12 YEARS A-CHANGIN’ Double Down! ADVERTISING HERE Kowie Geldenhuys Paulo Coutinho www.macaudailytimes.com.mo +853 287 160 81 FOUNDER & PUBLISHER EDITOR-IN-CHIEF MONDAY T. 15º/ 18º Air Quality Good MOP 8.00 VALLES LYNZY 3508 “ THE TIMES THEY ARE A-CHANGIN’ ” N.º 06 Apr 2020 HKD 10.00 MACAU’S TOP COURT HAS UPHELD METROPOLE HOTEL BECOMES DELAYED BY RED TAPE, HK’S CASH HANDOUT AN APPEAL FILED BY A POLITICAL MIGHT ARRIVE TOO LATE TO UNDO THE SCIENTIST WHO SAYS HE WAS UNFAIRLY FIRST VENUE DISCHARGED ECONOMIC DAMAGE CAUSED FIRST BY DISMISSED BY A LOCAL UNIVERSITY FROM QUARANTINE DUTY PROTESTS AND THEN CORONAVIRUS P5 P3 P6 China Wang Quanzhang, a well-known Chinese rights lawyer, was released from prison yesterday after being held for more than four years, his wife said. It was unclear whether he would be allowed to THENOWHERE SUSPENSION OF GOLDEN BUS SERVICES ON THETO DELTA BRIDGE GO LEAVES NO return to Beijing, where he practiced and lived REMAINING PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION LINKS TO NEIGHBORING HONG KONG P4 with his wife and young son. AP PHOTO OPEC Saudi Arabia sharply criticized Russia over what it described as Moscow blaming the kingdom for the collapse in global energy prices, showing the tensions ahead of an emergency meeting of OPEC and other oil producers. Oil prices sharply fell after the so-called OPEC+ group of countries including Russia failed to agree to production cuts in early March. Sri Lanka Nearly 2,900 prisoners have been released from overcrowded prisons in Sri Lanka as the Indian ocean island nation has stepped up it’s efforts to contain the spreading of the new coronavirus. Sri Lanka has been under a countrywide curfew since March 20. AP PHOTO XINHUA Africa The coronavirus pandemic could narrow one gaping inequality in Africa, where some heads of state and other elite jet off to Europe or Asia for health care unavailable in their nations. As countries across the continent impose dramatic travel restrictions, they might have to take their chances at home. More on p8 Non-serious Macau patients said to Macau answers nationwide call have low risk of lung damage for three-minute silence More on backpage P2 P2 page 2 www.macaudailytimes.com.mo MACAU 澳門 06.04.2020 mon MACAU’S LEADING NEWSPAPER Macau mourns Covid-19 victims in national three-minute silence ANTHONY LAM trol the outbreak. At the Women’s Federation, pre- ACAU joined the rest of the sident Ho Teng Iat, together with Mcountry on Saturday to ob- lawmaker and deputy director-ge- serve three minutes of silence in neral Wong Kit Cheng and other commemoration of the victims of management members, honored Covid-19. The city’s national and the moment of silence at the orga- regional flags flew at half-mast at nization’s headquarters on Rau do all public premises, and the gover- Barca. nment advised public recreational President Ho Sut Heng and Di- activities not to go ahead. rector-General Lei Chong Cheng The commemoration, which of the FAOM, led the three-minute was deemed by the central gover- moment of silence at the Federa- nment in Beijing to be the Natio- tion of Trade Unions headquar- nal Mourning Day, also comes on ters. In the meantime, the vigil was the traditional Qingming festival, also conducted at the Federation’s when Chinese people would nor- offices in Toi San, in Areia Preta, on mally visit the graves of their an- Rua do Campo and in Taipa. cestors. Mainland officials have The public in Macau also obser- banned such observances this year ved the three-minute silence, “in to avoid large gatherings that mi- order for the Macau community as ght contribute to a feared second a whole to express its condolences wave of infections. regarding those who lost their lives On Saturday morning, at 10 amid the Covid-19 pandemic,” ac- a.m., the national government Macau Chief Executive Ho Iat Seng, together with the Chief-of-Office of the Chief Executive’s Office and the five policy secretaries, cording to the government. declared a nationwide moment stand in silent tribute for a three minute to mourn those who died in the fight against the novel coronavirus disease outbreak Alongside the moment of silen- of silence, encouraging people to ce, public recreational activities, pay tribute to the Covid-19 victims According to the mainland di- nistry’s SAR office and the People’s Trade Unions (FAOM). and of any events intended to be of with three minutes of silence. This rective, the instruction was applied Liberation Army’s SAR Camps also The national and SAR flags either a celebratory or festive natu- was especially for medical staff to all government buildings, bui- held a moment of silence to com- flew at half-mast at the Cham- re scheduled on Saturday were due who succumbed to the disease as ldings of legislative and judicial memorate the victims. Flags at ber of Commerce’s headquarters to be suspended as suggested in they carried out their duties. bodies, and at representative offi- these offices were lowered to half- located at Porto Exterior. Ma Iao the State Council notice. During the moment of silence, ces abroad. School premises and -mast as part of the vigil. Lai, president of the Chamber of Though the moment was ob- Chief Executive Ho Iat Seng, led public facilities also took part in Other non-government entities Commerce, led the moment of si- served across the entire country, government officials to stand for the vigil. also joined, including the Macau lence vigil. some media outlets reported it was the three-minute silence, in tribute Offices of mainland authorities Chamber of Commerce, the Nei- Besides, he also encouraged particularly poignant in Wuhan, to the Covid-19 victims in China, a in Macau, namely the Liaison Of- ghborhood Association, the Wo- members of the public to re- the central Chinese industrial city note from the Government Infor- fice of the Central People’s Gover- men’s Federation, Kiang Wu Hos- main vigilant and stay home as where the virus was first detected mation Bureau reads. nment in the SAR, the Foreign Mi- pital and the Macao Federation of much as possible to help con- in December. RENATO MARQUES OCTOR Lo Iek Long Dof the Conde de São Macau patients have low risk of permanent Januário Hospital said yes- terday that, for the time lung damage, says health official being, patients who are in- fected with Covid-19 and long way from knowing if the use of a ventilator. tions on the table. have been discharged or are they will have any after-e- The case refers to a The physician also no- XINHUA undergoing treatment have ffects.” 50-year-old woman who ted that according to the a low risk of developing per- “[However], analyzing returned to Macau from recommendations, more manent lung damage due in general terms, only in the U.S. with her son, who than two kinds of medici- to pneumonia. serious cases of pneumo- is also a patient (case 19). nes should not be used to Lo’s information came nia that lasted for a long Her health worsened be- treat each patient. For the in response to a question period can some secon- tween March 24 and 29. time being, Macau is con- from the media on the dary effects arise. If the Meanwhile, questio- sidering the health situa- topic during the daily press patients do not develop ned on whether Macau tion of each patient as well conference at the Novel pneumonia and only have would consider the re- as the experience gathered Coronavirus Response and symptoms of the virus in- commendation from the by other regions to decide. Coordination Center. fection, the probability of serious pneumonia which Macau, the large majori- central government to use The official stressed that Explaining in more de- developing secondary ef- require the use of venti- ty developed only light or traditional Chinese medi- Macau would prioritize tail, the physician said, fects is lower,” Lo said. lators is the probability of mild symptoms of the di- cine as a treatment for the using medicines “that have “At the moment, there is a “We are analyzing the after-effects higher.” sease and only one patient, disease, Lo said that such proven to be more effec- large number of patients data from other countries According to the statis- the 18th case of the infec- an option has not been tive and that have [recor- in Macau that are still in and what we have realized tics released, from the 44 tion, has been considered excluded, noting that the- ded] the best results worl- treatment, so we are still a is that only in the cases of Covid-19 cases reported in a serious case requiring re are several medical op- dwide.” www.macaudailytimes.com.mo EDITOR-IN-CHIEF (DIRECTOR)_Paulo Coutinho [email protected] A MACAU TIMES PUBLICATIONS LTD PUBLICATION MANAGING EDITOR_Daniel Beitler [email protected] CONTRIBUTING EDITORS_Leanda Lee, Severo Portela, Sheyla Zandonai ADMINISTRATOR AND CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Kowie Geldenhuys [email protected] NEWSROOM AND CONTRIBUTORS_Albano Martins, Annabel Jackson, Anthony Lam, Emilie Tran, Irene Sam, OFFICE MANAGER Juliana Cheang [email protected] REACHING OUT! Ivo Carneiro de Sousa, Jacky I.F. Cheong, Jenny Lao-Phillips, João Palla Martins, Joseph Cheung, Julie Zhu, Juliet ADDRESS Av. da Praia Grande, 599, Edif. Comercial Rodrigues, 12 Floor C, Risdon, Linda Kennedy, Lynzy Valles, Paulo Cordeiro de Sousa, Renato Marques, Richard Whitfield, Viviana Seguí MACAU SAR Telephones: +853 287 160 81/2 Fax: +853 287 160 84 DESIGNERS_Eva Bucho, Miguel Bandeira | ASSOCIATE CONTRIBUTORS_JML Property, MdME Lawyers, Advertisement [email protected] +18,000 PokerStars, Ruan Du Toit Bester | NEWS AGENCIES_ Associated Press, Bloomberg, MacauHub, MacauNews, Xinhua For subscription and general issues: [email protected] | Printed at Welfare Printing Ltd Like us on facebook.com/mdtimes SECRETARY_Yang Dongxiao [email protected] SEND NEWSWORTHY INFORMATION AND PRESS RELEASES TO: [email protected] WEBSITE: WWW.MACAUDAILYTIMES.COM.MO www.macaudailytimes.com.mo page 3 mon 06.04.2020 澳門 MACAU MACAU’S LEADING NEWSPAPER RENATO MARQUES HE health authorities announced yesterday the first reduction in the number of hotels desig- Tnated to be used as isolation and quarantine facilities.
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