''$ « April 7, 1992 Page 137 -,."""-,.",••. " .• ,,.,~ .~-" ''''.-, "-c-":ttcc:c-- -'"-:-'",",''',''''' MEETING OPENED The Board of County commissioners met in Commission Chambers on the First Floor, Orange County Administration Center, on Tuesday, April 7, 1992. County Chairman Linda Chapin, Commissioners Vera Carter, Tom Staley, Hal Marston, Bill Donegan were present. Commissioner Butler and Commissioner Pignone were absent. Also present were Acting County Administrator Tom Wilkes, Acting County Attorney John Gehrig, Chief Deputy County Comptroller as Clerk Jim Moye, and Assistant Deputy Clerk Rosilyn Stapleton. There being a quorum, the County Chairman called the meeting to order Qt 9:00 a.m. COUNTY CHAIRMAN'S DISCUSSION AGENDA 1. Briefing on VA Hospital and adoption of resolution of support., Discussion Deputy County Administrator Roger Neiswender discussed the selection of the site for the VA hospital, which will; provide 470 beds, a 120-bed nursing home, and other ancillary, facilities on the site. He further stated that the County! will construct access roads on Lee Vista Boulevard from, Narcoosee Road and on the Econ Trail extension from Curry Ford, Road south to its intersection with Lee Vista. He continueq' that ramps, necessary to provide access from Lee Vista Boulevard to the eastern Beltline, will cost between $1.65 and: $2.5 million. Mr. Neiswender related that two other key components needed to, open the hospital are water and sewer lines. He stated that, property owners would donate the 75-acre hospital site, a~! well as a 12-acre site to serve Brevard County for an, outpatient clinic and nursing home. He stated those deeds would be transferred to Orange County, as well as the deeds: for the right-of-way. Mr. Neiswsender concluded that the Veterans Administration is, expected to seek design money in 1994, and in 1995, will seek funds for the actual construction of the facility. Commissioner Butler entered. April 7, 1992 Page 137 II Ii April 7, 1992 Page 138 II q II Commissioner Donegan inquired as to the opening date. County Chairman Chapin responded by stating it would be approximately II in 1999. 1 County Chairman Chapin commended Roger Neiswender for his diligent effort in pulling this project together. She also thanked all the local officials, the Economic Development Commission, and Congressman Bill McCollum. I Motion I Upon a motion by Commis.ioner Butler, seconded by commissioner I,· Marston, and carried with county Chairman Chapin and all I present commissioners voting AYE by voice vote; Commissioner ,I Pignone was absent; the Board approved the plan in concept and adopted the resolution in support of the VA Hospital. II (Resolution is on file in the Office of the Clerk of the Board I of county Commissioners.) WORKSESSION - HIGHWAY MAINTENANCE ORGANIZATION I Public Works Director George Cole stated that Highway Manager Fred IIIi Dybdahl was brought on board in the Public Works Division last year specifically to develop a plan to improve efficiency in the highway maintenance program. In doing so, Mr. Cole stated that Mr. Dybdahl II has worked to open and improve lines of communication. Mr. Cole I introduced Mr. Dybdahl commending him for his contribution to the 'I Highway Maintenance Department. II I! Mr. Dybdhal reviewed his accomplishments in the last year, II including: II Possible solutions to drainage problems caused by new development. Renaming maintenance areas from numbers to area names to improve community relations. Proposed use of college students for maintenance crews and clerical work. A GED program in which his employees have indicated a high degree of interest. In response to commissioner Staley's inquiry about maintenance services to rural areas such as Apopka, Mr. Dybdahl stated that at this time there is no specific site for the maintenance office. April 7, 1992 ,. ,. f!I r 4, .. April 7, 1992 Page fj Mr. Cole added that the Zellwood facility is a small satellitel , which will be upgraded to a full maintenance facility, providing a" higher level of service to north Orange County. ! commissioner Butler praised the Public Works Department for its', good work. i Commissioner Carter noted the importance of building houses along: paved roads with sidewalks to prevent drainage problems like those: in the east Orange County area. Motion The Board did not take any action (report only). COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DISCUSSION AGENDA 1. Commissioner Pignone Appointment of members to the Lake; Holden Advisory Board. i Commissioner Carter noted that although Commissioner pignone! was absent, she was prepared to make a mot10n• for the;I appointment of members to the Lake Holden Advisory Board. Motion I Upon a motion by commissioner carter, seconded by commissionerl Butler, and carried with county Chairman Chapin and alll present commissioners voting AYE by voice vote; commissionerl pignone was absent: the Board