( .'i TUESDAY,''MAY 15, 1956 f a Qi ^ sccT Eo ir AYMRge Daily Net Preaa Run lianrlfeitfr lEurnitts 1|pfalb For «lM Week EiaSH May 12, 1888 ) The Weather ra n o H t t Vi n. Weather B « , Mechanical engineers from a lf , Andcraon-Shea Poat No.' 2048,' ter Health Dejiartment, of local ,094 A b o i l t T m m parts of Connecticut will celebrate VFW; will hold an important busl- Bradley Selected MarsHal / Vaccine Seeii phyaiciana who were, aakesl how the ■26th anniversary ef tlrtr 'ori m n meeting Uonight atjg;l6 at many patients In . the auHMrisM' MANCHESTER fthe Anilt nearlhg tM* avetdair. lair ganlaing of the American Society the poat home. All members afe a ge' bracket are awaiting ihqta. Baroaa W ClMalntteB eneler taalglit. IrMf 48-46. r k CaiMTlu T. >L « f 94 of Mechanical Engineers May 18 urged to attend. The meeting will For Memorial Day Par) Here by July Doctors art* allowed to give /Irat auto parts day M r. Hli8< iu middle die. WalKw at, »/ai1v*r ^ t h the at a Connecticut sections meeting be followed by a aoclaj hour and and second Shots to the i . i p 12 i Manchester—^ City of llUage Charm Hartford Urvf/nuil of tha^NaUonal at tha Rockledge Country Club In refreahmenti. year olds an)i to pregnant pothers. *70 BROAD BTREET The law forbids them to.inve thir(* Co. o f BkJdKcport West Hartford. Dr. Arthur B. Lvoh C. Bradley e f 73 Phelps •cWHIIam Knight, a Jun>6r, at Man-': Epr 1,900Tots VOL. LXXV; NO. 19S (THIRTY-TWO P ^ o i^ T W O SECTIONS) haa recAtM the MarkcU Servlcf Brownell, preiident of Worcester 8t. Otrilrd'a Mothers Circle w ill' Rd., past commander of Dllworpi-* ®h**t*b High School.,; shots. MANCHESTER, CONN.. WEDNESDAY, MAY IS, J»56 Crankshafts Turned ■ \ . / ■ (CTawmed AdvtrOikig m ' Page N ) Ihe. **A<» Driver Award” and a Polytechnic. Institute, will be the meet tonight at 8 o’clock at tha Comcll-Quey Poat. No. 102, and a Following the Oeitphurg Ad- When physicians twelve ihe.free PRICE n V E certifKata from the State'for driv* keynote speaker. home o f Mrs. William Huat, 87 Ar- Thera are‘ some 1,900 children i member of the YD ta to-be marshal I ‘*'‘**» Bailey, prln- vaccine from the Iqdal Dapartsient In Or qut Of The Car VO yearn without an accident, cents Dr. The cq-hoatess will be ! cipal of ManchMter High School, in Manchester between the ages of | of Health, they cjtmrge only for ad le will be'a gueit of the company Registration for children enter­ Mrs. Eugene Kelly, and the gueit of the parade preceding Memorial ■ ,y[|i y ,. Memorial Day Ad- 3 and 12 whose parents w;snt them't ministering the speaker. Mite Mildred Qowar.x 'M an open houae to be held May 28 ing kindergarten in the.fall will Day aervicca May ?(l. dress. to have first dr second polio shots, Physicians/have also been buy­ in Bridiceport to help celebrate an take place Wednesday and Thurs­ H ^ B o m The announcement came last T e fo r e th^ placing o f the ing vsc;clna commercially, how­ 'e s t award received by the company and It appears there will be enough j day of this week between 3:15 and The MFD will be host to the night at a meeting of the Man- wreaths at the base of Soldier's free' vaccine for all of them by I ever. A jhemoianduiP from Dr, from the National Safety Council. 4:30 p.m.' at each elementary Hartford County Fireinen’k Aasn. Chester Permanent Memoriel Day '"Monumeni, the names of deceased The company waa recently award­ July, ; James ^ Hart, director of the school. at its monthly meeting tomorrow Committee, held in the Munl,cipal Manchester veterana will be read. The local health department has B u r e a ^ f Preventable Diseases of ed firat place in Uie nation as the night at 8 o'clock at the firehouse, eafeet in the one to five million Building,. Follow'ing the. placing of the 900 CCS (BOO shots) on hand and the ^ a te Department of Health, The annual communion break- corner of Main and Hilliard Sta. Bradley chose as hia Chief of wreaths, a Marine Corps League mile clans. > hai ordered another 1,000 cct from in d ite s Manchestet has received' f.,st of the Combined Catholic About 100 flremeti are expected to Staff, Earl C. Petersen of 14 Me- member ^ III'o ffe r a prayer and the State Department of Health. 2,979 CCS of free vaccine purchased WHY Mothers Circles of Manchester will attend. 