Weather DiftribuUon 1 7 a.m. temperature S5. Fair Today today, tonight and tomorrow ( Red Bank Area f 25,775 with.high about M. Low tonight Copyright—The Red Bank Register, Inc., 1965. DIAL 741-0010 M. Thursday fair ami milder. MONMOUTH COUNTY'S HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 8? YEARS luutd dally, Mondiy thioullt Frldiy. tieond Cliii P»tirt TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1965 VOL. 88, NO. 65 Ftld it KM Buk ul M AUdlUonu Milllni otflcu. 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE Holmdel Sewer Costs Given Study HOLMDEL - The public hear- timated cost per user of $2,636 a high, rounded-off figure, be- The mayor added, however, last week which indicated a sanitary sewer system, $386,000. Ing isn't until Monday, Oct. <18,but Mr. Kaercher and Township lieved to be higher than the ac- that the school will not be con- larger area would be included in — Contract two, Telegraph but residents here last night be- Committeemen moved to dispel tual cost will be. sidered a user equal to each the project, Mr. Kaercher dis- Hill and East Brook pumping gan to be heard on the proposed their fears. — Inclusion of Indian Hill residence. He cited this exam- closed that only Newstead, Old stations, $38,000. expenditure of an estimated It was revealed that: School in the project will greatly ple: Manor, part of Marc Hills and — Contract three, Holmdel $725,000 for a municipal sewer Hospital First reduce the cost-per-user. "If a residence causes an av- homes along Telegraph Hill, Rd. sewer system, $55,000. system. — Contract number three call- ., Users Pay All erage daily flow of 500 gallons of Bethany and Chestnut Ridge — Contract four, sewers and Disclosure by Robert L. Kaer- ing for a sewer line along Holm- It was made clear, however, sewage and the school causes an Rds., will be sewered. To these force main, $183,000. cher of' Havens and Emerson, del Rd. between Bethany Rd. that present plans call for the average dally flow of 17,500 gal- were added the possibility of the — Land acquisition, $43,800. township sewer consulting firm, and the Garden State Parkway, users to shoulder the entire cost lons, the school board will shoul- school and, perhaps eventually, While the total of these costs, that, at present, 275 homes will estimated at $55,000, will not be of the project, the Board of der costs equal to 35 homes." the hospital. $645,800, includes contingencies, be served by the system sent awarded until the proposed Bay- Education, Mayor Alfred C. This, the mayor feels, will Some breakdowns of the esti- engineering, legal . and , other some residents scurrying for shore Community Hospital is, Poole said will be considered a serve to substantially reduce the mated costs were released, in- fees, Mr. Kaercher commented pencil and paper. constructed. user, should it decide to have cost to residential users. cluding: that additional "amounts for these • Quick division presented an es- — The estimate of $725,000 Is > Indian Hill tied into the projectJ Contrasting statements made — Contract one, the general (See HOLMDEL, Page 3) 2,000 Flee Hot Volcano TENNIS CLUB FIRE — Firemen from Rumson, Oceanic MANILA (AP)-The Taal Volcano erupted was seen by a passing airliner which flashed early today after 54 years of dormancy, send- word to the nation. By dawn President Dios- and Sea Bright Fire Companies fight blaie which de- ing some 2,000 Filipinos who lived on its dado Macapagal was on the way for a look, stroyed a wooden storage shad at Se-a Bright Lawn slopes into terror-stricken flight. and rescue and relief measures were under Tennis and Cricket Club, Rumson Rd., Rumson, early way. Officials hoped most of the residents made today. Firemen saved torn* of building's contents and it to safety. Confirmed casualty reports The eruption set off a towering electrical were sketchy but light; unconfirmed reports storm which ' spectators described as ter- surrounding buildings. Police said the utility building, told of capsized boats and possibly hundreds rifying. Ash and lava rained for miles around. used for storage of tennis and lawn cars equipment, drowned. A plane flew within three miles of the crater, then turned back when its windows became burned nearly to the ground. No causa was reported. The volcano is a breathtaking tourist so muddy the crew could no longer see. Firemen, none of whom was injured, were at scana until attraction 40 miles north of Manila — a Thousands watching from the outer shore volcanic Island surrounded by a 500-foot-deep 2:15 a.m. of Lake Taal were covered in mud — a mountain lake that is itself of volcanic origin. mixture of ash . and lava thrown up with