approved the appointment of thel following members to the Lake Holden Advisory Board for terml ending December 31, 1992: Michael Maher Heidi Wilkins Michael Powell 2. Commissioner Carter - Lease Agreement between Orange county; and Holden Heights Chamber of Commerce. Commissioner Carter requested approval of a resolution that; will allow the Board to give the Holden Heights Chamber Ofi Commerce a 20-year lease on the building. April 7, 1992 Page 139! I II Ii :1 I'II April 7, 1992 Page 140 I.,I ! Motion I Upon a motion by Commissioner Carter, seconded by Commissioner Marston, and carried with county Chairman Chapin and all present commissioners votinq AYE by voice vote; Commissioner . piqnone was absent; the Board adopted a resolution to II authorize a lease aqreement between Oranqe County and Rolden Heiqhts Chamber of Commerce. II COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR DISCUSSION AGENDA I II 1. Discussion and approval of the auditor selection process. staff Report Assistant County Administrator Jean Bennett and Director of I Internal Audit Robert Melton requested approval of the auditor I selection process as follows: One (1) representative of the BCC to be appointed by County Chairman One (1) representative of the comptroller's office to be I'I appointed by the County Comptroller .j One (1) representative of all other elected officials to ' be appointed by the Chairman and confirmed by the Board of County commissioners and rotated for each subsequent auditor selection process Two (2) citizens, one of whom should be a CPA that does not do public audit work (to be appointed by Chairman and confirmed by the Board of County Commissioners) Motion Upon a motion by County Chairman chapin seconded by II Commissioner Donegan and carried with county Chairman Chapin I and all present commissioners votinq AYE by voice vote; ,I commissioner Piqnone was absent: the Board approved the I auditor selection process. ,I NONAGENDA - HOUSE OF HOPE Commissioner Carter asked the Board to approve payment of impact I fees for the House of Hope in the amount of $543.10. I,I II I· IiII Ii'I I April 7, 1992 Page 140 I !I .. s q " • L ;1 'i, :1 April 7, 1992 Page 14 !I 'I Motion ~ 1 Upon a motion by Commissioner Carter, seconded by commissioner;l Marston, and carried with County Chairman Chapin and all preseni1: commissioners voting AYE by voice vote; Commissioner Pignone waSil absent; the Board approved payment of impact fees for the House ofli Hope in the amount of $543.10. " COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR DISCUSSION AGENDA (continued) 2. First Amendment to Interlocal agreement between Town Windermere and Orange County. staff Report Assistant County Attorney Joel Prinsell reviewed the following, proposed changes by the Town of Windermere to the Agreementi: which was approved by the Board on January 25, 1992: I I, 1. According to the Town of Winderemere, the consultant'si study and plan required by Paragraph 3 (a) on page 311 should only cover the Four Corners Reserve Area, whic~: lies east of the town, not the entire Joint Planning,i Area ("JPA"), which lies east and west of the town. ni 2 . In Paragraph 3(e) on page 5, the Town of Windermer~! suggests that if the study and plan is not completed and; accepted within one year from the effective date of this,i First Amendment, only the First Amendment should expire,,' not the entire Interlocal Agreement (including the Firs~! Amendment) • I, 3. As shown in Paragraph 3(f) on page 5, the Town o~ Winderemere says it will contribute a maximum of $3,000 for the study and plan. In other words, if the cos~ exceeds $6,000, the town will not pay one-half. 4. In Paragraph 4 on page 5, the Town of Windermere states it will agree to adopt a road impact fee ordinance onl~ if and when the County adopts a county-wide road impact fee ordinance. Moreover, the Town of Windermere has deleted the prohibition against annexing unincorporated land within the JPA until either the Town of Winderemer~ has adopted a road impact fee ordinance or the countY: has adopted a county-wide road impact fee ordinance. April 7, 1992 Page 14 Ii II Ii Ii April 7, 1992 Page 142 II Ii II Also, the Town of Winderemere proposes to take out the requirement that if it adopts its own road impact fee II ordinance, its fees will be comparable to the fees in the County's road impact fee ordinance. I Planning Manager Ed Williams stated staff had met with the LII Town of Windermere. He reviewed the proposed changes that 'I were discussed at the meeting. II Discussion II Commissioner Carter stated she agrees with the proposed II changes in Item #1 noting that this proposal applies only to 'I the Four Corners, as other areas already have approved plans; she concurs with Items #2 and #3, but cannot support #4 II until there is some assurance that County transportation II impact fees will be collected.
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