SCOTLAND'S FI R S T A G A I N The distinctive Ron Hill symbol, showing the kit r~~~ Ron designed for his record breaking win in the 1970 r Boston Marathon. The famous string vest and the revolutionary wrap-over shorts. Like all Ron Hill products, they were design firsts. MAY 1990 £1.20 ISSUE 45 Continuing this innovative design tradition into the 90's Ron Hill Sports is again first with fabric technology break-throughs for vests and shorts. ~t;::B:e=f~ir'jst to try them. ::l - ~ FIRST WITH 'AIRFLOW' Ughtweight 'Airllow1 fabric allows arr to pass through tiny hates. ll is, Lherefore, fu lly bre~thabl e and will not stick 10 the .s~n . The Mallard Rangeol co0 0<dinat· ed vests and shoru c~nprtses 3 Mens and 2 Ladies colourways. FIRST WITH 'PERTEX'" A tlosely woven microf11ament nyton, to give comfort and windproofing The Breeze Range of shorts offets -{:/ a choice of 6 vibrant colours. {!;JI> NII.I. DO SCOTTISH YOUNGSTERS ROD GET A SPORTING CHANCE? LEADING B y DESIGN READ HUGH MUIR AND DAVID WATT INSIDE RON lllll SPORTS lTD.,P.O. SOX 11, HYDE. C.HtsHIRE ~ l4 lAD. TEL. (061) 3681589.&, JAJI.. (061) 3" 97}2, RQ.'-1 Hill SPOfl[S, llOX ?l l. Cl.ARlMONT CA 9171I, CAl.lfORNI.\ tJSA. SCOTLAND'S MAY 1990 CONTENTS ISSUEN045 I ;J :C!llJ !!1 •*-" 5 26 INSIDE LANE ALL-TIME SCOTTISH JUNIOR RANKINGS 7 UPFRONT 28 SHOP FEATURE 9 Dumfries RC winntrs. Stt P20-22. NORTH EAST NOTES FEATURES 32 20 ALL-TIME SCOTISH 11 CLUB PROFILE INDOOR RANKINGS LETTERS Tony Davers reports from Dumfries Running Club. where 34 every member has al least lwo chores to carry out. REPORTS 13 ALLAN WELLS 25 35 SOUTH WEST SPORT EVENTS If you're looking for the Ideal sporting break. wllh lop class 16 alhleUcs facilltles. head south COACHING west says Robin Mathison. 44 CLINIC SPORTS 30 NETWORK SCOTLAND'S DECLINE 23 David Walt warns that after 45 experiencing Auck.land. his CLASSIFIEDS OPEN FORUM opinion ls thal Scotland ls losing ground In lntemauonal sport. Editor. Advutising Managtr: Al•n C.mpb<ll Events Cotumnisu:: Fiona c.tldw•U and Fiona Macaulay A11oclatt Editor. re1ult1: litnry Muchamorr Ciraalation: OO<Jg Clllon Colin Shitld• Oc1ck Parker Lynn Bell Albn Wtll• RtpO<lU: PholOV"phcr. Administrator. Robin Malhi,_ Ptltr Devlin Otni.st Baptit SCOTRUN PUBLICATIONS LTD. 62 KElVINGROVE STREET, GLASGOW G3 7SA. TEL: 041· 332-S738 L A N E SCOTLAND, whose sporting status is helped bysponsorship from Scottish Power of activists who are prepared to fight tooth continually being eroded at senior level, and the Scottish Sports Council. and nail fortheirrespectivesports-and for has just won a notable victory in schools' Qualification standards for the Games, the best competition for Scottish youth. representation. whic.h are restricted lo those under 17, arc The nc1'd for this competition is well The upshot of a three year battle is that very high, particularly for the boys (two illustrated in this issue by Hugh Muir and Scotland will be represented in four sports, metres for the h.igh jump, 1-53 for the 800 David_ Wa!t - it is becoming harder and including athletics, at the World Schools metres). harder for Scots to competeon equal terms Games in Belgium from May 21-25. The other sports being represented by with \heir Commonwealth counterparts. Previously the International School Scotland at the World Games are Craven selection policies and a Sports Federation (ISSF) had only accepted swimming, gymnastics and sailing, and it hopelessly inadequate investment in entries from "Great Britain" - which, fa terrific to see the schools ta.king the sporting excellence are only two of the according to Scottish Schools' Athletic initiative in this manner - instead of reasons - but at least there is still a future Association secretary Alex jack, effectively CO\\fering to international pressure like while victories like representation at the meant England. However. by forming a some of their senior counterparts. World Schools Games - however sma.11 federation of Scottish School Sports Perhaps it is no coincidence that much they may appear to be - are being won. Associations (FOSSA} and lobbying of the impetus for the this victory has come So, well done again to the unlikcly­ effectively, Scotland has been accepted as from the Kingdom of Fife, where sounding FOSSA! an associate member of the ISSF. enlightened local authorities and The victory gained, 14 top schools educational establishments such as the Fife Whatc\er \'Our fa ,"O uri te spo11, .md wlwther \"O u'rc athletes will represent Scotland in Bruges, Sports Institute have spawned a number Alan Campbell competing or just " atd1ing, the achanccd JOOM water resistant Casio DGW-30 ports Multi-Timer is the watch for \'OU. [t has no re\\'(" f than fi\'e n1ulu.function alanns, a memory stopwatc h timer which can cope " ith 30 lap times or spll1 lap tmws, and a double counter which runs up to 999. -rhl! countdo,\·n timer is accurate to Y1ooth second, a nd 1s pre-5cL for 9 different sports. So you'll nc, er be in an\ doubt about elapsed time or time left to run, whether it's Boxing, Y.>ehti ng , Water Polo , Basketball, Handball, H ocke~'. Rughy. Soccer or American Football Plus the DGW-30'> equipped " ith ll or 24 hour form ats. a countdo,\·n alarn1 , and gives h ou ri~ time signals. So \\\'Heh for the "·alch that t h t~ \\inrter't \\'Car - IT'S THE TAKING PART THAT COUNTS! the OGW-30. From Casio, na1urally! DG\\')0 We are pleased and proud to make a contribu1ion t0 1he continuing f'RICE CUIOE 430.95 development o[ the Scottish Schools Athletics Association. It is particularly rewarding 10 help introduce mo re and more school children to the stimulating challenge and sheer enjoyment of all kinds of athletic activity. Our support for the Scotlish Schools Athletics Association GUIDE PRICES CORRECT AT TIME OF GOING TO PRESS. THE WATCHES SHOWN ARE ONIY A SMALL SELECTION SEE A COMPREHENSIVE SELECTION AT· is just one facet of o ur to tal commitment to every aspect of ARGOS, 8EAVER8ROOKS. F.HINOS, MM HENDERSON, ERNEST JONES. JOHN LEWIS PARTNERSHIP. RATNERS, H SMlUEL, TOYS H US. WALKER & HALL. life in Scotland. ScottishPower JAMES WALKER, ZALESAND MOSTDTHER LEAOlNG JEWELLERS AND DEPARTMENTSTOR ES. SOMEMO DELS MAY NOTB E STOCKED BY ALL OUTtETS. DEPTH INDICATORS ARE BASED ON STATICW AfER PRESSURE IN ACCORCIWCE WITH ISO SlANDARDS. MAIN SPONSORS OF THE SCOTTISH SCHOOl..S ATHLETICS ASSOCIATION. 