Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-03506-5 — Structural Geology: A Quantitative Introduction David D. Pollard , Stephen J. Martel Index More Information INDEX acceleration buoyancy mass, 85, 88 particle, 52, 92 neutral, 389, 409 momentum, 89, 91–92 accuracy, 73 Burgers circuit, 165 constitutive law acoustic impedance, 271 Burgers vector, 165, 170 linear elastic, 134, 325 Airborne Laser Swath Mapping, 42, 310, Byerlee’s law, 368 linear viscous, 331, 410 313 continuum Airy stress function, 238, 283 calculus material, 79, 85, 89, 230, 235, 279 Anderson’s standard state, 334, 408 vector, 43 mathematical, 79 angle canonical model, 18 continuum mechanics, 230 geographic, 39, 45 bending, 323 contour, 27 propagation, 251–252 buckling, 334 contour map, 27 rotation, 289 faulting, 279 contraction, 106 Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility, fracturing, 230 controversy 385 intrusion, 411 laccolith-stock, 405 anticline, 272, 303, 310, 313 shearing, 365 convention fault-cored, 339 cataclasis, 152, 163 geologic, 28, 36 antiform, 303–304, 316, 319 distributed, 152 on-in, 55, 91 arc length, 43, 332 localized, 152 RH/SF, 165, 168 differential, 318 cataclasite, 260, 295, 368 right-hand, 33–34 Archimedes’ principle, 8 Cauchy’s first law, 92, 135, 206, coordinate asthenosphere, 4–5, 7 330, 333 Cartesian, 30, 39, 41, 55, 62, 411 axis, 28 Cauchy’s formula, 60, 127, 232, 234, 282, cylindrical, 401 crystallographic, 348 334 geographic, 28, 34, 39 fold, 350 Cauchy’s laws of motion, 176, 230, 235, spherical, 411 azimuth, 34, 39 279, 282, 324, 331, 333, 365 Coulomb criterion, 121, 125, 371 Cauchy’s second law, 94, 117, 135, 206, crack barreling, 150 330, 333, 399 secondary, 247 basin, 319 chain rule, 53 wing, 230, 264, 266, 286 bending, 324 circle creep bending moment, 324–325, 327 great, 37 diffusion, 175, 196–197 body force small, 37 dislocation, 148, 154, 174–175, 197 buoyant, 8, 409 cleavage, 349 ductile, 295 gravitational, 7, 409 cleavage fan, 352 test, 147, 152, 195 bonded interface, 336 Coble creep, 196 cross section, 50, 274, 327, 403 boundary condition, 232, 235, 389, 392 coefficients strike-view, 25, 267, 272, 310 displacement, 232, 243, 327 first fundamental form, 318 crust, 5, 7, 154, 190, 409 no flow, 413 second fundamental form, 319 continental, 5 no interpenetration, 413 commutative oceanic, 5 no separation, 336 matrix multiplication, 57 crystal system, 347 no slip, 213, 336, 366, 413 compass, 34 Crystallographic Preferred Orientation, stress, 281 component 348 symmetry, 326 tensor, 54–55, 60 curvature, 301, 308, 319 traction, 232, 243, 281 vector, 29, 31, 60 Gaussian, 321 traction-free, 247, 401 compressible, 112, 114 mean normal, 321 Boundary Element Method, 340 compression, 106, 116 radius of, 308, 325 breccia, 260, 384 conduction scalar, 310, 314 brecciation, 384 heat, 405 curve brittle, 106, 145, 152 conductivity plane, 307 Brittle–Ductile Transition, 368 thermal, 95, 392 synformal, 309 buckling, 331 conservation u-parameter, 315 bud, 383 energy, 96 v-parameter, 316 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-03506-5 — Structural Geology: A Quantitative Introduction David D. Pollard , Stephen