl . 129 4:2 Ccnr¡rarì-sc;n of er¡rolrnents, l.tjt,l-lL). 1)t j Ir: Pt:rcento-¡:;e of total eru.ol¡ir:r:.tl; l,crt. Le¡1i slativc 0ouncil f r'cnr mr:trc;¡ olitan a¡ld. ir.on-nrcl,r.c:1.,o1 jtan ¿rleas. 1\1 L-z )t Iìe¡rr'esentati cr¡r ¿lri ¿1i,i,o1'1;i<l unr:rrt, Le¡;isJ-ative crruncil r 1882-tgo1. 1)8, k5 Divisj.on enrc¡lments, 18tì2-l!OO.
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