4 Scotland's Runner May 1990 Scotland's Runner May 1990 5 1 RUN·A·WAY SPORTS Scotland's 'Pure Dead Brilliant' Running shop Discount to Members of Clubs & Associations. MIZUlD ;a· ....... RO .. Hl&. , ....... .... ~CIWW' ,. .. .,... .......... ...,.... Cl«>., ••... • •'••••• ' • s.n ws v.-·-·illllt!Hllr..__ , ..., , •••••.......• , , ., .wtia) •••••••• •••••••••• ... ..,..,.., ........ .. ..,, .,. ~ W!8G •••••••• •••••••••• ... °""'..... ........ ' ... )I "• "9r\Ml~ •••••••••••• . 12• .. I •••• .............. ICIXI •••• ••••••••• _ _ •11 ..... fllilnltl t~ ............ ,,. ISJCXO~ ••••••••• , •• ....,,,, ,,"" """' ..rr.ca. • .••........ s.u •• ~-- · ·· ··········· .. it.Min-... ........ ..... .. 1l' \.-tl •• a.......... •• , ... " Uiodlo_polll ___ U.O.C...• ••·•·•···· • .. New 1OOK event for Scotland HAMER WINS WORLD TITLE S.11 •• ~- .............llld. .. , --- IP ) . " .. ,.. o.c.a.. ·······t""' ... .. UI -... - IP J.11 ll• 11o:11y-..,,.., --"'..,_ ttut .-.... •.... ..,...,......,__. ,.. SRI Oumnoy Athletic Cubaro to ranks as one ol the major ultra *"",_ .............. .. stagoScolland'slint IOOkllomctre adilCVt'monl> ol ell time.) , an •• ......s.w. .••••.. *I/pa. S.11 .... -....... ~..... ....., .. ........ lrad: race on Sunday June 24, at In k«:plng with RRC and IAU - • s·~ u.o ~ .. .... -$11<tOp... - l'·11 IUt ,... Croigswood tl'll( k In Livingston. s1and:uds, 1ho.c wl.11boo12 hoWll --is... ..... 6"11 .... ~······ ····· · ······ •• fllGde • • ••• •••••• •• •••• -s... ............. .- - .. The club hovo hold ultra­ lhe l'losp«Uvo - 1...,.... cul oll 10< wen1. f'IO'JIO ....~ IPMJ• •11 .... "'**" ..., ••"" • •••••• f'.Vpri, •it•• ...,..~ ..... GO!'l\WtllllQtl EltS t,.., .......•.•••••• l'·11 lUS .. dista.ncc racu in r~nt years at entrant;, ii they have nol ~(VA .... ~tn.Sph ••••••• ••••• 111 $.IClll ....... ~"""''"" ....... ................ ., "'" --Shot,., ................···· ········ .· .. ... , C:0.1br!dg•. Co1cshoad and the last coniplctcd an ultra-distance event Saucony~ lltalllo,al • • • • • • • ••• I • • • • If "'' one in Nowmbcr 1988 lndoorsat bcfort. musl show a solid dist.mo,:o ..u .,. .... .............. ... .... ....................... llO Alt;• ••••••••••••••••• • UtftriltS • •.••.••..•••••• '"' ... .. ................ lhe Kdvin Hall Thcoc wor< all 24 running b:ickground. Many 6-13 •• •11 .... m ............. - }I •• 6-U •• ... ............ ... '" how~cnts. novice uhra·runners compete II IHI - ·················· l.lllt&...- ••••••••••••••• Ratt'co-«din~tor Adrian Stott ~'cl.I .... .................. ..... ,....t.q...... ...... on several ynzs regular 6-U - ~ ........... JQ .. .. ,.,. ............... u ... ~ .......1 • ••••• . .... ... \'+'Ould ... commented "'\~e tOYe to m;ua lh<ICI ITOlnizlg. .......................... .... ~ ............ 111 .... .. ... '9W NIX> •••••••••••• ~ ,. - -. •.................. rnu - ... gobock10 the Kelvin Hall, as ii bas Any d.Jstancc ninnns or oifi­ W..Awll ••••••••.••.••. J-1 ... PllX> •••••••••••••••••• ~.u .... ..................... JU M• ... ._ ,... ., ..............."'"'"" ............. 111 ... """"llml ladlldos and Peter Eadie dals who would Ill.• ID be a parl o( __ ... ...........i.. ••••••••••• 111 . and
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