J. Martel Index More Information Index 429 damage zone, 260, 281 diffusion equation decimal degrees, 11 chemical, 196 biharmonic, 238, 283, 337 defect diffusivity compatibility, 238, 283 line, 164, 166 thermal, 392 constitutive, 203, 333, 366, 399 point, 166 Digital Elevation Model, 312–313, 384, continuity, 88, 92, 205, 365, surface, 166 396 412 definite dike, 12, 223, 226, 241, 352, 379 equilibrium, 137, 177, 236, 283, 331, negative, 62, 117, 161 swarm, 226, 385 333, 335 positive, 62, 117, 161 dip, 35, 346 kinematic, 132, 287, 290, 333, 335 deformation apparent, 35 ordinary differential, 326 brittle, 9, 357, 359 direction, 35 equilibrium chemical, 196 direction angle, 31, 39, 62 quasi-static, 136, 209, 235, 324 coaxial, 162 direction cosine, 31, 39, 62, 317 extension, 106 ductile, 9, 13, 357, 359, 368, 370 discontinuity elastic, 105, 111, 373 displacement, 80, 128, 138, fabric, 10, 346, 350 elastic–brittle, 106, 119 169, 171, 240–241, 243, homogeneous, 360 elastic–ductile, 119, 146 259, 285 linear, 13, 40, 346, 349 elastic–plastic, 173 dislocation localized, 356 elastic–viscous, 185 climb, 175, 196 mylonitic, 357 heterogeneous, 155, 361 core, 170–171 planar, 13, 346, 348–349 homogeneous, 29, 155, 362 creep, 410 regional, 356 localized, 4, 365 edge, 82, 164, 166, 171, 279 factor mechanical, 196 glide, 174, 196 amplification, 338, 340 mechanism, 361 line, 165, 174 weighting, 63 non-coaxial, 162 loop, 167 fault, 9–10, 12, 109, 122, 124, 127–128, plastic, 166, 373 screw, 165–166, 168–170 260 progressive, 362 displacement bedding-plane, 328 viscous, 10, 188, 196, 205 relative, 287, 289 blind thrust, 339 deformation band, 121, 150, 152, dome, 275, 319 boundary, 265 267, 269 sedimentary, 323, 327, 403 left-lateral, 138 zone, 268–269 ductile, 145, 152 normal, 259, 274, 286 del operator, 54 reverse, 260 density earthquake, 188, 275, 285, 292 right-lateral, 138 dislocation, 174 Borrego Mountain, 273 strike-slip, 78, 259 mass, 8, 27, 52, 80, 87–88 fingerprint, 293 thrust, 272 derivative geology, 292 wrench, 259 material time, 50–52, 88, 92, 210 Hector Mine, 147 fault core, 260 ordinary, 317 strike-slip, 147 fault rock, 260 partial, 47, 316–317, 366 echelon, 369, 382 fault throw, 274 total, 364, 366 eigenvalue, 61 fault zone, 280 description of motion, 50 eigenvector, 61 simple, 264 material, 51 elastic, 144, 188 fence diagram, 403 referential, 17, 50, 85, 129, 154, 198, elastic constants field 201–202, 205, 287, 361 anisotropic, 135 displacement, 238, 240, 283–284 spatial, 17, 50–51, 85, 129, 187, isotropic, 135 near-tip stress, 244, 250 198–199, 201–202, 205, 212, 363 elastic theory scalar, 30 deviatoric stress dynamic, 130, 237 stress, 242, 286 second invariant, 371 quasi-static, 130, 237 tensor, 30, 53 diagonal Electron Backscatter Diffraction, 348 vector, 30, 50 principal, 55 element velocity, 335 diapir, 50, 408, 410 linear, 34, 37 Finite Element Method, 367 salt, 175, 410, 414 planar, 34–35 fissure eruption, 247 differential, 48 elliptic paraboloid, 316 flaws, 245 total, 49, 155, 200 elongation, 160, 163 flexural rigidity, 326 differential geometry, 302, 307, 313 engineering geology, 126 effective, 328 