onlest .. > - - swill uid aron ind hUIo! lrtullity I'\,., elp Notice to Subscribers ~ -'lVe,! The Weather is for aft "'iJ!n.r If you have not received your Partly cloudy today with show­ tOUrna copy of The Daily Iowan by 7:30 ers or thunderstorms tomorrow. I"uyvev,.'•. " olher a.m" please call 4191 before a~ tnfft at oman High today 83; low 55. Yester­ 10:30_a.m. and the Iowan will day's high 85; low 60. be deli'vered to your home, Est. 1868 - AP Leaaed Wire, AP Wirephoto, UP Leased Wire - Five Cents Iowa City, Iowa. Saturday, June 4. 1949 - Vol. 83. No. 158 Found'er of Bank·of AmericI, Amadeo Giannin,i, Qies al79 Chambers Adm'its SAN MAT1W, 'ALIF (AP)-Amad!'o Peter ("A.P.") Gi· annini, who rose fl'om a boy produce peddler to head the world's rlehest bank, dird in his slee p yesterday morning. Hl' was 7f1 . Foundpr and chail'man of th!' Big Bank of America, Oiannini lying ' Under Oath died nt liis Ran Matf'O hOI11l' , "~even Oaks." He bel bee n ill for nenrly a mOllth with il. cold. Doctors said the illness put too mud1 atrain on a weak ned h nrt. Tells of 'Pasl' GlanDlnl retired In 1945 trom 'Coed' Graduates-After SO Years ehail1hanahlp of the bank, a six Exam Changes GRINNELL (A") - MI Pearl Tyer of Boise, Idaho, will re­ blllloa dollar corporation. He ceive. her bachelor of art. del'ree tomorrow 'rom Grinnell col. wu prolllPtly named "founder­ Chanres In the examination lere - Just 5. yean after COl'1\Pletln6 her tud.eII here, As Communist ehalrman" by Its directors. schedule. annOunced yesterday Miss T)'er. now a praetieJnr lawyer. loclal worker and neWl­ His cnly son, L.M. Giannini, by Prot. R.L, Ebel, head of the paper corre pondent In Bol , was 'oruel to Ie ve Grinnell be­ NEW YORK UP) - Whittaker suc()eeded him as president of the SUI examlnatlons service, may eau e of IIIneM before &aklnr ber final examinations I" 1899. Chambers admitted ye '(erday thut banlt-. He also leaves a daughter, be fOUDd on Pile 4 of thl, Official! of the colle&'e lTanted her reque l to be Induated he lied und r onth to th time Mrs. Claire G. Hoffman of San mornlnr', Daily Iowan. on the 50th annlvenar), of her cia • A we k of the re orels. they federnl grand jury thot indict d Mateo. aa.ld, showo!d that under pre~nt rer ulatlon he aetU!l.II), had 14 Alger H iss on a charge of tl"~l1- Giannini a Is credit hours to spare. tyinl falsely. served, un til h Chambers said he told lh .. retJrement --- ---- rrand Ju~y hI' had Ito tllrl'('t 1930, as presi- Medina .S dent ot Trans- J,ails · kID bt knowl dre ot Ru Ian II 111'11- America you admit now thai you .tion, a HIe en ooper au s V.I.~~en holding tesUfied fals y and comnllttl'cl 3 (ommun,isls perjury b tore the grantl jury :n pany with flank this building?" he was ask'd. Report on Los t U-23 5 "That" riICht," Chol1liJcrs f('~ America. Giannini was a GIANNINI Fo, (ontempl \ A ' ilL U'l'ON' ( Ai» - R('nalor Hiekl'nl OPt'I' (H. lml'o ) hoid plied. fighter In the Ill! t night theft' is no . m'I' proof' thlll It hottle dlll!' IIJl from II Th iovernment hilS ba d Its NEW YORK (IP)- Three top world ot business. He battled Oali­ ( AP Wlr'pbotol buril'd IVIL'It(' box WItS til!' ori~inlll mi"'iing ('ontninl'r in thl' ('hiI'llg'O perjury ca e on HI ' d nial or fomia banking jntere ~ts with one U.S. Communists on trial in fed­ Chamb ra' chare s that His. j)(lSS- band and government regulations eral court were jailed yesterday . Fourteen Convicts Us e Saws to Flee Prison " Io!'!! 1'·235" mystpry. d 1l0V rnment secrets to him. with the other. TransAmerica by Judge Harold R. Medina, who ClIstin/;\, Ilollbt Oil III(> ntomic I'm'I'g-y eo III 111 i.-siol1 'II rl'port 'I'hUNi· Chambers ha~ odmitte-d he was II corporation even now is embroil­ held them in contempt in a bit~ FOURTEEN CONVICTS FLED throurh the windo w on the right after awlnr the bars with crude ouy thilt thl' b\Jltl(· hAc! b ~II foullu Il.nu pl)sitiwl.