77ie giiSst speaker will .be KInley St,, also a past commander The Mary Willlama group of the th^ eulogy will be given by a The State Depai tment of Health 1 federal funds and kical phy­ be held st the Church of the As- George Gatnner, former .chief of of the American Legion post. Spanish War Veteran. has estimated there will be enough sicians have bought 2.241 cca of Second Consregatlonal Women's the ThompsonvIlle FIre Dept., who You Should s\impUon .Sunday after > the 7 The committee also voted a mo­ Rev. Mr. Murphy will give the vaccine by July to give II 3 to 12' commercial vaccine. \ Aboard USS McKinley, off Bikini, Thun [ay. May League will meet tomorrov( at 8 will speak on and illustrate fire Hovo Your o'clock Mass. Membcis of each tion presented by Stephen Btebe of benediction and the Star Spangled age children in the l^tate ,th^r 17 (/P)—The H-bomh^^est was poxtponed again toda' •p.rh. with Mrs. William L. Leonard, hydraulics. Ail firemen of Man­ 104 Hamlin S t."u rg in g all vet­ , - - - ., only 1 U 7 E. Middle Tpke. The Strickland circle should enter the c/iurch to­ Banner will be played by the Sal­ first and second shota. ' / hour and 86 minutj before shot time. A new tentative date gether in.the order In which the. chester arc Invited to attend this erans to paitiCipata In the parade TTie State wants to 'make/first ing at group will meet Thursday at 8 vation Army Band. •eeeeeeaeeeeeGeeeeeeiHreeeee PRESCRIPTIONS circle was admitted. meeting. and to drive their own cars if they was set fo r iw (Thursday, U.,S. date). W ^s^ing ounce and second shots available to chil­ p.m. at the h6me of Mrs, Raymond so desire." Following the “Star Spangled PHONE ---------^.weather cauaed the poatponement. E. Tubbe, 429 Oakland St. dren In other age groups/as soon HLLED ^T The home economics committee . < Beebe said leal night thal many Banner,' a firing squad will .give TOMANI _ _ --------- , .M-k • • /. ' a B-52 bomber h ^ / Miss Barbara Silver4teln, 28 the rifle Salute and the proiri'am aa possible. ' / SMMGMiirrs V Members of Manchester Emblem of Manchester Orange, will hold a Stephen St., waa honor attendant veterans probably would take part 'The 1,900 figui'e locmfy la based Pine Phahnacy K l * l t a . l i n ^ H r a r h t s been scheduled for S/Sl a m. (12;51 rhocolata cake contest at the In the parade if they could ride in will be closed with a rendition of F O « A ■ ’ -'•‘ • • I API 1 1 , 9 1 1 1 k l l l i m j i a p.m. Wednesday. EST), It waa re- Club. No. 251, are reminded of the to the May quean a l the annual Taps bj^ a Salvation Army bugler. on a survey .mSde by the Manches­ OR meeting of the Orange tomorrow Wheelock College Ma.\\ Day cele­ cars instead of mafbhing, and the aet for the tame hour tomorrow. 'Mother-Daughter banquet, tomor­ L O A N Ships, planes and men had row at 8:30 p.m., in Tinker hall. night at 8 o'clock In Orange Hali: bration Saturday in P^ton. She committee agreed that the parade On Sunday preceding Memorial Pine Lenox Pliamiaey Anyone wishing further informa­ has served this year si president could be bigger and better if these Day, members o f'lh e committee <2S to *500 X Atbmic Device streamed out of the Bikini lagoon ^Trest Two Youths, The eocial and ways and means ( I ) Only Registered Phar- to make way for the teat. committees will hold a meeting tion may contact Mrs. Florence of the senior class. ■ \ veterans would tak^ part in It. and others will attendl aen'lcea___ at-- Lines. marlsl fill prescriptions here. One after the other the 14 ships following the nieal. The program for Memorial Day <^'»'vh of the Assumption, to CK««*t ••rmEfil ffi0 t fits v4o* . (3> The largest most ronv, /C^ff Australia in the lagoon' weighed anchor Tickets for the style show, ‘'O s ­ wl|l begingin with fbrinatlon at 9 a m. "* »>,V exercises at Goulds AfEEVAt MEftihlf P•ymani* f*r: The Hartford Pembroke College Pond on S. Main ,Sl. by meqibers •♦lOAN plete stork, of Pharmaceuticals , ----- - Wednesday, steamed slowly tial Clothes for Suburban Living/' foif Ihe parade at Main St. and 12 MO, wmro. 30 MO- and chemicals In town. Hunt Three (ithers Club will hold its annual meeting Hartford Rd. Marchers will pro­ of the Cheney Auxiliary, USWV. 1 St 5 t ot Canberra, Australia, May 16 (Ab through the southern opemng in • ‘ I . to be held tonight at the Talcott-'^ ito 073 (3) Our rapid turnover as­ and election of officers at the it.ts t r i t .-G reat Britain exploded ’ a n ! ‘ »>e barrier reef and headed .off villa Congregational Church at 8 ceed up Main St, to the Center, sot lt.)7 24;)S 1935 sure* fresh quality drugs of the home of Mrs.
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