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-03506-5 — Structural Geology: A Quantitative Introduction David D. Pollard , Stephen J. Martel Index More Information 430 Index flow drag, 415 displacement, 187 fully-developed plastic, 175–176 gravitational, 208 of a scalar, 49, 54 laminar, 209, 211, 333, 399, 411 inertial, 211 of a vector, 53–54 Newtonian, 147 resultant, 89 velocity, 186 plug, 400 shear, 324, 327 power-law, 147 surface, 5 hackle, 227 slow viscous, 208 viscous, 211 hazard solid-state, 152, 195–196 Fourier’s law, 95, 392 earthquake, 19, 110, 292 steady, 51 four-way closure, 276 volcano, 19, 212 steady viscous, 212 fracture, 9–10, 260 heat turbulent, 209, 411 2D blade-shaped, 247 conduction, 95 volume rate, 214 2D edge, 249 convection, 95 flow law, 147, 153–154, 195–196 3D penny-shaped, 248 radiation, 95 fluid axial splitting, 120 heat capacity dynamics, 185, 208, 211 breakdown, 251 specific, 97, 392 incompressible, 412 brittle, 295 heat transport linear viscous, 398–399, 410–411 conjugate shear, 120, 127 advection, 393 mechanics, 208 mixed-mode, 244 conduction, 97, 391, 393 power-law, 398–399 mode I, 244, 251 convection, 391 statics, 206, 208 mode II, 244, 284 helix fold, 10, 12, 301 mode III, 244 circular, 44 amplitude, 302 opening, 326, 380, 394, 401 homogeneity asymmetric, 304 shear, 121–122, 125 dimensional, 74 axial surface, 303 termination, 381 Hooke’s law, 134–135, 187, 230, axis, 302 tip, 226 236, 283 backlimb, 310 tipline, 226, 381 Hutton’s unconformity, 16 bending, 301 wedge, 120 buckling, 301 fracture mechanics inclination, 35, 39 cylindrical, 302, 313, 321 linear elastic, 250 inclinometer, 34 fault-bend, 339 fracture toughness incompressible, 88, 112, 177, 333–334, fault-propagation, 339 mode I, 250–251, 389 337 fault-tip, 339 friction initial condition, 391 flexural flow, 303 coefficient of, 371 integrability condition, 238 flexural slip, 303, 339 coefficient of internal, 125, 127, 371 interferogram, 396 forelimb, 310 fugacity International System of Units, 70–71 hinge, 274, 302 water, 153 intrusion, 10 inflection, 302 function concordant, 379, 394, 400, 403, 408 limb, 302 error, 392 discordant, 379, 403, 408 monoclinal, 267, 274 stream, 337 sheet, 379, 394 multi-layer, 301, 304 vector-valued, 41, 43, 308, 314 isochemical, 89 parallel, 303, 313 fundamental form isothermal, 89 profile, 302, 304, 309 first, 318 similar, 303 second, 318 joint, 9, 12, 109, 124–125, 128, 136, 138, single layer, 331 223, 260, 367 style, 303 geochemistry, 5 columnar, 228 synform, 309 geodynamics, 4 sheared, 228 wavelength, 302 geographic coordinate system, 11 fold mechanism glacier Keyhole Markup Language (zipped), bending, 322 ice, 188 14 buckling, 322 salt, 408, 410 kinematics, 128, 324, 350, 361 foliation, 264, 346 Global Positioning System, 34 kink band, 307 mylonitic, 266, 356, 359, 368, 372 Google Earth, 14 force Google Maps, 11 laccolith, 13, 76, 209, 323, 400, 402–403 body, 5, 409, 415 gouge, 260 Lame’s constant, 135 buoyant, 208 gradient Laplace’s equation, 169 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-03506-5 — Structural Geology: A Quantitative Introduction David D. Pollard ,
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