\· ilit'lltifi!'d, courier for pr -war Soviet SP) ed In govemment accusations of ter courtroom row. tools at the Moundsville state penitentiary at Moun dsvllle, W. Va., yesterday. The convlllls were able to £Ii ·k!onloopc·,· told mI WklJ1!'lI: - ring. make their mass escape after tyln, up It ruard an d throwing him Inlo 1111 empty eell. policies which have a mono­ The ,houtlnr, confused scene "There Is no absolute proof lhnt 'Heetl"e' Lawmakl"ng Hiss has said that hambcl"jI polistic tendency. erupted atter Medina hall or­ It was the orIginal container from lied. His career constantly verred dered defendant John W. Gatea * * * * * * * * * which the uranium-235 was mlss- Under .. mer lie courtroom 011 ihe spectacular. Two years to Jail for 30 days for persis­ ing. aUack, hamber l)4)ke In . oft afier he opened his bank (then tent refusal to answer prosecu­ "The po Iblllt)' of e51Ilonare Decried by Hancher ton a era -e min \lOll the Bank of Italy) It waS- bUrD­ tion questions on cross-examl· In ihls case cannot be discount­ STORM LAKE (A» Vir,il M. posed hi. own paBt. ed. out by San Francisco's rreat Prison Hancher, president of thc Univer­ Desperados Flee ed. 'Ihere I somethlnr more nation. He ! tepped down trom the wit­ fire or 1906. Involved In thl8 than the 'four sity of (own. last night urg d a ne s stand late in thi" dny, lOcH­ Giannini hauled its cash and Ali of Gates' 10 co-detendants MOUNDSVILLE, W.VA. (IP)­ rram JUters' to whh:h reter­ replacement ot hastc with delib­ jumped to their feet. Fourteen "dangerous" criminals descrIbed as Q IInr, a ont'-till1(, records to safety - hidden under a c.entury at the penitentiary. Ali ence haa been made." eration tor greater legi~latlve ef­ disappeared in this upper Ohio potenUal traitor to his country, a carload of produce. With thi~ Henry Winston, -husky Negro !!he fugitives are West Virginians. fectiveness. to 38 Sf. Louis Woman The Iowa senator alluded to and 8 godle. , immoral tUl'tlv(' fitake he reopened his bank and who is party organizational sec­ river valley area ye ~ terday after Skeen said sJx of the pris­ H asked this in an addre.s quietly cutting their way out of AEC Chairman David E. Lilien­ form r Communist. was strong enough to weather the retary, was heard to shout some­ oners used an Improvised hack­ thal's plea agninst "jilt(fs" mere­ prepared tor delivery before II the "tough section" in West Vir­ 1907 panic. thing about "lynching." saw and two makeshift drills, Faees Trial Here ly because tour groms of U-235 record-breaklng Buena Vista col­ The detense launch d th at­ ginia's state penitentiary. tack on Chambers' chorae-ler In Every branch of his bank sur­ The judge said to him: "I di­ which they left behind, to cut - about one-eighth of an ounce lege graduating class of 127 stu­ its ntt mpt to shake Chumber.. • vived depression and panic, and rect that you be remanded." All wore plain- ; bars on their oolls. - is stili missing from the ori- dents. Iy marked bltie On Forgery Count story that Hi I d th po II iun Bank of America's 500 branch GUll Hall, bulky Ohio state A book, appropriately titled, ,inol lost ounce. "Who believes tho t our I gisla­ denim prison the government bestowed Ull him banks serve more than 3-million chairman oC the party, roared "Trail Makers," was used to Mrs. Betty Ayers, St. Louis, The AEC has said the other tors with the best will and ability garb, but only brace the drills for scratching to Iteal secrets tor Ru sian spil' . depositors in 300 California cities. he had lIeen "fairer Justice" In will be the defendant in the first seven-eights ot an ounce was re­ In the world cun master the pres - Resources total more than $6- one slim clue through the steel bars. Blackened of nine criminai cases beginning covered from waste material at Ing problems of our state govern­ Chambers testlCicd Thur. d"y police courts. was pickled up by .. E...-r~ ;. •''7· that the deal to steal the 'l're' I billion. soap concealed the furrows. in Johnson county district court the Chlc~o Argonne Atomic lab­ ment in n hectic 90-day • ssion "Let's see, that's Mr. Hail," Giannini liked to say the "best hundreds of pO­ The £ix freed Crom their cells Wednesday, Judge Hurotd D. oratory, where the 10 s wa dis­ in Des Moln s1" Hancher .. sked. '¥0i. mane by hhmelf. Hi.. anti Medina said. "You are remanded all alleged Rus­ bargain" of his career wiS Clor~ lice from three then jimmied the locks on nine Evans said yesterday. covered last Feb. 8. The FBI was He 8 ked fUrther whether "our Co. Boris Bykov, Inda Cuneo, whom he married in for the balance ,of the trial." dates, n blood­ other cells. Henry C-!lno, In one The jury panel has been ordered not notifIed unlll seven weeks senators and congr mcn clln do slM spy, at a Chinatown re,tllll­ 1892, when the was 22.
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