It was across this lake that the refugees fled mountains of water. to the shores 5 to 10 miles away. Throughout the morning the volcano The volcano, had been making ominous ' belched fire and smoke. About 12 hours after noises for some time, the temperature of the the initial blast it appeared to be settling Man Held In lake had been rising, and those living on its down to an earth-shaking roar every five STUDENT SHOT — This photograph was taken tha instant a Dominican army guard slopes had been fearful. Reports from the minutes or so. scene said they began fleeing the island dur- About 40 military trucks were sent to the at tha National Palace, the seat of government in Santo Domingo, jfiot and killed a ing the night when their dogs began to bark, area to evacuate villages being inundated with ttudftnt participating in a demonstration Monday outside tha palaco wal). Tha stu- cats to cry and pigs to squeal. mud and ash. The governor of the province The last eruption, in 1911, caught the said he feared about 4,000 people would have RED BANK .— The secretary out of a line-up-at the county. Jail. dent was not identified. He ai)d others had come to-Hie palace to protest U.S. troops population virtually unaware. According to to be evacuated from various areas, and he who was abducted and robbed Police Chief George H. Clayton In Santo Domingo. Photo mad* by AP staff photographer Jim Bourdier. local estimates, 1,335 people died, although issued an appeal for food and clothing. of her company's payroll, here said this morning Kevin N. Fitz- the exact figure was never known. Troops were also poured into the. province Aug. 26, yesterday picked the gerald, 22, no' home, has been (AP Wiraphot^) The eruption today came at 2:30 a.m. and to insure order and care for the refugees. man she said was her assailant charged with the use of narcot- ics, and today would be charged with armed robbery or kidnapping or both. The case, the police chief said, was broken by-Mr£ Joan'Nell, the victim,of the rotbery. Mrs. Police Optimistic i : : Nell is > a < secretary for Sarbo, HOLMDEL - State police here, lice in Florence, Mo., have been could provide leads to her killer. Keuper's and from Bayshore owner. Mrs. Robert McGee, 89 Inc.; MIddlefowri. On the after- disclosed for publication for the asked to forward all available He said there has been no word area police departments. He Middletown Rd., New Monmouth. noon of the 26th she picked up a first time yesterday that in ad- information they may have on received from U.S. Naval In- explained that the system per- Chief Walling said the purse $4,499.99. payroll from the Mdn- India, Pakistan mouth County'National Bank at dition to several leads, they have Mary Ann's activities there this telligence on his inquiry concern- mits various investigators in- had been reported stolen from suspects in the Investigation in- summer. The girl spent two ing the letter written by Mary volved to handle aspects of the the McGee car Thursday night Broad and Wallace. Sts. As she to the rape-murder of Mary Ann months visiting the family of her Ann the night before she died. probe with which they are most and was found Friday by Robert got into Jier car in the Wallace Klinsky. boy friend, Ronald Lee, of that It was believed addressed to the familiar. Rosenbloom, a utility company St. parking lot, a -man got in with No one, however, is in custody city. He's in the United States Lee youth and Sgt. Gillan wants Meanwhile, a report that Mary meter reader, of 1116 Interlaken Observe Truce her and threatened her with a at this time, police said. Navy, stationed aboard the USS to study it for additional infor- Ann's purse was found in Port Ave., Wanamassa. All that re- straight razor. The attitude of Detective Sgt. Mauna Loa, somewhere in the mation. Monmouth was squelched by mained in the purse was the UNITED NATIONS, N. Y. (AP) - The UN Security Mrs. Nell was ordered to drive Howard W. Gillan, heading the Mediterranean. The state Investigator said Middletown atting Police Chief registration to Mr. McGee's car, Council issued an urgent demand last night for India and the man to a wooded area be probe for state police, continues Sgt. Gillan said he doesn't want briefings are being held daily Raymond T. Walling. The chief the chief said, when it was found Pakistan to honor the cease-fire both agreed to-and pull their hind. Swimming River School in to be optimistic. He revealed to to overlook any possibility that among men from his office, from reported that a purse had been hear Walada Ave., Port Mon- forces back from positions seized during the undeclared war.
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